Jungkook: Stolen





Characters: Jungkook and Matsuko Suzume


New pictures came in for the criminal's footage. He looked the same last time I saw him.


Which was 3 years ago.


I placed the profile on the table in front of the other police officers. "Do you really think we can catch the guy?" I leaned back on my chair. They sighed.


"We have to. He has been on the run for almost two years. Charged with fraud and possesion of stolen property. Young man too - only 21 years old." with an explanation itwas clear enough that he was no joke. Our team has tried to scout, through helicopter to GPS device, he knew well enough how to avoid the police.


And it made me just as upset as eveyone else on the field. Once we got new gear we decided to split into groups. But I made the decision (with permission of our Chief) to go alone.


"Are you sure you don't need back up?" I shook my head and smiled at my team member. "I'll be fine. I'll call you on dispatch too."


With that settled I went into my car, and drove out into the street. The thoughts of him filled my head, like a blur. A haze of memories that I say to myself happened, but now I wasn't so sure. I couldn't until I actually see him again. I have to.


-Flashback: 18 years old-

The door kept knocking. Constantly. It became angrier, almost rushed. I got up from the couch in my living and room and opened it, only to see the distressed expression in Jungkook's face disipate the moment our eyes locked. "Suzume." he seemed like he was trying to catch his breath. His army green jacket was knit close to his body as his arm fell to his side after being held above the frame. "May I come in?"


I only looked at him and sighed. "As if you have a choice." mumbling under my breath I let him inside. I headed to the kitchen to brew up some tea in the kettle, and after it finished poured a cup for the both of us. I sat across from him and not one word came out from the both of us. Because both of our attention was set at the items placed on the table. Antique looking paintings, ranging from varieties of styles - water colour to oil to acrylic.


Jungkook set his cup down and put his hands folded into his lap. "So, I got these at the church hall today." he said timidly.


I can only raise an eyebrow. "And by 'got' you mean steal." I corrected. That made him automatically close his mouth. I just stared at him, gnawing the inside of my cheek. The sight of seeing stolen property made me sick in the stomach; coiling my insides.


"It's not as bad as last time. They're all small too." he tried to defend his argument.


"Does that matter Jungkook?" my voice suddenly rose. "You stole those art pieces to sell. You're a walking criminal in the streets. Aren't you the least worried about the police finding you out?"


"They won't." he smirked, his body leaning back against the cushion.


"How do you know?"


"Because I do. I've collected over 300 already."


"Being cocky now, huh?" I scoffed at disbelief. "Jungkook. Are you always going to live like this? When will you ever stop?"


He looked up at me then. I couldn't read his eyes; they were somehow a mix of lost and confusion. He looked...vulnerable for once. It was as if I for a moment reached a little deeper into a him, a kind of side I never seen Jungkook before. But that moment didn't last. His expression hardened and his hands clenched.


"I can't stop Suzume." his voice hung low. "This is how I will live, until I die."




I slammed the door of my car, seeing I was in front of the subway station. Stuffing my hand in the pocket of my jacket I walked in, seeing it was already so crowded with people commuting. My phone rang, and picked up the call. "No, I don't see anyone suspicious." I made sure my voice was hung. I circled around the main area first before heading deeper near the subway lines.


It wasn't until I descended down the stairs that just in the corner of my eye I see the back of a rather tall person, soon walking right past the opposite direction. His hair has gotten a lot lighter. Longer too. He had headphones hanging around his neck, his sweater casually held behind him; walking in a casual manner. Stealthily I closed my phone and made my way blended into the crowd until I got closer to him.


I watched as he slowly made his way to the other side of the station where the crowd dispersed. Every step he took I observed, up until he stopped in the middle. I too followed his action. His whistling halted. I held my breath. He only turned his head slightly to the side, and I felt my heart suddenly beat faster in my chest.


In just seconds he put his sweater on. My arms fell to my side. And only in a moment, he broke off into a run. I dashed after him.


-18 years old-

"Yah, Jungkook. Where are you taking me?" the grip on my hand became tighter as I was continued to be dragged by the latter. He didn't look back, but I know he had a small smile on his face while talking. "Can you just shut up for one sec? We're almost there."


I kept my mouth shut. There was no point arguing with him. We seemed to be walking for what felt like hours until he stopped. I took a good look to where we were. It was a grassy hill just far off the main park. There was a single tree in the middle, and underneath was a blanket with a bluetooth speaker playing a song.


A picnic basket was laid out, where I sat down first. "What is all this?" I asked.


"An apology. For always helping me out." I could only scoff, giving a soft smile in return.


But it was an empty one.


There was a gap between us, that I knew. Where I try to reach him, but gets farther and farther each time I run closer. Jungkook and I were friends since preschool. He was a good student and was loved by everyone. Yet when we became older his behaviour suddenly changed. His innocent spirit became rebellious. He started causing trouble. His suspensions and transfers of schools did not matter because soon enough he became the runaway criminal of thefts.


Everyone slowly abandoned Jungkook. Treated him like a piece of garbage. Even those he thought was closest to him have turn their backs in betrayal. He had no one.


No one but me.


Did it make me a criminal to hang out with a guy like him? Was I bad person? I question myself sometimes. That's where I realized the sole reason I still stick by. I could have became an enemy just like everyone else, but I have a purpose for not doing so.


I want to fix him. I want to fix my best friend to go back to the way he was, back to the way we lived like before, where we were young and innocent. No longer living with guilt and shame. And when he looked up at me, grinning all while chewing on his sandwich, I thought about it.


I will change this Jungkook.


Just trust me.


I leaned against the wall of the alley way, trying to catch my breath. The person was trying to catch his, bent over with hands on the knees. Once I managed enough energy I stood straight and stared down at him. "Tough workout for you?"


That made him chuckle. "Please," he looked up slowly. Our eyes met. "this 's nothing."


It was weird to see Jungkook after 3 whole years. He was much more taller, let alone a strong build on the body too. The only thing that remained the same was his big soft brown eyes; still innocent looking even under the hard expression he wore.


"Been a while, hasn't it?" I say. The playful smirk grew more on his lips.


"Time really does fly Suzume. Seems like you're part of the crime force, just like you always said you would." it didn't sound like a mock, but rather he really meant it. And you still remain to be a criminal.


I didn't want to arrest him. Not yet anyway. There were still so many questions in my head that remain to be unanswered. Where have you been? Why did you leave without telling me? More importantly... why won't you stop?


"Jungkook." I spoke up. "Let's settle this, okay? The chase has been going on for too long."


"It's not really a chase to begin with. The cops on your team keep nosing into my business."


"You've stolen more than 850 paintings and antiques. Three damn years and you've been counted as the prolific criminal in the nation's wanted list!" I began to raise my voice. But he didn’t flinch. His smile fell and his eyes slowly disappeared of the hard expression. Big and innocent… like a doe.


Jungkook made his way toward me, staring down so intently. I took backward steps until my back hit the dumpster behind, making a low thud in contact. I instinctively put my hands out in front of me in defense; yet he managed to grab them to pull himself forward and wrap his arms around my body in an tight embrace. The air in my lungs gave out in a silent gasp. Soon enough I hugged back, and we stayed like that. I wasn’t sure for how long, but his arms stayed wrapped around my waist. His breath tickled my ear. “Can you let this go? Just once more?”


Why?” I whispered. “Why again?” Jungkook retracted just enough that his forehead was on mine. His hands made their way to cup my cheeks. Thumb swiped over. Was I crying?


Just trust me on this. Please, Suzume…” his voice became hollow, almost inaudible. Silence filled up between us. I only felt his warmth. Warmth I was so used to, never changed after these years passing by. I only closed my eyes. I felt as if the world was falling down. No – as if I was falling.


And when I open my eyes again he was gone. Just like before.


-18 years old-

The sky was painted with blotches of the clouds, floating above us. I had my body lying down on the grass, underneath the tree of the hill he brought me once.


The breeze stilled the moment he interlaced his hand with mine; cold fingers that gave me a shiver in the back. I hummed, and soon felt the warmth of another body closing in. I only turned but just enough that my head buried into his chest. The scent of fresh lavender filled my nose.


"Did you forget what I asked you?" Jungkook whispered. I shook my head.


"You asked me what is my favourite painting. I'm still thinking about it." the question came out so randomly that at first I was taken back by what he said. What was Jungkook's reason for asking? What was he going to do with my answer after knowing?


He let out a small chuckle. "Suzume. Do you trust me?"

"W-what?" I stutter. This time he looked down at me, eyes latched.


"Do you trust me?" this time he repeated the question more slowly.


"I-I... Yes, Jungkook. I trust you." my answer was not forced. It was not under hesitation. I did indeed trust Jungkook. With all my heart. He stared for another moment more until he leaned in, the space between becoming less.


Then he kissed me.


It was long and sweet. Passionate. Fire spread to my nerves. When he retracted we both were catching a gasp of air. I sighed. He pressed his lips onto my hair, and his hands wrapped around my body to pull me in closer. He caressed my back soothingly, all while I buried my face deeper into his chest.


Minutes passed, but to me was just a moment.


I answered his question about what my favourite painting: The Great Wave off Kanagawa. I had no reason behind liking the piece. And he didn't question as to why I chose it, from all other art out there.


"Interesting." that was all what Jungkook said that day.


2 weeks.


Took two weeks to find and investigate the city grounds to find Jungkook again. He clearly knew how to avoid the cops. The chief advised if I was alrght to catch the criminal, after what happened last time. To make the story short let's just say I came back to the precinct with puffy eyes and even fainted. They gave me a sick leave for 3 days before I fully recovered.


I drove my car to the end of the Hongdae district, where two of my other team members came along. Once we got off at a small neighbourhood they split. And in case anything happens, we had our phones in hand. And even to most extreme situations... weapons too.


I took slow cautious steps around the alleyway of the villas, taking a turn. The grip on my phone tightened as I turned to the corner and just up ahead the trail I see a familiar figure. But he wasn't alone. There were three other boys, hooded so I couldn't recognize them. He backed up a few steps, and the perpretrators surrounded him. Even I was only a few metres away I can tell - Jungkook was staring at me. And he looked like he was in trouble. I was about to call him name when just then he broke into a run, with the others following him. Cursing under my breath I had to follow suit.


I called my other members, saying that I found him. "But he's being chased by three others. I don't know if they're regular citizens either." I puffed while sprinting.


I managed to catch one of them while my team got another. I caught up with Jungkook and the attacker where they came to a deadend of a brick wall. The hooded figure had then pulled out a knife from his pocket right when I pulled out my gun.


"Police!" I shouted. "Drop your weapon, right now." I stood firmly from my position. But this guy didn't give in so easily. He rose his hand in the air. The blade glimmered underneath the sun. I jumped forward. I myself wasn't the strongest fighter in the precinct, but good enough. I handcuffed the person to the ground and called for back-up. While waitng I glanced over at Jungkook. he was slumped against the wall, clutching a hand on his lower abdomen. I didn't understand why he was sitting down. Let alone, his breath sounded raspy. I leaned down and when I lifted his hand I saw red. Blood? I zipped down his jacket to see where the source was coming from - a large oozing gash that seeped through the white thin fabric of his shirt.


"," I gasped. "Did he really stab you?"


Jungkook shook his head quickly. He tried to sit more straight but only resulted in wincing over from the pain. "My hideout turned out to belong to a bunch of thugs. Got pissed and decided to kill me off. But I made it this far, haven't I?"


I couldn't help but give a small smirk. "Shut the up." yeah, that's all that mattered, right? He's alive. Jungkook's not dead.


Thank God.


-18 years old-

There was a letter in the mail addressed to me. It was from Jungkook:


I'm sorry for telling you this. I may seem like a coward for writing a stupid letter instead of saying it in person. But I couldn't. I can't quit what I'm doing now Suzume. I have to move on. Again I'm sorry.


I love you.


I cried like an idiot. I screamed like an idiot. I wasn't angry at him, no. I was angry at myself.



I began studying Law books, attended psychology classes. Eventually managed to pass their exam and attend Law school; hell I even got the highest score for being the youngest student to attend.


What was the purpose in it all? To catch the person who disappeared from my life a year ago.



Being the youngest person in the police department wasn't too bad. For the first few months anyway. Although many of the seniors looked down upon me I somehow got their respect after helping out complete at least more than the average cases in their precinct.


Eventually the chief put me up as the highest rank detective. The rewards and recognition were great and all, but somehow I didn't feel satisfied. I felt...uneasy. I didn't deserve it. Because I never got what I truly wanted. A cold case that is still left unsolved.



Everything was a blur. Jungkook was brought to the hospital to get his wound checked. it wasn't too deep, though it would leave a scar. Weeks afterwards he was released and immediately taken into custody. They asked me if I wanted to talk to him in the interrogation room. I declined. I had no words to say to him, and I was emotionally prepared to face him again even for just a few seconds.


They collected all of his stolen pieces and placed the charges - sentenced for 12 years. Not so bad from what I thought the first time in my head. While everyone else was busy I just sat at my desk; head in my hands. For once it was quiet in the office.


Quiet, until someone cleared their throat. Looking up it was my chief. "Mind if you look through the remaining of his stuff? Just lock them in the cabinet when you're done." she gave a sympathetic look, only for she knew how much crap I have just gone through.


With a nod she left me to be, and I rummaged the contents inside the cardboard box. Most were just Jungkook's personal belongings and whatnot, until I reached for the very end of the box.


It was a painting framed inside a small frame. The Great Wave of Kanagawa. I turned the frame over on it's backside to see there was a small note attached; folded intricately. I slowly unraveled it and read it:




This is not the original. But I managed to steal it that was on display at the office of an Art Gallery institute. This sort of piece can be easily fabricated, I hope you know. The real one is probably in Japan somewhere, but no way in hell could I travel that far.



I'll keep saying this, because it's true to my words when I say how much you mean to me. I love you. and I'm just as confident of how I feel about you as much as how you say you trust me.



You always trusted me. Thank you for trusting me this whole time.




Months passed. Almost a full year. The painting I returned to the Art institute, though because of my generosity they let me keep it. It sat at my desk, still to this day. And whenever I look at it I would just smile.

Like the wave, every rough patch you will face will soon wash away eventually.






(Credit to the owner of the gif.)

Sorry for not updating this. Also I'm apologizing for introducing a new one shot with a rather angsty Jungkook/OC story. Sorry. Really. ><

But really, thank you for being so patient and sticking by! Love each and every one of you~
Til next time :)











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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^