Namjoon: Inner Peace


Hana Katsu is a quiet girl who reads on the train on late evenings. It would only be her and a boy name Kim Namjoon, but what happens when she confronts him for his loud music ruining her peace?


5:30 on the dot, I am able to catch the bus. At first, I would take the earlier bus since school ended for me at 3:00; but it was much to crowded that I couldn't even focus on reading. Instead I decided to stay at the library to finish my homework so by the time I come home I just had to make dinner. The bus during the late evening was practically empty – at least only on the first few sub-carts. Once I entered the train I walked further down the alley way to the farthest cart possible, which was the only one that was particular empty. I placed my bag down beside me as I ped the front to reach for my book. I looked up to see the boy in front of me, which I knew all too well- Kim Namjoon. We go to the same school, but not in the same classes. Even though I was pretty quiet, I knew through all the talks from my classmates that he goes to the bus late as well because he works at a recording studio. I didn't believe about his special talent at rapping – up until now. As I turned the page of my book I could hear the aggressive beats from his headphones; and his deep voice speaking in fast lines. I sighed, slightly irritated by how he always done this. It's not like there's anybody here too. I thought sarcastically.


I couldn't even read the most suspenseful part of my chapter because of the constant tapping of his feet on the ground. Okay, I've had enough. Getting up I walked across two steps before placing a hand on the railing to peer down on him. He looked up in surprise; as I looked down on him with a frown. “Excuse me. But could you please keep it down? I could hear your music just across my seat.” And every single day I come to this train.

He took out his headphones and placed them under his ears that rested on his neck. “So-sorry.” he mumbled, blushing. I gave a small nod before walking back to my seat. I felt a strong presence right after that he was looking at me, and my instincts sure were right when I looked up to see him his head. “are you...Hana? The one who sits under the cherry blossom tree during lunch?” I raised an eyebrow.


“Are you sure you're not talking about another person?” I squinted; trying to hide the fact that maybe he was addressing to me.


He chuckled. “No, I'm sure. You are the only one that reads during lunch and when you come here on the train.” I had to smile for that one.


“Okay, you caught me. Now what, Kim Namjoon?” I held my hands up to act mockingly guilty.


“Don't worry – your secret is safe with me,” he winked and I couldn't help but chuckle softly by his humour.

“So, tell me why you're so quiet at school. I mean, not to make you feel uncomfortable or what....” he said in a most curious tone yet with a slight hesitation in taking it back. I shrugged my shoulders, placing my book on the other side of my seat.


“I just like being alone. I do have friends, but sometimes I find more peace in the atmosphere being quiet. That being said, I really am sorry for making you feel bad about telling you to close your music.” I sheepishly recalled. He shrugged it off, walking over to me and plopped his but to almost where my bag was, which I had to retrieve it before he sat down.


“Don't worry about it. Besides; I find it the most calming whenever you come to the train.” I widened my eyes as my heart skipped a beat. Why do I feel so light headed all of a sudden? My palms began to feel sweaty, and my cheeks warmed up. Suddenly I got up when I heard  the town name called on the speaker. I dashed out, ignoring Namjoon calling my name. I didn't need his voice to abrupt in my head. And, what's with the sudden question? He barely knows me, and I barely knew him. So why do I have the sudden urge to see him again?

All day I was thinking about my encounter with Namjoon that I never knew my book was missing. I checked in the house all day, to the extent that it was probably lost for good. Once I exited the library the same time I was able to catch the train once more. My heart thrummed in my ears as I slowly made my over to seat, but caught a glance at Namjoon who had his head down. I looked away quickly as he looked up, and I stride over to my regular seat across. This time I heard no music coming from him. “Hana,” my cheeks burned when hearing his name from his lips, as he shuffled to the seat next to mine. I didn't even bother looking at his direction.


Suddenly I felt a light object fall onto my lap; and gazing down I saw an all too familiar pocket book catch my eye. “Wait, you had my book all this time?” I whispered, picking it up.


He nodded. “You forgot it in the bus, and when I tried calling you you just dashed off.” he scratched his head as if trying to piece my sudden reaction from yesterday's incident. Without even thinking I had opened up to the last page I read and to my surprise there was a little blue bookmark strapped in place. He must have been reading it. I smiled.


“Say, Namjoon-ah.” he looked up with the sudden way I called him out like that. “why don't you tell me the rest of the story?”  at first he seemed surprised, but it all faded into one slight chuckle. 


“Whatever gives you peace, right?”
I closed the book and with his soothing yet deep honey voice he opened his mouth, as I closed my eyes to hear the story unravel before me in my ears.








Author's Note

Aish, the fluffiness ><
Again, I apologize... it was more than I could handle ^^;
Won't be updating this for a while, so please enjoy the other chapters and thank you for your patience ^-^

Have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^