Taehyung: Fool for Love


Aina Kaede always deals with the perks of having a prankster as a best friend, Kim Taehyung. She never falls for his tricks...or does she?


My best friend was a trickster. Kim Taehyung: the guy with a large heart in pranking. He was like this ever since middle school. Some people even question as to why I even become friends with him. Sometimes I thought so too, but I soon ignored the talks when we went to our freshmen year. He was known to prank almost everyone in the school...but me.

“How can you not be impressed by my prank I've done with the math teacher last semester?” Taehyung slurped his noodles in the cafe. I looked up from my book, but continued to turn the page.


“Too predictable.” I say flatly. He gasped.

“W-what? I thought he would never see his shoes being in the same locker as the student he hates...genius!” he grinned. I rolled my eyes with a small smile.

“Still not convinced,” I singsonged. He groaned as his hand pushed back his bangs, still falling in place.

“Just wait, you'll be the one who's going to be pranked, by yours truly.” he grinned with a proud gleam in his eyes. I scoffed.

“Keep dreaming, little prankster,” I smile as I got up, ruffling his copper dyed hair. The bell rang and we parted ways to our next classes.

For the next few days Taehyung actually did try to prank me; putting fake insects inmy locker, switching my schedule with someone else, even tried tricking me into thinking there was a day where we wouldn't wear our uniform. I knew right from the start that they were all planned by a depsrate prankster.
Just how far did he want to go for me to fall into his tricks?



On Friday when we ate lunch together he was more quiet than usual, making the air between us tense. I spoke as to why with the sudden lack of speech – he would always brighten the day with saying what kind of prank he'd done.
“I was told to meet... someone on the roof after school.” his tone was low. By the way his eyes drooped to the floor I pinched my eyebrows in confusion.

“Who?” I asked. He never said anything, just ate his sandwich. I dropped my chopsticks into my lunch box and smacked him hard on his shoulder, which he yelped.

“You're not joking around with me...are you?” I scowled. He winced, rubbing his arm while glaring at me.

“No, I'm not joking this time. And I can't tell you, otherwise...” he gulped slowly, looking away. There were a few things that came up to my head:
 1. this guy was either being targeted by a bully and I never even knew or
2. his pranks may have angered a certain 'someone'. Whatever it was, I didn't want him to go off alone with this. Not without his best friend.


“Let me go with you then,” I suggested, but he shook his head.

“No Aina-ah! This is my problem I have to fix, not yours. I don't want you to get involve, or you could be part of the rumours spread about. Or worse, you might get hurt by it!” he threw his hands in the air. I just sat there, as if I was slapped in the face. Rumours? What rumours? I rose an eyebrow.

“What are you talking abo-” he slammed his hands on the table that stopped my sentence midway. I jumped in surprise, eyes widen.

“A no is a no.” he ended the conversation with a firm tone. Scoffing he grabbed his empty wrappers and threw them in the trash, leaving me with only an empty table of anger and more confusion. I am his best friend. His concerns are my concerns. With the next bell ringing for class I got up and threw away my own trash, walking alone in the hallways.

By the end of the day I ignored Taehyung's intentions and went straight to the roof, to which I saw him sitting against the wall of the entrance. His body was crouched so his knees were brought up to his chest, as I slowly walked over to him and sat beside him. I placed a hand on his shoulder so he could know in attempt for him to look at me, which worked.

“Did anything happen?” I whispered. He positioned his torso so we could face each other properly.

“This person wanted me to tell you that he likes you. He always tried to impress you with his tricks in pranking but you never seem to be convinced by it. He wants to know if you would consider him as more than just a friend and more of... a boyfriend.” At first he seemed serious, but soon we both burst into laughter. I had to hold my stomach as I went into hysterics.

“Wow, Taehyung, you sure fooled me. You tricked me into thinking you were in serious trouble when really you wanted to confess?” I smiled. He shrugged.

“It was a trick into convincing you to come to the roof, which played out pretty well, I would say. But, you still never answered my question. Would you like to be my girlfriend?” I rolled my eyes with a soft smile. Nodding I take his hand in mine and kissed his cheek.


“Of course, Taehyung-ah. Now don't go sneaking in trying to kiss me, or I will kill you.” I warned just when he leaned in. He pulled back with his hands up in surrender.

“Aina-ah, of course I won't.” but just when I looked away he leaned in and pinched my chin,  I muffled a sound of surprise when his lips came in contact with mine briefly. He retracted and I punched him on his arm, though he still couldn't stop laughing.


“Yahh, quit your laughing!” I exclaimed, trying to ignore the heart thrumming in my ears and feeling my cheeks warm up.


The realization of having a prankster as your boyfriend? So many surprises.












Author's Note
My apologies in lack of updates >< also, I'm just finishing up my new story that I made, so hopefully I can post that really soon ^^

Anyhoo, have a great day everyone~




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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^