Hoseok: Rolling Film


A funny but cute movie night for the couple Mizuki Saburo and Jung Hoseok.



I drained the rice noodles over the sink and washed them thoroughly with running water, and separated into bowls. I ladled the broth and placed on top herbs and vegetables and the remainder of the beef I had already cooked in. Stepping back I looked at the finished pieces. I was pretty impressed myself.



Foodie ~ Suzanna



I heard a high whistle and someone's arms wrapped around my waist; their chin resting on my shoulder. I felt a small chuckle rumble against me as the person soon let it escape from their mouth.

“Is it finished?” Hoseok asked. I scoffed and turned around to face him, though his hands never left my waist.

“Of course, and you can only eat when you set up the table.” he pouted and the embrace broke, leaving him shaking his shoulders miserably. I bit my lip to suppress a smile. Even when he whines like a child he's adorable.

Do I have to~” he whined. I nodded and without question I wrapped my hand on the broad of his shoulder to pull myself up to peck him quickly on the lips. “Thanks,” I smiled, and he sighed; returning the affection to me. Having to live under the same roof as my boyfriend has its ups and downs; for this reason would be Hoseok's complaints for doing small tasks I say. Sometimes I wander who's the real mature one amongst us both.

Once he finished we ate and already cleaned up the plates. While I grabbed a book to read he pulled me to his lap, one hand my hair while the other flipping through the channels on the large T.V screen. When I heard an eerie trailer of a scary movie come on Hoseok's body suddenly went rigid. Looking at him he gave a smile of assurance, though his eyes told me other wise.

“You okay?” I said, back his bangs. He nodded numbly.

“Y-yeah, I'm fine,” his faltered smile grew. My eyes wandered to the screen. “Are you scared?” I felt a tug of a smirk on my lips. He scoffed.

“What? No, Mizu. In fact, I'm too manly for them.” his fake arrogance oozed within that sentence. I laughed.

“Really? So you wouldn't mind if we watched this?” getting up I grabbed the nearest DVD on the shelf. With a nod from him I slid it into the DVD box. It was my first time to watch scary films, at least with Hoseok. Whenever I watch films with my friends the first thing we would suggest would be into the horror category. Watching a girl with molted skin or an old creepy house won't even bat an eyelash. Throughout the movie Hoseok held my hand while holding onto one of the cushions tightly. Already knowing what's going to happen next I decided to take advantage as I leaned close to his ear.

“Hey... Hoseok-ah.” I whispered. The room was filled with eerie music booming from the speakers. “You still scared?” I smirked. He turned to me quickly with surprise, but he just scoffed and turned to the screen slowly.

“I told you I'm not- WAHHHHH!” seeing the pop up of the cracked doll's face suddenly opening its eyes he screamed and jumped out the couch. I couldn't help but burst into hysterics, clutching my stomach.

“Oh my god, you're face when you screamed- I just can't-” more laughter interrupted my words. He walked over and the light, and I laughed even more to see his eyes glaring at me with his face red-stricken. Soon I subsided and I felt guilty for the uncalled act that I went up to hug him tightly.
“Too manly for them, eh?” I smiled and wiped a tear from my eye. He looked away still with blushing cheeks.

“P-please don't tell anyone,” he mumbled. “What, that you scream like a 5 year old?” he shot me a look and I chuckled, lifting my hands in surrender; officially ending the tease for the night.

“Okay, I won't. In fact, I thought you were pretty cute when you did.” I felt another laugh forming in my stomach from the lie, so I leaned in and kissed his warm cheek. His mouth formed a small sheepish smile and turning to me fully his fingers cupped my face for full advance in kissing me back, this time on the lips. He tickled the side of my waist, which rumbled a giggle from my throat into the kiss. Pulling away he smirked.


I shrugged, kissing him again. “Love you too, Hoseok.”




















Author's Note

Inspired by my lovely bias XD and props for showing his true colours

Have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^