Jungkook: Little Red Cap


 Little Red Cap

My mother has always told me the story about Little Red Riding Hood when I was little. How their was a little girl with a red hood going along to her grandmother's house to a path that her mother told her sternly not to go to. She then meets a bad wolf who eventually eats her grandmother before she arrives and upon tricking the girl in the clothes of the grandmother eats her. But a lumberjack who comes by managed to kill the wolf and save Little Red Riding Hood in a good ending.

“Mother,” I asked her. “why does the lumberjack kill the wolf?”

“Because he is a beast,” she would say to me. “a monster. In this story, no one likes the wolf. He is bad after all.” I never questioned as to why it seems that in every story one character is considered to be 'bad'. I just accepted it. What defined a monster in the fairy tails? Those that didn't fit into society. Those that were deemed to be not part of the norm and thus are shut off away from the rest. These so called 'monsters' become more in delusion to the fact that they themselves believe they are monsters and is treated like one.

That's how I grew up to be. I became a monster. I became like the beast in the story. In a small town where I live in the teenagers knew me as 'Okami'. Wolf. I was in rule of the forest where my house resided in, as I always took care of it. It was a habit in which where my childhood grew in, for it contained the most beautiful sights that nature offered in the area.

But more people abuse it. Mother told me that factory businesses especially would try to use the land for their new building construction but she, thankfully, forbid any trade with the companies, so we still owned it as our property.

Many respected our land and just walked by the path. Others, however, decide to not listen. They were the ignorant kinds to cause trouble. That's where I come in.
It was a cool autumn day. The sky was gray of the towering clouds. My mother, who was now too old of age and thus her physical shape too had no muscle function in which she must use another of transport of a wheelchair; sat in the living room knitting up a yarn sweater while I was sweeping around as part of my daily chore.
"Masami..."she called me. I looked up to only see her stop her knitting briefly and looked out the window. When I followed her gaze I see along the path in the distance 3 figures approaching. I sighed. Not again.

 I grabbed my cloak from off the clothes rack and stepped out the door. Being very quiet I managed to sneak up behind them as I hid behind the branch of the tree. They were all pretty young, probably around 10-12 years of age.
They were destroying the wild pansies in the path, thinking that it would be a 'fun' thing to do. By the time the third boy was about to stomping down on the petal I came out.

"Stop destroying the flowers." in surprise they all looked up at me. One asked who I was. The another was out most confused as to where on earth did I come from and stayed the same stiff position as he was. The last boy, however, asked a hard look with such a snarky expression.

“Who are you going to ask what we do here? Is this your property?” he smirked.

I rose an eyebrow defiantly. “Actually, yes. This is my property. Do you really not know who I am?” I crept closer to them. His other friends slowly retracted behind his back, but he remained to be standing. With a little tug of my cloak and revealing my canine teeth they got the memo and gasped.

“Y-you're...” one stuttered. “You're the Okami.” upon realizing that the now confident boy froze along with his smile on his face. He gulped dryly and soon put his friends up in surrender; along with his friends.

“He's right – the cloak, the teeth, the dark eyes...” he stepped back, stumbled, until one of them reached out and held him up again. This was the common appearance that many people notice about me that made me so legendary: my black cloak that my mother sewed for me now faded and patched with shreds of holes, my canine teeth born sharp that makes me easily tear things quite easily, and not to mention my my dark pupils that almost seem like I have no irises in them. Beneath my cloak I took out my small dagger. Their eyes widen in fear.

“We're sorry, please don't kill us!” they pleaded. Keeping my gaze I slowly walked over to them.

“Then go, before I count to three. One...two...”by that time they sped off like mad, seeing their figures disappear from the distance. I took a deep breath and looked down at the now ruined beauty that once was. Going down in one knee I took the dagger in my hands and cut them off of their stems, holding a bundle in the end before heading into the house.

I complained to my mother about the 3 boys, to which she disregarded them with a laugh. “They are just young boys. Don't be so hard.” she said to me.

“But, they were ruining the flowers you planted! How can you not scold them?” I retorted back.

“Like I said, they are young. They didn't mean to do no harm.” and that was the end of the argument. I couldn't argue much with her, for I know in the end it was rather pointless. But it was almost the same argument that I always had with her whenever this kind of situation happens. Where whenever there was any trespassers and I tried to divert them away from our path they just keep coming. How much times do I have to deal with this crap? Doesn't anyone understand that?

At night during the season the moon was always so bright in the woods where we were. As soon as I put my mother into bed and as she fully is asleep I would sneak out the house and wander off the forest, until I come into a clear viewing of the full moon in the night sky, And breathe a sigh of relief. Like I am being refreshed. Energized again. I don't know why. Seeing the moon just makes me satisfied. As if all my troubles wash away.

| | |

In the night there was owls who join me in the sightseeing. There would be wolves, not so far, howling in a melody of song that sounds like a tradition. Next thing I knew the owls would chime in. Then the wind between the trees that whistle a note higher. And soon I would join in the chorus with the hum of my voice.

It wasn't until the almost the end of the month when I met him. It was the most strangest encounter too. As usual I was inside the house, cooking up some chicken soup for dinner for my mother and I. She was sitting in the living room knitting, as per usual. Our turn table was blasting off music across the room of our old tunes, coming from our favorite artist Voxtrot. The lyrics played on and whilst stirring the broth in the pan I managed to sing along with the chorus. As did my mother whom joined in slowly afterwards.

Won't you...

Come by and see me, I'm a love-letter away
I'd break your name before I'd say:
"I really love you, loved you,"
Now I don't care if you saw
I watched every inch of film flash across your roman features
And I loved it, loved it

As soon as the music ended I went over and lifted the disc, before announcing that dinner is ready. She helped me set up the plates and as we ate we discussed about getting rid of the litter tourists put out in the pathway.
“I think that's a great idea, Masami. But how about you can start with behind the house-” Boom!

There was silence. Then the ravens cawed. We both looked at each other. “What was that?”

“I'm not sure.” but with the panic in both our faces we both had an idea. Another trespasser. Without another word I got up from the table and grabbed my cloak. Mother told me to be careful and with a nod I went out the door. The wind was awfully quiet. Only the ravens would make a noise unless they felt threatened or there was some sort of intruder in the territory. Other wise they wouldn't be so loud. With another step a raven flew past me from the sky and another flock of birds were flying the same direction as to where I was going. Usually they would have went the other way if they felt threatened.

I continued walking down the path and making a turn I see within the trees the head of a deer. It stopped eating the from the bushes and looked at me. Not with any startle. With a smile I came closer to it. “What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the downhill river? What are you doing so far up?” I asked it. Without a peep it just stared at me for a couple of seconds. Then it turned and trotted forward. I followed suit.

The deer somehow drove me to the bottom of the small hill, and at first what I saw I thought I was dreaming. But at the bottom was a tangle of weeds and branches. Like a cobweb. My feet stood where there an indent of the log that was placed here before I see it also at the bottom of the hill. I took note of that's where I heard the noise.

Being careful I slid down to where the tangle was, and in shock I see it moving. As if it was alive. I was moving towards it when I heard a groan. Then a muttered curse. “.” immediately I reached out and pulled out the weeds in front to only see a boy; arms outstretched and tangled in the mess. Only his head was free from it. When he saw me I saw relief in his eyes.

“Are you okay?” I ask, looking around the bundle.

“Yeah, I think so...only I'm stuck. And I hurt my leg.” he looked down at his right leg; twisted in an odd angle. With no hesitation I took out my dagger. His eyes widened in panic.

“Don't move.” and he obliged. His body stiffened as I cut around him carefully, making sure to get every branch and twig. Finally after one last swipe the largest branch fell and pushing them away from his body he tried getting up but only ending up falling on the ground. I knelt down and asked again if he was okay, but by the look of his leg clearly he wasn't.

Without saying much I swooped one of his arms over my shoulder and heaved him up. I noticed with just a glance he was breaking in a cold sweat. “Where are you taking me?” he asked in a hoarse whisper.

“Back at my place so I can treat your leg.” I replied stern. We slowly made it back uphill and back at the path to my house and as soon as I entered mother already  saw the situation as urgent. We lied the boy on his back on the couch and while mother got a cold damp towel to put on his forehead I got the first aid kit.
“By the looks of it, it seems that you have been out there for a while.” my mother concluded as the hours passed by. I managed to finish wrapping a gauze and now he was was sitting up, holding his red beanie tight in his hand.

“It's true. I was stuck in this part of the forest for about 3 hours.” he explained.

“Why were you stuck here?” she then asked.

“I...got lost.” he quickly said, and when he looked up at me his eyes caught my stare. Clearing his throat he quickly diverted them away back to the floor. I couldn't help but flatten my eyes in suspicion. Mother nodded.

“Ah, that can happen, getting lost in these areas. But by chance are you from the city?” the boy shook his head. He answered saying that he was from the northern district of Busan, Buk ju. He goes on saying that he was currently living in his grandparents home (which he states is only 10 minutes from this area) for he was just paying a visit. Outside the sun peeped from behind the trees in an orange red glow, signaling that it was almost dark. Upon notice the boy tried standing up in making his way to leave but my mother stopped him.

“Ani, you should stay until your leg is healed. At least one night stay.” she insisted. He shook it off with a smile.

“But...I should really get back to them. They must be calling me right now-”

“There's no signal around here.” I cut him off short. His face face fell and his mouth made an 'o'. Still he ended up accepting my mother's service and with that being settled she got him fresh blankets and pillows and saying he would be sleeping in my room. That made me look at her in disbelief. “WHAT?”

“It's alright, I can just sleep in the couch is fine.' he smiled. I remained with a bitter frown on my face. As it was around 9:30 at night it was time for me to tuck in mother into her bed. But before all that she asked the boy if he wanted anything else.

“It's fine, thank you for letting me stay.” he bowed.

“Anytime Mr...um...”

“Jeon Jungkook. That is my name.” he said.

“What a nice name! Coming from a very handsome boy like yourself.” she grinned. He shyly chuckled, while i just rolled my eyes and scoffed under my breath. After I tucked in my mother I went and poked Jungkook by the shoulder. He turned around whilst still holding the pillow in his hand he was trying to fluff.

“Don't get too comfortable around here. If my mother allows you here doesn't mean I do.” I say coldly. He bit his lip and put the pillow down on the couch.

“Of course. I'll be out as soon as my leg heals.” he said firmly. With a nod I was about to head to my room until I heard a faint call of the word 'wait!'. When I turned around he didn't say anything to me, just continued to stare at me. I stood there a little uncomfortable, biting my lips as my heart sped up in pace. Finally he shook his head and bowed in apology.

“Sorry. I just wanted to say thank you for saving me back there.” another awkward moment passes by. “good night.” and with that he lied down and pulled the covers over his head. I stared in dumbfound until I slowly walked around him and switched off the light. As I was about to open the door to my room I looked over my shoulder. “Night.” I mumbled, and headed inside.

| | |

I still wasn't used to having a complete stranger in my house, but my mother was just fine with it. She fed him and even gave him lot's of sweaters to which she has knitted before and tended his leg. I on the other hand went off with the same business as usual, which was keeping care of the forest. I managed to drive away any trespassers (who were tourists thinking that this was some sort of shortcut) and the same thing happened with scout girls trying to find some wild berries to eat as part of their field trip. And as always they would run away claiming that the Okami would go and hurt them.

I was picking off some old pansies that were constantly trampled on from the amount of people who came by when suddenly I see a shadow looming over me. When I looked up it was Jungkook, smiling down at me and holding out a cup of tea. I stood up to face him properly, and hesitated in taking the cup. Eventually I did. We sat down on a wooden log and stared out into the space of the trees. Once I finished my cup it was then that I broke the silence. “What are you doing out here?”

“Your mother wanted me to give you something warm for she was worried that you were going to freeze out here in the open.”

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. “Liar.” he broke into a small smirk.

“I'm too obvious, aren't I?” with that I had to burst out laughing by his honesty, which he joined in not so long after. When it died down he opened his mouth again. “actually I wanted to hang out with you Masami. I always wondered why you take most of your time just tending the wild here...I mean, isn't it tiring?”

“Not really. I'm used to it. I grew up living in these woods. To me this is my second home.' I say. “I didn't grow up with many friends either. My only companion was my mother. And I'm also her guardian. My father left in a divorce and I grew up as an only child. So I've been constantly living in, I guess you could say, isolation. But I really don't mind it.” I smiled small. Realizing I was rambling on I covered my mouth and looked at him, apologizing in a mumble for saying such useless things, let alone to a complete stranger.

“Why are you apologizing? I find it very interesting actually. For once you aren't threatening me with that cold eyes of yours.” I playfully punched him on the arm, earning a laugh. But I couldn't help but laugh on my own too. We ended up venturing off further into the pathway (moreso I ended up just following him where he was going) until just near the end there was a large tree. In awe he ran up to it and put his hand on the bark; gazed upwards as the red leaves fluttered around him. He told me that he really wanted to know what kind of tree it was, for I replied back saying it was a Japanese oak – one that I planted when I was little. He asked if he could take a leaf, knowing how cautious I was with nature. But I allowed him freely and he took two, one for him and one for me. I asked him why he gave me this to which he said, “As a souvenir.” and I chuckled.

When we came back for dinner we ate wholeheartedly and played  Go Stop, which at first I won the first couple of rounds and he soon followed after. In the end we felt bad that my mother didn't win any games so in a way we 'cheated' so she could win her first game. When it was her bedtime I tucked her in and went to my room. I took out the maple leaf Jungkook gave me and my face fell; eyebrows burrowed.

What amazed me was that he was able to run so fast at that tree earlier considering he injured his leg. What also amazed me, was as if he knew the path going there the whole time. For someone who got lost in the woods.

Shaking my head I put the leaf on the window stall and closing the light I cuddled into my blankets with my thoughts running in my head.
The following night I couldn't sleep, so I sneakily went out to the same place where i can fully see the moon and stars. What I didn't expect was that it was already occupied.


“Hey Masami.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I can't sleep. So I ended up here. I'm assuming you can't sleep here either?” I just nodded in reply before joining him. We were silent. The owls began to hoot. The wolves howled. As they both said their part, I too ended up humming along the melody they were putting. When I was finished I turned over to him as he continued to stare at me. I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. The moon illuminated in his irises and glowed with such intensity that I couldn't help but turn away.
Finally he said, “I know who you are.”

“What do you mean?”

“You're the Okami. The legend that everyone keeps talking about. Are you not?” from this I remained silent. He was right, of course.

“When I visited my grandparents I heard it from them. That far off the woods there was this beast that apparently killed anyone who would dare pass it's territory. So I got curious. I gathered some research and directions where i ended up in the woods...only to slip and end up getting stuck in the branches. I thought I was going to die out there until you showed up. By that I knew you were that so-called 'Wolf'.

“What gave it away? The cloak. When I injured my leg I was pondering 50/50 thought about staying away from you. But seeing what you actually do and how you treated me while my leg was still hurting I realized you're not at all bad.”

“Wait. 'was still hurting'? You mean...” he nodded by my conclusion.

“Yeah. My leg healed days before.” I was bewildered, again, for him so honest. I asked that if he knew the route around here why did he just go back home, but what he said next completely threw me off.

“Because I wanted to continue being with you. You're different. Fierce. Strong. But also kind. And to put it simply if I could just describe you with one word it would be mysterious. And if I don't see you as a monster...then you're not. Plain and simple.” a wind picked up. The wolves howled one more time. My cheeks burned and my heart skipped a beat. I looked away but soon he called my name again in a soft whisper.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I am always a Wolf. I can never get out of it.” just like the story of Little Red Riding Hood, I was the beast. One that everyone hated.” but I stopped myself. I managed to give him a a shy little smile and said in a mumble, “that's the first time I heard someone say they aren't afraid of me.” when the wind whistled roughly I couldn't help but shiver. In reaction he reached over and tugged of the sleeves of my cloak closer to my body, also lessening the distance between us.

“Masami.” he whispered, his warm breath tickling my cheeks. “Is it possible if you let me fall in love with you?” it was rather a rhetorical question, but I couldn't help but answer back.

“Yes. It's possible. I'm sure.” when he leaned in I closed my eyes and let my senses take over. Fire took over my body in a swarm of heat and I couldn't help but kiss him back, feeling his plump lips move against mine. Across the distance, for once, I heard the slight chirping of the crickets. As if they are singing in joy. The moonlight reigned down on the two figures and the stars twinkled twice as bright.

Weeks after his grandparents found him safe in our house hold, followed by the police who was doing a search on us. The thought that we somehow kidnapped him but after hearing Jungkook's point of view clearly it was just misconception. His grandparents apologized to my mother and in turn she, being the nicest and carefree woman she is, offered some leftover apple crumble as a call of acceptance of apology. His grandparents waited outside the door and he said goodbye to my mother then to me. “Close your eyes.” he said. I did, and suddenly I felt him put something in my hands. When I opened my eyes in my hands was his red beanie.

“I will be returning back to my parents residing in Seoul. Please, keep it. I promise...I promise i will come back soon. Just wait for me, arasso?” i nodded, and he went off. There was a dreaded feeling in my heart as he turned back and smiled at me with that goofy grin of his. Deep in my stomach I felt as if that would be the last time... the last I ever see Jungkook again. And it hurt so much.

A month flew by and I forgotten about his little promise. I concluded that he probably was too busy, or that he simply forgotten about me and this place. But my life still stayed the normal life as it was. I still managed the pathway of the woods. Luckily because of the colder weather coming in not many people came by for it was simply too cold to be out at this time. It was the beginning of November.

I stood up from removing another dead plant and took out the red beanie in the pocket of my cloak. Seeing this in my hands, at least I wouldn't forget about us. As long as I have it the memory still remains inside my heart. Stuffing it back I looked up and went back to the trail of the house when I stopped. Among the gray, dull path there stood a figure. He had a red coat that stood out so vibrantly against everything else around him was colourless. I froze, wondering if it was a dream. But it wasn't.


He was right there, smiling his grin that i truly missed. Slowly I walked to him, tears pooling in my eyes. But as soon as one tear escaped I full out ran straight into his open arms. Jungkook pulled back with an equal tear-stricken face as he wiped my cheeks with the pad of his thumb. “I missed my Okami.” he chuckled. I grinned.

“And I missed my Little Red Cap.” I say back.

In the end, there was no monsters. Because the Little Red Riding Hood fell in love with the Wolf.













Happy Halloween! I got bored so I wrote some sort of one shot ><
I just really love fairy tales, especially the Grimm versions because they can be just so wicked put they are so good haha (don't judge me please)

Alright, I'm heading off. Be safe those who are going out trick-or-treating, and have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^