Namjoon: A Miracle



Rei Atsuko

Kim Namjoon

A Miracle


"Do a better job with my hair. I want it to be combed more to the right."


Strike One.

"Order my lunch at Subway."


Strike Two.

"Tell them that if they are not done fixing my photoshoot in five minutes I won't do it anymore and going back to the studio."

Strike Three.


By the end of the day I come back to my house exhausted and not caring to change, as I plopped down on the couch. Then I grabbed a pillow on the far side and shoved my face down onto it. I screamed.
My roommate sighed and gave me a cup of cocoa as we sat on the dinner table after the little anger session I had. "Namjoon again?"

"Yup. It's Kim freaking Namjoon again." I gulped down another dose of my beverage. My roommate knows that for a while I'm working as an freelancer, and somehow I ended up working as an co assistant for this Hallyu artist name Kim Namjoon.

"It's been only 4 weeks and this guy is driving me crazy with all of his stupid little demands," I exclaimed.

"I'm pretty sure it would be over. He can't be so bad." my roommate said. I looked at her as if she's gone crazy. Clearly she never been hanging out with him even once! She advised again that I should try again and try at least a little to be more appreciative. By far this was probably one of the most hardest jobs I landed on.

So the next day I followed her advice and tried to put up with him. That is, I tried.
Namjoon was working on a new track in the studio. He asked me to fix the different tempos with it.
Using the machine in one the rooms I altered the switches, and ket doing so until I was satisfied with the overall track. When I showed Namjoon, of course I wasn't surprised by his dull reaction.

"Mm, the whole thing is off. It doesn't match with the flow of the beats I added into it." when I tried again he still didn't like it. It was about the 4th time I've done so until finally I snapped.

"I'm sorry, Namjoon-ssi, but how much times must I have to do this?"

"Enough that I'm happy with it." he answered nonchalantly.

"And, when will that be?" I crossed my arms.

"Well, isn't that for you to decide? I asked you to make it, have I not?" he smirked in question. I couldn't help but scoff.

"Are you serious? Are you just going to keep bossing me around with all this stupid that you have the brains to do yourself?"

That made his face froze. With a glare he slowly rose from his seat. "Did you just talk back to me? Without honorifics?"

"Oh, for crying out loud, we're the same goddamn age!" another roaring argument and soon I grabbed my jacket and made my way to the door.

But suddenly out of no where Namjoon grabbed my wrist. When I turned around immediately I was shocked. Namjoon's gaze softened over and for once; besides his cold look, he looked remorseful.
I saw his mouth slowly open to say something, but in just a split second I pried my wrist away from his grasp and continued to walk out the door. I knew he was watching me go. I just closed my eyes and continued to distance myself from him. You've done good. You're doing the right thing.


At the end of the week I didn't go to work. Instead I went to the hospital. What happened? I collapsed right in the middle of sorting out some work files. Apparently what the doctor said was that it was due to stress and fatigue that I lost consciousness. My roommate came to check on me and called in work saying I couldn't come back for the day.

I stayed in the hospital since the morning and still am even in the afternoon. I asked my roommate to get me some food (because really, the cafeteria food in here isn't all that great) and just then I hear the door of my room slide open. Looking up with hope that it was her was actually...

"You must have been surprised, weren't you?" Namjoon awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Well, yeah. I thought you were my friend for a sec." I bluntly answered. Thinking that was a joke he just chuckled and smirked.

"Gee, that really hurts my feelings." he oozed, making me scoff. From behind his back took out a small bouquet of flowers and set it aside on the bedside table. I mumbled a 'thanks' and soon asked why he has given them to me. Craning his neck he leaned against the door and sighed.

"It's my apology. I'm apologizing for pushing you too hard and for being a total ."

I couldn't say anything because I really was speechless. "Namjoon... don't apologize. It's not even your fault."

We were silent for a little bit until just then my roommate came in, breaking the silence, and gave me black bean noodles. Namjoon went out with her and they talked for a bit, as I sat there eating my noodles wondering just what on earth were they talking about.

At the end she came back when Namjoon left. "What were you guys talking about?" I chewed.

"I just asked why he came to visit you. Okay, I'll be honest - I wanted to know how bad he treated you at work and he really said he was sorry." she looked over to the flowers and chuckled.

"He gave you those flowers?"


"Hm. How nice." I thought she said it sarcastically, but there was no tone of that in her voice.


From time to time Namjoon often visited my room. I grew a little suspicious but apparently he told me that for the rest of that same week he managed to talk with his producers to give him some time off. "I need the time off too. I've been working too much and I might collapse as well." he joked. I rolled my eyes, but still brought a smile on my face. This was on a Monday.

On Tuesday he came around the same time in the afternoon and he let me listen to the track we were working on before. But it was the same track I made the first time around. He only said 'it actually grew on me' and kept it.

On Wednesday I was able to walk around more outside my room, but still within the hospital grounds. Namjoon and I walked out into the garden and sat at the bench, both of us sharing some rice cake. "Do you like it, Rei?" I stared in disbelief.

"That's the first time you ever called me by my first name." I say. His only response was a single laugh.

On Thursday I stayed in my own hospital bed while Namjoon watered the flowers in it's vase. Out of no where he asked, "Rei, do you believe in miracles?"

"Of course I do. I believe they're real." I say without hesitation.

"Then...what kind of miracle do you want to happen?"

I thought my answer before finally saying it out loud. "See snow. the last time i've seen it was when I was only 10."

He didn't say anything but continued to keep care of the flowers. With a subtle nod he grabbed his things and said he'll see me tomorrow. "You don't have to-"

"But I want to. There's a difference." with that he waved a subtle farewell and left me with thoughts clouding my mind.

On Friday I was discharged. I waited for my roommate to pick me up and heading outside I noticed just how cold it was. I tugged my jacket closer to me and exhaling a breath a wisp appeared in the air. Did the weather dip below seasonal?

I looked up from the ground to see just across the distance someone walking over to me. I squinted my eyes for a better focus until I saw full view that it was Namjoon.
"Am I too late? Is your ride here?" he said almost as if panting.

"Ani, I'm still waiting. But, what are you doing here?" he held out his hand that was holding a blue gift bag, motioning me to take it. When I slowly opened it for it to reveal a small snow globe, one with a snow covered pine tree.

"I wish I can give you real snow, but  obviously I'm not powerful enough to control the weather." he stuffed his hands in his pockets and gave a shy smile.

I chuckled. "No, no... it's beautiful. Thank you." and really, I absolutely loved it. Just him remembering what I said made my heart flutter already, not by the gift alone.

I was about to hug him when just then a single snowflake landed on the sleeve of my jacket. Confused there were two. Then five. Soon a couple more fluttered down. Looking up I noticed that the sky turned gray and snowflakes descended down in just seconds. Actual snow, right in front of me.

I couldn't help but smile. Namjoon smiled as well, and soon I just realized: I did experience my own miracle after all. And when he leaned closer to me, whispering my name 'Rei' with his breath tickling my cheek, his nose touching mine, I felt that overwhelming sweet sensation of what people conclude it as a kiss.

It wasn't just one miracle I experienced, but two.








It's random, I know. Sorry.

In the mood of the season I guess ><


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^