Jungkook: The Art in my Heart


Mao Masuyo and Jeon Jungkook were both in the same art class, both enjoying painting more than anything else. As a project, they must each make a picture that they truly love – will both paintings be successful?



I dipped my brush carefully in the tinted purple water, and carefully a pattern on my canvas. I loved water colour; light and easy. Once I finished, I walked across the classroom to clean my palette when I stopped and saw Jungkook’s landscape painting of Mount Fuji. I was intrigued by how much detail he seemed to do, with just a brush and acrylic paint. “That’s really good,” I complimented, which he looked up and turned away, blushing.


“Th-thanks.” He mumbled, focusing his eyes on his paint. I chuckled quietly. I wasn’t sure why whenever I talked to him, or even come to him for help on painting he would be so flustered that I feel bad for just asking. Once everyone finished their painting we put them off the side. Jungkook put his farther into the room (his was one of the biggest) and I put mine near the window. I quickly put my brush in my bag when I heard a gasp. Turning around, I saw my own canvas splattered with acrylic splotches.


“Oh my god, I’m so sorry Mao!” the girl with the palette said, bowing apologetically. I shrugged it off, smiling.


“It’s alright, it was only a few paint on it.” Which was true - most of it was at the bottom. The teacher dismissed us, as school ended for the day. I looked at my painting and sighed. So much for my hard work.




We weren’t allowed to touch them until the next day, and I had to hurry into the class before anyone else did, my hair ended up in a messy side braid and I quickly put on a tribal cardigan over my white tanktop and blue shorts; an addition with red combats.


As much as I tried, I felt like I just made my painting even worse. I groaned, my head in my arms. I heard the door open, but didn’t even bother looking who it was. Shuffling, and I felt the person was just a metre away. “I can help, if you’d like.” My head shot up by the familiar voice of Jungkook, his black hair just covering his eyebrows as he looked at me.


“Really?” I stood up, with hope in my eyes. He rubbed his chin, and looked at my painting. He took his paint set and his brush, dabbing the tip as he lightly the colour on my canvas. I bit my lip, nervous. I was hoping that the teacher wouldn’t come before, since these were due today. After five minutes, he dropped his brush.




I looked at my portrait of a little girl looking out the window, surrounded with different shades of brown cardboard boxes.
It almost looked brand new.


心水♥ -- TOPIT.ME 收录优美图片


The bell rang, as students and the teacher walked in, everyone, including Jungkook, grabbed their painting and set it on their table. The teacher looked at each piece carefully, and as noted she smiled at Jungkooks; which he nodded. She then came to me. All eyes were on my painting - including Jungkook’s. I pleaded in my head she wouldn’t notice the splotches from yesterday’s incident…and in relief, she hadn’t.


“Nice job, Mao.” I smiled wide with happiness.


“Thank you.” I replied. After class ended, I went up to Jungkook, whom was packing up his art materials.
“I owe you one.” I said. He blushed, smiling sheepishly. “It’s no problem, really.” I smirked. “how about a date, just as a thank you?” he looked at me, with wide eyes.


“I’m serious.” I chuckled, before he even opened his mouth in suspicion. Fortunately, he grinned.


“Alright, but you’re paying.” He teased.






Author's Note
First off, credit to the person who drew the picture of what supposedly is Mao's painting- I never drew that at all.

Secondly, I felt really bad that I bombarded you guys with two consecutive stories of Namjoon, so hopefully  this Jungkook one-shot made up for it ^^
Thank you, and more updates; I promise!
Have a great day everyone~


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09/18/2015: I'm going to remake these chapters, just to let you guys know!


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Chapter 54: The story was interesting
New reader incoming XD feel so hreat to have found ur ff to make my life better XD
Lameseline #3
Chapter 4: Yes! Finally another person with namjoon as his/her bias!
Wow this is great I ever thought suga could be a shy and even blushing kind of guy since he looks like the bad boy type but wow he would look soo cute blushing lol
Corallipop #5
Chapter 8: Oh lordy~this is wonderful~keep it up! ^-^