Chapter 2

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

It was Thursday before Sehun knew. He had been busy the last days. He went to dance practice every day, he helped his dad cut down the old apple tree his mum just loved but had gotten too big for their small garden and he got a haircut.
Not because of his date. His brother’s new girlfriend just happened to be a hairdresser. More like… in training and that’s why she needed someone to practice on. The teen was more than happy to help her out with that since she cut and dyed his hair for free. He only hoped this girl would stay around longer than the ones before. She was really nice, even his parents liked her, and she was really talented when it came to haircuts.

He’d even done all of his homework in the last two days because he suddenly felt very creative and had a motivation boost like never before in his life. Maybe this ‘having a crush’-thing was better than he thought.

But now it was Thursday. Two hours before he had to go out to meet Luhan again. They decided to meet at the bubble tea shop again since the Chinese student still didn’t know many places around Seoul and Sehun was worried he would get lost if he told him to meet somewhere else.

But before he met his crush again the teen had to decide what to wear. He’d gotten out of the shower about an hour ago and had managed to pull all of his clothes out of his wardrobe searching for a nice outfit so far. He was about to cry. Nothing seemed to be nice enough for today. His outfit had to be perfect while it still looked like something he would wear every day. Luhan shouldn’t see how much he freaked out about meeting him again.

He decided to just let his clothes be for a little while and started to style his hair. They had some lighter highlights now and he really liked how they shined in the sun. But why did they have to curl that day out of all those 365 days the year had to offer? Maybe he should just call this date off. Not that it was a real date. Luhan just wanted to meet him again to talk to him. Sehun was the only one thinking about this as a date. His FIRST one to be exact.

When he finally had his hair straightened and found some clothes he thought were good enough because his pants at least fit and weren’t too short or too tight to sit in them he was five minutes late.






He’d made it to the bubble tea shop in record time and he was sure he’d never ran to the subway station this fast ever before. Not that he was planning to repeat that. It costs way too much energy and caused you to sweat a little more than necessary. But that didn’t matter now. He’d made it on time.

The only problem was that fifteen minutes later he was still standing there alone, checking Luhan’s last text message for the hundredth time to make sure that he got the date and time right.
Sehun really hoped the older one wasn’t hurt or got lost… and maybe kidnapped. You never knew. This guy looked like a kid. A cute one that is. And there were just too many sick people out there.

After another five minutes Sehun started to get really worried but that was when Luhan came running around the corner and to an abrupt halt in front of him.

“I’m really sorry! I couldn’t find my keys and had to search my whole room for them… Turned out my roommate took mine instead of his this morning…”, Luhan started to ramble while trying to steady his breathing. “I’d have texted you… but I kind of forgot my phone at home.” Now he was grinning shyly. How was Sehun supposed to be mad at him when he looked like a little kid apologizing for eating some sweets before dinner?

“It’s okay. You’re here now,” it was true. He’d already been a little worried that Luhan may not come at all.

“Yeah… And I’m only…”, the blond boy took a look at his watch. “Twenty minutes late? Wow… I’m sorry. You better get used to it! I’ve never been someone to be on time. Though… I normally don’t come THAT late.”

Get used to it? Did that mean they’d meet a lot more in the future? Sehun was sure he’d get used to a lot of things if it meant spending more time with the student.

“How much to you normally come late? I’ll just tell you to meet me that much before the actual time in the future,” he told the boy who was still breathing a little too hard and started to giggle at that.

“I don’t know. About ten minutes, I guess? Sometimes just five. It’s not like I plan on coming late, you know. It just happens. Whenever I have to be somewhere something happens. I lose my keys, I cut my finger or I can’t find my favorite shirt anymore. It’s like someone wants me to be late every time, I swear!” Now it was Sehun’s turn to giggle. This guy didn’t only look a lot younger than he actually was, he even acted that way.

“Are you laughing at me?”

“Me? No! I’m laughing with you… Now let’s go get you something to drink. You look like you ran here!”

“I did, Sehun. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here for another ten hours,” Luhan was trying to tell him while they entered the shop.

“Yeah… sure… You living on the moon or something?” This guy sure was amusing in Sehun’s eyes. He was funny without even trying and he couldn’t wait until he could introduce him to Jongin. He just knew his best friend would like the Chinese once he got over the fact that he was ‘too old’ for Sehun.

“Oh I wish I could… But nope… I don’t have that much money yet. I just live at the university’s dorm, sorry to disappoint.”

“That sounds like a lot more fun to me. At least there are some people around. So… What do you want to drink? I’ll buy the drinks today,” Sehun insisted.

“You can’t! I’m the Gege!”, Luhan tried to reason. He was the what? Sehun must have looked at him like some weirdo because the older one started to explain: “That means, that I’m older than you. I don’t know what that is in Korean! I only speak Chinese at my dorm since my roommate is Chinese as well.”

“Oh! It’s ‘hyung’. Why would they put two Chinese people in one room? How are you guys supposed to learn Korean this way?”

“At our Korean lessons, I’d say. And I was planning on getting some Korean friends, you know? University starts next week so I expect to meet lots of your folk.”

Sehun had to laugh at that. ‘Lots of his folk’. “Good luck with that. ‘My folk’ can be strange, you know? And I’m paying! I just got my pocket money.”

“If you insist… I’ll pay again next time,” Luhan finally gave in. “I guess I’ll be trying the chocolate milk tea today.”

“I insist. So you sit down here, while I go get the drinks,” he ordered and took off to get their bubble teas.

“You know… that girl was totally checking you out,” was the first thing he was told when he came back with their cold drinks.

“Who?” he wanted to know. He hadn’t seen any girl checking him out.

“The one you got the drinks from, dude,” Luhan said and rolled his eyes.

Great. He totally wanted some girl running after him while he was on his date with the most perfect human being. Sehun just hoped that girl would stay behind her counter and not try to come to talk to him. He wasn’t interested at all and couldn’t even remember what she looked like.

“Look, hyung. That’s great for her… But tell me if she tries to come over here, will you?”

“Sure thing. Shall I go over and get her number for you?” the older wanted to know.

“Hell no! I meant, tell me so I could run away. Why would I need a girl’s number? Girls are too complicated.”

“You only say that because you never had a girlfriend… No wait… You’re right. They are. I just remembered my ex. God she was annoying.”

Did he just say he had an ex GIRLfriend? Didn’t he mention some guy last time they talked?

“See… I told you,” Sehun decided to stay on the safe side not mentioning it.

“That’s why I prefer to have boyfriends. Guys are a lot easier to please, you know?”

The teen nearly choked on his drink at the casual smile Luhan wore while telling him all of that. “They are?”

“Sure… Just feed them… Give them some of you attention. NEVER forget the and that’s it. Easy, right?”

Why was that guy still grinning like it was no big deal to be talking about that in the public? Sehun was pretty sure he was as red as a tomato as he just nodded to show the other one that he totally agreed with him even though he had absolutely no idea what other guys wanted. He really just wanted someone who loved him as much as he did… And he never thought further than that. One step at a time. He could still think about that once he found a boyfriend, right?

“Are you okay?” Luhan wanted to know.

“Sure,” he nodded his head once again and took a big gulp of his bubble tea which caused him to almost choke on the load of bubbles that suddenly decided to end his life.

Luhan just started to laugh while petting his back to make sure he was able to breathe again. “That looks totally okay to me. You’re right.”

“It’s not my fault those stupid bubbles hate me, okay?” Sehun spat because he really didn’t like the fact that he just made a total fool out of himself.

“Hey! No need to be pissed at me, yeah?”

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled while rearranging himself in his seat and glaring at the leftover bubbles in his drink. “I’ll get you one day.”

Luhan nearly fell off his seat in another laughing-fit which had Sehun stare at him in utter confusion because he had no idea what was so funny.

“Sorry,” the older tried to calm down again. “It’s just… The way you looked at your drink. Like you’d love to kill it right now.”

He still didn’t get what was so funny. But… Luhan was enjoying himself so he should be happy.

“So… What have you been up to this week? Other than changing your hair… It looks really nice, by the way,” Luhan complimented his new haircut.

“Thanks! My brother’s girlfriend needed someone to test her skills on.”

“Why can’t I have a brother who dates a hairdresser? Tell her… that if she ever gets bored of seeing only your hair I’m all hers.”

“My brother will love to hear that”, Sehun pointed out.

“Oh… I’m only interested in her doing my hair. I already told you, I prefer guys, right?” Luhan reasoned.

“True. I’ll tell her… If I ever see her again. My brother tends to change his girlfriends before I get to remember their names.”

The Chinese looked at him shocked. “Those poor girls. Why would he do that?”

“Well… He’s seventeen and gets bored easily. Or at least that’s what he calls a ‘good reason’,” Sehun told him and rolled his eyes. “I don’t really get it as well… But it’s none of my business, so I prefer not to argue about it with him. We only end up fighting because of it and that’s not worth it.”

“So you get along with him otherwise?”

“Yeah… I mean… My parents both work so we spend a lot of time alone. We got pretty close because of that. He and Jongin are the only ones that I can talk to about literally everything,” he admitted.

“Whoever this Jongin guy is,” Luhan started to laugh.

“Sorry… he’s my best friend. I normally spend about 24 hours a day with him since we go to the same school and we’re on the same dance team,” he clarified.

“You dance?” Luhan seemed interested.

“Yeah… Just because of Jongin,” Sehun told him. “I swear that guy was born to dance. So I told him to take some lessons when we were about ten. But he didn’t want to go there alone because ‘I’m not going to be called gay alone!’ So I thought I’d give it a try, wait until he found some friends in the team and stop dancing after that. But I really enjoyed it and improved a lot… So yeah… I still dance.”

“That’s cool. But doesn’t that take a lot of time? I mean… you have to be flexible like a cooked spaghetti, right?”

“If you want to compare me to spaghetti, than yes,” Sehun laughed. He’d never compared himself to food before. “That’s why I do some stretching every day. And right now I go to practice four times a week, though I’m pretty sure it will be less once school starts again.”

“So… when can I see you dance?”

Sehun was a bit taken aback. Not even his friends from school asked him if they could see him dance.

“I don’t know… I guess there’ll be a performance shortly before Christmas again?”

“Tell me as soon as you know the date! I have to see that.”

“Why?” Sehun couldn’t help but wonder aloud.

“You seem to really like dancing. People tend to be really good at what they enjoy,” Luhan smiled at him and nodded. “So… I’ll find out if you decide not to tell me about it!”

“How will you do that?”

“Ask me when I know,” the older pouted. And Jongin said he was too much of a kid in Luhan’s eyes. Like hell he was. He dared to say that he was doing a way better job in acting all grown up and stuff.

“I see. You’ve totally planned it out already. So… what do you do in your free time? I guess you don’t dance… Otherwise you’d have told me about that already,” Sehun was eager to get to know the other one better.

“Not anymore… I gave that up after about a year. It’s not that I was terrible at it… It just felt wrong.”

“Then why did you keep doing it for a whole year?” The younger one couldn’t even believe there were people out there who didn’t like to dance. Like… how did they survive? What did they do to stay in shape?

“Well… Promise me not to laugh!” pleading eyes were looking at him.

“Why would I laugh?”

“Because it’s really stupid,” Luhan confessed. “You know… There was this time… when I was a little younger than you are now… When I really wanted to become an idol. So I decided I needed to know how to dance. And even though my teacher saw some talent in me it just didn’t really feel like my thing.”

Luhan as an idol? Sehun would totally be his biggest fan. He sure had the looks for it.

“But… Isn’t even more important to know how to sing? I mean… that’s what idols do. They sing… If you’re not talented enough to dance hard choreographies they’ll just put you in a band that doesn’t dance those complicated routines, you know?”

“Oh… I know how to sing and I’d like to say I’m pretty good at it,” Luhan seemed a bit taken aback because Sehun thought he didn’t know how to sing.

“Really? How long have you been singing?” Sehun asked before he realized that it was kind of a lame question. Everyone sings. Some, like Jongin, sing in the shower. He himself preferred singing while studying. Even though he wasn’t the best singer it really helped him to release some stress. Jongin just sang when he took a shower at Sehun’s place because he knew Sehun’s brother hated it. Easy as that.

“Ever since I knew how to talk? Maybe even a little before that… I sing the whole day… Ask Kris, my roommate, he hates it,” he laughed. “You should really see his pissed face. He always says he doesn’t mind me singing a bit since I have a nice voice but that it gets annoying after about an hour because he needs to study and call all of his friends and stuff. I swear, he always skypes with someone. That guy is from China but lived in Canada for a few years… So he has to call the whole world or something like that and it gets a little confusing because he talks in about four languages.”

“Well I guess, I wouldn’t like it that much if I wanted to call someone and my roommate was singing in the background. Especially if he has a nice voice! How is he supposed to listen to what his friends are saying?” Sehun tried to argue.

“No I think it’s just because he knows that I love to sing and he loves to make me stop doing whatever I love just so I get bored and he can talk me into doing stupid stuff like putting on a dress and trying to get into our neighbors pants,” the Chinese told him, still laughing.

“You did what? How did you even get a dress?” Sehun really wanted to meet this guy and teach him a lesson. How could he send Luhan to this stranger?

“I don’t know… I think he borrowed it from one of the girls at our dorm? But it was really funny. That guy had no idea that I was a boy until I told him!”

“I don’t know… Wearing girl’s clothes doesn’t sound that funny to me,” the brown haired was sure he’d never do stuff like that.

“It’s like Halloween only in the middle of July. And it was just once. I don’t think it’s something I’ll repeat. Maybe for money… or when I’m drunk. You never know what happens at dorm parties. At least that’s what I heard,” Luhan had finally finished his drink and began to play with his straw.

“You dress like a girl when you’re drunk?”

“I never did until now,” the student shrugged. “I only went swimming in a lake in freaking November. I still have to find the who made me do that.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t drink. It doesn’t seem healthy to me,” Sehun tried to make his point clear.

“You’re cute. And don’t worry. It’s not like I always drink that much… I normally remember every detail of the evening,” the older one didn’t really see the problem in having a little fun.

“If you say so…”

“You’ll know once you’re old enough to drink as well,” the boy sitting in front of him promised.

“I am old enough to drink. The law just doesn’t know it yet. So… do you want me to show you around town a little?” He wanted to make sure Luhan wasn’t bored. That and Luhan had no idea about Seoul, so Sehun wanted to make sure he was the first to show him as many beautiful places as possible.

“Sure! I’d love to get to know Seoul. Kris and I were trying to go to the 63 building yesterday. I guess I don’t need to tell you that we failed miserably,” the blond stood up very excited.

“Well… then let’s start with that. If there’s anything else you want to see just tell me! I’ve been living here all my life. I find more places here than things in my room, I promise!”

They put their empty cups away and headed for the 63 building.

On the way there Luhan told Sehun a little more about himself. Like the fact that he was an only child but really wanted to have a little sister. And that his parents hadn’t been too happy when he told them that he wanted to study in Korea but that they gave in eventually because they knew that it was a great chance for their son to learn the language and become independent. And that he really wanted to go home for Christmas but he didn’t know if he could go because he didn’t really have any holidays at that time.

“You can always come to my place for Christmas, you know?”, was all that Sehun could answer at that because he really didn’t want his favorite hyung to spend Christmas alone while he was having a nice time with his family. But Luhan just laughed at him and told him that he should ask his parents about it first because he didn’t like to turn up at houses without anyone knowing. Sehun made a mental note to ask his mother about it that evening even though he didn’t know how to tell her that he wanted to invite a Chinese guy that he only met twice and had a huge crush on for Christmas. His mother didn’t even know he was gay and he’d prefer it staying like that. She was just too noisy.






The two of them spend a really nice day and Sehun showed Luhan a lot of the places he liked to spend his free time at, before the latter decided to walk his tourist guide home because it was already dark and nearing midnight. Sehun didn’t tell him that he should have been at home about two hours ago and tried to tell him not to walk him home because he was afraid that his mother would cause a scene.

“But it’s late and I don’t want you to run into trouble,” Luhan had told him.

“I’ve been living here for fifteen years now and I’ve never ran into trouble. And it’s too late for that. You may not be able to catch the last subway to go back to your dorm!” Well… that sounded great. That would mean that the other would have to sleep in Sehun’s room. Maybe this idea wasn’t bad at all.

“I’ll just walk there. I don’t want you to wander around alone,” Luhan made sure to stomp his feet on the ground to show the younger that he really meant it.

“And I don’t want you to walk through Seoul all alone as well. You don’t even know how to get back to your dorm once you take one wrong turn. And I swear this city looks a lot different at night.”

As much as Sehun liked the idea of having Luhan over for the night, he knew the blonde one would never stay and would really walk to his dorm by foot. And he was just really worried that he would get lost because the teen got a demonstration of how bad Luhan was at finding his way through the big city the whole afternoon. He’d probably end up in Busan.

It seemed like Luhan just thought about that as well because he started biting his lip and looked down to the floor. “But promise to text me, once you get home, okay?”, he finally gave in.

“I will,” Sehun smiled at him. “Sleep well, Luhan!”

“You too. And thanks a lot for today, Sehun. I had a lot of fun.” There it was again. This blinding smile that made Sehun’s knees go weak. And then Luhan pressed his lips against the younger ones again. Maybe Sehun was hallucinating but he could swear it lasted a little longer this time. But before he could really progress it Luhan was around the next corner and he couldn’t see him anymore.



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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~