Chapter 28

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea


“Lulu… I need help! And emotional backup,” Sehun whined as he plopped down on the older’s bed.

“Hey there, little one,” Kris grinned at him. “How did you like the party?”

“I missed everything! We should have stayed… I mean… Can you imagine what happened?” He turned to his boyfriend for the question.

“Kris went home with a girl? I already know that,” Luhan giggled.

“Nice one, Kris! Congratulations! But no… I meant the part that we all missed…”

“Tell me about it then…”

“Kyungsoo… Broke up with Eunmi!”

“No way!” Luhan sat up. “Why?”

“Because he got jealous… Nayeon and Jongin kissing was too much for him…”

“I told you it was only to get him jealous,” Luhan grinned proudly. “Trust me when it comes to stuff like that.”

“I don’t really know Kyungsoo,” Kris butted in. “But to me it seems like Nayeon would be the better choice!”

“That’s why I’m here… Jongin wants to give him a chance… How can I stop this?”

“Not at all, baby… If he wants to try it… Let him try… If it doesn’t work out he’ll learn something from it. You never know… They may become one of those happy-and-together-for-the-rest-of-our-lives-couples,” his boyfriend told him while playing with his hair. “You hair got really long… How do you still see anything?”

“I don’t need to see anything other than you,” Sehun smiled at him and moved closer to kiss the other.

“Are you planning to do this longer than five minutes? Because that would mean I’d have to find somewhere else to study,” Kris nagged.

“Shut up, grumpy pants… I didn’t kiss him when I came here… I had to make up for it…”

“Don’t call him grumpy pants, Hunnie… Of course he’d get depressed when he sees us being happy all the time… He’s just an old lonely single with no love in his life,” Luhan sighed dramatically. “I’m so glad I’m not him.”

“I hate you… Both of you… But I hate Luhan more,” the tallest of them mumbled, packed his books and left them alone.

“That’s how to get rid of your roommate,” Luhan winked and straddled Sehun’s lap. “I missed you.”

“You just saw me… About 18 hours ago, Lu,” the younger giggled.

“Whatever, baby… I still missed you.” The Chinese started to trail kisses along his neck.

“Lu… Focus! Kyungsoo…”

“Do you have to think about that while I try to seduce you?”

“Can we talk about that before you seduce me? Because it’s about my best friend’s sanity…”

“Too late… It left him years ago…”

“Luuuu… I’m serious!”

“So am I… Let him figure this out on his own. It’s his life… His relationship and most importantly his heart. So it’s his decision who to give it to… About Kyungsoo… I mean… He’s my friend… But if he dares to hurt Jongin again I’ll help you dig his grave…”

“Thanks,” he smiled at the older.

“Now are we done with this discussion? Because Kris will only be gone for about an hour… And I kind of didn’t get enough of you yesterday.”

“It’s not my fault that my mum had lunch ready when you decided to be .” Sehun laughed at Luhan’s perplex expression.

“I didn’t decide that… It’s your fault! You should really change in the bathroom… I mean… Who comes into their room with just a towel around their hips and wet hair?”

“I always did and you never had any problems with it before!”

“I always did and you never had any problems with it before!”

“Oh I did… I just never told you… You gave me lots of problems… Too many… And now you’ll have to make up for all of them! Gradually… Not everything today… I want to savor this as long as possible…”

“Lu… I’ll have with you even without having a reason, you know?” the younger was still giggling.

“But I’d feel bad about it… You’re still not 16!”

“LUUUUUUU! I feel like 80… Now stop talking about my age!”

“EWWW! 80? I’m sleeping with an old man… Thanks, baby… Now I have images in my mind…” Luhan pulled a face before covering his face with his hands.

“Good… prepare yourself for what your life will be like when you’re 84.”

“Now that makes it sound a lot better… You’ll still date me when I’m old and wrinkled?”

“Sure… You’ll still be the most beautiful person in the universe.” That had Luhan blushing really hard.

“Hunnie… Stop making me love you more than I already do! Not fair,” he pouted.

“Okay, okay… I’ll lie next time… 55 minutes…”


“Until Kris is back… Now get undressed, my little deer,” Sehun smirked.

“If you want me you’ll have to do something for it,” the older protested only to shriek a few seconds later when Sehun rolled them around and got rid of his clothes for him.






“You hair is a mess, dude… Where do you come from?” Jongin’s voice greeted him as soon as he got back to his room.

“Outside,” Sehun answered and rolled his eyes while he got some clothes for the night out of his closet. “I’m going to take a shower… Don’t make yourself more at home than you already do…”

“Can’t we talk before you take a shower?”

“No we can’t…”

“It’s important!”

“I’d like to shower before this, please?”


“I just had with Luhan, okay?”

“Gross! Why are you still here? Oh god… What did I do wrong to deserve this?” Jongin threw his arms up in the air.

“You let yourself into my room without my permission… That’s what you did wrong… Now… Still up for some cuddling?” The younger grinned and walked to his bed where his best friend was currently sitting.

“Hell no! Shower! Now! I don’t want you to touch me before you’re clean again…”

“You’re such a baby sometimes,” Sehun giggled and left for a nice hot shower because well… The one in Luhan’s dorm was kind of broken. Actually it wasn’t the shower. It was the whole building that had no hot water for the whole day and the teen almost felt bad for leaving his boyfriend to fight with the cold water alone.

When he came back, his hair still a bit damp, Jongin was nearly asleep.

“Wow… I didn’t need that much time… You wanted to talk, oaf,” he kicked the taller which had him leaping up.

“Right… Is this going to be a daily thing now? You coming back from without taking a shower?”

“No… The dorm just doesn’t have warm water for today… I promise to take a shower there tomorrow,” he only rolled his eyes before sitting down next to Jongin. “Now spill… I’m sure that’s not why you’re here…”

“I talked to Kyungie today…”

“He’s ‘Kyungie’ again… Must be a good sign,” Sehun sighed.

“Well… We’re not together or anything,” Jongin lay back down.

“Why not?”

“He just broke up with Eunmi and she doesn’t know that it’s because of me… And… He said he wants some time… Before he dives into a new relationship… He thinks it wouldn’t be fair for any of us… So yeah… But he said, he’ll take me out on Friday… Like a real date! Cool, hm?”

“I’m actually impressed… Looks like he wants to do this right… I guess I’ll have to give him another chance if he keeps that up… No but really… It’s good to hear!”

“I know,” Jongin smiled like he hadn’t this year and Sehun was really happy to see that his friend finally seemed to be on the right way. “So… You and Luhan… When is it save to be near you again?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean: When will you stop to jump each other every time you meet?” Actually, Sehun really hoped his best friend would rot in hell because that’s where he belonged.

“I don’t know… How long would it have taken you and ‘Kyungie’?”

“A year, I guess…”

“Then you can come back in a year… See you…”

“Hunnie! Don’t be like that,” Jongin giggled and wrapped his arms around the younger.

“Don’t call me that!”

“Does he call you that when you have ?”

“Kim Jongin! Keep your nose out of my life!”

“Did I hear the words ‘my’ and ‘ life’ in one sentence, Oh Sehun?” his mother asked when she suddenly entered his room and Sehun turned unhealthily pale.

“MUM! Knock before you come in! How many times do I have to tell you?”

“Since when did you guys have ?”

“Mum… Please… This is a conversation I’d rather not have with you,” the teen groaned.

“Actually… It is a conversation we have to have!”

“See you,” Jongin smirked and got up but Sehun’s mother pushed him back down before he could flee.

“Actually I think this is a conversation that you could need as well, Jongin.”

“But I’m not even your son! And my parents don’t care about stuff like that!”

“That’s why,” she told him and Sehun had to try really hard not to laugh at his friend. “So… Since when?”

“Mum… Please… Just accept that we have … I’m not going to tell you the details!”

“Well… You’re grounded for a month… Jongin?”

“I had with Kyungsoo! Like… a week into this year… Maybe two… I can’t really remember the date… Was it even before my birthday? I don’t think so… Anyway… He was the only one… We did it… A few times… I didn’t count,” the boy panicked.

“Well… Okay… I just wanted to know if you ever had … But I guess it’s always good to know everything… Sehun? Last chance…”

“After the party this weekend… You and dad were still out at this strange work-thing dad had to go… I kind of took advantage of it… Sorry,” Sehun hung his head, hoping his mother wouldn’t be angry.

“What does it have to do with me and your father not being here? … You stayed in your room, right? I don’t have to clean the couch?”

“MUM! Oh god… No! We stayed in my room! It’s just… Awkward when you’re just two rooms from mine… I can’t relax knowing you might hear us.” Sehun was sure he looked like a tomato at that time. Or maybe like a strawberry. Because he liked strawberries a lot better than tomatoes.

“Oh… Your brother never cared… I figured you wouldn’t as well,” his mother smiled. “Anyway… Jongin?”

“I already told you everything!”

“I know… So… Kyungsoo… He’s a guy…”

“Well… Yeah… I thought so,” Jongin tried to laugh but it sounded more like he was choking.

“Any possibilities of you ever sleeping with a girl?”

“Not in the near future, I guess…”

“Well then… No one can get pregnant… That’s good! Oh this is so much easier than it was with your brother,” she grinned at Sehun and the teen only glared at her because he was sure it was the worst thing he ever had to undergo. “Well I guess it would be wise to use condoms… But then again I don’t think you really need them, right?”

“It’s easier with them,” Jongin told her and Sehun hid behind his cushion. When would his mother finally leave?

“Okay… Do you want me to buy you some, baby?”

“NO! Just go away! I hate you...”

“Do you need lube? Because I guess it would help as well, right?” She looked at Jongin who nodded.

“MUUUUUUUM! Please… I know everything there is to know… We learnt a lot about in school… And well… Luhan has a lot of experience… He can tell me the rest I need to know. It’s not like you can help me with my remaining questions…”

“Why did you sleep with him when you still have questions?”

“I don’t have any question about how we’re doing it now,” he blushed an even deeper shade of red – if it was even possible.

“What do you mean with that?” His mother seemed lost and Jongin only laughed. This guy really deserved a cruel death.

“Nothing mum… Don’t worry about it… I’ll talk about it with Lu… Just… Let me die already, will you? And promise me never to try to talk about again… I mean… You can… Just NOT with me…”

“ is a natural thing, Sehun. It’s okay to talk about it.”

“I talk about it! With Jongin for example… Just not with my parents… And Sejeon knows about it… It’s just really strange to talk about stuff like that with your parents… Don’t tell Luhan you know about it! He’d never come over again… He already feels guilty every time he comes here,” Sehun pleaded.

“Why does he feel guilty?”


“Because he’s dating your baby,” Jongin rescued him. Rethinking everything maybe Jongin didn’t deserve to die at all.

“Oh… Well… I like him! He’s nice, he studies well… He made Sehun study… And he loves my awkward baby turtle… He doesn’t need to feel guilty! I love him! He’s already part of the family… I hope he stays at least until I’m dead!”

“Thanks mum… You told me to leave before you quit your job,” Sehun mumbled.

“Leave the house… Not the family… And I guess you’ll want your own place sometimes… So you don’t have to wait until your father and I’m out of the house,” she winked at her son and left.

“Please tell me this is all just a really strange dream,” Sehun said as soon as she had closed the door behind her.

“Nope… And it wasn’t that bad! I mean… Your mum’s cool… Now that she knows she might leave the house more often…”

“No… Now that she knows she’ll tease me all the time… Can we please swap parents? I’ll take your sisters as well… No problem!”

“Deal! You’ll want your family back after one of their beauty evenings… I had to watch ‘Grease’ and ‘Titanic’,” Jongin shuddered at the memory.

“No problem! I love ‘Titanic’…”

“Of course you do… You’re gay…”

“Hey! You’re in love with Kyungsoo! That makes you bi!... Oh! Tell me about you and Nayeon!”

“Me and Nayeon? There is no me and- … Oh that! Well… She thought it would be worth a try… I told her about Baek, by the way… Only good things, I swear!”

“Well I guess she was right… You got him,” Sehun giggled. “And what about Baek?”

“She said he looks cute…”

“I thought you didn’t want them to date?”

“That was before I knew I’d get Kyungsoo… I just didn’t want to be the only single! How did we all end up in a relationship at the same time? That’s boring…”

“Well… You can always stay single!”

“No… It’s Yeol’s turn! He’s been in a relationship the longest… He should be satisfied enough to dump her… Maybe not… She’s nice… I like her,” Jongin lay back down and played with Sehun’s teddy.

“Leave Mr. Ted alone… He’s mine!”

“You’ll have to share him… Or bambi… Your decision…”

“Why would I want to share Lu?”

“See… Share Mr. Ted… I like playing with his fur…”

“Go play with Kyungsoo’s fur, oaf!”

“Wow that sounded wrong,” Jongin giggled. “But nope… I’m not going to see him before our date! I’ll stay here and cuddle with you!”

“God help me! I did nothing wrong!”



A/N: Wow... It took me way too long again... I didn't know it would be that much stress to come back home xD So many people tpp meet... So much stuff to do before university starts again... Sorry guys!



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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~