Chapter 38

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“So… What did your parents say when they found out Kyungsoo stayed for the night?” Sehun rolled around on the floor. He knew that he and Jongin had made Sundays to their study days but he just couldn’t find the motivation to open the books. Especially not because Luhan and him had been studying Chinese until 11 at night the day before.

“’Will you move in once our oldest daughter moved out?’”


“Well… They found him in the kitchen… Making breakfast for all of us while cleaning… Mum’s totally in love with him now… She’s trying to set him up with my sister though… You know… The one that’s not going to marry…”

“I figured… But hey… At least she likes him! That’s a good start,” Sehun tried to cheer his best friend up.

“I know… It’s funny how she can’t seem to be okay with the fact that I’m dating a guy when dad clearly doesn’t care anymore… I always thought he’d be the bigger problem…”

“You’re dad’s okay with it?”

“Well… That’s what he told me after Soo left… He told me that he thinks I found a nice boyfriend and proved that not all of his children get themselves s at first… And he said he wishes me luck because he thinks we fit… So yeah… Mum’s the only one left now… And my sister still doesn’t like Soo… But she doesn’t have any problems with the fact that I’m dating a guy…”

“I’m pretty sure your mum’s going to warm up to the idea of three son’s in law soon enough… Or maybe just two… I mean you never know how long you’ll stay with Kyungsoo… Can’t she just pretend that it’s just a phase you’re going through?”

“I’ll tell her to do that tonight,” Jongin laughed. “So… Are we going to study or are you going to roll around some more?”

“Give me a break… Luhan tutored me in Chinese until 11…”

“Ouch… Don’t you guys have better stuff to do?” Sehun blushed crimson when he remembered what had happened before their study session. “Okay… What happened? Did he not let you touch him? You never react like this…”

“I couldn’t really touch him, no…”


“I was tied to my bed,” Sehun coughed awkwardly before finally opening a book. “How about starting with English?”

“Cool… You can tell me what he did in English then...” Jongin grinned and joined him on the floor where he opened his book as well.

“I don’t know how to say all of that in English… And I’m not going to tell you!”

“Why not? We always tell each other stuff like that… Well… The new stuff at least… And I can’t remember ever hearing about you being tied to your bed before… Did you change the sheets?”

“Yes… Why?”

“Good… I’ve been sitting on that bed for about half an hour…”

“I see… And… It was the first time he tied me to my bed… Don’t worry you’re completely up-to-date…”

“I’m glad to hear that… So… Why are you blushing like that? What else did he do to you?” Jongin seemed a little too excited and Sehun sighed.

“Promise not to judge me for this!”

“Why would I? Now spill!”

“Remember when I told you that… No wait… That’s not how I should start this… Okay… So… We never… Changed anything until now…”

“Sehun… I have no idea what you’re talking about,” his best friend looked a bit lost.

“In bed!”

“Oh… Of course not… I heard it hurts like hell! Who would want that?”

“Me… Well… Not the pain… But… Well… Luhan seems to like it… So I thought… Maybe I should try as well?”

“Holy you didn’t!? How bad is it?”

“I don’t know… I just… I promised him to tell him when I’m ready… So I just said I’d like to try it once…”

“But he didn’t want to?”

“Would you let me finish?” Sehun glared at the older.

“Sorry… You’re just so slow,” Jongin rolled his eyes.

“It’s strange to talk about it, okay? So… I told him and he said he didn’t want to do it right away… That we should take it slowly… So he won’t hurt me when we actually do it later…”

“Oh I see… He stuck a finger up your ,” Jongin shrugged his shoulders and was quiet for a while before his eyes got really big and he stared at the younger with his mouth wide open. “Ouch! Why? Doesn’t it hurt like hell?”

“No… One finger’s okay… It’s just a little strange at first…”

“What do you mean ‘one finger’s okay’? There was more than just one finger in… Can you still sit?” It was Sehun’s turn to roll his eyes then.

“I’m perfectly fine, thanks… And it was three of them…”

“How was it?”

“I really don’t know any words to describe that… I’m so glad no one was home.” He buried his face in his hands and shook his head.


“Just… Try it… Trust me… You want this! The first finger is okay… The second is a little uncomfortable… And the third really hurt at first, to be honest… You just need to relax… It gets better sooner than you think… And it’s just… Just try it… And make sure no one’s there to hear you!”

“Excuse me, what? You already had with your parents in the house at least once and they never heard you, Sehun… Don’t get paranoid…”

“Trust me when I tell you to make sure no one’s around.” Sehun made sure to make it clear that he was not going to say any more than that. It was embarrassing enough to tell that much.

“Okay… So… You didn’t sleep with him yet?”

“Not yet… But… I’m kind of glad he wanted to take it slow… That was enough for a day…”

“I’m not sure I want to try that…”

“Your loss… Now… English!”

“Okay, okay… By the way… Joonmyun asked if we could come over to his place next Thursday… He has to babysit his cousin because his mum, who normally does it, has an appointment she has to go to…”

“Sure… You’re the one who said he’d be a creep we couldn’t trust…”

“I still don’t trust him… He slept with my boyfriend!”

“He did? I never thought they went that far… By what Kyungsoo told us… How do you even know?”

“I asked him… Joonmyun was his first… Great, isn’t it?” Jongin scoffed.

“Well… Make sure you’re going to be the last… That’s more important than being the first anyway…”

“You’re right… I can’t wait to see his house! I heard he’s rich! I bet he has lots of rich-people-stuff…”

“What’s ‘rich-people-stuff’?”

“Expensive paintings… A maid… A cook…”

“Jongin… He wouldn’t need to babysit if he had a maid… Now focus! Or I’ll have Joonmyun tutor us in English as well… And all the rest… And then you’ll have to see him every day,” Sehun threatened.

“Why aren’t we studying yet?” Jongin began to open all his books and notes in a hurry.






“Hey! Are you free on Thursday?”

“Hey, Lu! I missed you too… And yes, I’m doing fine, thanks for asking… Oh you called to ask me if I was free on Thursday? I’m sorry but I’m not,” Sehun grinned when he imagined how annoyed Luhan must have looked right now.

“Why would I still need to tell you that I miss you? That’s a general mood now as soon as you’re out of reach… I figured you’d know by now!”

“It’s still nice to hear,” Sehun defended himself with a pout.

“Well then… I missed, you baby. But what do you mean with not being free on Thursday? What are you doing?”

“I’m going to Joonmyun hyung’s place…”

“Why would you go to that guy’s place?”

“Because he tutors us in math on Thursdays? Don’t worry… Jongin will be there as well… We normally meet at the restaurant… But Joonmyun has to babysit his cousin… So he asked us to come over because we would have had to find a new date otherwise… What did you want to do?”

“Oh yeah… I forgot about the tutoring… Make sure Jongin doesn’t kill him!”

“Oh, I will,” the teen promised.

“I wanted to ask you if you’re interested in joining me to the opera this Thursday… My whole class is going to watch a ballet… And everyone’s allowed to bring a friend…”

“Oh… But… That’s at night, right?”

“Sure it is,” Luhan giggled.

“Well… I’m free at night… I sure as hell won’t stay with Joonmyun longer than I have to… He likes school a little too much for my liking!”

“So… Do you want to come?”

“I’d love to! Which ballet is it?”

“One with ballet dancers?”

“Wow, Lu… I see you really know a lot about it,” Sehun smiled a little.

“Is it important? I can ask if you want to…”

“No… I’ll see which one it is on Thursday… I just thought you would know… I’ll have to ask mum though… You know what she thinks about me staying out late during the week….”

“Oh yeah… I forgot about her… Don’t tell her though! She would be disappointed to hear that,” Luhan pleaded.

“Don’t worry… I won’t tell her… Can you just text me when it starts and ends? I’m sure she’d like to know that…”

“I’ll text you as soon as I asked someone… Wow I’m organized… Am I always like that?”

“No… Is something wrong?”

“I don’t think so… Kris wasn’t home the whole night… But… He’s a grown guy… I shouldn’t worry about it…”

“I’m sure he just met a nice girl!”

“I hope she won’t be over too much,” the older sighed. “I need to study!”

“Well then… Hang up, go ask someone about Thursday… Text me and then study… Don’t forget to eat and sleep!”

“I won’t, mum!”

“I wouldn’t remind you if I didn’t know you tend to forget both when you study…”

“I know… Thanks for worrying, baby!”

“Anything for you, Lu… I love you!”

“Mhm… Love you too… Okay… I have to go… Teacher’s here…”

“Okay… Bye!”

“Bye,” Luhan giggled.



“Hang up… Your teacher’s there…”

“Okay… Bye, baby!” Sehun didn’t get to reply anything anymore because Luhan had finally decided to hang up and listen to what his teacher had to say.

“I heard the words ‘Lu’ and ‘ballet’ in the same conversation… Something doesn’t feel right,” Jongin said and Sehun nearly jumped.

“When did you come here?”

“It’s lunch break… I’m sorry…”

“I didn’t see you…”

“Yeah… Everyone could see the hearts flying around your head… That’s why we didn’t talk to you until now,” Chanyeol said.

“Oh… And what’s wrong about the combination of Lu and ballet?”

“Didn’t know bambi was into ballet…”

“He’s not… He doesn’t even know which one it is… He has to go there for one of his classes and he asked me to join since he can bring a friend…”

“Cool… When are you going?”

“Thursday… Well… I still have to ask mum… But I guess she won’t be against me going to the opera… So I’ll leave a little earlier… Sorry, Joonmyun!”

“Oh it’s okay,” the oldest of them said. “You should really go there since you get it for free. It’s always nice to go to the opera!”

“He’s not really sorry,” Jongin said. “He enjoys leaving me there because he’s the devil in person…”

“Hey! I’m the one who wanted help, okay… You just go there because Kyungsoo wants you to…”

“It doesn’t really matter why I go there as long as I do,” Jongin clarified.

“Jongin… Let Sehun have a little fun. Going to the opera is a nice thing that everyone should do once in a while and he gets to go there with his boyfriend so it’s double the fun,” Joonmyun tried to calm the younger down.

“Going to the opera ,” Jongdae said from the side.

“Yeah,” Baekhyun agreed. “You have to sit still for way too long and pretend to understand what’s going on…”

“It’s a ballet,” Sehun told them. “There’s dancers on the stage… There’s NO problem understanding what’s going on…”

“Just give it up already,” Joonmyun laughed. “They are not interested in culture and any kind of art…”

“Ballet is no art,” Jongdae said.

“Oh it is… Well… I think it is… You can express yourself through it and other people can enjoy it,” the oldest told his friend and Sehun smiled at him. He liked Joonmyun more every day. The guy wasn’t only nice to everyone but also ready to help you with anything and open for everything as well. Sehun would love to be like that one day. Smart, nice and well-behaved and someone people could look up to. It sounded nice. Somehow even better to be a troll like Jongdae even though it had sounded really exciting just a two weeks ago.

“Well… Now that everyone knows that Sehun and I do art twice a week… You should pay us more respect,” Jongin decided and Joonmyun shook his head at him.

“Don’t expect others to give you something you’re not willing to give first,” he said before leaving for his next class and Sehun decided that yes, it would be nice to be like Joonmyun. He even found a way to point someone’s mistakes out without making it sound too impolite.

He couldn’t wait to spend more time with the older to find out more about him and maybe find out how to become a little more like him on the way. It would be nice to have teachers like him and have good grades. It would be a lot easier to find a nice job that allowed you to spend your weekends at home when you could show off a nice report card and he could get a job that paid more than the average job he always thought he’d be stuck with. Maybe he’d even be able to buy a small little house a little outside of the city where he and Luhan could enjoy Saturday-afternoon coffee in their own garden and Sunday-morning walks with their dog. Being a little more like Joonmyun sounded like putting a lot more effort into his studies. But at the same time it sounded like a way more secure future with lots of things to enjoy. Being a little more like Joonmyun sounded like the right thing to do even though it would be hard to accomplish.



A/N: Here you go with some more... I don't know what it is xD I just found updating more interesting than my Japanese homework...

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~