Chapter 15

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

All of their tests had gone pretty well and even Jongin had managed to get a pretty decent grade on his maths test. But he still decided he never wanted to study with Sehun and Luhan again. He had said something about the two of them looking at each other like Romeo and Juliette when they weren’t busy blushing and shyly grinning at each other.

Sehun was pretty sure his best friend was exaggerating though. They had just studied. The same way they always did. Well… the same way they did when someone else was watching. They tended to get a little distracted when they were alone.

There were only a few days left before the Christmas holidays would be starting and Sehun was currently freaking out because he still didn’t know what to get Luhan as a present.

“Jongin!!! Save me!” he screamed into his phone as soon as the other picked up.

“Wow… It’s 8 in the morning on a Saturday… Calm down. Whatever it is, it can wait until after 12,” the older was about to hang up when he heard his best friend’s desperate whine.

“But next week’s Christmas, Jongin.”

“I know. Great, right?”

“NO! I still don’t know what to get Luhan… I already have everything for Baek, Yeol and you… I even got something for Kyungsoo… But I just don’t know what to get Luhan… I fail as a boyfriend…”

“Did you say you got something for Kyung? Why?”

“Well… he’s going to be at Yeol’s on the 24th… So I should give him something as well since everyone else will get something, right?”

“… I didn’t know he’ll be there as well… Okay… Breathe Sehun, breathe… it’s not as bad as it seems.” He heard how Jongin got up and rummaged through his room to find some clothes.

“You’re the one nearly killing yourself while trying to find his way through a dark room… Did I stress you with mentioning your little boyfriend?” The teen grinned.

“He’s not my boyfriend, Sehun,” the other told him for the ninth time.

“Well… not yet… I mean… You guys meet up at least twice a week!”

“Because I’m lonely when you’re always with bambi… Yeol’s girlfriend came back early and Baek seems to have found someone as well… That leaves me and Kyung as the only singles, you know?”

“We’ll see how long you are… Baek found a girl? REALLY? Who?”

“Cute, kinda small, long hair, nice body… The new girl from Busan… She’s always at his side…”

“That’s his cousin, you moron,” Sehun couldn’t help but laugh.

“Oh… Do you think he’d be okay with me dating her?”

“No… Now get ready! I’ll be in front of your house in ten!”

“Right… Do that… I’ll come out in twenty… Have fun freezing.”






Their trip to the mall would have been successful if they’d been looking for stuff for themselves. But since this wasn’t the case the two best friends were rather devastated when looking at everything they’d bought and still couldn’t find anything that was good enough as a gift for their friends.

“You know what? I’ll give Luhan a kiss…”

“Wow… Because you never kissed him before… I’ll give Kyungsoo… I don’t know…”

“Your heart…”

“Exactly! My heart! Thanks, Sehun. That’s an awesome idea… And afterwards I’ll jump down the next bridge I can find,” the taller rolled his eyes.

“A kiss?”

“You and your thick head. Me and Kyung are friends. Not a couple. I don’t like him that way.”

“It was worth a try! But remember my words when you change your mind.”

“I won’t change my mind. Don’t you think I’d already have fallen for him if it’s supposed to happen?”

“No… Look and Baek and Yeol… I still didn’t give up on them… Even though I really like Yeol’s girlfriend and they’re perfect for each other… Okay… I just gave up on those two idiots being together… Just think about how cute Yeol’s babies will be when he stays with her forever! Oh god… I need to tell them to get kids so I can babysit!”

“Sehun? Yeol’s 17… Don’t you think that’s a little early to get kids?”

“Damn… Okay… No kids for Yeol… But in a few years… I’ll send him a text so he’ll know I’m waiting to be an uncle,” Sehun took his phone out.

“You won’t be their uncle, you idiot,” Jongin rolled his eyes.


“Just get some kids on your own…”

“Yeah… I guess Luhan’s pretty good at giving birth.”

“That’s why I want to date a girl!”

“You can always marry a girl later! Just take Kyung before. Please? For me?”

“Why for you? I date who I want to date and- Wait… my phone’s ringing… That’s Kyung… See you tomorrow,” Jongin told him while picking up his bags and leaving before answering his phone and Sehun thought it was a little strange that his friend left before answering the call. He’d never done that before. Or maybe he’d just gotten sick of talking about dating boys again.






Luhan came over on the 23rd because Sehun’s mother wanted him to get comfortable and sleep long on the 24th. And she had insisted that the Chinese needed to help decorate the Christmas tree. Which was kind of weird considering they were Koreans and didn’t really celebrate Christmas. And they’d never had a tree before… But he was guessing it was his mother’s way of trying to make Luhan think about everything but his own family in China that he couldn’t see this holidays and he was really grateful that his mother wanted his boyfriend to be happy.

He didn’t like the fact that his mother occupied Luhan most of the day though. He hadn’t really gotten to talk to his boyfriend at all because the older had been busy helping his mother clean the house and bake a cake. And then the two of them had had some afternoon tea with cookies that Sehun hadn’t even been invited to and he was getting a little annoyed because it seemed like the Chinese had forgotten that he was sitting in his room waiting for him.

That at least had given him some time to finish his present for the other. He’d decided to knit his

boyfriend some warm pullovers since he knew the older was always freezing and didn’t bring enough winter clothes with him. He’d gotten the idea when he’d seen his mother knitting some socks for his father and had asked her to teach him how to do it right away. It had taken him the whole week to knit two pullovers and two matching pairs of socks but he was really proud of himself because they looked really good and he’d even managed to knit a reindeer into one of them with his mother’s help. He’d just forgotten to wrap them up before Luhan had come over and it had taken him three tries until he was satisfied with the result. He’d just put the present back into his wardrobe when the door opened and Luhan entered with a plate full of cookies and two mugs filled with hot chocolate.

“Hey, baby,” he said and put down the stuff to kiss him. “I’m sorry it took me so long to come up here… But I didn’t want to seem rude by leaving her alone… She seemed so happy that I helped her.” Sehun forgot that he’d been angry before when he saw Luhan’s apologetic smile and decided to kiss the older’s nose.

“It’s okay… I know she can get annoying… And she’s just trying to keep you busy so you won’t feel lonely.”

“She thinks I’ll get lonely when I’m with you?”

“I guess that’s not the kind of not-lonely she wants you to be,” the younger chuckled.

“She told me to have fun when she told me I could come up here… I’m going to have fun my way…”

“Can I try the cookies first? I wasn’t allowed to eat any until now…”

“I know… That’s why I stole them for you,” Luhan told him. “The chocolate ones are awesome!”

“You stole cookies?”

“Yeah… Because your mum told me that you guys aren’t allowed to eat them before tomorrow. I thought it wasn’t fair that I still got to eat some… I guess your father already got himself some as well… And I don’t know your brother good enough to steal for him… So I just got some for you.”

“I love you,” the younger sighed and ate a cookie. “You saved my day.”

“Wow… cookies save your day? You should ask for more...”

“Don’t even try to do anything funny! My mum’s still here… she might even be right in front of my door eavesdropping.”

“It’s really cute how you turn into an innocent little baby as soon as she’s around,” the older giggled.

“I don’t want her to know about that… sorry… I mean… You didn’t do stuff like that when your mum was around, right?”

“I tried not to… She still came back early once and found me and some guy on the sofa…”

“Doing what?”

“We were having … Hot … We were rather loud and we didn’t notice she was there until we were done… It got kind of awkward when we found out.”

“Wow… I hope you don’t plan on repeating that with my mum… I’m not up for it. What did she say?”

“’You can do that in your room… I don’t want stains on my couch. And if your bed’s not enough use the shower!’ And then she just went to sleep and we never spoke about it again. Maybe because that guy never came over again…”

“Was he that scared?”

“No… But we weren’t dating… It was nothing more than a one-time thing,” Luhan shrugged his shoulders.

“Oh…,” was all Sehun could say.

“What’s wrong?”


“Drink your hot chocolate before it gets cold, will you? I didn’t even steal it.”

“Mhm…,” the younger did as he was told and sat on his bed, the plate of cookies in one hand, his mug in the other.

“Okay… Did I say something wrong?”

“No… I’m just thinking…”

“Stop thinking… You always think too much and get weird ideas when you do,” the older said and sat down next to him.

“How bad is it?”

“How bad is what?”

“How bored are you?”

“I’m not bored at all! I just helped cleaning a whole house,” the other laughed.

“I mean… Me…”

“What’s with you?”

“I must be the most boring person ever for you…”

“Sehun… How many times are we going to talk about that until you’ll finally realize that I love you?”

“I know that… But I mean…”

“Is it about again? I’m not bored. I guess it’s good to have a break sometimes. And stop worrying about it so much. It’s just … There are people who never have in their whole life.”

“But you already know what you’re missing.”

“I can live without it… Okay… that’s it… no more stories from my past for you,” the Chinese decided.


“Because it always makes you question yourself and our relationship and I don’t like that. We’re going to take things slow and I promise you I’ll still be happy, okay?”

“Tell me when you’re not.”

“Sehun… Stop thinking that is important for a relationship!”

“Why? It is! You had with all of your ex-boyfriends, right?”

“Well… yeah… But it’s not like I can say I don’t regret sleeping with all of them. If I’m being honest I shouldn’t have done it with at least half of the guys I slept with and it’s not like I’m proud of it…”

“Then why did you do it?”

“Because I was as stupid as you are now. I thought it was important and that they’d be bored if I didn’t. And because I thought they wouldn’t love me if I didn’t. And looking back I can tell you that most of them didn’t really love me… They only loved my body… So please trust me when I tell you not to just jump into stuff like I did because in the end it’s just going to hurt you,” he looked at Sehun with big eyes and the younger could see that he was being completely honest so he just nodded. He felt a little stupid for bringing it up again.



“Are you mad at me now?”

“No… Why should I? It’s just… Sorry for bringing it up again,” the younger looked at his feet.

“It’s okay, baby. You should tell me when you worry about something. Then we can talk about it right?” Sehun nodded again and finally looked at Luhan again.

“I just feel like I’m keeping you from a lot of stuff… Not just … I mean… You never go clubbing and I always feel like you’re doing it because of me. And you only hang out with younger people and-“ he was cut off by Luhan’s lips on his.

“Babo! You’re not keeping me from anything. I don’t go clubbing because I drank more than enough for my whole life and I feel like I should finally do something with my life that’s not partying. And I hang out with people my age at university. What is more is that I really like your friends, you know? They’re all really accepting and they’re fun. So stop feeling like you’re hindering me at something. If anything it’s more like you helping me staying on track because I met nice people who care for my wellbeing and with you I finally found someone who doesn’t want me just because I’m an easy guy or to show off because everyone in the club knows me.”

The teen didn’t really know what to say to all of that so he just settled for a thankful smile before pulling the other on his lap and hugging him tightly.

“I love you, baby,” Luhan whispered after a while.

“I love you too… And I’m sorry that you had to meet that many stupid guys.”

“It’s not your fault I was stupid and went against everything my parents said… I sometimes feel like coming to Korea kind of saved me.”

“Well… I can’t argue with that… I mean… You found an awesome boyfriend!”

Luhan giggled and pinched his sides. “You’re an idiot, you know that, right?

“Mhm… I get it a lot… But I’m your idiot.”




A/N: Okay... It's kind of strange to update abut all this christmas stuff when it's July xD
So... here you go with HunHan talking about lots of things that couples should speak about from time to time I guess... It's my gift because SM decided to FINALLY give us the Drama-Version xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~