Chapter 12

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“Hey… Sehun? You still here?” the younger felt something poking his cheek and had to discover Jongin’s finger jabbing his face.

“What?” he wanted to know rather annoyed.

“I’ve been talking to you for about 5 minutes… Is everything okay? You didn’t get into a fight with the deer, right?”

Sehun blushed a deep red when his best friend mentioned the older and shook his head.

“Okay…” the taller took a seat at Sehun’s desk. “Why do you look exactly like the tomatoes my mother tried to feed me as a snack?”

“You should have eaten them… They’re healthy and you’re stupid…”

“That doesn’t explain your crimson face, baby,” Jongin tried again. “It started when I mentioned Luhan… How was the party, by the way? Did you get drunk? Found any nice college girls for me?”

“I guess… I can’t really remember them… And holy I was drunk… I couldn’t even remember what I did when I woke up… It was like the whole evening was erased from my head… Well… The memory came back later…” Sehun had gotten quieter at the end and his cheeks got even redder at the last sentence.

“Holy … What did you do?” Of course Jongin would want to know.

“Me? Nothing…”

“What did Luhan do?”

“Do I have to tell you?” the younger buried his face in his hands because he thought it was really embarrassing to tell his best friend about that.

“You finally got laid?”

“What do you mean with finally? It’s not like you ever had …” he reminded the black haired boy who was now sitting on the side of his bed.

“True… So you guys didn’t… You know?”

“No… He… He… Forget it… it’s really embarrassing.”

“Tell me! Pleaseeeeee?” Was that guy trying to look cute while blinking like an idiot? Maybe he should tell him it looked pretty stupid before he tried to impress a girl with his new found technic.

“Stop that… You look like a retard…”

“Fine… Don’t tell me. It’s not like I really want to know anyway.” The taller lay down and pouted. “And I’m not going to you what I did with my girlfriend as well… Well… Once I found one of course!”

Sehun rolled his eyes. “He gave me a . Happy?”

Jongin sat back up in record time. “He… WHAT?” his jaw nearly hit the floor and he looked completely shocked. “Innocent little Luhan did WHAT?”

“Innocent my … And you heard me the first time. Now stop screaming before my mother hears,” he tried to quiet is friend down.

“Holy… How was it?”


“Only nice? Why did he even…?”

“It was more than nice… And well… the first time was when-“

“First time?” Jongin butted in. “That means there was an encore? Wow… Sehun… Congratulations!”

Sehun kept silent for a few seconds to make sure he had the taller’s attention again before he continued. “The first time was after the party… I kind of nearly his face off in public and he decided we should take that stuff to his room. Before you ask: Kris was still out… somewhere… With Yixing… But I guess they’re just friends…”

“Yixing? From our dance group? He’s friends with Kris? Weird… Yixing’s a fun guy and really nice… And from what you told me Kris is a freaking ice tower,” his friend wondered.

“Seems like he has a nice side as well… So… when I woke up Luhan was still sleeping… And Kris gave me some painkillers and wanted to know if I could still remember what I did with Luhan in public or something… Well… From then on everything came back rather slowly and it got a little awkward when Luhan woke up…”

“Was Kris still there?”

“No! Thank god…”

“What did you do until Luhan woke up?”

“I took a shower and put on some new clothes…”

“In your boyfriend’s shower, you pig!” Jongin slapped his arm.

“NO! Oh god no! Jongin! I’m not you.”

“Go on with the story…”

“Yeah… Luhan sensed that something was wrong with me… and I told him after a while. Because I still wasn’t sure if the pictures in my head were only imagination… You know… I think about stuff like that a lot... And I shouldn’t have told you that,” Sehun already regretted opening his mouth and the other grinned.

“You think about Luhan when you ? Nice… About him blinking innocently of more like him stripping?”

“Do we have to talk about that?” Sehun’s face was crimson again. Sometimes he really wondered why he still bothered with the oaf that lived next door.

“Honestly… I’d rather not know… It would totally ruin my picture of you.”

“Which picture?”

“The one that you’re already ruining… I always thought you were the nice, innocent one of us… But it seems like I’m lacking a lot of experience now…”

“Yeah… you’re still waiting for a girl to make the first move… Girls don’t do that…”

“I’m capable of making the first move! I just don’t know what to do after that…”

“That’s why I tell you to date a guy all the time… You already know what guys like. How about that girls from Friday by the way?”

“We went to the cinema on Saturday… It was nice… But we both decided it was better to just be friends… And back to that idea of a guy for me…”

“Wow! Are you finally realizing that they’re better or are you just desperate?” Sehun couldn’t believe that Jongin was willing to talk about that topic.

“Neither nor… I just want to have this talk already so you’ll leave me alone. Will you when I go out with one?”

“Like… on a date? With a guy? When he knows that it’s a date?” Sehun sat up. This was going to be fun.

“Yeah… But don’t cry afterwards because it didn’t work out.”

“Can I decide who you’re going out with?”

“Yeah… Why? Do you already have someone in your mind? And I swear to god! If you’re talking about Baek, you’re dead meat.”

“I was thinking about that Kyungsoo guy… He seemed nice.”

“Kyungsoo? Is he even gay? And you only met him once…”

“Luhan meets him all the time and he has only nice things to say about him. He studies well, knows when to shut up and is really funny, once you get to know him a little. And he looks cute. I like his big eyes,” Sehun told him.

“Take him then…”

“I like Luhan’s eyes even more… I’m just saying that Kyungsoo seems like a mature, collected and quiet guy. The total opposite of you.”

“Yeah… I mean… I met him once after the DVD evening… He’s nice… But like I said: I don’t know if he’s interested in guys.”

“You think he’s nice? That’s great. That means you won’t be a total jerk and you’ll find something to talk about,” Jongin rolled his eyes at that. “I’ll get Luhan to ask him if he’s gay.”

“You can’t just go up to that poor guy and say something like ‘Hey… My boyfriend wants his best friend, who you played computer games with after eating Samgyeopsal, to go on a date with a guy. But that friend isn’t gay… So it will only be a one-time thing for sure. Are you interested?’ That sounds really stupid.”

“I was thinking about something like casually asking him about what kind of girls or guys he likes when there hanging out after choir practice like they always do… You went out to eat dinner with him? Just the two of you?”

“Yeah… Why? Jealous because I didn’t take you with us? Sorry… You were busy with bambi.”

“You let him play your sacred videogames?”

“Yeah… I let you do that all the time, don’t I?”

“I see,” was all Sehun said before texting his boyfriend about his plan.

“What do you mean with that?”

“You like him.” It wasn’t even a question but Jongin seemed to have the need to answer.

“Of course I do. You already said that he’s really nice. And he knows a lot about all those games. Well… and you don’t really have time to play with me anymore…”

“We can play now, if you want to!”

“No… I’m too lazy to move. Keep going with your story…”

“What story?” Sehun looked up from his mobile phone to look at the other confused.

“You, Luhan, . Does that ring a bell?”

“Oh… he just did it to show me what he did the night before… Back to you and Kyungsoo…” Sehun smirked and Jongin only groaned and pulled the blanket above his head.






Sehun and Luhan had met at the bubble tea shop the next weekend to plan the date for Jongin and Kyungsoo. That was… If Kyungsoo would agree to going on a date with someone as stupid as Jongin. Sehun really hoped that he would because maybe Jongin would really like the big eyed boy… And then there was this part of him that wanted Kyungsoo to disagree because he just knew that his best friend would find a way to the whole date up… And the friendship between him and the singer as well. And Sehun didn’t want his oaf of a best friend to lose his new friend.

“So… I talked to Kyung,” Luhan stated once they got their drinks – extra-large – and hat sat down.

“-Soo! His name’s Kyungsoo,” Sehun corrected him.

“Well… we just call him Kyung… Or Kyungie.”

“But Luhan,” the younger whined. “No cute nicknames for those who aren’t your boyfriends!”

“Boyfriends? I have more of them? Oh god… that means a lot of stress.”

“I’m being serious!”

“Me too, baby. It will be hard to keep the others a secret from you,” his boyfriend smiled at him.

“What did Kyung say?” he asked and grumbled a little.

“He’s had a boyfriend before… and two girlfriends… He seems to be open for everything.”

“He’s had a relationship before? That awkward guy that doesn’t talk much? HOW?”

“He talks a lot actually. He just needs a little time to warm up to people… Oh… Talking about relationships… We’re in one… I didn’t get my kiss when you came here,” the blonde complained.

“We’re in public, Luhan. We’re both guys and I’m four years younger than you,” the younger pointed out “You’ll get you kiss once we’re out of here and somewhere with less people.”

“Let’s take a walk then!”

“We’ll talk about that date thing first… I know us. There won’t be a lot of talking the moment we’re without other people.”

“Aish… Why do you have to be so reasonable?” the older pouted and Sehun took a quick look around before pressing a short kiss against the other’s lips.

“So… That was your preview for later… Now focus, hyung!”

“I like it, when you’re like that,” Luhan just grinned.

“Can we just talk about Jongin and Kyungsoo? The faster you start talking, the faster we’re out of here and in my room.”

“I like what you say today as well… So listen…”

Luhan told him that Kyungsoo’s last relationship had been about a year ago and the girl had dumped him for another guy. And he even found out that the smaller really liked to write songs for those that he liked. But Sehun didn’t really know why that information was relevant.

Either way it seemed like the quiet boy had told the Chinese that he liked hanging out with Jongin because the latter was fun to be around and really mature for his age. At that point the teen wondered if him and Kyungsoo were talking about the same Jongin, because the one he knew was the most childish 15-year-old you could find.

The only problem was that neither Luhan nor Sehun were sure how to ask the other to go on a date with Sehun’s best friend. If they just asked him Kyungsoo might think it was a joke… Or he would think that Jongin really liked him and didn’t have the guts to tell him personally.

And just telling him that it was for ‘science’ only could really hurt the other feelings and that would result in Kyungsoo hating Sehun and Luhan and probably even Jongin.

“How about a blind-date?” Luhan asked when they were already through half of their second bubble tea.

“Well… At least he wouldn’t hate Jongin… It will look like we’re the only ones to blame… How about we go on a double-date? Like… You ask Kyung to go to the cinema… I bring the oaf… and we just ‘accidentally’ bump into each other when getting popcorn?”

“Yeah… because the chances of them really getting together are pretty high when both of us are there with them,” the older just rolled his eyes. “This is not a movie, baby.”

“Okay… Then… We could lock them into a storeroom! That would be cool.”

“Still not a movie but reality,” Luhan said and played with his straw.

“Okay… no cool American stuff then… We ask them to meet us at the cinema… and then… when they’re already there, we’ll call them and say that… I don’t now… I cut myself really badly while trying to cook for you and you have to take me to the hospital?”

“That could work… I can see that happening. Promise me not to try to cook for me. I don’t want to be the one to blame when you die…”

“You’re so funny today,” the younger pouted.

“Sorry, baby. That’s the sugar. But… Why should we lie to Jongin? He knows about the plan, right?”

“You know him… He says a lot of stuff… I just want to make sure that he can’t chicken out in the last second.”

“And why Kyung?”

“He lets him play his video games!”


“You don’t understand… That’s like… Letting your best friend date your younger sister and your mum at the same time,” Sehun said.

“That’s gross! But I guess I get what you’re trying to tell me… It’s just… what if it ruins their friendship?”

“It won’t. I mean… it’s just the cinema. They were planning on going there with us… And if they want to they can see it as just an evening with a friend. We’ll just have to pick an action movie or something like that. No horror… and definitely no lovey-dovey--thing.”

“Okay… deal! No can we go to your place before my bladder explodes?” Sehun just laughed at his boyfriend’s despaired expression and tousled his hair.



A/N: So I finally got used to everything here and finished the paper I had to write for my university at home... It was a lot of stress with all the homework we get here... But I love it! The teachers are awesome and I met lots of really nice people!
Anyway... my sister didn't read throught this yet... we didn't work the time difference out yet xD So I'm sorry for the mistakes!
(We only had a skype-session that lasted about 40 minutes so I could show her the SuJu-Photobook I bought for her xD)

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~