Chapter 49

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“Why are you hiding in the garden?” Sehun giggled a little as he stumbled over to Joonmyun.

“I’m totally not hiding,” the older told him, his voice as unsteady as Sehun’s. “I just needed some fresh air… What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you…”


“Haven’t seen you in a while… Thought I should check up on you…” Sehun wrapped his arms around his friend.

“Well… You found me… Congratulations… Now go back before Luhan comes looking for you…”

“Lu’s upstairs… Looking at Baek’s CDs… Those two and music… You know them… He could be gone for about a year.” Joonmyun managed a small smile when he saw how much concentration it took for Sehun to tell him that.

“Okay… Maybe you should go inside and sit down… You’re drunk…”

“So are you… Let’s sit here.” And with that Joonmyun found himself sitting in Sehun’s lap. “I have a wish…”

“Really?” The older in a breath when Sehun’s arms around him tightened.


“Why would I grant you a wish?”

“It’s my birthday, duh!” Joonmyun sighed and nodded for Sehun to go on. “I want a kiss!”

“…” They stared at each other for a while. “What?”

“A kiss… K.I.S.S.! Like… Pressing our lips together and stuff?”

“I know what a kiss is, dummy… I just… Why?”

“Because it’s my birthday, duh! And the birthday boy gets a kiss! You can ask my mum!”

“I’m pretty sure Luhan’s more than willing to give you a kiss….”

“So am I… But I want you to kiss me…”

“You’re really drunk,” Joonmyun mumbled and tried to stand up.

“So are you… And I know you want this… Come on… Just this once?”

“The things, I do for you…” The older sighed once again before kissing the birthday boy. Sehun was right. He really wanted this. Even though he knew he’d just feel worse tomorrow.






“Holy ! What happened?” Luhan asked when he’d come back down and found Sehun a little more than just drunk on the couch.

“Beer… Vodka… Air…,” Sehun grinned at him.

“I was gone for only 60 minutes and you manage to get wasted?”

“Some may call this ‘talent’,” the younger pointed out and Luhan had trouble understanding him because Sehun had started to prattle a little. More like a lot.

“I call it… No… I don’t even have the right to say anything against this… Do you want to go outside? Air could help…”

“No… I like sitting here…”

“Do you need to throw up?” Sehun only shook his head.

Suddenly drinking that much didn’t sound like a nice idea anymore. Luhan looked really worried. But Sehun was sure that getting wasted would help him forget about the fact that he’d just gotten a rather nice blow-job from Joonmyun. That and the fact that he’d more or less forced the older to make out with him again even though he knew that everyone would get hurt by it. Especially Luhan. And there was nothing worse than hurting Luhan.

“Do you want to go home?”

“No… I just… I’m tired…”

“Okay… You can… I can carry you upstairs… Or you can just sleep here… I’ll wake you up when Jongin’s dad comes to pick us up…”


“Yeah?” The Chinese finally sat down beside him and forced Sehun into a lying position.

“I love you… I always will!”

“I know baby! I love you too! Now sleep… Your mum will kill us both if she sees you like this…”

“I’m sorry!”

“It’s okay…”

It was not. And Sehun hadn’t apologized for being drunk. Well… At least not only for being drunk.






Sehun had managed to sober up a little before they’d been picked up. Or at least he thought he must have sobered up, considering his huge headache and how sick he felt. And he was pretty sure he must have forgotten a lot already. He couldn’t even remember eating the cake. Maybe he hadn’t had a chance to because Jongin had eaten it all before anyone else had had a chance to. He’d never know. And he didn’t really care about it either. He just wanted to crawl into his bed and sleep because he was damn tired even though Luhan had said he’d slept for a little more than two hours already. And he couldn’t wait for the car ride to be over. He’d prefer being at home before he’d throw up.

“Guys? Time to wake up… We’re here,” Jongin’s dad said after a while and Sehun was out of the car in mere seconds. “Well… At least one of you wasn’t sleeping…”

“Luuuu… Come on… Beeeeed! Now! I want to sleep!” Sehun pouted and tried to pull his half-asleep boyfriend out of the car.

“Give me a second…” The Chinese rubbed his eyes before untangling himself from Kyungsoo who had used him as a pillow and climbing out as well. “Okay… Let’s get you to bed… Before you pass out…”

“He shouldn’t be complaining… He’s been asleep for half of the party…,” Jongin giggled while he carefully hoisted Kyungsoo up.

“I didn’t… I just slept for the last part of it,” Sehun defended himself. “Now I know why Kyungsoo decided to stay so small… It’s easier to be carried around…”

“And he’ll fit into every suitcase and come with Jongin wherever he goes,” Luhan joined in and both of them started laughing.

“Oh shut up… Kyungsoo’s not small… Just space saving and handy… And really cute when he sleeps… I’ll kill you if you wake him!”

“My best friend turned into one of those creepy people who are blinded by love!” Sehun threw his arms in the air and shook his head.

“I’m just being realistic,” Jongin told him. “Now shut up! He had a lot of work with your cake!”

“That you wanted to eat…”

“Still… Let him sleep…” Jongin finished the conversation up by just leaving them out in front of their houses and carrying Kyungsoo to his room. His father shrugged and bid Sehun and Luhan goodbye before following his son.

“See? That’s why I hate it, when you grow… I want to be able to carry you as well…” Luhan pouted at him and Sehun went over to wrap his arms around him.

“Give me a few more months and I’ll be tall and strong enough to carry you…”

“Noooo… I’m the manly one!” Sehun nearly fell over from laughing.

“Sure, Lu… Sure…”

“I hate you…” And with that Luhan walked into his house and it took Sehun a while to stop giggling and follow the older who was already in his bed when he’d finally made it to his room.

“Finally,” Luhan sighed and held the blanket up for Sehun to join him. “I thought you were tired?”

“Not anymore…”

“I was afraid you’d say that… Now come here…”

“I’m on my way… But you said something about not wearing shirts anymore,” Sehun told him grinning while stripping down to his boxers.

“I like it when you listen to me…. And I need to feed you more… You get skinnier every day…”

“That’s because I’m growing…” The younger finally crawled into bed and Luhan snuggled close to make sure he would stay exactly where he was.

“Just stop growing already… I’ll break up with you if you get as tall as Kris!”

“Really?” Sehun sounded more than just a little panicked.

“No!” Luhan giggled a little. “Are you crazy? I’m not stupid enough to leave you because of your height… Only s do that…”


“I’d never break up with you, Sehun… Well… I don’t see why I should anyway…”


“Calm down, will you?”



“That’s good… Because I already know where I want to live later on…”

“Oh really?” Luhan’s eyes went wide.

“Yeah, really… Somewhere a little outside from Seoul… In a nice house with a garden and stuff…”

“But that would mean it would take forever to get to work…”

“Well… But at least we could spend the whole weekend at home without having to worry about anyone coming over and getting on our nerves…”

“Don’t forget the dog, baby!”

“I don’t want a dog anymore… You’ll just love it more than me anyway…”

“Why would I?”

“Because mothers always love their kids more than their partners…”

“You’re so stupid sometimes,” Luhan laughed. “Now sleep!”

“What if I don’t want to?”

“Sleep! You have to be fit to eat everything I’ll cook later today…”

“Oh I can’t wait to eat… I’m hungry already…”

“You’re seriously the worst… That’s why I’d love the dog more than you… It doesn’t need so much food…”

“I love you too, Lu!”

“I mean it though….”

“Sleep, Lu…”

“I thought you weren’t tired?”

“And I thought you were?”

“What boyfriend would I be, not helping you getting sleepy?” With that Luhan sat onto Sehun’s lap and grinned down at him. “Did you know that you move your head a lot while sleeping?”


“Your head… Was in my lap…”

“We had a 20 minutes car ride in between that and now… And at least another 20 minutes of saying goodbye to everyone before that… Not to mention the time we spent in here not doing anything… And you’re trying to tell me you’re still excited?” Sehun giggled a little.

“Well… You kind of have that effect on me… Oh… By the way… Happy birthday!” Luhan leaned down to kiss him softly.

“My birthday’s tomorrow…”

“It is tomorrow… Has been for a while…”

“Oh… Well then… Thanks!”

“I can’t believe that my baby’s growing up!”

“Wow… No! You sound like my mum… That’s not helping right now…” That and the fact that he felt really guilty somehow. Oh right… He’d gone to look for Joonmyun and- Sehun turned pale at the thought of what he’d done.

“Are you okay?” Luhan asked worried.

“Just feeling a little sick…” Well it was the truth. He really felt sick. How could he have been so stupid again?

“Do you need some water?”

“No… I’m fine…” At least his body was.

“Are you sure? You look like you just saw a ghost?”

“I kind of did…”

“What´s wrong?”

“I… Today I… Forget it… It’s not important anyway…” It wasn’t. Because it was never going to happen again. There was no need to tell Luhan since he’d stop using Joonmyun from now on. Because using him was all he did to his friend and that made him feel even worse than he already did.

“It must be important judging by the fact that you look like I just killed everything you love…”

“You’re the only one I love!”

“Fine… Don’t tell me then…” Luhan rolled off him but still looked at him, worry written all over his face. “But just know that I would never find it strange or childish or anything… So if you want to talk about it some other time feel free to do so!”

“I’ll tell you someday…” When had lying to his boyfriend become so easy?

“You sure you don’t need anything? You look like you’ll throw up any second…”

“I think I’ll feel better after sleeping… Sorry… For killing the mood…”

“Are you kidding me? It’s way more important that you’re feeling well! I don’t like it when you look or feel sick…”

“I don’t even deserve you.” He really didn’t. How could all Luhan was thinking about be Sehun’s well-being when the younger was trying to find a way to avoid telling him that he’s practically cheated on him AGAIN?! The teen thought he should really apologize to Joonmyun for playing with his feelings. And he knew that it would be best to tell Luhan about it. But why risk a relationship for something you did when you were drunk? The Chinese didn’t need to know about it. It would only hurt him. A lot, that much Sehun knew because he still remembered how he had felt after Luhan had slept with his ex. Just that this was worse. Sehun hadn’t slept with someone just because he couldn’t tell left from right. He hadn’t even been really drunk when he’d gone to Joonmyun. And Luhan hadn’t kept going back to spend time with this guy. But Sehun did. He saw Joonmyun at least five days a day. Not only at school since he normally spend a lot of time at the older’s house as well. On top of that he knew that Joonmyun wanted to be more than just his friends. Wasn’t going back to him equal to showing him that he kind of wanted the same? So he wasn’t only cheating on one of them but technically on both. At that moment Sehun thought it would have been best never to have met Luhan and Joonmyun at all. It would have saved both of them from a lot of hurting.

“Stop thinking so much… Your brows will grow together if you keep frowning like that…” Luhan pecked his nose. “I got you some water… It’s on the night stand…”


“Anything for you… Now sleep… That helps!”

“I’ll try…”

“You drank enough to sleep for hours… Trust me!”

“If you say so…” Luhan only nodded at that before snuggling closer and caressing the younger’s stomach.

“I need you to not be sick when you wake up… I can’t eat that much alone, you know?”

“I’m sorry… I swear, I’ll feel better after I got some sleep!” Great… He just kept disappointing his boyfriend. He knew Luhan had really looked forward to their birthday-lunch. Or dinner. Depending on when they’d finally get up. And he had to go do stupid things that made him want to throw up and had Luhan worrying. He sure was the biggest alive.



A/N: Surprise! Or not... Because I guess you all saw it coming anyway... AND I'm sorry... But Sehun won't stop wanting his freedom for another... few chapters (I'm too lazy to count them right now xD)... The only good news is that he WILL tell Luhan... And this IS a HunHan story... So don't worry too much!

I hope you all had a great start into 2014! I wish you all the luck for this year and hope you'll all be happy!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~