Chapter 23

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

Jongin had been quite right about him breaking some hearts in his suit. He’d even managed to find a cute girl he was planning on taking out for a date. A nice cute girl, his age and, most importantly, single. The only problem about his date was that Kyungsoo had found out about it and hated the idea of it. That was why the older was currently over at his place and giving him a hundred reasons why he should just stay home.

“Hyung… I don’t see the problem in going on one date with her. Who knows… Maybe she’s really nice and we’ll end up together,” Jongin told his fuming friend.

“I don’t even see why you want to do that. I mean… Why would you want to find someone to date?”

“I don’t know… All of my friends are dating and they seem pretty happy about it… Why shouldn’t I try it as well?”

“Not all of us are happy about it… Trust me… relationships are hard work,” Kyungsoo pouted a little.

“So? If I like her I see no problem in putting a little effort into it… Hell what’s your problem?”

“What will happen to us if you like her?”

“Us? What will happen to US? What ‘us’, Kyung?”

“What does that even mean?”

“That means that you have a girlfriend, hyung. You never cared about my feelings before… So don’t even think about starting that, now that I finally found someone else I could fall in love with… Maybe…”

“Why would I not care about your feelings, Jongin? “

“I don’t know… Maybe because you use me to cheat on your girlfriend?... Have you ever thought about how I feel about that?” the younger glared at the guy sitting on his bed. “Have you ever thought about how I feel when you just leave to see her after you’re done with me? Have you ever given a about the fact that you may be more than just a friend to me?” Jongin hated himself for the tears that ran down his cheeks. He never wanted Kyungsoo to see him weak like that. The older stared at him totally lost.

“Why have you never told me?”

“What for? So you could hate me? So you would stop hanging out with me? I mean… Who wants their toys to have feelings for them? That ruins everything… You’d have to deal with two hurt people…”

“Just one… Actually… Eunmi gave me permission to sleep with you…”

“That just makes it so much better… Dou you guys have fun playing with me? I bet you have the time of your life laughing about me,” he had started to scream at the other because he was getting really upset with this whole thing and he didn’t even know what to feel anymore.

“Jongin… Stop that. No one’s laughing about you… I mean… I didn’t even know you liked me… Why didn’t you tell me? I mean… Since when?”

“I guess since ing forever… I just never realized it… Well… not until you brought perfect Eunmi along… And I just couldn’t tell you then… You’re so happy with her… Who am I to ruin that for you?”

“I’m sorry… I never meant to hurt you,” Kyungsoo looked down.

“Yeah… I bet you thought I just slept with you because I was desperate…”

“Actually… I never thought about the reason, to be honest… The thought that you could like me that much never crossed my mind… I mean… You were never interested in guys…”

“I’m not… It’s just you… But that doesn’t really matter anyway, right?”

“I’m sorry, Jongin…”

“We should have never talked about this…”

“We should have talked about this a lot earlier!”

“No… Now everything’s going to change… And I kind of enjoyed being with you… Even though it was just for you… And I’m also going to miss you as just a friend,” the younger admitted.

“Why? Do you want to stop hanging out?”

“No… I thought… Isn’t it awkward for you to hang out with someone who likes you?”

“You already liked me before… It’s not like anything’s going to change, right?”

“Well… You’re aware of it now…”

“That’s good, I guess… I can stop hurting you then… Unless you don’t want to see me anymore… I could totally understand that…”

“Actually… I have no idea what I want… I really like spending time with you even though it hurts to meet you…”

“I’m the worst friend ever,” Kyungsoo buried his face in his hands.

“You’re not, Kyungie,” Jongin hugged him. “I’m just really good at hiding my secrets…”

“No… I should have thought about it… No straight guy sleeps with his friend… Especially not when said friend has a girlfriend… And not if you’re the straight guy… I mean… There’s so many girls you could get…”

“Really? Where?”

“Gosh, Jongin… Open your eyes! No matter where you go… There’s so many girls’ eyes following you. I bet you could have at least half the girls of your school without putting any effort into it…”

“I’ll keep that in mind!”



“I… don’t know… Sorry… Just do whatever you think is right…”


“As long as it’s not against any laws…”

“Okay… There’s no law that forbids me to kiss you, right?” He didn’t even wait for Kyungsoo’s answer before he kissed him. He knew that everything would change as soon as the older left his room this day and he was going to savor every second he got before he’d let go.






“I just talked to Kyung,” Jongin said and fell onto Sehun’s bed.

“Well… Hello, Jongin. It’s really nice to see you here… In my room… Without you telling me you’d come beforehand,” Sehun greeted him.

“Sorry… It’s just… I needed to get out… My room smells like him…”

“That was never a bad thing before…”

“He knows… That I like him…”

“What did he say?” Sehun gave his seat at his desk up to lay down next to his best friend.

“That he’s sorry he’s been hurting me… And that he never intended to…”

“I’m sorry, Jongin…,” he hugged the older. “Why did you tell him?”

“Well… I was right about the suit… Girls love it… I met a really nice girl and thought I should give it a try… I’m going to meet her tomorrow… I told Kyung… He wanted to meet me tomorrow… And then he came over because he didn’t like the idea of me going out with her…”

“What’s wrong with this guy? He shouldn’t care about that! Wait… A girl? Tell me more.”

“She’s our age… Cute… So far she’s really nice… And I thought that I may be able to really like her once I get to know her better…”

“You don’t think so anymore?”

“I don’t know… I’m just so confused right now… At first I thought he might like me back… Why should he be against me having fun and meeting someone nice if it’s not because he likes me, right? But after talking to him… It doesn’t seem like it… And it feels strange to know I won’t see him for a while…”

“This ! Now he doesn’t want to see you anymore? I’m going to kill him!”

“No… He just knows I like him… And he figured that it hurts me to see him, knowing I don’t have a chance with him… He told me to take my time and tell him when I want to see him again… But you know what? He’s been gone for just 20 minutes and I already want him to come back…”

“Jongin… No more crying because of Kyungsoo… He doesn’t even deserve you,” Sehun hugged his taller friend who had started to cry without really realizing it. “Go meet that girl and have fun… She’ll be good for you.”

“What if I end up hurting her like Kyung hurt me…”

“Just don’t sleep with her, you idiot… And… Tell her you want to take it slow… Maybe you should just be completely honest and tell her about Kyungsoo… You could leave out the part that he’s a guy though…”

“She could be angry about it… I mean… that I still asked her out…”

“Well… Then she’s a … She should be happy about the fact that you’re honest…”

“I could have been honest when I asked her out… Not when we meet for the date…”

“Call her… Call her and tell her about it… So she still has the chance to cancel the date.”



“Thanks for always being there!” Jongin snuggled closer.

“No problem, oaf!”

“Did you call Luhan?”

“Still not picking up…”

“I’ll kill him when he comes back… That guy has the nerves to make you worry… I mean… Even I worry now… When is he coming back?”

“Sunday… That’s what he told me before leaving at least…”

“Four more days… He has to come back… He left some stuff in his dorm…”

“Maybe he doesn’t need that stuff anymore… Maybe that was just his way of breaking up with me…”

“Oh Sehun! Stop staying stuff like that! He’ll come back… He looked so sad to leave you… He has to come back…”

“I hope so…”

“Maybe he’s hurt…”

“You know… At first I was afraid, he was hurt… But now I hope he is… Not because I want him hurt… But that would give him a reason for not contacting me… He doesn’t even reply to my e-mails…”

“Maybe he crushed his laptop… He’s clumsy…”

“I know… He fell down the stairs once when he was trying to get some water,” Sehun laughed at the memory. “Mum totally freaked out because she thought we were being robbed.”

“Burglars aren’t as cute as bambi…”

“She still hit him with her spatula… Thank god it was just Luhan… That thing would be helpless against burglars… Luhan got away from it with only a shock. No wounds at all… Not even a little scratch. Well… His ankle hurt… But that was because of the stairs…”

“Poor bambi… How long did you force him to stay in bed?”

“Shut up, Jongin. I don’t force him to do anything…”

“Maybe you should start then… New rules for bambi: When being away from Sehun call him at least once a week and write an e-mail every day. At least every second day. If he doesn’t follow the rules… No kisses for a week…”

“Because I could live another week without kissing him… I thought about just flying to Beijing… But I don’t know where to go after landing…”

“You should really get his address,” Jongin told him. “Do you have some chips for me?”

“No… It’s 11… You get fat when you eat snacks that late…”

“But Sehun… I need snacks after I had !”

“GROSS! I didn’t want to know that! Did you take a shower before coming here?” Sehun pushed his friend away and pulled a face.

“Of course I did… Now stop behaving like the you are!”

“Idiot… Just wait until Luhan comes back!”

“You’re still not 16,” Jongin stuck his tongue out.

“I decided we’re going at my pace from now on.”

“Feisty, Sehun… He’ll like it.”

“I don’t really care if he likes it… He made me worry for three weeks… That’s his punishment…”

“I’m pretty sure is a really good punishment for a guy,” the taller rolled his eyes.

“Any better ideas?”

“None that will help your hormones… Sorry.”

“See? I know what I want… Can I ask you something?”


“This whole thing… How does it work?” Sehun needed to remember not to ask stuff like that when his best friend was drinking or else Jongin would end up spiting all of it in his face again. “Thanks man… gross!”

“Sorry… Just…,” Jongin whipped his mouth. “You can’t be serious!”

“I am… I never did stuff like that… You did… Tell me!”

“Oh god, Sehun…” Jongin blushed. “Please let’s just not talk about that…”

“Please just talk about it? Come on… I don’t really want to ask my mum about stuff like that…”

“I mean… Just… Stick it up his … Gosh…”

“Haha… I know about that… Just… is there anything I need to think of?”

“YES! Preparation… And lube… That’s it…”


“Okay… Lube on your fingers… Fingers in his … Make sure not to go to fast… one finger after the other… I guess you can try on yourself what feels good before…Can we stop now? Please?” Sehun had never seen his best friend blush that hard and he found it rather cute how embarrassed he was talking about stuff like that.

“Do you blush like that when you have with Kyungsoo?”

“You’re the worst! I don’t!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes… Now shut up…”

“Are you trying to tell me you tried it as well?”

“What? ? I did… Thanks for asking…”

“No… the fingers…”

“SEHUN!!! No… I didn’t! I just asked him what he liked… And he did it the first two times…”

“I could do that as well… Just ask him…”

“You could… Depends… On what you plan…”


“Do you want to him or him to you? I guess if you want the last it would help to try it alone first… I guess it hurts like hell…”

“You think so?”

“Hell yes… otherwise I would have tried it before… But pain doesn’t really …”

“Is doesn’t?... Than… what turns you on?”

“We’re not having this conversation…” Jongin glared at him.

“You’re too tense… I don’t see any problems in talking about that…”

“I don’t want to…”

“Are you pouting?” Sehun laughed.

“Let me pout when I want to…”

“You’re soooo cute, Jongin.”

“I like it when he kisses my neck… And the way he kisses me shortly before he comes… That turns me on, I’d say… Can we stop now?”

“Wasn’t that hard, right?”

“You …”

“I’m actually pretty good at it, I’d say… Well… Luhan never complained…”

“Why am I friends with you?”

“I could show you if you want me to…”

“No… You have a boyfriend…”

“Not if he’s dead… Just to let you know… If he died… You can forget that girl of yours… You’ll be mine!”

“Let’s pray that Luhan comes back fast! Why me?”

“You’re good-looking and experienced. At least compared to me. Still you’re not an and you can be a total goofball… I could manage to fall in love with you…”

“I guess I’ll be leaving now…”

“Finally,” Sehun laughed. “I feel like I’ll pass out any second… Too tired for this …”

“You could have told me so… Instead of confessing…”

“Mhm… Love you…”

“I’ll sleep here tonight…”


“My bed smells like Kyung…”

“I see… Your bed is a huge turn-on…”

“Sleep, Sehun… Just sleep… You’ll be fine…”

“Brush your teeth… and turn off the light before crawling back in my bed… No kissing and touching allowed…”

“I know, man… Same rules as ever… I just tried to kiss you once!”

“Be glad Luhan doesn’t know…”

“He was right next to you…”

“He was sleeping…”

“Thank god!”



A/N: So... my drama-marathon finally ended... How did I manage to watch the whole thing in 3 and a half days? o_O
Anyway... I hope you liked the fact that the enemy.... I mean Kyungsoo finally knows about Jongin's feelings... And yeah.... some normal conversation between Sehun and Jongin... Or more likely the one conversation Jongin never wanted to have xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~