Chapter 40

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“You look like you didn’t get a wink of sleep last night,” Baekhyun commented at lunch.

“I did… It just wasn’t enough,” Sehun said and rubbed his eyes for the ninth time that day.

“Was the ballet that long?” Joonmyun asked surprised.

“No… We came back at around… One, I think…”

“Who is we?” Baekhyun asked before shoving some more fries into his mouth.

“Luhan slept over because mum didn’t want him to walk through half of the city alone…”

“Oh I see… Someone was busy getting laid,” Chanyeol snickered.

“Chanyeol could you please control your hormones?” Joonmyun asked with a sigh. “Being home at one doesn’t mean getting into bed at one… They still had to get changed and brush their teeth and I’m sure they were still a little hyper and talked about the performance… Right?”

“Yeah… Right! That’s exactly what we did,” Sehun agreed but the way his cheeks turned a little pink showed that it was not true at all. Not that Joonmyun noticed.

“I’m sure it must have been quite a thrilling show when it kept you up for so long,” Baekhyun smirked and rolled his eyes at Joonmyun. “By the way… Where’s Jongin?”

“He’s still sick,” Kyungsoo said with a frown.

“I thought he just said that to ditch Joonmyun…”

“No he didn’t,” Sehun defended his best friend. “I went there yesterday morning… He looked more dead than alive.” At that Kyungsoo’s head shot up and he let out a sound that made everyone feel like he was about to die.

“What? He told me he was fine… He said I didn’t need to come over…”

“Kyungsoo… Don’t worry… It’s just a pretty high fever… But his sister stayed home from university to make sure he has everything he needs.” Sehun laid a hand on Kyungsoo’s shaking shoulder. “He’ll be back here and annoy the crap out of you before you know!”

“I should go there today… Maybe he just told me he’s fine so I wouldn’t worry… I bet he feels terrible… And lonely… And I bet his sister has no idea how to cook chicken soup!”

“Well… Neither do I,” Sehun said.

“See? But it’s healthy and he needs to eat it… I’ll come home with you after school and cook my boyfriend some soup!”

“Okay… But Luhan’s coming to pick me up…”

“So? Does that mean I can’t join you on your walk home?”

“No… I just wanted to warn you…”

“Why warn?”

“Because he’s not Jongdae or any other crazy idiot that just makes you wait in front of the school gate without telling you why,” Joonmyun said absentmindedly while scanning through his notes.

“We got it, hyung… He’s perfect and we’re not… Holy get a grip! He has a boyfriend,” Jongdae scolded.

“I know that he has a boyfriend! And I never said I was interested… I’m just trying to tell you that maybe you should all grow up a little like Sehun did… Not you, Kyungsoo… You know how to act in public and stuff…” Sehun felt unexpectedly proud when Joonmyun had said that he’d grown up and that the others should be like him. That meant he was on the right way, didn’t it?

“Thanks, Joonmyun.” Kyungsoo’s voice was laced with sarcasm. He turned to face the youngest at the table. “Would you guys mind coming to the supermarket with me first?”

“I don’t think so… I mean… I don’t mind… But I don’t think Luhan would mind as well… What do you need?”

“A chicken, for example, duh!”

“Oh yeah… Would be nice to put a chicken into chicken soup…”






“Hey baby! I’m sorry I’m late… My professor didn’t want to let me go… Did you wait long?” Luhan wrapped his arms around Sehun’s waist and gave him a brief kiss.

“Nope… Just came here two minutes ago… Oh… Kyungsoo’s coming home with us! Like… Not with us… He wants to see Jongin…”

“Oh… Cool! I thought Jongin was sick?”

“That’s why,” Kyungsoo said. “I’ll cook him chicken soup!”

“That’s cute! Wait… Does that mean we have to go to a supermarket?”

“Yeah… Is that a problem for you?”

“No! It’s perfect… You have no idea how much I crave chocolate right now… I was already thinking about how to get Sehun to agree to go buy some before we go home,” Luhan said with sparkling eyes.

“I have chocolate at home, Lu,” the youngest laughed.

“Not the one I want… I fell like a girl on her period… That’s not good… Maybe I’m pregnant.”

“Well… You sure would make some really cute kids,” Kyungsoo laughed and Sehun rolled his eyes before pulling both of them along.

“Men can’t get pregnant… And I’m really bad with kids!”

“But you enjoyed playing with Jinri yesterday,” Luhan told him.

“Yeah… She’s cute… But she’s only cute for an hour or maybe two… I’m just not made to be a dad…”

“Good thing you’re gay then,” Luhan giggled.

“Yeah… But that’s because I can’t stand the mood swings and how girls are obsessed with idols and put tons of posters on their walls and how they want you to do everything for them… They’re annoying and ungrateful and they spend more time with their hair and their nails than with actual people and gosh… I’d never want to date a girl!”

“We got it, baby… By the way… I’m going to get my hair cut tomorrow… Wanna come with me? I mean… I like your hair… But I’m always worried that you’ll get run over by a car because of all the hair in your eyes…” Luhan wiped some hair strands off Sehun’s forehead.

“You sound like my mum… But I’ll come with you… Anything is better than going to the hairdresser with my mum… And I want to dye it… Mum would never allow that…”

“Then you shouldn’t do it,” Kyungsoo advised.

“I’m a teenager… I’m supposed to do stuff my parents hate!”

“That’s the spirit, baby! We’re going to get some color in your hair,” Luhan smiled at him.

“Cool! I just don’t know which color to take… I thought about a few… But yeah…”

“Which ones did you think of?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Well… Pink, blue, green, red, orange… Black would be cool as well… Or grey!” Kyungsoo’s mouth opened more with every color the younger listed and Luhan didn’t seem to really like his choices as well.

“How about you just start with… Blond? Or… A darker brown… We don’t want your mother to die from a heart attack,” the Chinese said after a while. “And I’m not really sure that blue or green are colors that are meant for hair… Pink sounds a little… How do I say this? … PINK!?”

“I get it… I’ll try those colors a little later… Hey… We just walked past the supermarket…” Sehun hadn’t even finished talking before Kyungsoo had turned them all around and pulled them to the vegetable section.

“Gross! Vegetables,” Sehun whined. “Why would you need those?”

“They are healthy and I need some for my soup!”

“Jongin hates vegetables though,” the teen mumbled.

“He never complained before… He always eats everything I give him…”

“Love really makes blind… I’m not helping you picking vitamins!”

“You can help me find my chocolate then,” Luhan told him and ran off to find the section Sehun tried to avoid. Who had thought it was a good idea to put all the sweets into the same section? Whoever it was clearly didn’t know that Sehun had lots of problem deciding on just one thing when he saw so many sweets he liked no matter which direction he turned to. He still followed his boyfriend because looking at carrots with Kyungsoo didn’t sound really adventurous as well and he needed some candy for the study session he and Jongin would have on Sunday. That is… If Jongin would find a way to get rid of his fever until then.

“Oh I hate it here,” he told the older when he stood next to him.


“Too many things I want to buy… Too many things I love to eat… It’s hell!”

“I know… But you get fat from eating too much of it…”

“I don’t… I still grow and I dance…”

“Good for you…”

“You have enough to make up for some chocolate… Don’t worry! I’ll gladly help you keeping in shape,” Sehun promised and pressed a few kisses on Luhan’s neck.

“That’s really nice of you… Baby?”


“We’re in public!”

“I know…”

“Stop that!”


“Or I’ll do things I might regret later…”

“I’d like to see that,” Sehun giggled before nibbling on the other’s ear.

“Guys? Did you find the choco- Come on guys! Not here,” Kyungsoo pulled them apart. “We’re in public…”

“Sorry,” Luhan smiled sheepishly before taking the chocolate he’s wanted and Sehun just settled for a pack of chips and some marshmallows.

“Do we need anything else?”

“No… I got everything else while you were busy making out in here… Jongin’s right… You’re like bunnies!”

“Oh Kyungie… Don’t be like that! And it was all Sehun’s fault anyway…”

“I don’t care whose fault it is… Just… Wait till you get home!”

“You’re too tense… Loosen up a bit… Have fun… You really need to get laid sometime soon,” Sehun slung his arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulder.

“It’s none of your business when I last got laid…”

“But I know for a fact that it was before you got together with Jongin…”

“It was the last time I did it with Jongin!”

“I thought it was none of my business?”

“It’s not… I just wanted to make sure you know that I didn’t sleep with anyone else since I started to like him… I don’t know why I felt like you needed to know… Sorry…”

“It’s okay, Kyungie,” Luhan said and paid for his and Sehun’s stuff.

“Why did you pay for my stuff?”

“Because I love you?”

“You want some of the chips, right?”

“No… But I’d like to have some marshmallows with my hot chocolate tonight…”

“You didn’t need to pay for it just to get a few of them,” Sehun giggled. “But thanks!”

“Can we go now? This stuff’s kind of heavy,” Kyungsoo urged them to go.

“Sure… Sehun will help you carry it!”

“I will?”

“You will… Because you’re a gentlemen… And your arms need some training.” Sehun looked at his arms a little closer. They really were rather thin. Maybe he should really start to work out a little… “I’m kidding, baby… I like your arms!”

“No… You’re right…” And with that the youngest carried everything Kyungsoo had bought back home.

After putting the bags into the kitchen he went to warn Jongin that he had a visitor. His best friend was still in bed when he opened the door but he looked a lot better than the day before.

“Sehun? What are you doing here?” He sounded a lot worse though. As if he drank a whole box of nails for breakfast.

“I wanted to see if you’re okay… You sound really bad!”

“Thanks… My throat hurts like hell… I’m not supposed to sound like Justin Timberlake when I’m sick…”

“True… Oh! I have to warn you… You’ll get lots of vitamins soon,” Sehun said as he opened the window to let some fresh air into the stuffy room.

“COLD! Close it! Close it!” Jongin buried himself under another blanket. “What vitamins are you talking about? Air doesn’t have any vitamins!”

“No… But Kyungsoo just bought a lot of them and he’s downstairs cooking chicken soup…”

“Soo’s here?”

“Yeah… He was really worried and decided you needed something healthy to eat and someone to look after you…”

“But I look really bad… My hair is all greasy and ugh. And I smell like I ran a marathon…”

“He knows that you’re sick, dude,” Sehun giggled. “Don’t worry… He’ll still like you… I just thought you wanted to know that it’s not a burglar who’s invading your kitchen… Why are you getting up? Stay in bed!”

“I need to take a shower… Wow… No… Too dizzy to shower.” He sat back down. “I’ll try again in a minute…”

“Maybe you should just crawl right back under your blanked…”

“No… Just… Close the ing window…”

“I got it,” the younger rolled his eyes and closed the window again.

“Hey Jongin,” Luhan greeted.

“Great… Who else is here to see me in my miserable state?”

“I would have stayed downstairs… But Kyungsoo said you needed lots of liquid… So here’s some tea… And fresh orange juice… And I have a bottle of water under my arm…” He put the tea and juice on Jongin’s bedside table before placing the bottle on the floor next to the bed.


“Why aren’t you under your blanket?”

“He wants to take a shower,” Sehun told the other with a roll of his eyes.

“Oh… Well then… Why don’t you help him?”

“WHAT?” both teenagers screamed.

“Well… I would want to take a shower as well… You sweat a lot when you have a fever and then you fell gross and sticky… So… Go! Help him! I don’t want him fainting in the bathroom… I’ll change his bed sheets…”

The teenagers made their way to the bathroom grumbling. Neither of them was really comfortable with the thought of squeezing into the shower stall together.

“We could just tell him you helped me,” Jongin suggested.

“No… I’m a bad liar… Just… Get undressed… WOW that sounds wrong…”

“I really hope Kyungsoo won’t kill me for this…”

“We’ll blame Luhan! Wait… Why are there no towels?”

“They’re in the dresser behind you…” Jongin crawled into the shower after slowly undressing.

“Wait! You’ll need new clothes… Sit down while I get them!” Sehun ran back to Jongin’s room to get some clothes before undressing himself and joining his best friend in the shower.

“This is rather awkward,” Jongin commented.

“Just a little,” Sehun tried to play it cool before turning the water on and washing the other’s hair.

“I could do that myself, you know…”

“You hold onto the wall… It’s not like I want you fainting in here… And you got a little pale after standing up… I still think you should have stayed in your bed…”



“The water’s cold!”

“It’s not! It’s totally way too hot…”

“But I’m freezing!”

“That’s why I told you to stay in bed…”

“Hurry up… I don’t want to be here anymore… I miss my blanket…”

“Kim Jongin! Make up your mind! I could have lived without this,” he pointed and both of them. “It’s really awkward to be in here… It’s narrow and we’re both and you’re a little too close for comfort…”

“Why? Do I make you nervous?” The older smirked weakly.

“You make me want to murder you! Now close your eyes or you’ll get shampoo into them…” Jongin did as he was told and Sehun was glad when he’d finished rinsing the others hair and the all soap had vanished in the drain. He gave his friend a towel before drying himself off and putting his clothes back on in record time.

“I’m never going to shower with you ever again,” he complained when he’d brought Jongin back to his room and Luhan giggled a little.

“You always enjoy taking a shower with me, baby…”

“Yeah… It’s not as awkward to touch you, you know?”

“You touched him? Hot…”

“Lu… Please… I didn’t touch him like that…”

“You’re both weird,” Jongin said from under his blankets.

“Are you feeling better?” Luhan asked.

“Not really… I still feel dizzy…”

“Drink something… We’ll leave you alone now,” Luhan said and handed Jongin his tea. “Get well soon!”

“Thanks… Have fun… Touching each other… Or whatever you’re going to do…”

“We’re going to do Sehun’s Chinese homework… But we might enjoy some touching afterward,” the oldest winked.

“Luuuuuu! He doesn’t need to know…” Sehun whined and pulled his boyfriend out of the room and then to his house, not without saying goodbye to Kyungsoo, who was busy cutting vegetables, first.



A/N: Have some Kyungsoo taking care of Jongin... And Sekai taking a shower together because I feel like it.. I'm just in a good mood because I just got my last wisdom tooth pulled out... Actually it practically fell out so it didn't hurt at all! So yeah... I thought I should give you this in order to celebrate xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~