Chapter 55

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

Dinner had gone well. Sehun’s dad had fallen in love with Joonmyun the second the latter had told him that he would have to take over his father’s company in a few years and his mother had already been head-over-heels for Sehun’s new friend when she had first seen him. It had just been a little awkward when his mother had prepared Luhan’s favorite juice and served it in Luahn’s favorite glass (the one with the deer on it) just before she realized that her oldest baby, like she called him when she thought nobody was listening, wouldn’t be here anymore and she had nearly started to cry. Sehun had tried not to feel too guilty about it because… Well… It was his relationship. Okay and maybe his mother felt like she’d just lost a son but that wasn’t his problem and she would learn to deal with it.

“Your mum really likes Luhan, hm?” Joonmyun asked when they were back in the safety of the teen’s room.

“More like she loves him… She’d adopt him if she could… Luhan is her perfect son. Always polite… Always good grades… Me and Sejeon… We’re just… Us?”

“I think she loves you more than Luhan…”

“I hope so,” the younger joked. “But… I just told her about Luhan and me today… So I guess she’ll need some time… Like… I asked her if you could sleep here and she was like ‘What about Luhan?’… It was a little awkward…”

“Was it harder to tell her that it’s over or was it harder to tell her that you were dating?”

“I guess the breaking up thing was harder… Mum already loved him before we were together… So yeah… That was awkward as well… Because my mum wanted to know every little detail… But it was definitely a better awkward than today…”

“Do you miss him?”

“Yeah… Kind of… Like… I always knew what I was going to do on my weekends… And now… Jongin left me to cook and clean… And Luhan’s gone… And I’m here and have to clean my room out of boredom…” Sehun plopped down on his bed. “Well at least you’re here now and I finally get to play all those games that I got… But Jongin’s always busy…”


“No… I guess it’s the fact that I’m always at your place,” Sehun giggled.

“Didn’t your parents think it’s weird that you spent more time with me than with Luhan?” Joonmyun sat down next to him.

“No… I don’t even know if they realized I spent all of my free time at your place… They probably thought I was next door…”

“Why? What’s next door?”



“No… Kim… I’m ‘Oh’...”

“Sehun… I’ll kill you one day!”

“You would never do that!”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because you like me too much?”

“Who said that?” Joonmyun grinned at him before making him lay down and crawling over him.

“You said that…”

“I just said I like you… Not that I like you too much to end you,” he whispered into his ear.

“What are you doing? This isn’t going to kill me, you know?”

“No… but it’s going to make you think you’re save when you’re not!” Joonmyun smirked down at him one last time before starting to tickle him like Sehun had never been tickled before and the teen really thought he’d die for a minute or so because suddenly breathing became very hard and he had to laugh like a maniac and he knew that he must have been crying as well because his lungs were burning and so was his stomach from all the laughing that still didn’t stop. Joonmyun finally stopped after Sejeon had come in to check on them because Sehun had been screaming like he was being killed.

“Aw thank god… Why didn’t you come earlier?” Sehun sat up panting.

“I don’t know? At first I thought you guys were playing one of those stupid games? I mean… You and Jongin scream all the time… But then you didn’t stop and you sounded a little like a girl… And your voice got screechier every second so I thought I might see if you’re still alive because mum would never forgive me if I just listened to you dying or anything… So yeah… Have fun… Joonmyun? Please find a silent way to kill him… Just leave his body here… I’ll cover you! Promise!”

“Wow… All the love I’m receiving… Why don’t you just leave for college, hyung?” Sehun pouted and Joonmyun tried not to laugh.

“After the summer…”

“Damn… That’s still so long…”

“Why? You’ll be gone for the summer, won’t you?”

“No? Where would I go?”

“I don’t know? Mum said something about sending you somewhere…”

“Wow… okay… NO! Why does everyone want to get rid of me?”

“Because you are annoying as … Now could you guys shut up? Because I’m on the phone with my girlfriend and believe it or not… I’d like to hear what she’s saying…” And with that Sejeon left them alone again.

“Why would my mum send me away?” Sehun turned to face Joonmyun.

“I don’t know… But I’m sure she has her reasons! Maybe it’s just for a short holiday without her…”

“Alone? No thank you…”

“True… Well… I can’t read minds, sorry…”

“Why am I even your friend then?”

“Because I’m a lovely person?” Joonmyun suggested.

“Hmmm… Yeah… And you’re a great kisser… Are you blushing?”


“Gosh you’re cute!”

“I’m NOT cute! Jinri is cute… Puppies are cute… But I’m not cute…”

“Whatever Joonmyun…”

“Now… How about another game?”

“Sure… Just… choose whatever you want…”

“What’s the loudest game you have?”


“Well… To annoy your brother?”

“Oh I love you!”

“Thanks… I guess…”






Maybe Sehun’s mum had been wrong. There was absolutely NO need for a second piece of bedding because it just wouldn’t fit onto Sehun’s small bed and neither of them wanted the other to sleep on the floor. Not that they really minded snuggling up close but the teen was a little worried of his mum coming into the room and thinking strange things.

“I really wish I could have an older brother as well,” Joonmyun sighed after burying himself under the blanket.


“Well… He’d have to take over the stupid company… And I’d have someone to annoy… I only have Jinri… And she’s not really annoyed… She just leaves and tells me ‘gramps… you’re embarrassing again’…”

“I love that little girl!”

“You’re just cruel!”

“I know… Why does she live with you? I mean… I thought she was your cousin?”

“She is… But my aunt… My aunt’s never really at home… So yeah… Don’t ask me where she goes… I don’t know… And my mum loves her… So we took her in… Well her and my aunt… But we don’t really get to see my aunt that often…”

“Poor Jinri…”

“I don’t think she really minds… I mean… My mum buys her nice dresses and spends a lot of time with her… And then there’s you and Jongin… By the way… She’s already planning to marry Jongin because ‘he’s tanned and handsome and have you seen his face?’… So… Yeah…”

“’Have you seen his face?’?” Sehun nearly choked from laughing. “This kid… We have… It’s nothing special… it’s just his stupid face…”

“Girls seem to like his face… I mean… Pretty much every girl at our school thinks he’s gorgeous,” Joonmyun explained.

“That’s what you get for not telling the whole school that you’re gay… Girls chasing you… I always knew coming out was my best idea ever!”

“Not everyone dares to do that and some just don’t care to do it…”

“What about you?”

“Well… I’m not gay… I don’t like to settle on one thing when I can have two…”

“That’s greedy, hyung!”

“Shut up, brat!”

“Make me,” Sehun raised his eyebrow. It took a while before Joonmyun untangled himself from Sehun’s blanket to be face to face with him.

“What if I really do?”

“Why don’t you?”

“Can I?” Sehun only nodded a little because he wasn’t sure his voice would still come out normal. What was wrong with him? This wasn’t the first time he was this close to Joonmyun. Why did he get so nervous now? At least the older seemed to be just as nervous as he was when he finally tilted his head a little and leaned forward to seal their lips together. Okay that fast heart beating was definitely not welcomed as well. He wasn’t supposed to feel like this just after breaking up with Luhan. But it felt different then when Luhan had first kissed him all those months ago. It was a different the way his heart was racing. Still not unpleasant so he decided wrap his arms around the smaller before deepening the kiss.






When Jongin came over this Sunday – because he always came over at around four – he was quite shocked to find Sehun and Joonmyun snuggled up under the blanket, still sleeping like babies. Scratch that he was shocked just by the fact to find Joonmyun in his best friend’s room. Finding them in the same bed under just one blanket nearly gave him a heart attack. Sure Sehun had told him about how he had made out with Joonmyun a few times. But inviting the older over for the weekend seemed a little too fast for Jongin.

“Guys?” he shrieked when he saw a lot of clothes lying around on the floor. Joonmyun shot up and would have fallen off the bed if it hadn’t been for Sehun who pulled him back just in time.

“Holy you scared me,” the oldest complained and Jongin was pleased to see that he was wearing a shirt. “You can’t just come into a room and scream like a girl! That’s rude!”

“Yeah… But it’s also rude to forget about your best friend and still sleep when he comes over to study,” Jongin countered and shot Sehun a glare.

“What time is it?” Sehun mumbled while forcing Joonmyun back down to cuddle up to him again.

“Four… I come over every Sunday at four…”

“It’s Sunday already?” Sehun asked and finally opened his eyes. “… Didn’t you have to leave yesterday?” he asked Joonmyun who only laughed at him.

“I called my mum yesterday? And you took the phone and kept whining something about math and physics and that you really needed me in order not to fail this year…”

“Oh… Well…” Sehun blushed. “I… Yeah… Sorry about that…”

“It was actually kind of cute, you know?” Joonmyun grinned at him and Sehun couldn’t help but steal a kiss.

“I’m still here,” Jongin growled from Sehun’s swivel chair.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t know about your dates… Don’t worry I’ll leave right now,” Joonmuyn giggled a little and got up to collect his clothes.

“Don’t goooo,” Sehun whined and tried to get a hold of him to pull him back into bed. “I’m still tired and I need to cuddle…”

“Go cuddle with Jongin… I really need to go before my mum comes to check if I’m still alive!”

“Yeah… Go on and leave me because of your mum…”

“Stop being grumpy! I’ll see you tomorrow,” the older promised while getting dressed

“Really?” Sehun’s face lit up.

“Yeah really… Tomorrow’s Monday and there’s school on Monday… So… Bye guys,” Joonmyun waved at them before leaving.

“I don’t even want to hear what you have to say,” Sehun told his best friend when he saw the look the other was giving him.

“Excuse me… But… I find you guys cuddled up under just one blanket at four in the afternoon and you get all whiny when he gets up and I’m supposed not to say anything to this!?”


“Fine… Then you do the talking… What happened? Why is he even here?” Sehun groaned and pulled the blanket over his face.

“Can I take a shower first?”

“I’m not even going to ask… Just go…” Jongin made a face and made his way downstairs to get himself a coke… Or maybe a beer.

When Sehun came back from his shower Jongin was lying on his floor reading a comic and the window was wide open.

“Why isn’t my window closed as it should be?”

“Because I figured your room might need some fresh air after whatever you guys did… And poor Joonmyun didn’t even get to take a shower…”

“Joonmyun took a shower in the morning while I had to help Sejeon wash dad’s car…”

“Okay… Whatever…”

“Why are you lying on the floor?”

“Because I was sure the bed would be gross,” Jongin rolled his eyes.

“If you find it gross that we cuddled… Okay…”

“Really? That’s all that happened?”

“And maybe a little bit of kissing…”

“Start from the beginning, idiot!”

“Well… I was really bored on Friday… And I wanted to play some games and so I decided to invite him over… And in the beginning we really only played those games… But then we somehow ended up kissing instead of sleeping and I don’t know…”

“That was only Friday,” Jongin pointed out.

“Yeah… We did nearly the same stuff yesterday… Well… We studied a bit… And then we watched some movies until three or four… So yeah…”

“Okay… So what are you guys now?”

“I don’t really know… I mean… I told him I’d like to try because… Well… It’s nice… Not the same as with Luhan… Not as perfect… But it’s different… And exciting… And I guess I really like him… And that’s what I wanted, right? So… I thought I should try it…”

“So you’re his boyfriend now…”


“Well… If you want to try it… Then you’re dating, right?!”

“Holy … I think you’re right… Okay… I didn’t think about that… Wow… That’s… That’s kind of strange,” Sehun admitted.

“Tell me about it… I mean… That guy is our TUTOR!”

“Yeah… Maybe he can teach me a thing or two…” Sehun shrugged and Jongin only laughed.

“Sure… Old little innocent Joonmyun… Sure Sehun… Luhan can teach you a lot more than Joonmyun…”

“You might be true…”

“So… Kyungsoo’s still not supposed to know?”

“I… I don’t know… I’ll talk to Joonmyun about it…”

“And you might want to tell the others why you and Luhan are on a break… They keep asking me…”

“I should do that… They’ll hate me…”

“They won’t…”

“If you say so… How was your weekend?”

“It was… Strange… I met Kyungsoo’s grandparents…”


“No… Actually… They knew about me… And… I mean… His grandfather is a little… How do I put this… Overprotective? But he’s nice once you get to know him… And his grandmother… She is absolutely lovely! I’m pretty sure she thinks the same about me… And I’m pretty sure she’s the reason Kyungie knows how to cook so well… I wish my grandmother could be like her… It was really nice spending time with her… She made us food and hot chocolate… And she cut us up a lot of apples… Oh! And she told me lots of stories about Kyungie and showed me pictures… And she told me to accompany Kyungsoo next time he goes to visit them…”

“They sound nice!”

“Yeah… They just treated me like family right from the first second… Well… third hour when we’re talking about his grandfather…”

“Well… I guess his whole family accepted you too easily… It was about time someone cares for poor little squishy!”

“Hey! His dad still hates me… I just know it! He just doesn’t show it because he tries to be a nice dad… But the way he looks at me when we’re alone… Really creepy!” Jongin shuddered just thinking about it.

“And his mum?”

“His mum is amazing! And she always tell me to quit school and go to America to dance…”

“Okay… She does realize that her son would be very sad, does she?”

“Yeah… But she also says that I could still come back in five years and that Kyungsoo would be stupid if he didn’t wait for me…”

“I see… It’s normal that mother’s like their son’s boyfriends a lot better than their son’s themselves….”

“What did your mum say when she heard about you and Luhan?”

“Not much… She asked if I was feeling okay… I mean… She nearly cried at dinner when she served his favorite juice but he wasn’t there to take it… But yeah…” Sehun sighed.

“And you?”

“What about me? I have Joonmyun…”

“Is that enough?”

“It should be, right? At least for now…” The teen stared at the ceiling.

“You already regret it, don’t you?”

“Kind of… And then again not really… Because it really was a little too much… I was really afraid of what I was feeling… But… It feels wrong not to have him here… To have Joonmyun over instead of Lu… It’s strange… It’s not… It’s not home…”

“You’ll be okay… Just give it some time! I mean… Maybe two months… Or three…”

“Yeah… We’ll see… Maybe I won’t go back to him at all…”

“Why would you not?” Jongin sounded really surprised.

“I promised myself to leave him alone… When he doesn’t contact me before the summer… Because I told him to tell me when he’s ready for being friends for the meantime… But… I mean… Two months should be okay for this, right?”

“I guess… But why would you not go back just because he can’t handle seeing you without being able to do more?”

“Because it could mean that he doesn’t want to see me… And I don’t know… I guess if he really still loves me he would want to see me anyway, wouldn’t he?”

“I… Guess… I don’t know…”

“You know… That’s what I’m most afraid of… That I hurt him so much he won’t want me back… And I could understand him… Really… I wouldn’t take myself back… Not in a million years…”

“Stop saying stuff like that… he agreed on a break… That means he’s willing to try again if you still want to…” Jongin finally crawled into bed again to hug his friend.

“I hope you’re right… I really do… Damn… I still have to call Kris…”

“I could go over to pick your stuff up if you want me to…”

“No… It’s okay… I want to make sure Lu’s stuff gets there in one piece…”

“Thanks for the trust…

“I love you too, oaf…”



A/N: So.... I figured I couldn't have HunHan back together right away... And Sehun has to realize that Joonmyun is a really good friend... And nothing more... So yeah... have fun... I'm going to hide xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~