Bonus Chapter - In China

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

Sehun couldn’t believe it. He should have seen it coming. He really should have. Of course his mother would send him to China to improve his Chinese. It was the only thing he couldn’t study as much as he wanted to at home. But still… Why Beijing of all cities this huge country had to offer? Why did his mother have to send him to his ex-boyfriend’s hometown? Sometimes the teen wondered if some higher powers really hated him as much as it seemed most of the time. And the next thing was that this stupid program was supposed to last until his school back at home had already started. How the hell was he supposed to be in the same city as Luhan and not meet him? Especially with Jongin miles away from him!? He needed his best friend right now. Right next to him. Not back in Korea where Sehun should be as well. Damn mothers and their ideas of doing something great for their children. This was not great! This was hell and Sehun really needed to get Luhan’s address. Or maybe Luhan wasn’t even here. Maybe he worked in another city. China has so many of them to offer and Sehun really needed to lay down and sleep over all those new informations. Maybe he could just sleep until this program was over. That sounded like a nice plan. He just switched his computer on to write Jongin a short message that read “I’m in hell… Gonna die! I’ll be back a week after school started… If I survive this !” before falling, face first, into the bed that was going to be his for the next few weeks. Thank god his roommate wasn’t there yet.

When Sehun had woken up again the world had seemed a little better. His roommate was a really nice guy who had come all the way from France and he couldn’t wait to tell Joonmyun about it. Because Joonmyun had had a thing for French guys for a while now. Ever since he’d met this strange André at a party he was sure that France had the best guys ever. Not that Sehun agreed. This guy had the weirdest accent ever and he didn’t understand a word he had said all night long. His roommate wasn’t that bad. Or at least Sehun thought he wasn’t. They didn’t really get to talk to each other that much since neither of them really knew that much Chinese and Alain – his roommate – didn’t know any Korean. Not to mention that Sehun didn’t know any French as well. He only knew that “your eyes” meant “vos yeux“ or something like that – because André had kept complimenting Joonmyun’s eyes… Or at least Sehun thought so.

He also really liked Beijing and he didn’t really understand how Luhan just threw all of it away to come to Seoul. But then again maybe Seoul seemed a lot more adventurous when you didn’t grow up there and maybe Beijing could be really boring when seeing it every day. Sehun spent most of his days wandering through the city with his new friends when school let them. People here didn’t really seem to understand that it was their summer holidays after all and the teachers tended to give them way too much homework. The teen had tried to be the perfect student he’d been for most of the past year for about three days before giving up on all the homework in order to spend some time with the other kids. He was sure he could learn a lot more from them than any of his homework would ever teach him. And that was what his mother wanted him to do. “Study hard and make some friends! Learn about the world while you can!”, that’s what she had said before sending her youngest off into a country she’d never been to without seeming worried at all.


Sehun found himself hating China sooner than he would have liked though. Okay maybe he didn’t really hate China… It was just that he had taken a look at his calendar inly to find out that it was the same date he’s met Luhan a year ago. That was all it had needed for his mood to be ruined.

In order to cheer him up again Alain had gathered everybody up and taken them to a club. It had been a really nice club and even Sehun had to admit that they played amazing music and mixed good drinks that weren’t even that expensive. And they’ managed to get everybody inside even though half of them were still underage.

It wasn’t even an hour later when a familiar looking guy entered the club with a bunch of people the teen couldn’t recognize. He really needed to get his eyes checked because this guy looked an awful lot like Luhan. Just with really black hair. But still! The face was the same. Maybe Luhan had a twin he never told anyone about? Because Beijing was big enough that there was no chance in actually running into his ex at exactly that day of all days his life had to offer.

He had tried to ignore the Luhan look-alike. He had REALLY tried. But when he bumped into him on his way back from the toilet. It only got worse when the guy looked at him in disbelieve and Sehun’s heart started to beat really fast when he realized just how much this guy looked like Luhan.

“Sehun?” And sounded like Luhan. “What are you doing here?” And knew Korean. This had to either be a lucky day or the worst day in Sehun’s life.

“My friends wanted to go clubbing…” He offered because he couldn’t think of an better answer other than ‘Because I wanted to see you’ and he knew that something along that line would sound really stupid.

“You have friends in China?” Oh yeah… Right… He was still in Beijing… For summer school… And Luhan looked really nice with his dark hair and the lights surrounding him and those really tight pants. And he looked really cute when he was confused.

“Well… They’re from all over the world…” This only made Luhan more confused.

“Maybe you should stop drinking, Sehun…”

“Why? I only had one drink… No… Let me get this straight… Mum sent me to Beijing for the summer… I’m attending summer school…. And I’m here with some people from my class!”

“Oh… So you managed to get a bunch of 16-year-olds into this club?”

“No! Some of us are actually old enough to be here…”

“That’s good to hear…”

“Mhm… It’s good… To see you, by the way!” Wow… Now that didn’t sound desperate at all. Luhan giggled before answering him.

“Yeah… It kind of is… Even though I don’t think you should be here…”

“Well… At least I could meet you, right?” And it was getting better. Maybe he should really get his brain checked because it clearly didn’t seem to work like it was supposed to.

“Yeah…” Luhan smiled at him. “How… How have you been?”

“Good, I guess… You?”

“Fine…” The older bit his lower lip. “Listen… I have to get back to my friends before they panic…”

“Oh yeah… Sure… It was… Nice meeting you… uhm…”

“No I meant… Maybe… You know…” The Chinese looked at the floor. When had they become so awkward?


“You could come with me… If you want to that is…”

“I’d love to!” Luhan’s head shot back up and he smiled.


“Sure!” Sehun grinned back at him. Why would he not want to spend more time with the guy he still couldn’t get out of his mind?

“Okay… How about… You go over to our table and I’ll go get the drinks I had to get everyone…?”

“How about I just help you carrying them? Because I don’t know your friends and their going to think I’m strange when I just sit down with them and try to talk in my weird Chinese…”

“Your Chinese sounds cute…”

“Thanks,” Sehun blushed at that.

They were at the bar waiting for the drinks Luhan had ordered when Alain stopped by.

“Here you are… I thought something happened… Thank god!”

“Oh… Yeah… Sorry… I… Met someone…” Sehun mentioned at Luhan and shot his roommate an apologetic smile.

“Oh… OOOOOOOH! Sorry… I’ll be going, yeah?”

“Have fun…”

“You two… Should we wait for you or are you going home with him?”

“I’ll walk him home in case he doesn’t want to spend the night at my place,” Luhan promised and Sehun blushed a deeper shade of red.

“Okay… Just… Can I ask you a favor?” Alain said to Luhan.


“Make sure he stops moping! He won’t stop thinking about his ex because he met him today… Like… Today a year ago… I don’t really know how to say that in Chinese… Anyway… Make sure to take his mind off his ex!” Sehun groaned. Of course that had to be mentioned. Luhan only giggled.

“It’s been a year already?” He asked in Korean.

“Yeah… You spilled your bubble tea all over me exactly one year ago…” Luhan smiled at him lovingly before turning his attention back to Alain.

“Don’t worry… I always knew how to keep his mind off things!”

“Okay… I won’t even ask…” Sehun’s roommate said before leaving.

“I didn’t think you’d remember it,” Luhan admitted after they’d been quiet for a while.

“How could I not?”

“I don’t know… It’s just that… We haven’t really been talking lately…”

“Yeah… I’m sorry about that… I just… I thought you could need a little space after everything I did…” Sehun told him and played with the straw of one of the cocktails. “I didn’t think you’d really want to talk to me…”

“I thought that as well… Now let’s get those drinks to my friends before they come and murder me…”

“Sounds like you have some really amazing friends…” the younger scoffed but still followed the black haired boy.

After a short round of introductions Sehun was pretty confused because he really couldn’t remember any of the names he’d just heard. But it was not like he really needed to remember them anyway because it took only about 15 minutes before Luhan was back by his side and offered him a drink.

“Thanks but I don’t think drinking anymore alcohol would be a good idea…” he declined the offer.


“First of all I’m not old enough to even be in this club… What if the police comes in and checks my ID?”

“They never came here before…”

“Still… And my Chinese isn’t that good… And I already forgot how to get back to my dorm…”

“I meant it when I said I’d walk you home in case you didn’t want to spend the night at my place…”


“Yeah… I mean… I’m not going to let you get lost in the middle of Beijing!”

“Still… I think I managed to up enough last time I was drunk…”

“I can get you something without alcohol!”

“It’s okay… I’ll get something later… But thanks for offering!”

“No problem… So… How is school going?”

“They give us may too much homework… But I just decided on not doing it so it’s okay now… I actually learnt a lot and I met great people… Jongin told me you had a job?”

“Yeah… You should come visit me there tomorrow… I sell bubble tea!” Sehun had to laugh at this. Of course Luhan would find a way to combine making money and getting his favorite drink for free.

“Sure… Just tell me where this place is…”

“I’ll tell you later… You’ll only forget if I tell you now… Are you going camping with us?”

“No… Summer school won’t be over before my normal school started…”

“That … Why would your mum do that to you?”

“I guess she didn’t like some of the choices I’ve made lately… She enrolled me for the second course after I came home drunk the third time…”




“Would now be a bad time to talk about everything?”

“Yes… But I guess there would never be a good time for that… So go on…”

“I’m sorry… Like… You have no idea how sorry I am! I don’t even know why I started making out with Joonmyun… Joonmyun of all people… And I’m sorry I started questioning what we had… I thought I was afraid of how strongly I felt for you… But now I know that I was just being stupid… There was never anything to be afraid of because what we had was everything I’ve always wanted… Everything I’ve always needed… But then… I don’t know… I just thought it would be nice to know how being with someone else would be like… I really just wanted to know if it would be the same as being with you… And I managed to not only hurt you more than I ever thought I could hurt anyone… I also dragged Joonmyun into this whole mess and kind of broke his heart as well… And I guess that was just a little bit too much for me to handle so I just gave up on trying to make things right and slept with all those guys I’ve never met before… And I kind of lost myself in it… But please believe me that I couldn’t stop thinking about you all this time because really… I just tried to find someone who I felt as complete with as I did with you… But I never found that person… And I was afraid of meeting you again because… I mean… Why would you give me another chance after I put you through so much? I would understand it if you wouldn’t ever want to have anything to do with me anymore… And I think I was never ready to hear that from you… Actually I don’t think I’m ready to hear that now… But now that I already met you again… I think it wouldn’t be fair not to let you tell me how much of an I’ve been…” The teen stared at his hands because he knew he’d just burst into tears If he had to look into Luhan’s eyes. That and he was afraid of finally hearing that he’d really ed up and that there was no way for them to ever work out again because who was he even kidding? He wouldn’t take himself back if he’d be in Luhan’s shoes…

The teen had awaited some kind of reaction like maybe a punch in the face – because that’s what he really deserved – or maybe Luhan telling him that there was still no way for them to be together again. What he had certainly not expected was for Luhan to pull him out of his seat and out of the club and before he knew what was happening they were sitting on a park bench and Sehun must have looked kind of confused because he heard Luhan chuckle lightly before he gave him an explanation.

“I thought that maybe we should not stay inside a club when you look like you’re going to cry any second…” Was that a code for ‘I don’t want to tell you to go to hell in front of so many people’?

“Oh yeah… Thanks…”

“Don’t cry, Sehun…”

“I’m sorry…” Luhan just smiled a little and caressed his cheek for a while before he started speaking again.

“Look… I kind of understand what you went through… I’ve done the same thing before… I mean… I never knew it would hurt the other person that much but still… I know that kind of feeling… It’s just that… I know I promised that I’d wait for you… But I just don’t know if I can really try this again… I mean… What if… If you want to try being with other people again?” The older sighed and Sehun looked down at his lap. Of course Luhan would say something like that. Who wouldn’t? It still hurt like hell to be told all those things he had expected to hear in person.

“It’s not like I can promise you that I won’t want that again, right?”

“No… I guess you can’t…”

“I still don’t think I would… I mean… I kind of really regretted breaking up with you the second we decided on it… And… I guess that sounds really lame now but… Being with those other guys just showed me how much I really love you and that I kind of really want to spend the rest of my life with you…”

“Sehun… Just… Please don’t talk about the rest of your life… You’re 16… You can still find someone else to spend the rest of your life with…” The younger just nodded and pressed his eyes shut because he was definitely not going to cry now. This was his own fault and he had to live with the consequences. Luhan fidgeted a little on his side before pulling him into a hug. “Hey… This is not even worth crying… I mean… There’s so many better guys than me out there…”


“What ‘no’?” Luhan giggled.

“No there’s no better guys out there… And why are you always the one to comfort me when I up?”

“Because it breaks my heart to see you like this…” Sehun didn’t know what to reply to that. “I’m just ing with you, you know!?”


“I’m kidding… I don’t even really want you to find anyone else…”

“What?” That was it. Sehun was completely confused and he didn’t like it one bit.

“I missed you like hell and I was hoping you’d just call me and tell me to come back the whole time… And I was so afraid that you could find someone better out there because I know that I have my flaws and that I can be annoying… But I was still hoping that you would maybe conclude that you still love me after meeting some new guys…”



“I slept with a girl once…”

“You… WHAT?” Luhan looked at him in disbelieve.

“I thought… I could just… You know… While I was at experimenting… But it was… Awkward…”

“Well… Okay… I totally did not see that coming!”

“Neither did I… Or Jongin…”

“What did he say?”

“It sounded like ‘OH GOD! I’m sorry… I’m going to leave now’…” Sehun could see that Luhan tried really hard not to burst out laughing by the way his face squinched up.

“I’m not going to say anything to that, okay?”

“I’d prefer it that way… I just thought that now we’re talking about this I should be completely honest for once…”

“I like that… Okay… So… How many guys?”

“Really? You want to know?”

“Kind of…”

“I don’t really know, actually… I mean… I woke up next to a few guys… But I was so drunk that I’m not really sure what happened before I fell asleep…”

“Wow… Okay… That sounds an awful lot like what I did before coming to Korea… Why would you be so stupid?” Luhan looked at him dispraisingly.

“I don’t even know… getting drunk seemed to help… Well… You see where it got me… I have to attend two schools that are in different countries at the same time for a whole week…”

“Well… At least your mum cares enough about you to not just watch you making those mistakes…”

“I never saw it like that…”

“So… Uhm…”


“You’re done enjoying life?”

“No… I can’t really enjoy life without you, Lu…”

“Stop being a cheeseball,” the older complained but he still blushed a deep shade of red that Sehun thought looked really adorable on him.


“You’re not…”

“No… It made you blush… And that’s kind of really adorable and it makes me want to kiss you…”

“Then why don’t you?”

“Really?” Luhan only bobbed his head a little too fast and Sehun bit his lower lip to keep himself from grinning like an idiot before he finally leaned in to kiss the guy he had been wanting to kiss for more than 3 months now.

“But…-“ Luhan started after they’d separated again. “We’re going to take this slow, okay?”

“Sure… We’re going to do whatever you want!”

“Oh I like this!”

“Of course you would…”

“So… So you want to meet my parents?”

“Now? It’s like… one or two in the morning…”

“I meant for breakfast…” The Chinese blushed once more and tried to avoid looking at Sehun.

“I’d love to!”

“Okay… But I have to warn you… Don’t leave my room without me! My mum might throw something at you…” Luhan told him and he sounded a little worried.

“Why would she?”

“Well… Remember when I came back home between the winter and the summer semester?”


“I kind of told her about you… And that I cheated on you… Well… Now she kind of freaks out whenever someone stays for the night… My best friend fell asleep on our couch last week when we were watching some movies… He needed three stitches…”

“Okay… I’ll stay in your room!”

“Great… Let’s go home then…”

“Aren’t you going to tell your friends that you’re leaving?” Sehun wondered after a while.

“No… They saw me getting up… I don’t need to tell them that I’m going home…”


“What about your friends?”

“You talked to Alain and told him you’d take care of me…”

“Strange name…”

“He’s from France…”

“How did you meet him? Is he in your class?”

“Yeah… And he’s my roommate…”

“How do you guys even talk to each other?”

“In Chinese… So our conversations are kind of limited… We try it with google-translate sometimes…”

“Google-translate? Wow… Okay… That’s… Just no,” the Chinese laughed.

“Well… I don’t know any French… He doesn’t know any Korean… No wait… He knows about 3 or 4 words because he wanted to learn them…”

“Is he nice?”

“He’s quite cool… I mean… He keeps skyping with his girlfriend half of the night… But other than that… He’s cool!”

“And the rest?”

“The rest is… Kind of as dumb as my friends at home…”

“Cool! How’s Jongin doing?”

“No plan… I always forget to call him…”

“You are the worst best friend ever…”

“I know… But he’s busy dancing anyway… And he has Kyungsoo… And I wasn’t really in the mood to hear about all the great stuff they’re doing all the time…”

“I understand that…”

“What have you been up to?”

“Me? I studied a lot… Got top grades on all my exams… I hung out with Minseok way too much… He must hate me already… And now I’m home and I work… At a bubble tea store…”

“How did you even get the idea of selling bubble tea?”

“It reminded me of you…”

“And you say I’m the cheeseball…”

“Be nice! I’m older than you and you have to respect me!” Sehun only chuckled at that. “We’re here… Be quiet!”

They sneaked into Luhan’s home like two burglars on an important mission and tried not to make too much noise while brushing their teeth and getting changed before finally closing the door to Luhan’s room behind them.

“That was fun,” Luhan said and giggled. “I never sneaked someone into my room…”


“I never cared if my parents heard me before… But well that was before my mum knew about you…”

“Why does she even care what you do? I mean… We’re on a break…”

“I might have forgotten to mention that…” Luhan mumbled that while crawling into bed and Sehun grinned a little before following. “Stop that!”


“I can see that you’re grinning even though it’s dark…”

“I’m totally not!”

“Don’t lie…”

“I’m totally not grinning! At least not anymore…”

“I hate you…”

“I know…”



“I can’t sleep…”

“You didn’t even try to, hyung…”

“I know… You’re too far away….”

“I thought we’d take it slow?”

“No… We’re doing whatever I want to… And I want to cuddle… So move your over here!”

“So demanding…”He still slid over and wrapped his arms around the older.

“Now that’s a lot better…” Luhan sighed pleased with their new position and snuggled closer. “There’s still something missing…”

“And what would that be?”

“A kiss? You know I can’t sleep without my goodnight kiss…” The black haired boy pouted at him and Sehun pinched his cheeks before kissing him.



“Kissing doesn’t require groping my …”

“But I really like your … You don’t mind, do you?”

“No… I just thought you would…”

“I had to live without since my birthday…”

“Really? You could have just met other people as well…”

“I tried to… But I started crying when that guy tried to get my pants off… I think that kind of killed the mood…”

“Okay… Now I feel even worse…”

“Don’t… Just… Stay from now on…”

“I will! I mean… I only started being a nerd so I could get a good job later on…”

“What are you going to do now that Joonmyun is gone?”

“Call him when I need help… Well… He might just not pick up because that strange guy from France went to Busan with him and they’re living together now… But yeah…”

“A French guy? Joonmyun? Okay… That’s good… That means he’s over you!”

“Yeah… I’ll visit him in October… Want to come with me?”

“No… I don’t even really know him…”

“So? Get to know him…”

“It’s okay… He’s one of your best friends… Go and have fun! I know that you learnt from what you did with Joonmyun…”


“Can I call your mum tomorrow?”

“Sure… Why?”

“I need you to come camping with me… So I can tell the others that I finally moved on and found a new boyfriend…”

“You’re awful!”

“I know… Sehun?”


“I meant it when I said I didn’t have for the time we weren’t together…” The teen only chuckled but who was he to deny Luhan any of his wishes?






Sehun woke up to the sound of pots and pans clattering somewhere which had him confused for a while before he remembered where he was. The memory of last night had him smiling down at Luhan who was still curled up against his chest and didn’t look like he was planning on waking up any time soon so he just brushed Luhan’s bangs out of his face before scooting a little closer and wrapping his arms back around the older.

The peace didn’t last too long though as only about twenty minutes later someone knocked on the door. The teen looked up alarmed and poked his sleeping friend… Or boyfriend… Were they back together yet?

“Luhan? Are you up?” A female voice asked from the other side of the door. Luhan’s mother. Oh god! Why was Luhan still sleeping?

“LUUUUU! Wake up!” Sehun really tried to whisper but he was panicking a little. He certainly did NOT want to be hit, thank you very much. The older finally stirred and opened his eyes slowly.

“Luhan?” His mother tried again and said boy just looked at the door rather confused.

“Say something,” Sehun told him and poked him in the ribs.

“I’m up,” the older finally managed say. It sounded more than croaking but still.

“Are you okay?”

“Sure mum… You just woke me up…”

“Lunch will be ready in about ten minutes…”

“Okay… OH! MUM!?”

“Yes?” The woman opened the door and poked her head inside only to be shocked when she did not see only her son but also another boy she’d never seen before in the bed. “Who is this?”

“I have a visitor,” Luhan told her with an innocent smile. “He’ll eat with us…”

“Really now? Why would he? Get him back to where you found him…” With those words she left again and slammed the door shut behind her. Sehun could only stare at where she had stood before.

“That went better than I thought,” Luhan said and finally sat up.

“I’m not sure if I understood what she said correctly but it sounded like you should get rid of me,” the teen said and raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah… But you’re not hurt! Come on… Let’s take a shower before I tell her who you are…”

“I’m just going to pretend that I trust you on this, okay?”

“You should… I’ve known her a little longer than you… Oh… Good morning, by the way!” Luhan grinned at him before pressing a kiss on his nose.

“Morning,” Sehun couldn’t help but grin as well.

“How much have you grown in the last months?”

“Not that much… Why?”

“You’re going to need some clothes… Good thing it’s summer… You don’t need long pants… And I’m sure I can find a shirt that’s long enough for you,” Luhan mumbled to himself while checking his closet’s contents.

“I can just wear my stuff from yesterday…”

“That smells like smoke… Here!” He handed him some fresh clothes before taking some out for himself and pulling the younger into the bathroom. They had to pass Luhan’s parents on their way and the teen did not like the way the older’s mother looked at him. Luhan’s father seemed okay though. He just grinned and told Luhan that ‘that new guy is the cutest you ever brought along!’ to which his son only rolled his eyes before locking the two of them into the bathroom. “Ignore my dad… He can be an idiot at times…”

“I already like him a lot more than your mum… He didn’t look at me like I would be part of your lunch…”

“Just wait until I tell her that you are you… Even though it is a little strange that she did not recognize you… I showed her a picture of you when we started dating…”

“I still had brown hair back then and my cheeks were a lot chubbier, Lu…”

“True… You looked like a baby!”

“Please just shut up…”


“Because I don’t like looking like a baby…”

“But you are my baby…”

“That’s okay…”

“Hurry up! We only have about five minutes left and I still need to introduce you,” Luhan told him while getting rid of his clothes and climbing into the shower. Sehun followed suit because he thought he’d already made a pretty bad first impression and he certainly did not want Luhan’s parents to have to wait for lunch because of him.






“Mum… Dad… I want you to meet someone!”

“Yeah… It was nice meeting you, kid… But you should leave now… I’m really sorry about my son but he has a boyfriend back in Korea where he studies and he always tells me that this guy makes him really happy… So… I guess you know where the door is!” Sehun knew the woman in front of him was talking to him. But she was talking fast. And she had a slight accent. And Sehun hadn’t really understood what she wanted from him so he kind of just stood there and looked at Luhan for help. But of course the older only laughed instead of offering any help so Sehun just tried to smile at the woman that was still staring at him angrily. “What’s wrong with this guy?” She wanted to know from her son who was still busy giggling.

“Mum… You’re talking way too fast! And stop with your accent that’s confusing him! He hasn’t learnt Chinese for long…”

“I don’t see what’s so funny about all of that…”

“I think he is kind of cute and looks a lot nicer than all the other guys Luhan brought home so far,” Luhan’s father told his wife before welcoming Sehun and asking him if he wanted anything to drink.

“Uhm… No thanks… I should… Wait… I learned that… I should be taking my leave now!”

“Oh baby that sounded really good,” Luhan praised him. “But don’t be silly! You’re staying for lunch!” He turned back to face his mother. “Mum… That’s Sehun… My BOYFRIEND… From KOREA! Now if you could please stop to stare at him like you’re going to kill him any second? Because you’re not making him feel welcomed and I kind of want you guys to get along so I can still come and visit you in ten years….”

“Oh… OH! You’re Sehun?” Sehun nodded. „I’m sorry! Sit down, baby! What do you want to drink?” She led him to the table and mentioned for him to sit.

“Just some water please…”

“Okay… LUHAN! Why didn’t you tell me that your boyfriend would be coming over?”

“I didn’t even know he was in Beijing until I met him at the club yesterday…”

“You are the worst boyfriend ever…”

“No… I just… Never told you that we were on a break for the last three months or so…”

“Oh… And I always asked you about him… Now I feel bad! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because you were so proud that I had finally found someone I wanted to stay with for a long time and I didn’t want to tell you that I kind of failed…”

“But a break is not failing! I mean… He’s here again, right?”

“Yeah… He is,” Luhan smiled at Sehun for a while before going to get a plate and chopsticks for his boyfriend.

“It was all my fault,” Sehun told Luhan’s parents as soon as the older had vanished into the kitchen. “I thought I didn’t love him anymore… Which was stupid…”

“It doesn’t really matter, does it? You’re here now…”


“I hope you like chicken?”

“Sure! I love chicken!”

“Good… Luhan? I forgot to bring your boyfriend his water!”

“I know… But he prefers coke anyway,” Luhan told her with a grin before setting a glass of coke on the table for Sehun.

“But you always tell me that it’s unhealthy…”

“Yeah… And I earn money by selling bubble tea right now... So I should tell the world to buy unhealthy drinks…”

“By the way… didn’t you say you have to work today?”

“Yeah… I only work from three to seven today… I fell asleep in the storage last Saturday and my boss thinks I actually worked way too long…”

“I want a job like that as well…”

“It’s only nice for a short time, trust me…”

“I’m not so sure about that…”

“Hey… Where is our forth chair?” Luhan suddenly asked and looked around. “Das? Where did you put the chair?”

“I don’t know… I guess you guys will have to eat in your room where your mum can’t bombard your boyfriend with questions… Isn’t that a pity?” The man winked at the boys and Luhan shot him a thankful smile.

“That’s really a shame… How are we going to survive that?”

“Survive what?”

“Dad forgot where he put our forth chair,” Luhan told his mother and made sure to whine a little.

“But where are we going to eat then?” She asked, clearly irritated.

“I guess the poor boys will have to eat in Luhan’s room…”

“No way… I just got to know Sehun… Why don’t you go and eat in your office since you lost our chair?” Luhan and his dad sighed before the latter went to get the chair back. “I knew it… You are actually the worst and I don’t even know why I married you! The only good thing I ever got from you is Luhan!”

“Thanks mum! You wouldn’t have said that a year ago…”

“No… You were a plague last year… So Sehun… Tell me about yourself! He knows enough Chinese to tell me about himself, right?” She looked at her son for the last question.

“Yeah… He’s here for summer school and he got pretty good there actually…”

“I did not… I still have my weird accent!”

“But that’s the cutest thing ever,” Luhan squealed and pinched his cheeks. “I’m going to be mad when you get rid of it!”

“I know… So… About me… Well… I’m 16… And I go to school… And… I like to dance?”

“Why didn’t you have hobbies like dancing when you were 16, Luhan?”

“I took dancing classes at the age of 16 in case you forgot… Can we eat now? Because I have to go to work later, you know?”

“You know where the kitchen is… Just bring it… So back to you, Sehun. Are you taking classes or do you just dance at home?”

“Classes… With my best friend…”

“That’s nice! Do you have siblings?”

“An older brother! He’s 17… No! 18!” Numbers were hard in every new language you learnt. Stupid numbers. Why would anyone bother about age anyway?

“And what did your mother say when she heard you were dating Luhan? I mean… He’s four years older than you!” He knew that question would be coming.

“She already knew him before we were together… And she said he was good for me… He… How do I say that in Chinese?” Sehun threw his arms up in the air. This language was going to kill him one day. Even though this was a lot easier than he thought it would be. Luhan’s mother was an angel for speaking extra slowly.

“I was helping him study and his mum says he became a lot more mature after meeting me,” Luhan helped him out. “She’s amazing! She taught me how to cook Korean food and she told me a lot of Korean tales while we were cooking. And she always says it feels like I’m her third son.”

“She likes Luhan more than she likes me and my brother,” Sehun admitted giggling.

“It’s good to hear that Luhan has your mum looking out for him! And I’m also glad she’s really okay with him being with you,” Luhan’s mum smiled at the two of them while finally serving the food. “Now eat. You guys must be hungry.”

“Thanks a lot,” Sehun bowed a little before starting to eat. He had to admit he loved Luhan’s mum. A LOT. This food was amazing.

“So… Is Luhan an okay boyfriend?”

“Oh god mum… Please…”

“Sure he is! He’s amazing! He helps me with my homework and he took me to the opera with him and he always makes time for me,” Sehun grinned at the older.

“Is he good in bed?”

“What?” Sehun must have been really bad at this whole Chinese – and he thought he just got the hang of it because he understood everything before – thing because he thought that he’d just being asked if his boyfriend – more like ex-boyfriend and hopefully soon-again-boyfriend – was good in bed. There was no way any mother would ask something like that. Right?

“I want to know if the is okay.” Maybe there are some mothers that want to know that.

“Oh god… I hate you,” Luhan mumbled into his food – face the darkest shade of red Sehun had ever seen on anybody’s face. “That’s none of your business.”

“Why? Do you think you’re not satisfying him? Are you afraid of his answer?”

“No… I just… I don’t want you to know about my -life…”

“You never had any problem with me seeing all of it before you went to Korea…”

“That was before I had a serious relationship, mum…” Sehun was his first serious relationship? Okay… The teen was totally fine with that. He’d have to make sure to be the last one as well.

“Whatever you say…. So Sehun? Any complaints?”

“I can’t think of any… Sorry?”

“But that’s good! Should I buy you some lube?” And the teen had thought it had been awkward to talk about that with his own mum.

“No thank you… My dorm has rules… No visitors allowed.”

“That dorm is stupid. Is the food there okay?”

“I thought so…. But now that I’ve tried your food I have to say the stuff they feed us is NOT Chinese food!”

“We’ll call your dorm and then you can move in with us!”

“What?” Both boys stared at the woman in wonder.

“Well… You could learn a lot more about Chinese culture here than while living at a dorm with foreigners… And we only speak Chinese… And I’d like to get to know you better because Luhan was talking about moving into an apartment with you after finishing university and I’d like to know the people he lives with.”

“I think I just misunderstood everything you said…”

“No… My mum wants you to move in with us for the rest of your stay,” Luhan told him in Korean. Amazing. Sehun REALLY loved the older’s mum.

“But I’m going to stay longer than you…” Which big time… Because hello? His Chinese boyfriend gets to leave China before him?!

“No… I’m not going camping without you… I already told you I’m going to call your mum…”

“Well… If that’s no problem for you… I mean… We just met again and-“

“Maybe it would be good to spend some time together… We’d have time to talk about everything before we’re going back… And… There’s a lot of places here I always wanted to show you and stuff…”

“Okay… But… My mum…”

“Oh please… You mum loves me… She’d even buy me a house if I’d ask her…”

“True… Keep that in mind… For when I’m done with school…”

“University! You’re going to go to university after school and get a nice education. Then we can talk about buying or building a house…”

“What about a dog? Can we get a dog before that?”

“Sure… I love dogs!”

“Cool… Our dog can have play-dates with Monggu…”

“As long as it’s just play-dates I’m fine with that…”

“Okay!” Sehun grinned at the older. Seemed like this summer was going to be the best in his life. He finally had Luhan back, he had Chinese classes at an amazing school where he’d met amazing people, Luhan’s parents were actually really nice and willing to take him in AND he was going to be able to make it back for the camping trip with all of his friends. That and he was going to get free bubble tea every day because Luhan was actually the best person ever for working at a bubble tea shop.



A/N: Okay... So... I finally found some time to come back here!!! I'm really sorry it took me SO long! I shouldn't have make you wait so long... But I had so much stuff to do... And when I had a little free time I didn't really have the motivation to write anything... But I promised you guys this chap... So I hope you liked it ^^

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~