Chapter 5

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

When Sehun and Luhan had woken up the next day it had already been eleven o’clock which had the latter panicking because he had classes at ten. If Sehun would have known that he’d have made sure that the other would be asleep before four in the morning. Or maybe he wouldn’t have because that had been the first time he had looked at his watch and he nearly had a heart attack when he realized how late it was.

Anyway they had a quick breakfast and Luhan nearly forgot half of his books. And he missed to comb his hair. But Sehun thought he looked cute with his hair standing in all directions so he decided not to tell him and just kissed him goodbye instead. Yeah… he got a little excited over that and was pretty sure it was the reason for Luhan being late another ten minutes. Not that the older had complained about it but he still felt a little bad about it.

When he’d finally been back to his room he had a text from Jongin, asking him to come over to his house for a talk. He went to take a long shower and took his time getting dressed before making his way to the house next to his.

His best friend was pacing through his room when Sehun finally showed up.

“Oh! Hey,” he said when he’d nearly run into him.

“Hey,” Sehun greeted back and sat down on the bed. “What did you want to talk about?”

“I guess you already know,” Jongin told him and turned around to face him.

“If this is going to be another one of your lessons about how Luhan’s too old for me I’ll be going now,” he made clear.

“No… this is about me being a total jerk. I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry.”

“Took you long enough…”

“Look… it’s not easy for me,” the taller said.

“I know… because you hate him.” Sehun hated that. He wanted his best friend to get along with his… whatever Luhan was now that they had talked about that it was wrong for them to be together but they’d still spend half of the night kissing.

“That’s not it. He’s cute. And… I didn’t mean to say all of that stuff. Come on… that guy wants to see you dance, because he knows how much it means to you and he thinks you’re better than me,” he scoffed a little at that.

“Well… he’ll see that he was wrong with assuming that,” Sehun had to admit. Because Jongin really was the better dancer. He danced with all his soul while Sehun just did it for fun.

“He won’t. And that’s because he won’t even see me there. I mean… Have you seen the way he smiles at you? I swear he’s totally into you! And you look really cute together and I can’t even imagine anyone else looking so right with you. But I was just so afraid,” Jongin admitted while fidgeting with his fingers and looking at his feet.

“Afraid of what?” Sehun really didn’t get it. Who would be afraid of Luhan?

“Afraid of you forgetting about me and only hanging out with him…”

That was the sweetest thing Sehun had heard in his whole life and he made sure to nearly crush his best friend in a hug while telling him: “And you’re the biggest idiot alive, Kim Jongin. How could I ever forget you? You’re my best friend and I’ve known you my whole life! And god damn it… Who else should I tell every detail about my dates with Luhan?”

“I don’t know if I really want to know all of that,” the black haired boy said while hugging him back. “But thanks… for saying all of that cheesy stuff…”

“Hell, I’d even kiss you to prove my point if it would be less disgusting!”

He should have known that a really wet kiss would follow. It was this kind of kiss little kids gave you where you ended up with a face full of the others spit.

“You’re gross, man!”

“I love you too,” Jongin laughed.

“You’re only lucky that you have special treatment right now! Otherwise I’d have to kill you now for making me cheat on Luhan.”

“Are you guys dating? … Why have you been talking to him but not to me?”

“I don’t even know what we are anymore… And it’s because he, unlike you, texted me a few minutes after I left to tell me that he was sorry and called me a little after that because I was too angry to answer his text,” he told him and couldn’t help sounding a little proud.

“Then… why don’t you know if you’re dating or not?”

“Well… he came over yesterday to study. I’m his tutor now.”

“You must be so proud.” When had he said that they were good enough again for Jongin to be so sarcastic?

“As I was saying… He came over… and stayed for dinner… And my mum just loves him because he likes to help her cook and he even did the dishes afterwards!”

“And we were talking about you dating or not… Not about what you mum thinks of your hubby.”

“Right… So we went back to studying after dinner when this huge thunderstorm came up. I swear I’ve never met a person who is as scared of them as Luhan before. I told him to stay overnight because his roommate was out for the night and I couldn’t send him home with all the rain and stuff.”

Jongin crawled onto his bed and got some chips from his bedside table. “This is getting really interesting.”

“Stop treating my life as your comedy and give me some of those!” Sehun sat down next to him and took a handful of chips as well.

“The story, Sehun! Keep going!”

“Yeah… so… we we’re lying there… next to each other when he decided to tell me that he thought you were right with telling him that he’s too old for me.”

“I’m sorry!”

“Well… he said he thinks so as well… no big deal. But then he said that he kind of thought about just going with what feels right… It was a little confusing. One minute he made me hope for more only to crush my heart in the next,” he told his best friend while grabbing the chocolate from next to the bed. “You should really stop laying your food on the floor!”

“That’s just because it fell off the bed tonight and I was too lazy to pick it up again.”

“Whatever… So… Luhan said all this things that made me dizzy because… How am I supposed to know what he’s trying to tell me when he clearly doesn’t know what he wants himself?”

“Yeah… that ! Just no way…”

“You didn’t need to answer that one…”

“Sorry… keep going! Coke?” Had he just opened a fridge, which was next to his freaking bed, and got two cans of coke out of it?

“Where did that come from?”, Sehun wanted to know as he opened his drink.

“I found it in the living room and decided that it would be great for the whole family to put it here… Cool, isn’t it?” Only Jongin would think that his family liked this idea.

“Awesome! I need that as well!”

“Mhm… back to Luhan!”

“Right… so… Where was I? Ah! Being dizzy… Yeah… we were arguing about the fact that he … and suddenly this guy is kissing me. Don’t get me wrong… not like the last two times! More like the whole package. Tongues and everything included!”

“Do I want to know what ‘everything’ is?”

Sehun punched him for that. Only lightly of course. “That’s just something people say!”

“Okay… no need to nearly kill me! But… Congratulations, I guess! Did he say anything after that?”

“No… we made out until four and fell asleep pretty soon after that.”

“Holy … You’ve been up for that long just kissing him?”

“Yeah… Why? Is that bad?” Had he done something wrong? Was it wrong to do that?

“Not really… I just know a lot of other things you could have done,” his best friend winked at him.

“You’re the worst, I swear!” He should have known that Jongin’s brain was already a step ahead. Or maybe a few more steps. “He told me all of this was wrong right before he kissed me, you idiot!”

“He still did it… He could have just gone the whole way…”

“I’m never going to tell you anything ever again.” He made sure to pout.

“You know that’s not true. And you can just admit that you would have liked it.”

“Jongin… between two guys requires some stuff that I do NOT own,” he made sure to stress the ‘NOT’ so that Jongin would get it.



“Oh… Yeah… Sure… One of you wouldn’t be able to walk right today,” he snickered.

“I’m glad my life’s amusing you…”

“I’ll get you some for Christmas,” Jongin promised. “What flavor would you like? Or do you prefer the one with all the gay glitter inside?”

“Could you stop that, please? I don’t need any lube. I just met Luhan and we’re not even together yet,” Sehun hid his face behind a pillow. Did this idiot have to make him think about stuff he shouldn’t be thinking about? He was just a teenager with too many hormones and those pictures in his head weren’t helping.

“Yeah… not yet. There’s still a lot of time until Christmas.”

“We didn’t even really talk to each other after kissing, okay? When we got up university had already started and Luhan had to hurry…”

“University really …”

“So does school. Which, by the way, starts again next week,” he reminded his best friend because he was sure the tanned boy hadn’t thought about doing his homework yet.

“Kill me now! I can’t even remember where I put that stupid homework… I’m going to copy yours, so I hope you got it right!”


“Because I let you copy mine for the last nine years!”

Right… It would only be fair to help his best friend out this time. “Okay… You can come over as soon as you find everything you’ll need for it…”

“I’ll call before entering your room… Not planning on seeing you and Bambi making out.”

“You should shut up if you want to see tomorrow,” Sehun threatened. He hadn’t told Jongin about his secrets so the latter had something to with.

“Mhm… By the way… Can you give me Luhan’s number? I really want to apologize to him as well. I have the feeling that I’ll be seeing a lot more of him in the future.”

“Who said you will? I like to stay in my room ALONE when he’s over,” the slightly younger told his best friend.

“I was talking about outside of your own room, idiot. Aren’t you going to take him with you when we go to watch a movie with the rest and stuff? Because that’s what normal people do with their boyfriends. They don’t just keep them at home to make sure no one sees them,” Jongin stated.

“You want me to take him out with the others? Do you want him to die? You know the rest of our friends!”

“Your decision. But I think it would be nice to include him sometimes.”

“I’ll ask him about it! And you won’t get his number. I don’t trust you with all my dirty secrets… Wait until you see him again,” Sehun said.

“Dirty secrets? The socks under your bed?”

“God you’re so funny today…”






They had fallen into a nice routine, Luhan and him. The Chinese came over twice a week now to have Sehun help him studying. And sometimes he helped the younger with his math homework or his English stuff. It was fun to study with someone else, Sehun had learned and he always made sure to do his homework in time and tried to study a little every day. It was surprising how much easier school was when you knew what the teacher was talking about.

The only problem Sehun had with their study-dates was the fact that his mother made sure to always be around. She had grown to like Luhan a little too much and brought them drinks and snacks every twenty minutes or so to make sure her guest was feeling alright and her son didn’t make him do any hard stuff.

It was pretty annoying to the teen to have his mum barging in without knocking his door first because it meant he couldn’t risk doing anything with his crush. Because that was still all Luhan was to him. They’d never mentioned that night when the Chinese boy had stayed over even though it had already been about a month. And Sehun didn’t want to bring it up either because the other looked so comfortable with how things were between them and he didn’t want to ruin anything.

But it was eating him up, really. And Jongin was about to kill him, because he wouldn’t stop whining. And Luhan was just as clueless as ever, which was the worst part about it all. It had been him who had kissed Sehun… Not the other way round. So why was he pretending it never happened?

Sehun let his head fall onto his desk with a groan. Four whole weeks… He should get an award for being patient.

“Are you okay?” When had his best friend come over? He wanted to be alone and feel unloved and eat chocolate and cry the whole night like teens at his age should when they suffered from a heartbreak.

“No… Go away! I want to be alone and drown in self-pity right now,” Sehun told him without looking up.

“Okay… Hyung, we’ll have to go out for bubble tea alone. Sehun prefers playing ‘dramatic teenage girl’.” Hyung? Why did Jongin bring other people over to his house? And why would go for bubble tea with them? Sehun was the only one in their group who liked drinking that stuff.

“Too bad,” he heard Luhan’s voice say.

He jumped up from his seat and turned around. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to come over tomorrow?”

“It’s nice to see you as well! Actually… I’ve been over at Jongin’s for the last two hours and we decided to ask you to join us now,” the oldest told him.

Two hours? At Jongin’s? Why? What had Sehun missed? Last time he checked, those two were hating each other and now they spent time together behind his back. He really had an awesome best friend.

“I see…” He sat back down. “You didn’t need my company for the last two hours, so I guess you can manage without it for another hour or two. Have fun!”

“Sehunnie!” Luhan decided his lap was a nice place to sit on. “Please?” And he definitely knew that stupid puppy look that had Sehun screaming inside.


“But it will be a lot more fun with you there!”

“You had a great time alone with him. Why do you need me now?”

“Are you jealous?” The student snickered.

“Why would I be?” Sehun wanted to know.

“I don’t know either since there is really no reason for you to be. Jongin asked me to meet him because he wanted to apologize. So we met and talked about it and made clear we were on the same page before coming here,” Luhan told him and pressed a light kiss against his lips.

“We know that you hate it when we fight. So we decided to be friends from now on,” Jongin spoke up to make sure the two lovebirds were aware of his presence.

Sehun almost felt bad for behaving the way he did before. “That’s nice to hear,” he said. “Jongin?”


“Could you leave for a minute?” He didn’t wait for his best friend to answer before kissing Luhan and wrapping his arms around his waist.

He heard Jongin groan and his room door was closed rather loudly a few seconds later. The boy on his lap broke the kiss to laugh. “Don’t be like that! He’ll hate me again.”

“Who cares?”

“Me, actually. He said you guys were going to see this really great movie this weekend and I kind of really need to see it. He said I could come with you,” the older smiled at Sehun.

He hated Jongin. He loved his friends. But Chanyeol and Baekhyun were those type of friends you made sure your parents would never meet. They always caused trouble, got thrown out of restaurants most of the times and never shut up. They only knew how to tell you everything at once in a pace that often left Sehun wondering how they still understood each other and once they entered a place everyone knew because they were lout. Like… Really loud. Chanyeol’s laugh could wake up the dead. And Baekhyun normally decided to join in.

“You don’t want me to come with you, right?” Luhan asked when he noticed Sehun had gotten a little pale.

“No… That’s not it! I’d love it if you could come with us… It’s just the other guys that are coming with us,” he told him.

“What about them?”

“Well… they’re… special? Just don’t try to understand what they’re talking about. It’s never important and you get way too much information in too little time. And they are rather loud so the chance that we’ll get thrown out of the cinema is pretty high.”

“They sound like two of my friends back in China. I’ll just talk to you if I don’t understand them,” the older promised.

“I’ve warned you!”

“Mhm…” Luhan kissed him again. “Now let’s get going before Jongin dies out of boredom.”

“No one would miss him!”

“I can hear you, you know?” Jongin’s voice was heard from the other side of the door.

“Stop spying on us, you moron,” Sehun told him when he opened the door.

“Whatever… Are we going now?”

“Sure we are,” Luhan said and dragged both of them down the stairs. “And I’m sorry, but you’ll have to drink some bubble tea today, Jongin. My treat.”

“Why?” Jongin whined.

“Because the two of you are my favorite dongsaengs.”

Sehun really liked the way how the three of them were laughing at silly jokes on their way to drink his favorite drink and he was glad his best friend and Luhan liked each other because it would make his life so much easier.




A/N: So... Kai and Luhan are finally on good terms... Now we can only hope for HunHan to finally stop being so.. them (?) and finally start dating...
Thanks to anyone who is still reading this. You guys mean a lot to me <3

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~