Chapter 9

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

Him and Luhan had been dating for a little more than two weeks when Baekhyun had called Sehun to tell him to ‘bring his little dear’ to the movie evening they were planning on having at Chanyeol’s house that evening. When he had asked for the reason his friend had just told him that he had found something Luhan could be interested in. And he had the nerve to tell Sehun that he thought the Chinese needed to hang out with other people as well because one would become crazy when spending too much time with him. Jongin was the perfect example or something like that.

Even though Sehun didn’t like everything of what Baekhyun had said he found it very nice of his friends to include Luhan to their hangout-sessions although they didn’t know they were dating yet. He’d have to change that.

Luhan had been enthusiastic when Sehun told him about the invitation to an evening full of chaos. He said he really liked spending time with Sehun’s crazy friends because they were refreshing and reminded him of his youth. Like he was that old… But the teen decided against arguing with his boyfriend because he didn’t want him to change his mind.

He had his brother, who had just gotten his driver’s license the day before, to drive him and Jongin to Chanyeol’s place and pick up Luhan on the way. Looking back he felt rather sorry for his brother because the three of them had been bouncing up and down in their seats and him and Jongin had tried to dance to the music.


Sehun was a little surprised to find another guest on the sofa when he entered the living room, where they were going to spend the next hours.

“Guys… This is Kyungsoo,” Baekhyun introduced the boy who was looking at them with really big eyes.

“Hey…” Kyungsoo mumbled. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“He’s the reason why I wanted Luhan to come over as well,” Baekhyun grinned at them.

“No way! He’s mine,” Sehun told him and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s waist. “I know I missed to tell you guys… But we’re dating… Sorry, Kyungsoo but he’s not available.”

“I didn’t even know I was supposed to meet him…”

“Oh… Well then… I’m Sehun! This is Luhan… and the idiot that’s still in the kitchen to help Chanyeol eat all the snacks before we see them is Jongin,” Sehun introduced them.

“It’s nice to meet you as well,” Luhan added.

“So… Congratulations on finally dating… How long?” Baekhyun nearly shoved his face into Sehun’s.

“About two weeks,” he said while drawing back a little.

“YEOL! You owe me some money,” his hyperactive friend shouted into the kitchen. “Anyway… Luhan told me he liked to sing.”

“I do…”

“So do I… And I met Kyungsoo in the library last week… He’s in a choir… They’re still looking for some people. I thought maybe we could apply together!”

“That would be awesome! Can I Sehun?” the Chinese looked at him with puppy eyes.

“Of course,” Sehun laughed. “Why would I forbid you to have fun? I have my dance practices.”

“Thanks,” Luhan kissed his cheek. “That will be awesome.

“I know! So… if you have any questions… Kyungsoo can answer them. And don’t get a wrong picture of him… He can talk! He’s just shy,” Baekhyun told them.

“No… it’s because you talk too much,” Jongin said when he and Chanyeol came in with the snacks. “And who’s Kyungsoo?”

“That would be me,” the latter said. “You must be Jongin, right?”

“Oh god… What did Sehun tell you?” His best friend glared at him.

“Only the truth,” he defended himself.

“He just said you were in the kitchen helping Chanyeol with the snacks,” the short boy on the couch.

“Cool… Why have I never seen you around before?”

“He’s new to our group… He’s in the choir me and Luhan will join,” Baekhyun explained.

“Which school do you go to?” Jongin wanted to know.

“I don’t go to school… I mean… I’m being home-schooled.” Sehun figured that guy’s eyes must be that big by nature since he still looked a little shocked.

“Wow that must be hard… You have to stay awake when you’re the only one around,” Jongin sounded like that was the worst thing that could happen to him.

The shorter giggled. “You should always stay awake when the teacher’s talking. And I enjoy studying.”

“Oh I just know we’ll get along really good,” Luhan told him. “I love studying.”

“He loves it more than he loves me,” Sehun added.

“Oh baby… I don’t,” he pinched Sehun’s cheek und pecked his lips.

“GUYS! You’re surrounded by singles… And a new guy. He may not like gay people,” Jongin tried to separate them.

“They’re cute… Just leave them alone,” Kyungsoo smiled.

“And I’m not single… I was just left behind,” Chanyeol clarified and pretended to be heartbroken.

“Whatever… I don’t need to see that again…”

“Just turn the movie on and stop looking at us, you moron,” Sehun lightly kicked his best friend which had the rest laughing.






Kyungsoo had been a nice addition to their circle of friends. Once he had warmed up a little he’d been very funny. And Jongin had looked really happy that he was there as well since the rest had been ignoring him since Baekhyun and Chanyeol had been planning some prank for one of their teachers (Sehun was quite sure they’d never grow up and he really pitied their teachers). Well… he had been busy making out with Luhan.

“You know,” Jongin started once he and Sehun were alone in the latter’s room. “I was really happy you found Luhan at first… But this is getting over board.”


“What movie have we been watching?”

“How am I supposed to know?”

Jongin shot him a knowing look. “I figured. You could have just stayed at home…”

“It was fun being there, okay? We talked to you guys before and after the movie. What we do while it’s running is none of your business,” he told the taller boy with a stern look.

“It would be okay if you guys would stop when it’s over! But you’re just so… freaking adorable and stuff…”

“Jealous?” Sehun chuckled.

“A little, to be honest,” Jongin let out a sigh. “It’s just… I seems like I’m the only single on the planet!”

“You forgot Baek…”

“Baek doesn’t count! He has a lot of girls…”

“Each for one night only…”

“Better than nothing. Maybe I should get myself a girl for just one night as well,” his best friend wondered aloud.

“I’d kill you. Don’t you dare breaking poor girl’s hearts,” the younger warned him.

“What is it to you?”

“Well… I wouldn’t want to be used like that… Would you?”

“No… But maybe there are some people out there!”

“Jongin… Just wait a little longer. You’ll find your dream girl sooner or later,” he promised.

“Sooner would be better… You said something about double-dates once. I have to admit it sounds quite nice once you think about it.”

“How about this Kyungsoo guy? You seemed to get along really great,” Sehun shot a wink in his best friend’s direction.

“And unicorns fly,” the tanned boy rolled his eyes.

“Ha! Tell me more!” Sehun shot up from his comfortable position in the bed.

“They’re pink?... What are you talking about?”

“There are no unicorns, Jongin… Admit it! You like him! At least a little?”

“I do… I guess we could become good friends.”

“You could become more than that,” he grinned.

“We could just not. Stop trying to set me up with guys! Why do you want me to date a guy?”

“Because a girl could have a problem with your best friend being gay?”

“How long have you known me? I’d never date a girl that has something against you and Luhan. You are the most important person in my life, Hunnie," he mocked him.

“Stop calling me that. I only like it, when Luhan does it.”

“Yeah… Bambi gets special treatment… I know that much.”

“Could you do me a favor?” Sehun looked at his best friend who was lying on the floor.


“Try not to dance as perfect as you normally do at this year’s performance?” he pleaded.

Jongin just scoffed. “Afraid that your loverboy will be mine afterwards?”

“No… Luhan would never date you! You’re way too lazy. And you’re ugly!”

“When did he say that?” Jongin was pretty shocked. No one had ever told him that he looked ugly.

“Never... That’s just my opinion…”

“I’ll ask him what he thinks about me next time I see him!”

“Do that,” Sehun rolled his eyes.

“What if he really thinks so?”

“He’s my boyfriend… he doesn’t need to like the way you look…”

“Gay guys tend to like the type of guys that girls like,” Jongin whined.

“Calm down! I didn’t mean it. If you want my honest opinion… I think you’re really handsome and nice and I really don’t see why there are not at least a hundred girls lining up to date you,” he told him in a serious tone.


“Really. And if you weren’t my best friend I guess there would have been a time when I would have had a crush on you.”

“You sure you never liked me that way?”

“Sorry, but yes! You’re like my brother… That would be gross!”

“That’s good to hear,” his best friend smiled at him. “Because I would feel terrible if I ever broke your heart.”

“And you’re an adorable little ! Girls love that.”

“Thanks man… I love you too!”

“Everyone does!”

“I’ll still dance the way I always do…”

“I hate you, Jongin…”

“Everyone does…”

“I know,” Sehun laughed.






Sehun had never worked that hard on his dancing and it paid. He got to dance a solo this year. Normally it was Jongin but it seemed like his trainer had seen how much more energy and time Sehun had invested this year and he had given him a reward for that.

It was a few hours before he had to leave for his final rehearsal and just a few minutes before Luhan would show up when his mother came into his room and closed the door behind herself. Sehun stopped everything he was doing almost instantly. His mother never closed his room door when she was still inside and he felt like this conversation was going to be at least a little awkward.

“Can we talk?” his mother wanted to know when she sat down on his bed.

“Sure,” he nodded and sat down next to her. “Did I do something I shouldn’t have?”

“Not really. Before we start this I wanted to wish you good luck for tonight.”

“Thanks,” he smiled still feeling a little uneasy.

“When is Luhan going to be here?”

Sehun looked at his watch. “In about forty minutes… No he’s always late… so maybe in an hour, I guess.”

“You’re still going to sleep at his place tonight?”

“I was planning on doing that. Why?” He didn’t like how this went. Not one bit.

“I don’t know… Don’t you want to tell me something before you go?” his mother looked curious.

“I love you?” Sehun tried.

“I meant about Luhan…”

“He likes you? And your cooking…”

“When are you finally going to tell me that you’re dating that guy?” She threw her hands up in frustration.

“You know that?” The teen was shocked. Utterly shocked. This was the end. He was going to die.

“Of course I do! I’m your mother! I was waiting for you to tell me forever! Since when have you been dating?” Why did she sound so excited?

“Wow… okay… Let me process this.” He took a few deep breaths.

“Come on… we don’t have that much time before he’s here… I want to know everything!” She sounded more like Jongin with every passing second.

“You don’t hate me?” Sehun was still trying to understand what was going on.

“Of course not, baby. Why would I? I figured you were gay long ago. You never talked about girls… Only about boys. And it doesn’t change who you are, does it?”

He just nodded and looked at the ground because he didn’t want his mother to see that he was crying. “Thanks, mum.”

“Don’t cry, baby.” She hugged him. “We’re your family. If we don’t stand behind you then who else would?” Had he ever mentioned how much he loved that woman?

“You don’t have a problem with the fact that he’s four years older than me?” he wanted to make sure.

“I knew him before you were dating… I guess I did at least,” she noted.

“You did,” the teen smiled a little.

“See. I already knew he’s a nice guy when I found out. I think he’s really good for you! You care more about school and you got a lot more mature. But that won’t stop me from killing him if he dares to break your heart,” she threatened.

“You’re the best mum anyone could ever wish for,” he said and finally hugged her back.

“That’s why you’re going to tell me everything!”

“No mum! Not everything…” And he had the most annoying mother as well.

“Okay… Just when you first kissed and when you got together? And how you got together?”

“You’re worse than any girl I know… We first kissed… I guess you can’t count the first time we met… that was more of a peck… That time when he stayed overnight because of the storm. He told me that I was too young and that all of this was wrong but he kind of wanted to go with his heart and blah… and then he just kissed me… You wouldn’t believe how fast my heart beat! I thought I was going to die!” His mother grinned. “And we got together on the first of November… He told me that he wouldn’t need me as a tutor anymore because he wanted to do other stuff when we meet… And he said lots of other stuff and it took me forever to realize what he meant… I never figured it out on my own but that’s beside the point now. And we were at this park when he asked me and it was cold and his nose was a little read and he looked so freaking adorable and… I have never been that happy in my entire life! He’s just the cutest and perfectest and squishiest and cuddliest person I ever met… Was that even a real language? Anyway… when we kiss the world just stops and it’s really like in all those sappy love stories you always see on TV and think they don’t exist… And sometimes I wonder how I got such a perfect boyfriend and what he sees in me but then he just tells me all these cute things and what he likes about me and I feel like I’m floating again… Mum? Is this normal?”

His mother settled for petting his back. “Yes, baby… That’s normal,” she smiled at him. “I didn’t know you could talk this much at once.”

Sehun blushed.

“This was just the short version. There’s so much more about him to tell!”

“That’s great. It shows that you really like him.”

“I already knew that, mum…” he rolled his eyes. “Does dad know?” he ducked a little.

“Of course he does. It was actually him who noticed first. He thought you were dating when he first saw Luhan.”

“Why did everyone know before me? I thought I would never get him…”

“Because you didn’t see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking,” his mother told him.

“Like in those movies?” Sehun wanted to know.

“Even better,” she promised.


“Yes, baby?”

“You’re the bestest of the bestests!”

“Thanks. And now go back to getting ready. Jongin’s parents will pick you up shortly after Luhan arrives and I guess you don’t want to pack your stuff when you boyfriend’s here… Teenager normally have something better to do… Do you need any lube?”

“Oh god… this is even worse when you ask me. No thanks. I need it neither from Jongin nor from you… This is so embarrassing.”

“Sorry… Oh… And I’m sorry that I made you come home so early on the first of December just to visit your grandparents… That’s why you should tell me when you start dating… You wouldn’t have missed half of you first month anniversary.”

“Yeah… Make sure to leave me alone on the first of January…”

“I’ll try.”

“Oh… Now that you know… Can Luhan celebrate Christmas with us? He doesn’t have the time to go back to China and I don’t want him to be alone…”

“Of course he can.”

“Cool… Another thing… Never come into my room without knocking ever again!”

“My baby’s growing up so fast,” his mother dramatically whined as she left.




A/N: So... I was planning not to put that up before tomorrow... But since you guys wanted to know how his mother will react... and I've had the document open to write something that's going to happen a little later I thought I should just give you the chap now!
I hope you liked it!
Oh... And thanks to everyone who commented and subscribed! I LOVE YOU!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~