Chapter 44

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“Could you be quiet, please? Sehun’s still sleeping!” Luhan hissed at his roommate when the latter wanted to make himself some coffee.

“So? It’s eleven! It’s okay to make some coffee now… He has to start the day sooner or later and I’d prefer if it would be sooner!” Kris argued.

“But he must be really tired…”

“He seemed just fine last night…”

“Well… Yeah… I want him to rest,” Luhan pouted at the taller.

“Just let him make his coffee, Lu,” Sehun mumbled from the bed and sat up slowly.

“You’re awake?”

“Of course he is,” Kris rolled his eyes. “Everyone would wake up from your arguing…”

“I’m sorry, baby…” Luhan came running. “Do you need anything?”

“I’m fine… And it’s okay… Wait… There is something I need…”

“What is it?”

“You,” Sehun told him and pulled him back into bed. “It’s cold in here…”

“Yeah… I opened a window… Sorry!”

“You and your windows… You know… You don’t have them to leave them open the whole day but to see the outside world without actually having to leave your house,” Sehun explained and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend before pressing a kiss onto his nose.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell him for half a year… Good luck with that,” Kris mumbled and finally made himself his beloved coffee.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Luhan whispered as soon as the coffee machine was running. Sehun smiled and nodded.

“Stop worrying so much. It’s not like I’m going to die…”

“No… But I’m sure it’ll hurt to walk…”

“That’s okay… I only have to study today…”

“But you have to go home,” Luhan reasoned.

“I’ll be fine… I wanted this, okay? I knew it was going to sting for a while. But I’m not the first one who ever experienced it so I know it will go away!”

“Still… I don’t like hurting you…”

“Lu… It only hurt for a really short time… It was highly pleasurable 99% of the time,” Sehun put on his most serious face.

“This is so unfair… I couldn’t move for three days after the first time I had …”

“Maybe you didn’t get lucky enough to have a boyfriend like I have. Because mine made sure I was prepared for this and he was really careful… Well… He really likes to tease me but I guess I kind of like that as well…”

“I love you, baby!”

“I love you too, Lu!”

“Guys? Please… I already know you love each other… There’s really no need for you to tell each other every hour,” Kris complained from the kitchen table and Sehun could imagine the face the older must have been pulling behind the wardrobes.

“You’re just jealous,” Luhan sang. “Because we’re luckily in love and you sleep as if we sedated you…”

“What does one have to do with the other?”

“We tried to wake you up tonight,” Sehun said, maybe a little too fast.


“There was a spider,” Luhan lied.

“In winter?”

“Must have lived here for a long time…”

“Where is it now?”

“My baby killed it!”

“Your baby is really strong, I see.” They were both a hundred per cent sure the tallest must have rolled his eyes.

“Stop being so mean,” Luhan told him. “My baby is the strongest!”

“Yeah… But he’s still just a baby…”

“He’s not… I just call him that because ‘Hunnie’ sounds… I don’t know… I feel a little ty when I call him that…” Sehun burst out laughing. “That’s not funny! Why do you have a name that doesn’t give me the chance to give you a cute nickname?”

“Sorry… But you should complain about that to my mum… She’s responsible for my name… Dad wanted to call me… I don’t even know… They made a bet… He lost… So I’m ‘Sehun’ now…”

“What kind of bet?”

“You don’t want to know?”

“But I doooo… I think stuff like that is really cute…”

“It was… Who would be able to keep up with more rounds of ,” the youngest mumbled and Kris almost choked on his coffee.

“That’s REALLY cute,” he said after coughing for a while and Luhan only stared at the teen in disbelieve.

“Told you, you wouldn’t want to know…”

“Can we bet on something as well?” Luhan asked him after a while.


“I don’t want a dog… Let’s get a cat! Cats are cuddlier!”

“But Lu…”

“You don’t need to take them for a walk…”

“But cats are… y… They have mood swings…”

“Does that mean you wouldn’t love me anymore if I had mood swings?”

“That’s not what I said, Lu…”

“But what you mean…”

“Lu… I’m not having this discussion… It’s stupid.” Sehun sighed and got up. “I’m going to take a shower…”


“You said I need to leave before eleven because you have tons of stuff to do… I should have been gone a while ago…”

“Yeah… But-“ Luhan was cut off when Sehun closed the bathroom door and crawled into the shower.

“He’s right though… It IS stupid,” Kris said.

“I know…”

“Well then… Maybe you should go after him… I’ll be leaving…” And with that Kris left the dorm and Luhan stood in front of the bathroom until he heard the water run. He stared at the door for a few more seconds before quietly entering the room and stripping. Sehun screeched when he felt arms wrapping around him from behind but relaxed as soon as he realized it was just Luhan.

“Sorry… I didn’t mean to scare you,” the older apologized and scattered kisses onto his neck and upper back. “And I’m sorry for being so moody… It’s just that I feel like it’s all too much right now…” Sehun turned around and smiled softly.

“I know… I’m sorry for not being an understanding boyfriend…”

“Hey… You never had to be that before… It requires a little practice…”

“I’ll practice harder!”

“I hope you won’t have to… Another three weeks like this and I’ll die…”

“Call me when there’s something I can help you with,” Sehun said and leaned down for a short kiss. “When did you get so small?”

“HEY! I’m not small! I’m just making myself smaller now to cuddle with you… I’m nearly as tall as you, you freaking tower.” Luhan pouted at him.

“I see… It’s all just for me. Thanks, Lu,” the teen giggled.

“Will you stay a little longer? I like having you here…”

“No… I’ll leave as soon as possible… I still need to record me and Jongin dancing, remember?”

“Damn… I mean… Thanks a lot for helping! You saved me! It’s just… I don’t want you to leave just yet…”

“I’ll come over on Wednesday… I have some time between school and dance practice,” Sehun promised.

“Okay… I’ll make you something to eat then!”

“That sounds nice!”

“I wouldn’t want you to starve, baby… And I hope I’ll have more time next weekend…”

“Don’t worry about it, Lu… I want you to study and do all your homework… And I want you to spend the little time you have left of the day sleeping. Or doing something fun like choir practice. I don’t want you to skip all that just to see me.”

“But you’re more important than choir… And I sleep a lot better with you around,” Luhan explained.

“Yeah… I saw how fast you fall asleep last night,” the teen laughed.

“I didn’t hear you complaining then…”

“I never said this was a complaint right now…” Sehun smirked and let his fingers run down Luhan’s sides.

“Stop that… It makes me feel like a when you don’t even pretend to be sore…”

“I never said I wasn’t… I just don’t want it to ruin our last few minutes together,” the younger pulled the Chinese closer to seal their lips together.






“How was it at Lu’s?” Jongin wanted to know after Sehun had settled down on his floor. “I mean… You didn’t actually do his homework, did you?”

“Why not? He really needed help with it and it sounded fun… By the way... I need your help again!”

“Oh god… Why?” Jongin groaned.

“I choreographed a dance for the music… I want you to improve it and dance it with me… I want to record it for Lu…”

“I love that idea… Thinking of it… I love it when you and bambi do his homework…”

“Where’s Kyungsoo? I thought he would be here…” Sehun wondered after a while.

“Kitchen… He’s helping my mum with a cake…”

“She’s warming up to him… That’s good!”

“She loves him! She’s just not too happy that he’s dating me instead of my sister… But at least dad got her to shut up about it… So… The dance first or our stupid presentation first?”

“You just answered that when you put the word ‘stupid’ in… Let’s start with the fun stuff!” And with that the two boys got to work on the dance routine Sehun had made up the night before and changed a few steps to make it look better when dancing together.

Kyungsoo had been really amazed when he’d come back from cooking. He’d never seen any of them dance and had used the chance to film them with his phone, during their practice before they got the camera out and filmed the ‘real thing’, as they called it, to send it off to Luhan.

“I never knew you were THAT good,” Kyungsoo still looked surprised after the e-mail had been sent.

“Did he never tell you he’s the best in our team?” Sehun asked.

“No…. Why did you never tell me? And I meant that both of you are really good dancers…”

“Thanks, Kyungsoo,” the youngest smiled.

“I never told you because I don’t think I am… I still need to learn so much and I think I wouldn’t look even half as good as I do without the rest… It’s like… I’m lacking something… And each one of them brings one of those things in,” Jongin tried to explain.

“You’re still the best dancer… Though I have to admit Yixing is a close second…”

“You can say that if you want… I just don’t want to… It makes me feel… Arrogant… And like I don’t need to practice anymore…”

“I think you’re great,” Kyungsoo told him and kissed his cheek. “I hope I’ll see a lot more of it in the future… You look really different when dancing…”

“I do?”

“Yeah… So confident… It’s really hot!” Jongin blushed at that.

“He’s right though,” Sehun admitted. “Now… How about that presentation?”

“That’s a good idea before you tell me you have a thing for my boyfriend,” Kyungsoo decided.

“I would have made a move long ago, don’t worry. I’m just stating facts. He looks really y when dancing. That doesn’t mean I’d sleep with him…”

“Sehun… I can hear you,” Jongin mumbled.

“So? I’m only telling the truth…”

“Am I that ugly?”

“No… I just have a boyfriend… So do you… And you’re my best friend and I’ve seen you before you got attractive… Be happy Kyungsoo never saw that!”

“I did… His sister showed me lots of pictures… I think he was a really cute kid,” Kyungsoo defended his boyfriend.

“My sister did? I thought she hated you,” Jongin said.

“Oh… Your oldest sister loves me… She showed me the pictures…”

“That makes sense…”

“Anyway,” Sehun broke the conversation off. “Presentation.”

“Kyungsoo brought lots of stuff for us. His old notes and some really good books and I looked through them yesterday and already wrote everything down,” Jongin told him and handed him 3 pieces of paper. “Read it first and then tell me where we still need to change something!”

“Who are you and what did you do to my best friend?”

“Well… Kyungsoo was doing homework so I decided to do something productive as well… And I thought you wouldn’t be here before late at night even though you said you’d come over in the afternoon… I was sure you’d spend the day with bambi…”

“I would have loved to… But he has tons of stuff to do…”

“That … And you even had Kris around the whole time… Did you even get to kiss him?”

“I… I did… Actually,” Sehun blushed a deep red and decided that reading the stuff his best friend had written would be a nice idea.

“Why are you blushing like that? You didn’t care when I saw you shoving your tongue down his throat last year and now you’re behaving like a ,” Jongin huffed.

“Leave him alone, Jongin,” Kyungsoo giggled. “Maybe Kris walked in on them doing something more…”

“Ouch! Did he?”


“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” Sehun told them before mumbling that the older was a very deep sleeper that would even sleep through war.

“You guys jack each other off when there’s other people in the room?” Kyungsoo looked a little disturbed.


“You bambi with his roommate in the bed next to you?” Jongin looked rather shocked.

“No… Will you let me read this now?”

“What did you guys do then?”

“Let him read that first, Jongin… Maybe he’ tell you after I left,” Kyungsoo smiled at the younger.


“Shut up, you two… I’m trying to concentrate…”

“Okay, okay,” Jongin grumbled and pulled Kyungsoo onto his lap before kissing him.

When Sehun was finally done reading all three pages – he had to admit Jongin had done a really good job on them! – he sighed when he was welcomed with the sight of his best friend making out with his boyfriend. A little kissing would have been okay but Jongin’s hand under the older’s shirt told him that things would be escalating pretty soon when he didn’t stop them. He thought of a nice way to remind the two lovebirds of his presence when Kyungsoo let out a muffled moan and decided that just pulling the smaller off his best friend would have to do for the moment.

“Guys? I’m still here, you know?”

“Then leave,” Jongin pointed his finger to the door.

“Are you throwing me out?”


“The presentation?”

“There’s an usb-stick on my desk… Take a look at the power point and change whatever you want to change… Kyungie finished the poster this morning… Do you still need anything else?” Jongin helped his boyfriend back up onto his bed.


“We’ll do that next Sunday…”

“But Jongin… I will be bored all alone…”

“I’ll come over after Kyungsoo got picked up by his parents?”

“You can’t just throw your best friend out because of me,” Sehun heard Kyungsoo whisper.

“Okay… Just… Take a shower before coming over,” the youngest sighed, grabbed the usb-stick and left to take a look at the presentation and get some studying done. It was weird to spend a Sunday studying alone. He had gotten used to Jongin’s presence but he kind of understood why his friend preferred spending time with Kyungsoo alone. He’d do the same if Luhan wouldn’t have been so busy.






“Hey,” Jongin greeted him when he came into his room at around nine.

“Hey,” Sehun mumbled into his pillow. He had plopped down on his bed and buried his face into his favorite pillow about twenty minutes ago and he wasn’t ready to leave his comfortable position just yet.

“Did anything happen?” The older asked worried and sat down next to his friend. Sehun only shook his head. “Are you sure? Because it’s not like you suffocate yourself with your pillow just because of nothing…” A nod. “Is it because of Luhan?” Sehun’s head shot up.

“What’s wrong with Lu?”

“That’s what I wanted to know from you…”

“Everything’s fine… Why?”

“You seemed depressed down there in your pillow…”

“It’s comfortable and helps me think…”

“What did you think about?” Jongin told him to scoot over and lay down beside him.

“About Lu…”

“So something did happen…”

“Nothing bad though…”

“Will you tell me?”

“No… You tend to either giggle like a school girl or you’re shocked and make me feel like I did something wrong,” Sehun grumbled. “Besides… You preferred ing your boyfriend to spending time with me earlier…”

“Oh come on… I don’t him… I make love to him!”

“You’re so gross,” Sehun laughed.

“Thanks… Now shoot! What happened?”

“Promise me not to laugh?”

“Do I have to?”

“Yes… Because it was important to me…”

“Okay… I won’t laugh,” Jongin promised.

“I… We… How do I say this?”

“How about just straightforward?”

“We had …”

“So? Nothing new…”

“It was new,” Sehun mumbled.

“You had tons of times before, Sehun…”

“Not like this…”

“Like what? ... Oh! How were you able to dance?”

“It’s not as bad as everybody makes it seem…”

“But… I mean Kyungsoo has done it more than once and he still can’t walk properly when I’m too rough…”

“Luhan was really pissed because I wasn’t hurting,” Sehun giggled. “I don’t know… I mean… I expected it to hurt a lot… But… It didn’t really… Only a little at first… But… I don’t know…”

“Did you like it?”

“If you mean ‘love’ by saying ‘like’ then yes!”

“Wait… Kris was there!”

“Told you he’s a heavy sleeper,” Sehun mumbled and Jongin stared at him in disbelieve.

“You lost your ity while Kris was snoring next to you?”

“That makes it sound weird…”


“We didn’t plan it, okay?”

“Then why?”

“We just went to bed… Because I wanted Lu to finally get some sleep… Well… Lu didn’t really want to sleep and he started to be a little tease as soon as he was sure that Kris was asleep… And then… I just felt like it was the right time for it…”

“But that’s not even romantic…”

“I don’t need it to be romantic… I just needed it to be Lu…”

“That makes it sound like you plan to break up,” Jongin whispered.

“I don’t plan to break up with him… It’s just… Who knows? He might get sick of having to make some time for me… Or he might get bored… We might get into a huge fight…”



“Are you sure everything’s fine?”

“Yeah… I guess…”

“Did he say anything?”


“Then you don’t have to be afraid of him getting sick or tired of you…”

“Maybe I’ll get sick of seeing his face,” Sehun wondered.

“Stop that… You’re scaring me… He was your whole life just one and a half weeks ago… What happened?”

“Nothing happened…”

“Then stop talking like that! I thought you love him?”

“What if loving him isn’t enough?”

“How can loving him not be enough?”

“I don’t know,” Sehun admitted. “Maybe you’re right… I’m just overthinking things again…”



A/N: GUYS? I'm back from London... And HOLY ! Kris and Suho were standing right next to me! I still can't believe it! Big thanks to my sister you took me along to see SuJu!! <3

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~