Chapter 4

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

It had been three days since Sehun had just walked out of the bubble tea shop and he still hadn’t heard a word from his so called best friend who lived next-door. It was starting to eat him up because this was the first time they had a fight. Which they didn’t even have in the first place. But Sehun thought that Jongin should have realized that he had gone overboard by causing such a big scene last time and he felt that it was his best friend’s time to come to him and apologize even though he really missed him like crazy and he hated that feeling of not being able to talk to him.

Luhan on the other hand had texted him only ten minutes after he had left to tell him that he was sorry and he didn’t mean to be like that but he just felt provoked. With which he had a point. Sehun would have felt that way as well. And he really liked that the Chinese boy realized that his actions had hurt Sehun that fast. He’d even called him when Sehun hadn’t replied an hour later to make sure that the teen would consider forgiving him. It’s not like the younger could have stayed mad at him because he clearly heard that Luhan was at the verge of tears by then.

And that’s why Luhan was coming over this afternoon. The poor guy still had no clue about what his books were trying to tell him. Seemed like, even though he spoke awesome Korean when hanging out with Sehun, that’s all he knew. How to talk about everyday stuff. Not that Sehun could blame him for that. He didn’t know what to say after introducing himself in English even after having studied it for about three years. He didn’t even want to try it in Chinese. Anyhow… He wanted to help his hyung with his studies and he had spent a lot of time on the internet to do some research about the stuff Luhan had to study. He didn’t want to look like a total looser in front of his crush. Luhan had said that his age wouldn’t matter once he was twenty, right?

He just hoped Luhan would be there soon. He’s already cleaned his room and made sure every spot was sparkling. He’d even changed his bed sheets and put all his dirty clothes to the laundry. His mother had laughed and told him to invite his friend over more often because it would guarantee him clean underwear. She had definitely been exaggerating. He always made sure to have fresh underwear left.

He had rearranged his school books for the fifth time when the doorbell finally rang and he nearly died running down the stairs.

“Hey hyung!” he greeted Luhan who looked a little lost. “How are you? Come in!” He decided to pull him into his house since the older hadn’t made any movement yet and just stared at him.

“I’m fine, I guess,” he said biting his lip. “Listen… I’m really sorry for what happened last time! I wasn’t planning on hurting your feelings and screaming at your best friend and I swear it won’t happen again.” The blonde one looked like he was about to cry.

“It’s okay. I mean… I know that you didn’t mean to and it was kind of Jongin’s fault. You said you were sorry and we’re going to stop this now, okay? It’s in the past and you promised it won’t happen again,” Sehun told him and led him to his room after Luhan had taken his shoes off.

“Thanks. How much does he hate me? Jongin, I mean…”

“I don’t know… I haven’t talked to him since then,” he admitted. “Do you want something to drink? We have tea, coke, water…beer?”

The older ignored his question and sighed. “Great… I killed your friendship. I’m the worst person ever.”

“That’s not true, Luhan. It’s just… Jongin’s really stubborn and he hates to admit his mistakes. And I chose not to go to talk to him this time. I just felt like it was time for him to come out of his nutshell and apologize first,” he said and motioned for Luhan to sit down. “So… what do you want to drink? Because I’m not going to ask you again.”

“Water’s fine, thanks.”

“Yeah… it’s fine but it tastes like nothing. I know I have nothing to offer that’s as awesome as bubble tea… But you can have a look at my fridge if you want to.”

“Why did you even tell me you had water when you’re not giving me any?” The Chinese was giggling.

“Because I hate that stuff and I really don’t want to be the only one drinking unhealthy stuff while studying,” he pouted, hoping that Luhan would change his mind.

“Tea then, please. Because bubble tea is the only unhealthy stuff I drink. I’m not a growing boy like you. I have to watch what I eat and drink to keep my body like this, you know?”

Sehun just scoffed. “Yeah. Because you would totally be fat and stuff… Can I laugh?”

“Go ahead. I’m still not in for the coke,” he said and got his books out.

“Go on and die healthy. You’re choice… I’m going to enjoy life while I can.”

“Please do so.”

“Not even beer?”

“I’m here to study. Not to get drunk. And you’re too young to drink, Sehun,” he made his point clear.

“I always get to drink beer at home” the younger lied.

“Than do so, when you’re mum’s here. Because I don’t want her to blame me when she notices and tells me that you lied to me. I don’t want her to think I’m a bad influence. We could never meet again, you know?” Why did this guy have to tell him that? Did he know how much Sehun loved to spend time with him?

“I got it… You’re not going to let me drink… You’re just like my mum!”

“I never said I won’t let you drink. I’d just prefer if it was far away from your parents and I could make sure that they won’t see you drunk,” he winked at him. Wait… Was that an invitation to get drunk together?

“That’s okay, I guess… Tell me when I can come over. I always wanted to know what beer tastes like. Green tea or black tea?”

“Green one, please. And it tastes awful. Trust me on that. Maybe you should start with some cocktails. They’re sweet and you don’t even taste the alcohol until it’s too… Maybe beer is a good idea!”

“I got it! Cocktails it will be. I’ll be back in a minute. Make yourself at home,” he told his guest and went to make some tea.

When he came back Luhan had opened his book, taken out his notes and was busy reading some of them. Oh… and he had put on glasses. He was the cutest human being ever when wearing classes!

“Here’s your tea… But it’s still hot,” the teen unnecessarily told him when putting it down.

“Thanks!” This smile was going to kill Sehun one day.

He took a seat next to his student and looked at him. “Cute glasses!” Maybe a ‘With what can I help you?’ would have been a better start but he was just a teenager that had a huge crush on this guy and he kind of forgot how to function properly when sitting so close to him.

“No, they’re terrible. I look like some sort of nerd,” he complained.

“But a cute one.” This was a disaster. He should really shut up and concentrate on what they were here for.

“Thanks,” the Chinese giggled. “Are you going to keep flirting with me or are we going to start now?” Luhan grinned at him and pointed at his book.

“Who was flirting? Me? No way… Give me that book!” Sehun took it and buried his nose into it to hide the fact that he was blushing like crazy.

“And I’m the queen of England.” Luhan was still giggling.

“At least you’re what Jongin expected you to be… So…. Where exactly is the problem?” He put the book back onto the desk.

“The whole book? There’s just too much Korean for me to handle. I didn’t even know Koreans use that many different words,” the nineteen year old threw his arms in the air.

“Says the one speaking a language that has you insulting everyone around you when make a little mistake while pronouncing it. And you have to know a million of those stupid signs that no one ever needs,” he told him.

“Hey! We do need them. And it’s not even a million… and you don’t need to know all of them,” his hyung defended his own language.

“Whatever… how about you read this to me and tell me when you find a word that you don’t know? That way we can make sure you understand everything and improve your pronunciation.”

“That could work. You’re a genius!”

No, he wasn’t. He had asked his mother how he should get this whole thing started last night because he really had no idea how to teach someone Korean. It’s not like he knew anything about it. He just happened to speak it all his life, so of course he was good at it. Well… not if you asked his teacher. She always said he needed to work in his Korean and his reports were a little lifeless and stuff. But that was just because he never spends more than twenty minutes on them. It’s not like he would need any of that once he was out of school.






They had gone through most of the stuff Luhan had learned so far by the time Sehun’s mother came home and asked them if they wanted to eat dinner now or a little later. Luhan had jumped out of his seat to introduce himself, had bowed at least a hundred times and thanked her for letting him be here to which she had just laughed. Then she had asked if he liked Bulgogi, which was Sehun’s favorite dish, by the way, and he had told her that he had never had it before but he’d love to try it.

That had been the end of their lesson. Because Luhan was a well behaved boy and an awesome guest as well as eager to learn more about the country he was staying at. So he wanted to help making dinner. Which meant that Sehun had to help as well. He would never leave him alone with his mother. This woman knew way too many embarrassing stories of his childhood to trust her around any of his friends.

“Sehun? Are you sure you’re not in the wrong room? This is the kitchen, you know? You’re never in here as long as I cook,” his mother reminded him when he and Luhan came down to help her.

“I know… but Luhan really wanted to help you,” he told her and hopped onto a counter.

“Only, if it’s okay,” Luhan added.

“Sure it is, sweetheart. I think it’s great to have someone help me for once,” his mother told him and showed him what he could do. ‘Sweetheart’? The teen had the feeling that his mother liked his new friend a little too much already. Well… That increased his chances of her not flipping a table when he could finally tell her that he, her ‘baby’, was dating the exchange student.

“Thanks a lot, Mrs. Oh! I always wanted to know how to cook Korean dishes.”

“What for? There’s shops that deliver twenty-four hours a day, you know?” Sehun couldn’t help but tell Luhan that it wasn’t necessary to know how to cook at all.

“That’s a lot more expensive and a lot less romantic,” the blonde told him while winking at him.

“This guy knows the important stuff in life! Listen to him, Sehun,” his mother stepped in. Great. Now that started again. ‘Listen to those who have more experience in life’, ‘learn how to save money’… He hated these talks. He had enough time for that later. He wasn’t planning on moving out anytime soon. He just hated cleaning, cooking and everything else that came with living on your own. And he’d have to work, which required getting up early. No thank you. Not for the next twenty years. Sehun was planning on winning in the lottery anyway. He’d move out after that.

“Yeah, Sehun! Listen to me, when I tell you stuff,” Luhan added.

“I’ll think about it,” he promised and stole some of the sauce the other had been mixing. “That’s awesome! Mum… He’s way better than you already!”

Luhan blushed at that.

“Thanks, sweetie… Now could you please go and set the table?”

“No way… You know too much about me. I’m not going to leave and give you the chance to embarrass me in front of Luhan. I have a brother, in case you forgot. Get him to do it,” he told his mother and stole some more of the sauce.

“Stop eating that… You won’t leave any for later,” Luhan nagged at him.

“Okay, mum number two… I’m already out of the kitchen, don’t worry.” He sighed and went in the next room to set the table and went up to his brother afterwards to tell him that dinner would be ready soon.

Sehun’s father had joined them by the time the food was ready and everyone was sitting at the table and made sure to ask Luhan about his university and how he was adjusting to Korea.

“Dad…do me a favor and let him eat first, will you?” Sehun was worried that his dad’s curiosity would have Luhan starving.

“Oh yeah… I’m sorry. It’s just… None of my boys ever had friends from abroad and I just find it so interesting. I mean… it must be so hard to come here all alone and set up a new life and find new friends. And the language. That must be a huge problem as well,” his father said.

“It is a little hard,” Luhan admitted. “But I have a really nice roommate who’s from China as well and I call my parents twice a week. And Sehun helped me a lot with getting used to Seoul.” He had helped Luhan? Sehun was so happy to hear that because he was sure that was a great thing you didn’t get to hear from a lot of people.

“I’m glad to hear he’s finally using some of his time right. You can come over, whenever you want,” his dad told their guest. “But maybe you’ll want to come on a weekend the next time. I’ll have more time for your stories then.”

“I’ll bring you some photos next time,” Luhan promised and finally started to eat.






They had gone back to Sehun’s room after Luhan had helped his mum with the dishes. No wonder she liked him that much. He and his brother never helped her with that stuff.

Luhan was just trying to read an especially tricky word aloud when the first thunder was heard and his head snatched up from the book.

“What was that?” He had gone a little pale around his nose and looked at the window.

“Just some thunder. Nothing big,” Sehun tried to calm him down. It had been a lie. In the next second the world outside his window had gone crazy and there was this huge thunderstorm.

“I don’t like that,” he heard Luhan’s voice from somewhere behind him which made him turn around and notice the shivering bundle beneath his blankets. He was a little confused at that.

“Are you afraid of thunderstorms, hyung?”

“No. They’re my biggest nightmare and I hate them with a passion,” the bundle admitted. It was kind of cute how the older one tried to hide himself under Sehun’s blanket and he got up to join him.

“There’s no need to be afraid, hyung,” he told him and wrapped an arm around the older’s waist.

“I’m pretty sure, there is. Kris is not here tonight so I’m going to die.”

“You can stay here, if you want to. If you don’t mind sharing my bed,” Sehun offered.

“Do you think your parents would be okay with that?”, he wanted to know.

“Come on… My mum loves you and my dad loves your country. I guess my mum would kill me if I’d sent you out in that weather.”

“I don’t even have my toothbrush with me.”

“We have some extra. And I’ll lend you some clothes to sleep in,” the teen promised.

“Go ask your mum first,” Luhan told him.

He came back with an extra blanked and a toothbrush for his guest and told him that his mother had said he could stay as long as he wanted to. “Do you want to take a shower?”

“NO! I’d be alone in the bathroom!” Okay… Luhan hadn’t been lying about thunderstorms being his biggest nightmare.

“Well… I’ll hurry getting changed then,” Sehun promised and went to the bathroom. He didn’t really need Luhan to see him .

The latter joined him a few minutes later to brush his teeth and was back under the blankets before Sehun had switched the lights off.

It was a nice feeling to have Luhan pressed up against him in the dark. Even though he hoped that next time this would happen it wasn’t because the other was afraid of something.

“Can we talk a little before sleeping?”

“Sure. What do you want to talk about?”

“How about that stuff Jongin and I were talking about?” Sehun groaned. That wasn’t exactly what he wanted to talk about ever again.

“I don’t mean the part where he said that I was a sick bastard,” Luhan clarified. “More about the part where he told me to either be you friend or more because being both would be confusing.”

“He was kind of right about that, you know?” He just had to be honest about it. He really liked the feeling of Luhan’s lips on his but he didn’t want to get his hopes up for nothing as well. Maybe it would be good to settle what they really were.

“I know. And I’m sorry for confusing you. It’s just that…” A deep sigh from his right followed and it took Luhan a while before he spoke again. “Being with you is strange. Not in a bad way… Just… He was right about me being too old for you. To be honest four years is a lot of a difference when you’re your age. But at the same time I feel like I should just forget that fact and go for what feels right if that makes any sense.” It did. That meant that Luhan liked him more than a friend, right?

“So what you’re trying to tell me is that you’d go for me if only I was a little older?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never been in this situation before. All of my boyfriend have been older than me.” Some more minutes of silence passed, only interrupted by the sound of the rain against the window and the thunder that sometimes decided to make Luhan jump a little.

It was the latter who broke the silence again. “I mean… How should we even tell people about us? Everyone will tell us that it's wrong. Well… that I’m wrong… You’re just a little kid that followed his heart, I guess.” Sehun hated to admit is but he did see were Luhan was coming from. He was four years older than himself and society wouldn’t handle it well. They wouldn’t either way because they were both guys… but at least that fact wasn’t against the law.

“It’s not like we’d have to tell anyone,” he told the older just to reassure himself that there was still a little chance left for him.

“They’ll find out eventually.”

“We’ll just tell our friends… That should be safe.” Luhan giggled at that. It helped Sehun relax a little as well. “And I’m not saying that we have to marry or anything. I mean… we haven’t even known each other for that long.”

“Mhm… I just wanted to make sure you know why I act the way I do,” the Chinese shifted a little and was now half lying on Sehun. “I don’t like it when people misunderstand me.”

“No one does.” Sehun had to gulp. Why was this guy telling him that all of this was wrong when he decided to use him as a pillow right afterwards?

The next thunder had Luhan jumping again and he decided to fully crawl onto Sehun. “When will this stop?”

Sehun would be okay if it would go on forever. “Soon, I guess… Just try to sleep.”

“You’re funny…”

“Then why aren’t you laughing?”

“You !”

“So do you….”

“I know.” Why did Luhan’s voice sound like it was way too near? And was this his breath that Sehun felt on his face?

“Then do something against it,” Sehun whispered.

It took Luhan a few seconds to kiss him. But boy did he kiss him. Sehun could have sworn the world was spinning as he was trying to somehow keep up with all the feelings that nearly overwhelmed him when Luhan’s tongue slowly entered his mouth.

It was official now. Sehun loved thunderstorms more than anything else in this world. It felt like heaven when Luhan turned his head a little to deepen the kiss and burrowed his hands in Sehun’s hair. When had they even changed their positions? How the hell had he ended up hovering above the blonde? He’d have to think about it later since his mind was getting a little foggy due to the lack of oxygen and he really had to find a way to keep kissing Luhan like that without breathing.




A/N: I can't believe you guys are still reading this and like it! Thank you all so much! Anyway... Luhan's at sending confusing signals again... But I promise he and Sehun will work things out eventually... I just thought having them go a little slower would seem more natural...

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~