Chapter 20

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

Midnight had been kind of hectic for all of them since they were a little late to climb onto the roof. But they had managed to get up without anyone hurting themselves just in time to count down the last ten seconds of the year.

And even though Sehun didn’t like the idea of the best year of his life ending he accepted it because he was looking forward to a lot more new experiences and many adventures with his friends. And he hoped for Jongin to get over the called Kyungsoo as fast as possible. His best friend deserved so much better than a guy who didn’t appreciate his presence.

His mother had been kind of disappointed when she came to pick them up and neither of the boys had been drunk and she had been going on how she had used every possibility to get drunk when she was their age for the whole way back to their house. The teen had pretended to listen to her rambling for a while before falling asleep in Luhan’s arms.

After that they’d gone back to school and their teachers had been merciless because their finals for the first semester were coming up and Sehun already wanted his holidays back because Luhan had been at his side the whole day and now he barely had time to meet him.

On top of that the older had announced that he would be going back to China for his semester holidays. A whole three weeks Sehun would have to spend without kissing his boyfriend.

A small part of him liked it though because it meant he’d have more time to keep Jongin busy since his best friend had been a little down ever since the new year had started.

“So, oaf… What are your plans for the holidays?” he asked Jongin a few days before the holidays would start.

“Trying to get the dance we learnt last week right… What are you and bambi going to do?”

“Lu’s going to China to visit his family and stuff… It’s his grandmother’s birthday and he kind of misses them… I was hoping I could join you… If you want me to.” The big smile Jongin gave him made him feel like it was good Luhan wasn’t going to be here. He had to admit he kind of let his friendship with Jongin slide a little ever since he started dating.

“That would be awesome! I still want to go to Lotte World!”

“Okay… We’ll go to Lotte World,” he promised. “What else?”

“We could play video games?” How long had it been since the two of them had spent a whole day doing nothing but playing stupid games, shouting at the screen?



“I’m sorry I didn’t make time for you for so long…” The older nodded a little.

“It’s okay… I mean… It’s not like we don’t get to see each other… And this was supposed to happen, right? Relationships need some time,” he grinned a little. “And I have the feeling that bambi’s a little attention .”

“Take that back! It’s not Lu’s fault I’m a bad best friend!”

“Okay… No more bad things about bambi… I got it! So… how about those games?”

“We’ll play nonstop starting next Sunday… I’ll have to send Lu off next Saturday.”

“Gross… Airport-goodbye-scenes. Don’t cry too much, yeah?”

“I’ll try… But… It’s just three weeks… He’ll be back before we realized we didn’t shower for 21 days,” Sehun grinned.

“He’s going to break up with you if he ever finds out,” Jongin laughed. “But we still have to go to dance classes!”

“True… Well that’s perfect… That means we can eat all the snacks we want to… We’re going to do enough sports!”

“We’re still growing… We can always eat whatever we want… And you have … That’s sports as well.” Sehun turned a nice shade of crimson at that.

“We don’t have …”

“But I thought… Why not?” his best friend looked at him in disbelieve.

“Because I’m not 16 yet,” Sehun rolled his eyes.

“Wow that … Shall I tell you something? I’ll be 16 tomorrow… Now how does that feel?”

“I hate you for that, you know… By the way… You never told me your party plans!”

“I’m not having a party… I don’t feel like it… I’d have to invite Kyungsoo,” Jongin turned his face away.

“You spend the whole weekend with him…”

“His girlfriend wasn’t there… But I can’t just not invite her to my birthday party. It’s not like I don’t like her… I still didn’t manage to. She’s just too nice.”

“So you’re just going to ignore the fact that you’re turning 16? Do you know what that age means to me?”

“A lot of ?”

“Well… yeah…”

“Why doesn’t he want to?”

“He regrets his first time… He doesn’t want me to have to go through that as well… And waiting until my birthday gives me plenty of time to think about it… You know… I appreciate that he’s so concerned about me… But sometimes I wish for him to just let me do it at my speed…”

“Did you tell him that?”

“Yeah… Kind of… But I guess another problem is that I’m so much younger than him… So maybe he’s afraid of the consequences if someone finds out? I don’t really know… I’m going to talk to him about it when he comes back from China…”

“Just tell him that you need to have … You can’t lag behind me that much,” Jongin said and got his books out. “Can I copy your maths homework?”

“I’ll tell him… And when will you ever learn to do it yourself? Here you go, you oaf!” he said and handed him his homework. “I’m not going to write the exam for you…”

“You …”

“Not you… Definitely not you…”

“God please… Stop making me picture it in my head! That’s just… GROSS!”






The first thing Sehun did when he’d come home that day was calling Luhan because he needed to arrange a party for Jongin.

“Baby?” he heard his boyfriend’s sleepy voice.

“Have you been sleeping? I’m sorry…”

“What time is it?”

“Six in the evening…”

“Holy … Good thing you called… I fell asleep while studying…” He could hear how Luhan rearranged his things. “Why are you calling?”

“Because I missed you?”

“Yeah… And now the real reason?”

“But I really did miss you, Lu…”

“I know… You always miss me, baby,” Luhan giggled.

“You didn’t miss me?”

“No… I’ve been dreaming about you.”

“Nice! Anyway… I wasn’t calling because of that…”

“No , Sherlock.”

“Will you stop that? It’s a serious topic.”

“Is it about Jongin and Kyungsoo again? Because I already told you I’m not helping you with that… I’m friends with Kyung, you know…”

“Jongin doesn’t want to have a birthday party because he’d have to invite him,” Sehun got straight to the point.

“When’s his birthday?”


“Wow… Baby… You’re pretty early for planning that. I can see why you need my help. I’ll get Kris to set something up!”

“You’re awesome! So… I’m going to invite Yeol and Baek if that’s okay,” the teen said while rummaging through his closet. “Where did I put his present?”

“In your brother’s room to make sure Jongin won’t see it… Of course the idiots are allowed… What about Yixing?”

“Thanks, Lu… What would I do without you?”


“Mhm… And what about Yixing? I don’t think he’s really interested in hanging out with the idiots…”

“Well… We’re going to have the party in our dorm room… Kris will be here…”

“I see… Good idea. Let’s get Yixing. He can talk to Jongin and Kris only… By the way… How’s Kris doing? I haven’t seen him forever,” Sehun realized that the last time he saw Luhan’s tall roommate must have been back in December.

“He’s doing fine… Started to study a bit more… He says he misses you… Not like miss… Wait… I don’t know how to translate that…”

“I get it, I guess… Tell him I can’t wait to see him tomorrow!”

“Shall I just give him the phone?”

“No! We need to plan… Where are we going to get a cake from? I mean… We could ask Kyungsoo to bake one… But I guess that would be kind of rude, right?”

“Just a little… Ask Yeol to get his girlfriend to make one. He said she’s pretty good at it,” Luhan suggested. “If she doesn’t have time… We’ll buy one. Decorations! What color does he like?”

“Jongin? Black. Red and blue are okay as well.”

“Chocolate cake with red or blue something on top… Got it… Balloons? Garlands? Party hats?”



“You’re getting a little too excited over there,” Sehun giggled.

“No… We need that! Trust me! What do you guys want to drink? Beer?”

“We have school the day after tomorrow,” the teen reasoned.

“Who cares? You only get 16 once.”

“You get ever age only once,” Sehun could hear Kris’s annoyed voice in the back.

“I’m on Kris’ side for that one, sorry Lu.”

“Yeah… you go on bonding with my roommate… At least he’s half a year younger than me,” Luhan’s pout could be heard through the phone.

“He’s not exactly my type. Too tall and he looks too scary at first. He’d scare all my friends away…”

“I see… Can I decorate my way?”

“It’s your room, Lu… It’s not like I can stop you,” the younger let a sigh escape his lips. “Wait… does that mean I’m going to see you tomorrow?”

“Yeah… That means you’re going to see me tomorrow,” Luhan laughed. “Is five okay?”

“How about right in the morning?”

“How about you go to school and write your exams and I go to university and do the same?”

“Fine… I’ll do that just for you… Lu?”


“I love you,” he giggled again.

“I love you too… Now call the rest. It’s pretty late… The party’s not even 24 hours away…”

“See you at five then… I’ll sleep at your place,” Sehun tried his luck.

“You won’t… You can’t send Jongin home alone on his birthday… And rule number one your mother established says: ‘No sleeping at each other places during the week when there’s school and university going on’. I’d like to follow her rules… It seems like it would make our lives a lot easier,” Luhan ended the discussion before it had even started.

“Well… I don’t care if she forbids me to see you the next three weeks…”

“Baby… I’m here for another week and a half…”

“We’re not in our final week? How shall I survive all those exams?”

“You’ll manage, I promise… Now call the rest and think of how to get Jongin to come to my place… Tell the idiots to be here before five!”

“Yes mum,” he said a little annoyed. “I could have thought of that on my own!”

“Could have, Hunnie. Not would have. Love you, baby. I need to go by some stuff for tomorrow!”

“Don’t spend too much money!”

“Now who’s the mum?”

“I’m just looking for a reason not to stop talking to you,” Sehun admitted.

“I’m hanging up for you guys,” he suddenly heard Kris’s voice and the line went dead. The teen stared at his phone. He had wanted to talk to his boyfriend a little longer. Kris always found a way to end their conversations.






It hadn’t been hard to get Chanyeol and Baekhyun to agree to the party. They hadn’t even let him finish talking before they had told him they’d be there even if the world was breaking apart. They had wanted to invite Kyungsoo though and Sehun had had to tell them about Jongin’s crush. He hadn’t gone too much into detail and his friends had promised not to mention it. He just hoped they could keep a secret for once.

Getting Jongin to agree to follow him after school was a whole different story though. His best friend didn’t really understand why Sehun wanted him to join him for shopping for something he could give Luhan when the older would go to China.

“I don’t even know bambi that well,” he had explained. “Why would you want me to join you?”

“It’s your birthday and I don’t want you to sit in your room all alone… And I’m not going to give you your present before we’re done shopping,” Sehun had threatened.

“That’s called blackmailing. I want to go home… My bed is calling for me.”

“You’ve spend too much time with your bed ever since the year started. It must hate you already. Come on… It won’t take long. Please?”

“Stop the puppy look… I’ll help you,” Jongin finally gave in and Sehun jumped up and down, happy that he got his friend to come with him.

They had got on the subway a few minutes later and it hadn’t taken Jongin long to realize that they weren’t going to any of the big malls. Sehun had told him that he already knew what he wanted to get his boyfriend and that it was a small shop a little further from the shopping districts.

“Wait… Isn’t that where Luhan lives?” Jongin had asked when they’d gotten off the subway and walked for a little.

“True… If you see him… Scream! He can’t find out,” Sehun tried to cover up the fact that they were going to his boyfriend’s dorm. “You know where he lives?”

“Yixing lives in the same dorm… I visited him once…” That could ruin his plans.

“I see… Actually… Do you mind if we just pay them a short visit?”

“Why? I thought Luhan wasn’t supposed to know you’re here?”

“He’s not… But he should still be at one of his classes right now… I need to talk to Kris.

“I always wanted to know Kris,” his best friend agreed. “He can’t be as tall as you said he is.”

“He’s taller than Yeol… You’ll see!”

“I bet he’s not,” Jongin stuck his tongue out.

“You’re going to lose this bet,” Sehun stuck his tongue out as well after opening the door for his friend.

“You know the code to the dorm?”

“Of course… I also know the code to their room… I still knock though… In case Kris isn’t wearing any clothes because he’s normally the one who opens the door.”

“You think he would when he’s ?” Jongin was a little shocked.

“I don’t know, man… He’s weird… Elevator! I’m not taking the stairs up to the eight floor.”

“Why does he live so far up there? What if there’s a fire? He’ll die!”

“Thanks, Jongin… That’s exactly what I wanted to hear,” he shot his friend a look that he hoped would let him know how much he hated him right now.

Jongin knocked at the door a bit too excited for Sehun’s liking.

“What if Luhan opens the door?” he wanted to know right afterwards.

“We’ll run?” Sehun offered.

Jongin didn’t get to answer because the door opened at that moment and Kris raised an eyebrow at them.

“Hey little one… Little one’s friend…”

“Wow… You’re huge,” Jongin said amazed. “I thought Sehun was kidding!” Kris blinked a few times.


“Sorry,” Jongin blushed. “Is Luhan in?”

“Sure he is,” Kris said rather confused.

“We were never here,” Jongin whispered and tried to pull Sehun away from the door.

“We’re still going in,” the teen told his best friend.

“But I thought…”

“Yeah… You think a lot of things… Come on…,” He pushed his friend past Kris and told him to take his shoes off.

“Luhan’s not supposed to know you’re here,” the other still whispered.

“Oh but I knew you’d be coming,” Luhan greeted him leaning in the door frame. “Sehun called me last night…”

Jongin turned around to shoot him a questioning look.

“You’re not turning 16 without having a little party,” Sehun shrugged. “Happy Birthday, oaf.”

“You… We’re here because of me?”

“Well… who else is celebrating their 16th birthday today?” Luhan giggled. “Come in before Baekhyun eats the cake without us.”

“Baek’s here?”

“And Yeol… And Yixing… I know it’s just a few of us but I figure it would be better than nothing,” Sehun said.

“I love you, man,” Jongin smiled and hugged him.

“I’m going to ignore it as your birthday present,” Luhan told him. “Oh… I guess you met my roommate Kris? Kris… This is Jongin.”

“Kim ing Jongin, your neighbor you hate so much because he came over when you wanted to send him on a blind-date he didn’t even know about? Nice to finally meet you, Jongin. I heard a lot about you,” Kris smiled while shaking Jongin’s hand.

“What blind-date?”

“He still doesn’t know?”

“Our plan failed,” Luhan explained.

“Am I still plan B?” Kris asked.

“Are you interested, now that you’ve seen I haven’t been lying about him looking like a god?” Sehun smirked.

“Hell no! Still too young.”

“He’s plan B? Wow… Who was plan A?… Oh… You never planned to go to the cinema with me, right? Kyungsoo was plan A…”

“Yeah… Kind of…” Sehun hated how Jongin looked so sad the second Kyungsoo was mentioned.

“Guys? Cake?” Baekhyun’s voice was heard from the couch.

“Yeah… We’re here to eat and get rid of our presents,” Chanyeol added.

“Presents?” Jongin’s eyes lit up again and he joined his friends.

“See… He’s still a kid… I don’t want to date a kid… I want to have my own one day,” Kris told Sehun and made sure no one else could hear him. Sehun only punched his arm and grinned a little because Kris was right. Jongin was a little kid when it came to presents.



A/N: So... I managed to find a little time for you guys xD I hope you still like it!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~