Chapter 29

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“Hunnie?” Luhan whined as soon as the younger picked up his phone.

“Hey Lu,” Sehun giggled.

“My life is the worst and I’m going to die ugly,” the Chinese sobbed.

“What’s wrong?” The teen must have sounded really worried because Jongin stopped eating and stared at him.

“We still don’t have hot water and washing your hair with cold water is a pain in the and I might get sick from it… But they look so gross and I just want to die right now…” Sehun burst out laughing and Jongin gave him a look that clearly said ‘You’re weird… I don’t know you’.

“But Lu… That’s not really a reason to die, you know,” the teen still giggled.

“It is! You have no idea how bad I look right now!”

“I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think! But… I could skip afternoon classes and you could come to my house to take a shower,” he offered.

“Are you crazy? No ditching classes, Mister!”

“Okay, mum…”

“When is school over?”

“At 5…”

“And your parents would be okay with me coming just to shower?”

“My parents come back at about 8, Lu,” the younger laughed.

“Oh… I’ll be at your school at 5 then… Thanks, baby!”

“Anything for you, Lu,” Sehun smiled and Jongin rolled his eyes.

“I love you!”

“I love you more!”

“No actually you should really start to eat your lunch because we have to leave for classes in 10 minutes,” Jongin commented from beside him and shoved some rice into his mouth before taking the phone. “Sorry, bambi… The baby has to eat something before going to class… So I’m saving you all the trouble and end this call right now.” And with that he really ended the call and grinned proudly.

“Wow you’re an ,” Sehun glared at him before shoving more food into his mouth.

“I’m just making sure you don’t starve before bambi comes over for shower-,” Jongin shrugged his shoulders.

“Who said…? No… The dorm still has no hot water… He wants to wash his hair, you ert!”

“You could help him with that, you know? I always wanted to have in the shower…”

“You can do whatever you want… Just… Stay in your shower,” the younger stood up and rolled his eyes before heading back to his classroom.

“HEY! Wait for me! We have to go to the same classroom, you moron,” his best friend shouted after him before trying to catch up with him.






It had never taken Sehun shorter to have all his belongings back in his bag and storm out of school. Normally it took him a while to leave because he liked to talk to his friends for a while before going home. But it wasn’t normally and Luhan would be waiting for him and he ran way too fast, nearly knocking over a few people in the corridor and almost tripping a few times but it was okay. He made it to Luhan in one piece, panting but smiling like it was his birthday and breathing a “Hey, Lu!” when he finally stood in front of his boyfriend.

“Hey, I guess,” the older laughed at him. “Are you always that fast?”

“Nope… Just today! Usually there’s no one waiting for me.”

“I see,” Luhan still giggled. “Just… Don’t do it anymore… I was afraid you’d slip and hit your head on the ground… And your teachers don’t seem too pleased with you running through school like a tornado.”

“I don’t care what they think,” Sehun grinned and wrapped his arms around the Chinese’s waist only to kiss him right afterwards.

“You guys behave like you didn’t see each other for a year,” Jongin snorted when he’d made his way out as well. “Thanks for waiting, by the way.”

“You’re welcome,” Sehun grinned. “Lu’s here!”

“I know… He told you he’d come during lunch break… I figured he’d be here…”

“But Lu’s here… At school! Cool, hm?” Luhan smiled at his boyfriend’s enthusiasm and closed his jacked because Sehun hadn’t really thought about the fact that it was still freezing cold outside.

“Yeah… It’s really hard for me not to squeal in excitement,” Jongin said dryly and Luhan laughed so hard he had to hold onto Sehun.

“Why do you laugh? He clearly doesn’t want you here,” Sehun asked and poked Luhan’s cap.

“Stop that! That hides my hair! And I just found it funny…”

“See… Bambi loves me! You should be careful,” Jongin grinned. “Now let’s go home…”

“Sure… Because you have eyes for anyone besides ‘Kyungie’,” Sehun rolled his eyes and took Luhan’s hand in his. “Let’s go… My Lulu needs a shower and I need a warm room!”

“As I said… Just shower together… The water is warm as well… And I’m sure bambi will find a way to keep you warm in case it turns cold,” Jongin winked and it earned him a smack on the arm from Luhan.

“Could you stop butting into our life? None of your business!”

“I told you,” Sehun smiled.

“Why did you become friends with him?”

“Well… He lives next door… And his mother always made cakes on the weekends… So… Yeah… I thought it would be wise to befriend him… Biggest mistake ever!”

“I can hear you,” Jongin mumbled.

“I know, man… I love you,” Sehun slung his free arm around his best friend’s shoulder.

“And I love you too,” Luhan said. “Because you’re always there for my baby!”

“Thanks, guys… I love you too… Sometimes… You are kind of annoying from time to time…”

“So are you…”

“Whatever… Bambi needs a shower and I need food! Let’s walk a little faster!”






“Wow his house is quiet,” Luhan said amazed after taking his shoes off.

“Well… I’m alone until 8… Of course it’s quiet…”

“What about Sejeon?”

“He works at a coffee shop and comes back at 8 as well… He thought he could need a little more money because he want to move out when he starts college…”

“Oh… Aren’t you lonely when you’re alone every day?”

“Not at all… It’s nice not to have mum around a few hours a day,” Sehun laughed. “I mean… She tried to talk about with me and Jongin yesterday…”

“Ouch… That talk can’t go well… Is she afraid I’ll get pregnant?” Luhan giggled.

“No… She pressed me for details… Such a nosy creature…”

“Oh god… I can never face her again!”

“Don’t worry… She said you’re already family and you have to stay at least until she’s dead… And she thinks it’s weird I don’t want to have here when she’s around,” the teen shivered at the memory.

“Okay… I think it’s totally not weird! I mean… I had no problem with MY mum walking in on me… But that’s different… She’s seen me since I was born… But your mum… That would be strange!”

“My mum hasn’t seen me since I turned… Ten, I think? Whatever… You know where the bathroom is… I could make something to eat while you’re there… We still have stuff from last night left!”

“Or you could listen to Jongin just this once and join me.” Luhan shoved one hand under Sehun’s shirt and blinked at him innocently. “I need someone to scrub my back…”

“Okay… I guess,” Sehun blushed a little and tried to get his boyfriend off him.

“I mean… You can scrub wherever you want…” The Chinese winked at him before pulling him up the stairs.

“That’s really nice of you…” Was it always this warm in his house? Or maybe Sehun was just getting sick. He should make sure to go straight to bed after the shower. “Lu?... That’s my room!”

“Oh… I know… I just want to take fresh clothes with me… And they’re in my bag… And I want to leave my bag here… But you can wait in the bathroom, if you want to…”

“Why? How long are you going to look for your clothes?”

“Not that long… If you leave now… A lot longer when you stay…”

“Okay… I get it… Secrets! Sounds… Not really interesting… Sorry,” Sehun rolled his eyes before shrugging out of his school uniform and heading for the bathroom.

Luhan entered the shower just a few seconds after him and grinned at him.

“Well that was really fast,” the teen commented.

“Sure… I know where you keep your stuff!”

“My stuff? Why would we need any of my stuff in here?”

“Well… After scrubbing my back… I thought we might need something else.” Luhan drew some circles on his stomach and smirked at him.



“In here? Are you crazy? What if we slip? We could die!”

“Well… It would be a nice death, don’t you think?”

“Yeah… But… My parents would find us like that…”

“You’d be too dead to care… Now move! I need to wash my hair and you’re using all the water, Mister!”

“Sorry, princess,” Sehun giggled and made room for his boyfriend.

“Excuse me? What did you just call me?” Luhan glared at him. Or at least he tried to. Glaring only looked really adorable when Luhan did it.

“Princess… Because you called me ‘Mister’… Wash your hair…”

“Why? Are you getting impatient?”

“No… Just worried someone might come home early…”

“Oh, you’ll love it! Trust me… We’ll survive and it’s going to be hot… Where is your shampoo? That smells better than mine…” Luhan looked around and grinned when he finally found what he was looking for.

“It’s a 90 cent shampoo I got because I didn’t want to spend more money for stupid stuff like that and I would have had to wait until the weekend for mum to buy me a new one… I don’t even like it…”

“It smells like you…” Sehun just grinned and wrapped his arms around the older’s waist before pressing a few kisses onto his neck.

“You can keep it, if you want to…”

“That would mean you’d get a new one… Than it wouldn’t smell like you anymore,” the Chinese smiled and turned around to face him. “You know what? My hair can wait…” And with that Sehun found himself pressed against the tiles behind him, Luhan’s lips on his and the older’s hands pretty much everywhere at the same time.






Two days later Sehun found himself wondering if it would be okay to go over to Jongin’s to take a nice peaceful shower because he just couldn’t bring himself to relax in his own anymore. Every time he entered the bathroom he caught himself thinking about how nice Luhan had looked in there, gasping for air with his hair stuck to his face. Stepping into the shower was even worse since he could almost feel his boyfriend’s hands all over his body again.

Was it normal to react this way? Because it never happened when he looked at his bed and he really hoped it would stay this way so he could continue living in his room without turning into a ball of hormones every time he set a foot into it.

His thoughts got interrupted with a quiet knock on his door and he looked up from his history book that he’d been staring at for about two hours.


“Hey…” Kyungsoo opened the door and stood in its frame looking a little lost and nervous. “I was hoping we could talk a little.”

“The two of us? Why?”

“Because of Jongin… Because I think that you know him a little better than he himself does at the moment,” the smaller boy admitted.

“Oh… Sure… Come in… And close the door behind you… My mum is the nosiest person alive!” Kyungsoo did as he was told and sat down on Sehun’s bed when the latter mentioned it.

“Okay… So… Actually I have a favor to ask,” the older told him after a few minutes of awkward silence.

“And why exactly do you think I’d do you a favor?” Sehun couldn’t help but roll his eyes. This guy was really too much.

“Because it’s to prevent me from hurting Jongin any more than I already did…”

“Well… I could do it then… I guess… What is it?”

“You see… Jongin… He likes me a little too much, I think… And I know that he really wants this to work and that he would do everything to make it work… But I’m afraid he won’t tell me when I do something wrong or go too fast or anything, you know?”

“I know,” Sehun sighed. “I’m sure he’d never tell you.”

“That’s why I want you to tell me… Because he’s as stubborn as one can be and he’d rather be hurt more than not try at all… And I hurt him enough… I’d prefer not to hurt him anymore in the future…”

“Wow… You make it hard to hate you… Are you sure you really want this? I mean… The whole relationship with Jongin?”

“I’m sure, yes!”

“Why now? Why not before?” The teen was actually kind of glad his best friend’s soon-to-be boyfriend had come over. He finally got to ask all those questions Jongin didn’t have an answer to.

“To be honest… I thought there was no chance to get him… Well… I really liked him when we first met, you know? I mean… You can’t blame me, right? He’s really good-looking and you think he’d be really cool and tough and then you get to know him and he’s just this little kid and a ball of fluff and he can be really cute and funny… But yeah… He always told me how he wanted to find a nice girl and how he could never see himself with another guy… So I thought it would be time to move on… And Eunmi was really nice… And I knew I could really love her if I tried hard enough… But then she had to allow me to sleep with guys… Because she thought I’d die without and she wasn’t ready… And of course I was stupid enough to get drunk and throw myself at Jongin… And then I just lost control…”

“You didn’t think it was weird that he slept with you?”

“No… I didn’t think about it at all… I just thought about how I should stop it before it was too late for me to get out of it… I thought about how it wasn’t fair to Eunmi because she really liked me… And I thought about how nice it was to at least have him for a little while… How was I supposed to think about the possibility of him liking me? It would have hurt too much if it turned out I was just a nice for him…”

“Wow… The two of you are really ed up… You should really talk about your feelings more… But no… You have to be all manly and and love each other secretly without admitting it to yourselves just to make sure you’re both hurt by what you do… Congratulations! To both of you…” Sehun felt like punching both, Jongin and Kyungsoo, really hard. How could two people be so stupid?

“I know, okay?”

“But why did you wait until the party? I mean… He did tell you he likes you…”

“Because that’s when I was finally ready to let him go… And because I felt really bad for Eunmi… It’s not like I hate her, you know? She’s really nice and pretty… And she’s everything my parents would want for me… And then… I couldn’t really believe it when he told me he likes me… It was all so surreal… And I was out of his house before I really knew what I was saying and doing… And after I finally realized that I’d been the biggest idiot on earth… I don’t know… It seemed like he was doing so much better… And I didn’t want to put him through all of it again… And I guess I was afraid of what would happen if I confessed as well… So yeah… I just… I don’t know… But when that stupid was all over him something snapped and I felt like killing her… I know this all sounds really weird and stupid…” Kyungsoo played with the hem of his shirt.

“No… Actually it sounds like what Jongin went through every time he saw you with Eunmi… Oh… And Nayeon is not a ! She only did it so you’d get jealous… She knows about you and Jongin… She’s just a really good friend… And we plan on setting her up with Baek so you better get used to her!”

“Wow… Okay… I think I actually might love her… She sounds nice,” the older finally smiled a little. “Thank you for listening to all of this…”

“No problem… I mean… I wanted to hear it all anyway… You know… I don’t think you’ll need me to tell you anything… You should just tell Jongin all about that and then tell him to talk about how he feels… You guys should be okay,” Sehun patted his back.

“Did anyone ever tell you that you’re the best?”

“Lu tells me I’m perfect at least once a day!”

“Okay… I guess that’s where I want this conversation to end… He tells me enough about you guys… I really don’t need to know more.”

“But we’re perfect and we could be role models for you,” the younger pouted.

“No… Jongin’s not you and I’m not Luhan… We’re going to do it our way…”

“If you say so… You’re missing out… But okay… None of my business… Oh… I just said I think you’ll be okay… But if you still dare to hurt him… You’re dead!”

“I won’t!”




A/N: So... Sehun finally listened to Kyungsoo's side of the story... I guess they'll be okay now... At least they could be... When Sehun's finally ready to take showers again... Otherwise hanging out with other people could be kind of weird, I gues...

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~