Chapter 36

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“So… You go for bubble tea a lot?” Kyungsoo asked after they had taken a seat in the shop and Sehun had asked him what he wanted to drink.

“Not really… We don’t have the time and the money to come here as often as we want to,” Sehun answered truthfully.

“But we met here… I mean… Around the corner… But the bubble tea is to blame that we’re together,” Luhan told his friend and Sehun nodded along.

“They’re both addicted,” Jongin rolled his eyes at them.

“So? It’s a nice addiction,” Luhan said. “It’s sweet and perfect. Which one would you like to try?”

“What’s the best one?”

“I like chocolate the best,” Sehun said while studying the menu because they had some new specials.

“I like the taro one… If you don’t want milk I recommend lychee. It’s not too sweet and it tastes good no matter if you drink it warm or cold,” Luhan added and Kyungsoo looked at his boyfriend for help.

“Don’t look at me like that… I take the normal milk tea… Not too sweet, nothing really special but still really good.”

“I don’t know which one to take… Caramel sounds nice as well… So does the cookie,” Kyungsoo looked like he was about to cry.

“Tell you what… Take the cookie… It’s a special that will be gone in two weeks… If you don’t like it you can have my taro,” the Chinese suggested.

“Or my chocolate,” Sehun joined in. “We wanted to try the cookie anyway… And I’m pretty sure Jongin is willing to let you have his milk tea and take one of our drinks… I know that he drinks both of them…”

“Is it really okay if we do it like that?”

“Sure, Soo… They wouldn’t suggest it otherwise… And I guess it’s good to take 4 different flavors… You can taste all of them,” Jongin stated while caressing his boyfriend’s neck.

“I’ll get the drinks,” Luhan told them. “And you’ll help me!” He pulled Sehun along to give the new couple some time alone. “Aren’t they just cute?”

“Not as cute as us… But yeah… pretty cute,” Sehun smiled and pecked Luhan’s lips. “Let’s just hope none of the people from school will come here and see them…”

“You don’t have any problems with them seeing you with a guy?”

“No… My whole class knows about you… I talk about you way too much…”

“And they’re okay with it?”

“Well… It was a little awkward at first… But Jongin talked to them once and they’ve never said anything again ever since… I wonder what he said to make them shut up… Well… The girls are totally okay with it by now… They adore you… One of them even asked me if I could print her a picture of you that you could sign for her,” Sehun shrugged. “So it’s okay in my class… I don’t know how the rest of the school would react… I mean… some must have seen us when you came over that once… But no one said anything so I guess they either don’t care or they don’t dare to say anything because they know I have my whole class behind my back…”

“Good to know… About those girls… Why do they know what I look like?”

“I showed them a picture? And now they tend to steal my phone during breaks to look at all of them because apparently we’re really cute together…”

“That’s actually kind of cute… Tell them I said ‘thanks’ because they take us for who we are.”

“I will,” Sehun smiled and paid for the drinks.

“HEY! I wanted to pay,” the older pouted.

“Sorry… My bad… It was my time to pay anyway… And Jongin’s my best friend… So it’s my fault he and Kyungsoo are here today…”

“But I wanted this double-date…”

“It’s not like I mind spending time with my boyfriend and my best friend at once, you know… Now be a nice boy, shut up and help me carry those drinks…”

“We’re not done with this talk.”

“We are,” Sehun decided even though he knew Luhan would be sulking because of it for at least another two days.

“Okay… I’ll pay for the snacks in the cinema…”

“Luuuuu! No!”

“Yes. I will. Nothing you can say will change that. Now be a nice boy, shut up and help me carry those drinks,” he winked at the teen before going back to their table and putting the drinks in front of their friends’ faces to make sure they would stop staring at each other lovingly. “Save the romance for home, will you?”

“We didn’t even do anything,” Kyungsoo said rather confused.

“The way you look at each other is enough to make all the workers here jealous… Most of them have a crush on Jongin,” Sehun told him when he joined them.

“Oh… Well… I can’t blame them,” Kyungsoo smiled at his boyfriend. “Who wouldn’t?”

“I wouldn’t… Now stop… That’s disgusting,” Sehun complained. “Why did we take them with us?” He wanted to know from his boyfriend.

“Because they’re our friends… And it’s a good thing to be able to spend time with each other and them at once… Now be nice and let them be as ‘disgusting’ as they want to be…”

“No… I’m sorry… We should really stop,” Kyungsoo smiled apologetically.

“Don’t apologize, Kyungie… I had to watch them being like this way too often… Now it’s my turn,” Jongin smirked. “Now give me my milk tea…”

“I thought you hated bubble tea?”

“No, I don’t, Sehun… It’s just that we’ve been here too often… And I don’t know… I’ve been craving this ever since you told me we would come here….”

“I can’t believe I’m able to witness something big like this,” Sehun exaggerated and gave his friend the milk tea. “Oh… Your cookie… latte? Smoothie? Whatever,” he said when handing Kyungsoo his drink. “I want to try it though…”

“That’s perfectly fine… I want to try yours too,” he said before tasting his drink. Kyungsoo’s eyed got even bigger than they already were and he started at the cup in his hands. “I think I just found heaven… Jongin? Forget the stupid café I told you about… This is so much better!” Jongin groaned while Sehun and Luhan high-fived.

“Told you it’s good,” Luhan grinned. “Let me try it!”

“Why did I agree to come here? Why do I feel like he’s going to be worse than Sehun? Why do I already know that I’m going to love being here with him?”

“Why do you keep talking to yourself?” Luhan asked.

“Because I know that you guys won’t answer my questions… HEY! Drink your cookie thing, Mister!”

“You said, I could try it… But I can see why you like it… It’s like you,” Kyungsoo told him while looking at the milk tea he’d just tried.


“It sounds a little boring and when you first see it… It’s lacking something… But it actually has the perfect amount of sweetness and tastes like adventures…” Luhan gave a little shriek at Kyungsoo’s explanation because he found it so cute.

“What do you mean with ‘lacking something’?”

“Manners… You’re lacking manners… Until you get to know someone a little better… Then you’re really nice and sweet… Actually it’s not that you’re lacking manners… Except for when it comes to poor Joonmyun… It’s more like… You seem a little cold? Like you don’t really want people to come near… You seem like you prefer to stay alone and just observe…”

“I do?” The other three nodded. “But… Why?” Jongin whined. He never wanted to appear cold to anyone. He loved meeting new people. He was just too shy to make the first move and talk to them because he wasn’t good with talking before he got to know someone.

“I don’t know… I mean… Now that I know you I know that it’s because you’re shy and a little insecure… But it just seemed a little cold at first… Why do you think I even hoped you would be an ?” Kyungsoo patted his head.

“You did what?” Luhan giggled.

“Well… He was straight! And good-looking…”

“And everything he ever wanted in a boyfriend,” Jongin added proudly.

“You’re never going to stop with that, right?”



“Don’t tell me you didn’t think he was a little unapproachable at first,” Kyungsoo told Luhan and the oldest just shivered a little.

“We had a… Difficult first meeting…”

“Oh god… I’m still sorry about that,” Jongin said.

“Me too…”

“What happened?” Kyungsoo wanted to know.

“I screamed at him… He screamed at me… I told him he was too old for Sehun… I just wanted him gone… I didn’t even really give him a chance,” Jongin explained.


“I was afraid Sehun would forget me because of him… And well… There comes this guy from China that’s four years older than us and tells Sehun all the things he always wanted to hear… And Sehun was far too gone to think logically… We knew nearly nothing about Luhan hyung… And he could have been a drug dealer before he came here… Or he could have someone… Or he could have a clean past but still only see a nice little toy in Sehun because I have to admit he was being the most naïve ever… So yeah… I didn’t really know how to express all of that… And I didn’t really want to because he could have lied to us… So I chose to scream at him and stuff…”

“I would have killed both of them if I was you,” Kyungsoo told Sehun.

“I chose to leave,” the youngest said.

“Or that…”

“Gosh we were so stupid back then,” Luhan rolled his eyes at himself.

“We still are… Just a different kind of stupid…”

“I prefer to think that I grew up a lot after coming here, thank you very much,” Luhan spat.

“Very mature, Lu… Very mature,” Sehun giggled.

“Shut up!”

“So… When do we have to leave for the movie?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Oh you still have time to tell us about your relationships before Jongin,” Sehun said after taking a look at his watch.

“I had… Two girlfriends and two boyfriends before him… If Eunmi counts, which she technically does… So yeah…”

“How long was your longest relationship?” Luhan asked and started to play with his straw. A habit he had when he was really interested in something as Sehun had come to find out after a few meetings.

“Nine months…”

“With who?” Sehun wanted to know.

“That’s not really important, is it?” Kyungsoo looked away.

“That just made it really important,” Jongin told him. “It can’t be that bad… Except… Is he a murderer?”

“NO! He’s really nice…”

“Then where’s the problem? Just tell us,” Luhan pleaded.

“Or did it end really badly?” The youngest got worried.

“It didn’t end badly at all… We just… I don’t know… Realized we were better off as friends…”

“After nine months? How?”

“He was my first boyfriend and it was the same for him… So I guess we were more in love with the idea of being in love with each other than we really were in love with each other… I had a girlfriend before him… She cheated on me… Same goes for him and his ex… I guess we were both just looking for comfort and something stable?”

“Are you still friends with him?” Jongin’s voice had gotten a little quieter and everyone could hear that he didn’t like the news of a possible ex-boyfriend in Kyungsoo’s circle of friends.

“Sure… Why wouldn’t we be? I told you we figured we would be better friends than boyfriends…”

“Are you sure he thinks the same way?”

“Joonmyun?” Kyungsoo laughed. “I’m pretty sure he does since he always tells me about this girl in his class…”

“JOONMYUN?” Sehun was pretty sure Jongin’s face only showed about half the horror he just felt. “I thought he’s one of the friends that was okay with you being into guys even though they’re not into guys themselves?!”

“Well… He’s not really… I mean… There were never any guys before or after me… He was just curious, I guess… Because he thought girls couldn’t be trusted… So he turned to a guy… But yeah…”

“That means he IS into guys, Soo! At least a little bit… Holy I knew there was a reason to hate this guy!”

“Jongin… Don’t… That was a long time ago and I promise we’re just friends now,” Kyungsoo pleaded. “Give him a chance…”

“I already hated him before I knew he was your ex!”

“Can’t you at least try to like him? … For me? Because he’s really important to me… As a friend!” He had added the last part when Jongin had glared at him.

“Are you sure there’s no way you’re going to leave me because you figure out you still like him?”

“Hey… I told you I liked the idea of being with him more than him… I never liked him the way I like you… And I never will… He’s my best friend and he will always stay just that,” Kyungsoo promised and Jongin felt like a complete idiot for acting the way he had.

“I’m sorry…”

“No… I guess I would react the same way if you told me you dated Sehun before…”

“Confession time, guys,” Luhan said. “Admit it now and you’ll be forgiven!”

“GROSS,” the two youngest said at the same time.

“He just asked me to sleep with him once,” Jongin said and Sehun would have climbed over the table to choke him if it wasn’t for Luhan who held him back.

“When did you do that?” Luhan was rather amused by what he’d just heard.

“Not too long ago… Because I told him that he might ask himself what it would be like to be with someone else someday… He got scared like and asked me to sleep with him so he would know…”

“I swear I only thought about it for a few seconds! And it was just because I don’t want to lose you because of stupid things like that,” Sehun added and the Chinese just laughed.

“Well… If you ever really want to know just tell me… You still have one free-ticket…”

“Excuse me, WHAT?”

“You heard me…”

“You would allow me to sleep with someone else?”



“Well… If it’s necessary to keep you… Why not? And if you’d feel too bad about it… I could join you…”

“GUYS! No… Not here… Talk about that without me around,” Jongin pleaded. “And before you ask me again. I. AM. NOT. GOING. TO. SLEEP. WITH. ANY. OF. YOU!”

“I got it, dude,” Sehun rolled his eyes. “Stop looking at me like that, Kyungsoo… You were still with Eunmi when I asked him…”

“Still… It’s just to scare you away… Dou you see that ‘MINE’ all written over him? Good! Because he’s MINE!” Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around Jongin. “Mine!”

“I got it… He’s yours… It’s not like I thinks he’s attractive… I mean… He is… Just not in a way… I just wouldn’t like to… You know… I was just desperate… Thinking about it now makes me want to throw up!”

“Don’t, baby… Never throw up after drinking bubble tea… It would be such a waste,” Luhan advised and Jongin rolled his eyes.

“I think it’s about time we go to the cinema… Before we find something even weirder to talk about,” he said.

“I like that idea,” Kyungsoo agreed. “Wait… Who gets the money for our drinks?”

“No one does,” Sehun said. “It’s my way of making you addicted…”

“Okay… Thanks, I guess…”

“So… You and Joonmyun… How far did you guys go?” Jongin wanted to know as soon as they were out on the streets and Sehun and Luhan just laughed at him. “What? That’s important information.”

“Do you really want to know?”

“Did you go further than kissing? Because then I don’t want to…”

“Okay… Does anyone know how to walk to the cinema? Because I always take the subway…”

“Well… I know the way to the subway,” Luhan said.

“I’m so proud. You know how to get to the subway without my help now,” Sehun whipped some fake tears from his eyes. “You grew up so much.” Luhan just blinked at him before deciding it would be best to ignore his boyfriend for a while and pulling them all to the subway station.




A/N: So... I'm sorry I've been gone forever... I was down with a fever and my ear still hurts... And then I still had to go to university... Not showing up in the first week is pretty much the same as singing off the course... So yeah... It was a hard week... But I hope this one will be better xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~