Chapter 19

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

It had been shortly after ten when Luhan had decided that Sehun had had enough drinks and took his beer away.

“But Luuuuu… I wanted to drink that,” Sehun pouted.

“You’ve had enough… I thought you didn’t like beer?”

“I don’t… But there is nothing else to drink… The sparkling stuff is for midnight,” he tried to reason.

“You’re not getting any of the sparkling stuff,” his boyfriend decided.

“Don’t be like this, Lu!”

“I AM like this… You’re drunk enough! What will your parents think?”

“They’ll never know… I promise,” Sehun started to nibble at Luhan’s earlobe.

“Could you stop that?… Your friends are here…”


“We’re in public,” the Chinese said and tried to push him away.

“Don’t even try to tell me you don’t like it when I do that,” Sehun climbed onto his lap.

“I never said that… But I prefer you being like this when we’re alone… And when you’re not drunk.”

“I’m not drunk!”

“Drunk enough… Now get off, you oaf.”

“Nope… Too comfortable,” he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and lay his head on his shoulder. “Can you do me a favor?”


“Wake me up when we leave…” and with that Sehun had fallen asleep and Luhan didn’t know if he should be pissed or if he should laugh.

“Wow… Luhan… I see you got yourself the right guy… Falls asleep before you did anything nice,” Chanyeol patted his head.

“That’s because I told him not to do anything… When are we leaving?”

“In about an hour… You can put him in my bed if you want to,” the taller offered.

“No… I want to keep him… He’s warm and cuddly,” Luhan smiled at Sehun.

“And he’s going to drool on you,” Chanyeol pulled a face.

“Yeollie… Stop that! They look cute like that,” his girlfriend pushed him away. “Do you need a blanket?”

“I don’t think so… Well… He’s drunk… Maybe a blanket would be a good idea,” Luhan nodded.

“I’ll get Jongin to get it,” Chanyeol said before walking away to boss Jongin around because he really liked doing stuff like that.

“I’m sorry about him,” his girlfriend apologized. “He can be an idiot.”

“Oh… I already know that,” Luhan laughed and tried to move Sehun a little because he was afraid the younger would fall off.

“Is this the first time he’s drunk?”

“No… He went to a party at my dorm once…”

“So he’ll be okay in an hour?”

“I’m pretty sure he’ll be just fine! Don’t worry about him. If he’s not I’ll just take him home…”

“I don’t get why Baekhyun gave him so much to drink…”

“That’s today’s youth,” Luhan sighed. “Always drinking… Always sleeping around… Doing drugs and ending up in fights… No wait… That’s what my friends in China are like…”

“Wow… Sounds terrible…”

“Sounds like my life before I came here,” Luhan shrugged. “Why do you still seem so sober?”

“I don’t drink... Someone needs to keep an overview… And I’m not allowed to drink… Someone has to respect the law.”

“I see… The only one who’s mature enough not to drink…”

“Here’s prince Oh’s blanked,” Jongin threw said blanked in Luhan’s face. “Sorry,” he giggled and removed it to cover Sehun. “Why is he sleeping? We’re having a party here…”

“Let him sleep,” Luhan ordered when Jongin plopped down next to him and started poking Sehun’s cheek. “Jongin… I swear to god!”

“Sehun… Hunnie… Come on… You’re boring! Wake up… The sun is shining and you’re an …”

“Could you leave him alone?”

“No… I need to talk to him! Right now!”

“Can’t that wait another hour?” Luhan sighed.

“Nope… I need my best friend now and I’m going to get him.” He kept poking his cheek until Sehun finally opened one of his eyes.

“God Jongin… He gets groggy when you don’t let him sleep enough” the Chinese sighed. “Go back to sleep, baby.”

“What’s even going on?” Sehun rubbed his eyes. “I’m okay, Lu…”

“I need to talk to you…” was the only answer Jongin offered.

“I need to sleep.” Jongin just scoffed and pulled him into Chanyeol’s room.

“I don’t think we’re supposed to be here… Why are we even here? We could have talked downstairs… I mean-“ he was cut off when Jongin punched him in the face.

“The heck!? What is wrong with you?”

“You are the biggest I ever met? Why do you always have to be right?” with every word his best friend said he earned another punch. At least he had stopped punching his face by then and he lost his strength with ever punch he threw.

“Jongin… Could you stop? It kind of hurts,” Sehun got a hold of Jongin’s hands and tried to stop him from any further punches. “What is this all about?”

He certainly hadn’t expected Jongin to start crying and wrapping his arms around him and he didn’t know what to do at all.

“It’s okay… Everything will be okay,” he started to draw circles on his best friend’s back as an attempt to calm him down.

“Nothing’s going to be okay,” Jongin said in between sobs. “You were right…”

“About what?”

“Why is this stupid girl so ing perfect? I can’t even hate her… I mean… She’s pretty… she’s nice… she has perfect grades and she’s totally what every parent would want for their son… How can I keep up with that?”

Oh… This was about Kyungsoo… The younger didn’t know what to tell his best friend because by now he was pretty sure Kyungsoo wasn’t interested in being any more that Jongin’s friend and he was shocked to hear that his best friend really liked the other. He had never really thought he would. He’d just kept saying it to tease Jongin.

“I should have told him long ago… Maybe he wouldn’t have met her… Why can’t they just break up?”

“Well… They’re not even officially together yet, you know?”

“It’s not like I can go down there and make a scene as well… And I don’t want her to end up being hurt… She’s so nice… She even asked me if I wanted to join her and Kyung to Lotte World because she knows he promised me to go together but he ended up forgetting it when he met her… Why can’t she just be a total , Sehun?”

“I’m sorry,” he just hugged the other a little tighter. Neither of them had ever been in a situation like this and he had no idea how to react. He really wanted to say something to cheer Jongin up. He just didn’t know what to say because he was pretty sure he wouldn’t want to hear anything if he was in Jongin’s place.

“Why didn’t you make me realize that I really like him? Why did I have to realize it today? Why do I even like him? I mean… He forgot me the second he saw her… He’s not even texting me anymore and we never met up to play video games and I miss him already…”

“I didn’t think you liked him… I was just trying to tease you… I mean… I thought it might be something like a little crush because it seemed interesting to you… I never thought you’d fall this deep,” the younger tried to explain.

“I should have just listened to you… Even though you were being an idiot by trying to tease me…”



“I’m sorry!”

“It’s not your fault,” the older sighed. “Sorry for punching you…”

“It’s okay… You needed it…”

“Sorry for waking you up…”

“You should be sorry for that! I was having a good dream.”

“Gross! But hey… You eye’s turning black…”

“Luhan will kill you…”

“Can you promise me something?”

“I guess…”

“Hold onto him as tight as you can… You don’t want to feel like this…”

“I will… But you know what? You’ll find someone else… Kyungsoo’s not even worth it… He just threw you away like you were nothing… You deserve so much better than this.”

“Don’t talk about him like that! He never did anything wrong,” Jongin defended his crush.

“He stopped hanging out with you…”

“It’s just been a week… He’ll hang out with me eventually…”

“Do you really want to hang out with him? I mean… Alone…”

“I guess… I mean… That’s all I can have from him, right?” Tears started to gather in his eyes again.

“You’ll find someone better, you’ll see… Kiss?”

“No! That’s gross!” Sehun didn’t mind his best friends comment and pressed a pretty wet kiss onto his cheek. “There… All better now.”

“Oh god… You’re the worst best friend ever,” Jongin complained but managed a small smile.

“I know… That’s what I’m here for…”

“Luhan’s really going to kill me… That looks like it’s going to be huge tomorrow…”

“Not as bad as the one I have on my because I fell off my bed…”

“He’s not going to see your , right?”

“We take showers together…”

“Too much information… Oh god… Why am I even here? I need other people around to be able to listen to this… Let’s go down and put some ice on that eye…”

“Let’s get you to the bathroom and lay your face in cold water first… You look like you’ve been crying,” Sehun giggled. “I guess you don’t want to explain that to the other guys…”

“This is all your fault,” Jongin shot him an angry look.

“I got it… I didn’t open your eyes early enough… I tried… But your thick head was in the way.”

“Do I have to repeat how much I regret having you as my best friend?”

“Nope… I know that you love me without you telling me… Our relationship is at a level where we don’t need any words…” Jongin just stared at him. “Did anyone ever tell you that you look ugly like that?”

“No… My other friends are nice,” the older rolled his eyes before finally making his way to the bathroom to splash some cold water onto his face.






Sehun had been clever enough to make a trip to the kitchen to get himself some ice before sitting down next to Luhan again and pressing the ice against his eye.

“Hey, baby. What did you guys talk-… Is that ice?”

“Yeah… I was feeling a little hot,” Sehun told him when he saw the worried look on Luhan’s face.

“Then… Why is it on your eye?”

“My eye kind of felt hot as well… Strange world, isn’t it?”

“Are you kidding me?” Luhan snatched the ice off and gasped. “Did he punch you?” At the blonde’s loud outburst everyone turned in their direction. Sehun just shrugged.

“That’s what best friends do from time to time…”


“Calm down Lu…,” Sehun tried to get the other to sit back down.

“He punched you!” The younger almost giggled at the bewildered expression his boyfriend wore.

“I’ll tell you about it later… It’s okay. I swear.”

“It’s not! You’ve got a huge bruise on your eye! That hurts…”

“But I still look pretty, right?”

“Of course you do, baby!”

“See… Then we don’t have to kill Jongin… My eye will be okay in a few days,” Sehun pecked Luhan’s cheek. “Calm down, will you? It’s New Year’s Eve and I don’t want anyone to be angry.”

“I can’t wait to hear the reason… How does he dare to touch you?”

“I kissed him…”

“You what?”

“He pressed all the drool he could find in his mouth onto my cheek,” Jongin corrected. “I’m sorry for punching him…”

“You should tell him not me…,” Luhan scoffed and turned away.

“He did, Lu… We’re through with it… It’s in the past…”

“You’re forgiving him way too easily,” Luhan criticized.

“You would as well,” Sehun told me when Jongin wondered off to get a new beer. He looked around to make sure no one was listening to them. “He kind off may really like Kyung…”

“What? You just told me he doesn’t a few hours ago…”

“He cried…”

“I told you he looked like a kicked puppy… But why did he punch you?”

“I guess he just needed to let all the frustration out? And he blamed me for not making him realize earlier.”

“I’ll get him a punching bag for his birthday… But… He like… really likes him?”

“Yeah… A little too much if you ask me… But I can’t blame him… I feel the same when it comes to you,” Sehun pecked the Chinese’s lips.

“You’re such a cheeseball… I thought we were talking about Jongin here…”

“There’s nothing left to talk about… When are we heading out?”

“Well… Chanyeol?” Luhan turned to the tallest of them. “Are we still going out?”

“No! We have free alcohol here… And we can just climb onto the roof and watch the fireworks from there.”

“Your stupid tall friend is trying to get us killed”, Luhan said with a blank face.

“Come on… It sounds like fun… But I’m not going to drink anymore tonight… I guess mom will freak out by seeing my bruised eye… I don’t need to be drunk on top of that,” Sehun decided.

“Wow… Nice one, baby. You’re finally growing up!”



A/N: Update today because I already know I won't have time for a while... Lots of people to meet... A trip to Busan planned... And let's not forget that I need to start my hardcore-fangirling on thursday!!! I'm so excited for "Growl"! Just give me the MV already!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~