Chapter 33

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

The weekend had been over before they knew it. Sehun and Jongin had spent the Sunday with studying and homework as well as their project they needed to work on to pass chemistry this year. It was actually the first time since they’d left primary school that Jongin had all of his homework done and he was a bit proud of himself if he was being completely honest.

“Oh… I forget to tell you something amazing,” Jongin suddenly said when they were walking to the bus station and Sehun was more than just a little surprised to hear his best friend talking. It normally took him until at least nine o’clock to talk to anyone.

“It must be really amazing… You’re talking… It’s just 7…”

“Kyungsoo’s going to our school starting from today.”

“Okay… I would totally think you’re pranking me right now… But that smile is too big and bright for that… WOW! Why?”

“He said he finally convinced his parents… Sounds like he didn’t like being homeschooled to me… And his two best friends are in our school as well…”


“Oh… One is Joonmyun… You know? The guy who is technically my math tutor?”

“Holy … You still didn’t meet that poor guy? I heard he’s really nice!”

“I just hate maths… Okay?”

“I can understand that… But still… Who’s the second one?”

“You would never believe me… He doesn’t fit with those two nerds at all,” Jongin giggled.

“Can’t be that bad…”

“Jongdae… Kim Jongdae…”



“OOOOOOOH! Funky funky Chen hyung! I love this guy! … Wait! He’s friends with the teachers’ pet and your nerdy crush?”

“It’s boyfriend and don’t call him nerdy… He just studied because he had to…”

“Whatever… Wait… Boyfriend?”

“Yeah… We talked on Saturday… And yeah… He’s my boyfriend now…”

“Wow… We spent the whole day together yesterday… And you never told me,” Sehun complained.

“Sorry… I was studying and doing homework!”

“Yeah… I’ve never seen you work this hard before… What happened?”

“I had a nice talk with my parents after Kyungie left… I told them about us… I don’t think they’re really okay with the fact that their son’s dating a guy… But they didn’t say anything against it either… But they said I’m only allowed to meet him when I manage to get my grades up… So yeah… You’re going to see a lot more of me now when you’re studying…”

“It’s kind of sad that we both needed boyfriends to start caring about our grades,” Sehun laughed.

“No… The sad thing is that you started studying without your parents telling you to… Oh… I’m not going to dance practices on Thursday anymore…” The younger stared at Jongin.

“Your parents are THAT cruel?”

“No… But… Kyungsoo works on Thursdays… And he told me to come over to the restaurant with Joonmyun to study… Because I don’t want to stay at school longer… And… I don’t want this guy in my room… And I don’t really know him… So I’m not going to his place… You want to join us for some serious tutoring?”

“Sure… If Joonmyun’s okay with it…”

“You can ask him yourself… I had to invite him and Jongdae to sit with us for lunch because I want Kyungie to sit with me…”

“Why didn’t I see this coming? … How about we just go to dance practice on Tuesday and Wednesdays then?”

“You never go on Tuesdays… You have Chinese on Tuesday…”

“Damn… Maybe we can talk to our teacher and go to our dance lesson instead of PE on Mondays…”

“Sounds like a plan… I mean… Soccer is fun… So is Basketball… But the rest is hell!”

“I hate all of it… But that’s because our teacher is an that picks favorites…”

“Who needs school-sport when you can dance instead? I mean… Dancing sure needs a lot more muscles and energy that changing clothes for 20 minutes, warming up for 5… Pretending to be interested in whatever the teacher planned for the day for about 15 minutes and then leave early to take a shower…”

“That’s what I mean,” Sehun grinned. “It’s no fun at all…”

“Wow I love today… I finished all my homework so no teacher is going to scold me. I studied for the biology test so I’m not going to fail it. I found a way to ditch the teacher I hate the most … AND… Kyungie will be there! Today’s perfect!”

“Good for you, Jongin… Wow… I’m going to feel lonely at lunch…”

“Yeol and Baek are still here…”

“Yeol has his girlfriend… Baek and Chen are from the same class… And they’re going to plan some teacher’s downfall…”

“Well… There’s still Joonmyun…”

“Great… At least Luhan would be pleased to know I hang out with people like him…”

“See… You make new friends and do something Luhan likes at once… That’s good!”

“We’re going to end this conversation right now!”


“Because… ‘Kyungie’ is right at the front gate… You may want to go there and greet him first… Just don’t kiss him… I don’t think he wants the whole school to know he’s gay on his first day…”

“I don’t think I want the whole school to know I like guys ever… Are you okay if I leave right now?”

“Sure… See you later! Don’t be late,” Sehun warned before going straight to his locker to let his best friend have some alone time with his new boyfriend.






“Hey guys,” Kyungsoo greeted when he stopped in front of their lunch table and Sehun waved at him because he had his mouth full.

“Kyungsoo? Wow… That’s a surprise,” Baekhyun smiled.

“Wouldn’t be if you’d have been here instead of ditching all the morning classes,” Chanyeol said at his right. “He’s in our class now… Oh… And he’s known Chen since forever…”

“Cool… Sit down!”

“Where’s Jongin?”

“Still with our English teacher,” Sehun told him. “He has to do a presentation next week and she’s telling him the topic… She always does it after class… I think she hates kids and that’s why she doesn’t want us to have a nice long lunch break…”

“She sounds like all of my teachers I had before,” Kyungsoo shrugged and sat down. “That’s Joonmyun, by the way… Joonmyun those are-“

“I know them… Chanyeol and Baekhyun are nearly as famous as Jongdae… And Sehun… Well… I’ve seen him and Jongin dance,” Joonmyun smiled.

“Why?” Sehun asked. “I mean… Don’t get me wrong… But why would you watch our shows?”

“Oh… I know Yixing… He’s the same age as me… He lives in a dorm here in Seoul and I help him with his Korean…”

“Oh Yixing… I always thought he was already in university… He lives in the same dorm as my boyfriend… All of them are in university.”

“Well… Yixing just lives there because it’s cheaper than an own apartment… And he is in some classes in university… Don’t ask me… His school has this program where you get to finish school while starting university or something…”

“Cool… I never knew he had so much studying to do… He’s always in our practice room… No matter when I get there…”

“Well… He does some stuff with dancing… So I guess it’s part of the program…”

“What program?” Jongin asked a little confused. “What do we have to do now?” He sat down next to Kyungsoo and pecked his lips after making sure that no one was looking.

“We were talking about Yixing… Joonmyun is his Korean tutor…”

“Oh… Hey Joonmyun… Nice to meet you… Finally…” Jongin smiled innocently.

“Kim Jongin… It’s certainly a pleasure… I’m going to be nice today and meet you as Kyungsoo’s boyfriend because he asked me to be nice to you… So… Be a good boy and don’t hurt my youngest! Starting from tomorrow though… Your life is going to be a hell of numbers!”

“It’s okay… I’ll find a way to die before tomorrow comes…”

“Joonmyun… Be nice. I need him to live a little longer. He already agreed on meeting you every Thursday… In the restaurant where I can make sure you don’t kill him. And with free food because I’m just really thankful that you’re going to let him live,” Kyungsoo glared at his friend.

“Oh… Well then… I hope I can teach you everything you need to know.” The overly friendly smile was back on the oldest’s face.

“Wait… I was going to ask if I can join,” Sehun pouted.

“Oh… No problem… We always have way too much food to throw away anyway… My uncle’s going to be happy to hear that someone’s going to eat it,” Kyungsoo smiled.

“Your teacher never said anything about any other troublemakers,” Joonmyun wondered aloud.

“Oh… I have no problems with passing… It’s just… I have no idea what I’m doing… I just get enough stuff right to pass,” Sehun explained.

“Yeah… He’s the lucky ,” Jongin complained at got hit on his head by Kyungsoo.

“Don’t call your best friend an !”

“Oh I like this whole you dating Kyungsoo thing more and more as time goes by,” Sehun grinned and shoved half of the cake in his mouth at once. Joonmyun blinked in disbelieve.

“Did he just shove half of it in his mouth?” Everyone nodded. “But… How?”

“His boyfriend helps him stretching his mouth a lot,” Jongin winked and it earned him another smack on the head.

“Control your hormones, Mister! We’re in public!”

“You might want to stop hitting me in public… You could get detention for it!”

“No,” Joonmyun smiled. “Not when I tell the teacher that you really deserved to be hit… You have a boyfriend as well?” he asked Sehun, who just nodded because he had the other half of the cake in his mouth.

“I told you about the Chinese guy in the choir, right?... You know… Luhan,” Kyungsoo smiled at his friend.

“Oh… The one that looks like a deer?”

“I told you he totally looks like bambi,” Jongin threw in.

“Exactly that one… I showed you a picture once… That’s him…”

“You have pictures of my boyfriend?” Sehun didn’t know if he should be jealous or proud about other people showing off HIS boyfriends to their friends.

“Well yeah… We took some together…”

“Oh… Well…”

“You’re dating someone who’s in university already? How old are you? 16?” Joonmyun was clearly shocked.

“Give him a little more time,” Jongin giggled. “He’ll turn 16 in April…”

“Holy !” was all Joonmyun had to say to those news.

“But they’re really cute together,” Kyungsoo said. “Like… Seriously… Just imagine the sweetest sweet on earth… It’s nothing compared to them…”

“Hyung… That’s not even true… They’re two little bunnies that can’t keep their hands off each other,” Jongin corrected him.

“Hey! Oaf! None of their business… Just let everybody think we’re unicorns and rainbows and fluff,” Sehun smiled innocently.

“Could you stop calling my boyfriend an ‘oaf’, please?” Kyungsoo’s eyes widened. “He’s not some stupid ugly I don’t even know what… He’s my little cuddle-bear.” Chanyeol and Baekhyun burst out laughing at that and Sehun only padded Jongin’s shoulder while shaking his head.

“Jongin’s his ‘little cuddle bear’… Did you hear that, Yeol?” Baekhyun had trouble speaking because he was still laughing really hard. “He got Jongin to lay still and cuddle… And!”

“AAAAAAND!” Chanyeol added and Kyungsoo shot them a look that clearly questioned their mental health.

“And what? What’s wrong with cuddling?” Jongin spat.

“AAAAAND,” Baekhyun finally continued. “He told us that Jongin’s ‘little’.” With that even Jongdae and Sehun couldn’t hold back anymore and joined their friends laughing fit. Jongin just glared at them and Kyungsoo had no idea what they were laughing about.

“What’s so funny?” He wanted to know and Joonmyun, who he had directed the question to, just shrugged and began eating.

“They’re little kids… Just… Don’t question it… They’re immature and you’re not going to be able to change that.”

“He didn’t say I’m little down there,” Jongin tried to save his pride.

“OH GOD!” Kyungsoo hid his face behind his hands. “Holy … NO! I didn’t mean it like THAT! Gosh… Joonmyun, you’re right… They’re hell! I’m disappointed, Kim Jongdae! Since when have you been this immature?”

“He’s always been like this,” Joonmyun glanced at his friend who was still snickering with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. “Especially when those two are around…”

“Great… You’re friends are bad influence for my friend,” Kyungsoo glared at his boyfriend who couldn’t believe his ears.

“Excuse me? First of all… It’s Chen who started all the pranks and those two idiots just joined him… And second it’s NOT my fault they’re all the same age and are in the same class! Just so you know… They’ve been in the same class two years before I came to this school and they were already friends when Sehun and I first entered this hell… So don’t blame me for any of this craziness that I try to just look at without having to do anything to make sure I stay out of trouble.”

“I know… I’m sorry… But it’s easier to blame you than to blame his parents… They’re so nice… And… normal… And I need someone to blame…”

“Why don’t you just blame life?” Sehun offered.

“Oh… well… Sorry, Jongin… Am I forgiven?” he pouted a little and tried to look like a lost puppy and Jongin just sighed and nodded.

“But stop looking like this… It’s not fair…”

“Wow… You just told him how to get everything he wants.. Congratulations… Now you’re dead,” Joonmyun grinned.

“He’s not… I still owe him a lot for everything I put him through,” Kyungsoo played with his chopsticks.

“Oh yeah… The whole Eunmi-thing… Just promise me never to do something like that again… I really like spending time with you… But having you in my room crying for hours every weekend is something I don’t really enjoy,” the older pleaded.

“He cried?” Jongin asked alarmed. “Why did you cry so much? You really shouldn’t! I hate it when you cry! Especially when you cry because of me! I’m SO sorry, Kyungie.”

“I cried because I was stupid, okay? Don’t worry…”

“I hope you took good care of him, Mister ‘I’m everyone’s favorite and I have perfect grades just to tease others’!” he glared at Joonmyun.

“Jongin! Be nice… He’s a really good friend and he always made sure to have enough time for me.”

“Okay… Well… I guess Thursdays are going to be fun then… As soon as I convinced him to stop with the tutoring and we do teenager-stuff…”


“I don’t know… Soccer? Video games? Anything that’s not maths?”

“I hate soccer,” Joonmyun mumbled. “HEY! Wait! Where did Huey, Dewey, and Louie go?”

“Who?” Sehun wanted to know.

“Jongdae, Baekhyun and Chanyeol…”

“Oh… They said they had to go to the library to get some books for their project…”

“And you believe them? How long have you known them?”

“Three years, I think?”

“Isn’t that enough NOT to trust them when they tell you they go to the library? The LIBRARY! Where you have to be quiet?!”

“They even got their library cards out… Sorry,” the youngest rolled his eyes. “I’m not their mother.”

“But we really have a project,” Kyungsoo defended his friends. “They should really do something for it…”

“Then why didn’t you join them?” Jongin wanted to know.

“I have enough books at home… And I already learned everything about my topic… I’m just going to rewrite it on my computer and add some pictures… And I wanted to spend more time with you…” he’s only whispered the last part but the other three had still heard him. Joonmyun and Sehun rolled their eyes before mumbling something about being depressed and lonely and not wanting to watch any of this before they both left for their next classes. “I’m sorry… Now Sehun left you…”

“It’s okay… I’ve seen him the whole day… And yesterday… And well… My whole life… I’m sure I’ll manage somehow,” Jongin smiled a little.

“This … Why are there so many people here? I still didn’t get my kiss!”

“Oh… I know how to get to the rooftop…”

“It’s forbidden to go there… And the principal said the doors are locked.”

“Well… Not all of them,” Jongin smirked. “You know… you really need someone to tutor you in ‘breaking as many rules as possible without anyone noticing’… I know someone who could teach you…”


“How about me?”

“Okay… I guess… Will I be in my next class on time?”

“You wish…” Jongin took his boyfriend’s hand in his and pulled him away from the cafeteria and all the people to make sure to have some well-earned alone time with him.




A/N: I never realized I had another chapter with a lack of HunHan... But i promise they'll be back in the next chapter!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~