Chapter 3

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

It had been more than a week since Sehun had last met Luhan. University had started and the Chinese boy really struggled to get used to his timetable. And he had so many things to learn and all of it was in Korean which he said was sure to make him go crazy.

Sehun only knew that because he kept texting him. It was really cute how the older tried to curse about his life without really knowing any Korean words to do so. And there were lots of spelling mistakes which had confused the teen at first. But it only took him a day to get used to it and by then he just found it really adorable.

He was busy texting Luhan to make sure he kept sane while trying to learn something about the theories of music in Korean but he just didn’t understand it when suddenly his room door opened and someone jumped onto him.

“I missed you so much!” his best friend screamed into his ear while crushing him in a hug.

“Jongin?” Sehun was really confused. Why was this guy back already? He said he’d be gone two weeks.

“The one and only,” the boy grinned at him. Why did he get even more tanned while he was gone?

“Why are you back already?” was all the paler one had to tell his friend as a ‘welcome back’.

“It’s nice to see you as well, I guess,” it was obvious his best friend didn’t like Sehun’s missing enthusiasm and he sat up to pout.

“That’s not what I meant… It’s just… How has that already been two weeks? I feel like you just left yesterday.”

He was met with silence.

“That sounded wrong as well, didn’t it?”

A short nod from a sulking Jongin followed.

“It’s just… time seems to move too fast when I’m texting Lu- HOLY ! Where’s my phone? I was writing something important when you decided to jump me!” Sehun jumped from his bed to get a better look at it, searching for his phone.

Jongin found it before him, picked it up and read the message. “’Fighting, hyung ^.^I’m sure it’s not as bad as it seems right now’… Yeah… that’s really rather important, I see,” Jongin’s eyebrow rose as far up as possible. “Who are you even texting?”

Sehun took his phone back, scanned the text to make sure there were no typos – because he wanted to be a good example for Luhan – and pressed the ‘send’ button.

“Luhan hyung…” he couldn’t stop looking at his phone until it showed him that his text message had been delivered.

He only got a giggle from his bed and the tanned teen on it tried to find a comfortable position again. “So he called you? Didn’t I tell you to tell me in case he does?”

“Yeah… he sent me a message right after you hung up that evening… I was busy thinking about him, sorry,” Sehun was still looking at his phone hoping for an answer from his Chinese crush.

“Put that thing away. I’m your best friend and I’m back from living two long weeks without you and I was lonely and missed you like crazy and I need you to cuddle with me right now,” there were arms that stretched themselves in his direction and Sehun heaved a sigh before cuddling against his best friend. “I missed you too, Jongin.”

“Don’t lie to me, mister. You even forgot that I’d be back today… Now tell me everything about that little deer of yours!”


“You said he looked kind of like a deer on the phone… Luhan, right? Nineteen, blond hair and brown eyes and totally your style. And it seems like you forgot me because of him so he must be Mister Perfect or something,” Jongin said while smirking.

“Yeah…” Sehun could only smile one of his stupid smiles that Jongin called the ‘I am a thirteen-year-old girl that is in love with an idol she will most likely never meet’-smile.

“Oh god… it’s worse than I thought… Are you still with me?” his friend’s was waving his hands in front of his face.

“Stop that, you moron. I am. And what do you want to know? We only met once after I called you… University started and that poor guy has a hard time keeping up with all the Korean.”

“That’s the part that I wasn’t interested in… I don’t care what he does when you’re not around… Tell me about the date!” Of course that’s all this idiot was interested in. Actually Sehun wanted to know more about what Luhan was doing when he wasn’t around. He already knew what there were doing when he saw him.

“Well… we went for bubble tea-“

“Oh god… Please tell me he loves that stuff as much as you and I won’t have to spend the rest of my life drinking this stuff with you!”

What a nice friend… Why were they friends again?

“Are you done interrupting? Yeah? So I can go on?” Three nods from the boy that had somehow found his way under Sehun’s blankets and was playing with his teddy bear.

“First if all you could have told me that you hated to spend time with me that much. I could have gone there alone. Second, yes, he loves ‘that stuff’ as much as I do so don’t worry, I won’t bother you again,” now it was time for Sehun to pout.

“Hunniiiieeh… that’s not what I meant! I love spending time with my favorite best friend ever.” Jongin hands were around his torso again and he had the feeling that he’d die because of the lack of oxygen sooner or later. “This bubble tea is just too sweet for me… I prefer coffee… Black.”

“As black as you stupid soul.”

“That’s not a nice thing to say, Sehun!”

“I’m your best friend. I’m supposed to say not so nice things to you.”

“True… Now back to the love of your life.”

“Yeah… Luhan… well… I showed him around Seoul… and… yeah…” he didn’t know if he was ready to tell Jongin about the second kiss. It always made him feel weird when he thought about it.

“That’s it? How is this supposed to work? If you want him, you have to take him! Grab his shoulders, shove him against a wall and kiss the living daylights out of him… That’s what guys like him like,” his goofy friend told him while demonstrating the first two parts of his plan with his poor teddy. Thank god he decided against kissing the poor animal.


“’Guys like him’? You don’t even know him… and that sounds ridiculous. I don’t even know anything about kissing.”

“Then learn it,” the idiot stated as if it was the most normal thing in life.

“With who, you stupid thing? I’m trying to do that with Luhan, you know!?”

“Does he know that you’re a kissing ?”


“Then maybe my plan wouldn’t be too good…”

“Exactly, Sherlock! So tell me about your two weeks! Any girls?” he tried to change the topic because there was just no way in hell Jongin would take the topic ‘Luhan’ serious.

“Lots of them!”

“How many of them for you?”

“None of them… I’m not an easy guy, you know,” his friend tried to defend himself.

“Sure Jongin… That’s the only reason… What’s your problem? You look great, you’re funny and you have no problem with talking to new people. It should be easy for you to get yourself a girlfriend.”

“It should… but it isn’t. I don’t even know what kind of girl I’d want to date… And… I don’t have time for that . I have school… I need to dance. And I still haven’t started on our holiday homework… We’re doing that tomorrow!”

“YOU are doing that tomorrow. I’m done… have been since last week.”

“Who are you and what did you do to my best friend?” he’d never seen Jongin’s eyes that big. He couldn’t blame him for being shocked. Normally it was his best friend who had all of his homework done and Sehun stealing it from his bag to copy it before the lesson.

“I just had a rush of motivation… Wait a minute… that’s a text from Luhan,” he told him and read through the text grinning like an idiot.

“This … you’re like one of those love-struck teen-girls in those stupid movies. When am I going to meet this guy?” Jongin wanted to know.

“Not before you learn to call him by his name…” Sehun was still typing his answer when his phone rang. “Could you leave for a minute? I really need to answer that one!”

“NO! I never had to leave before… I’ll stay right here and listen to this… Let me hear his voice… I want to know if he’s nice!”

Sehun only rolled his eyes when his best friend pressed himself up to his side to make sure he could hear as much of the conversation as possible when he answered the call.

“Hey hyung,” he tried to sound relaxed and collected though he was screaming on the inside.

“Hey, Sehun… Sorry to bother you but this is killing me,” he heard Luhan’s desperate voice and had to grin.

“Don’t die just yet, hyung. There’s still so much to see!” Jongin scoffed.

“Are you okay?”, Luhan wanted to know.

“That’s just Jongin… He came back a few minutes ago and has been trying to kill me since then… Ignore him. Back to you! We could go out for some bubble tea, if you want to.”, he kicked Jongin in order to get him quiet again.

“No… I mean… You must have missed Jongin! Spend some time with him.” He could clearly hear the disappointment in the other’s voice.

“It’s okay… go spend some time with Cinderella,” came Jongin’s voice from his right which earned him a kick from the boy on the phone.

“I could bring Jongin to the bubble tea shop. He said he wanted to meet you anyway.”

“I’m not going to drink this stuff! I’m just there for the Chinese desert!”

“COULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP?” Sehun was really pissed now.

“Me?” Luhan’s voice wanted to know.

“No! Sorry. I meant the stupid idiot that calls himself my best friend…”

“So… He really doesn’t mind meeting me?”

“He’d love to… Or I’ll make him,” Sehun promised while glaring at the bundle on his bed. “Get dressed you punk, we’re going out to meet Luhan…”

“I AM dressed, in case you didn’t notice you retard!”

“I meant some shoes Holmes… When do you want to meet us?”

“Oh I love how you growl at me only to get this soft flirty tone whenever you’re talking to Luhan. I expect nothing less than the Queen of England, I swear,” Jongin mumbled while making his way down the stairs to put his shoes on.

“I could be there in about twenty minutes,” Luhan said.

“So that means twenty-five, right? Because that’s how long it takes us to get there,” time to panic! Where was his money? And his hair looked like he just came back from the dead. “Make that thirty… I look like my great-grandfather… That guy has been dead for about a hundred years already.”

“Okay,” the blond one giggled. “See you!”

When Jongin came back to his room to ask him what he was doing ten minutes later Sehun was still trying to get his hair to look at least a little like it was still alive and a part of his body.

“HELP! I look like… like you after sleeping a whole day!”

“Thanks, Sehun. That made my day… And just to remind you… you look like that as well when you get up in the morning.” Oh how Sehun wanted to scratch that smirk from his best friends lips. That guy wasn’t helping at all.






They made it to the bubble tea shop ten minutes late and Sehun was blaming Jongin for not styling his hair fast enough. Even though he had worked some magic on it since it looked pretty normal now. Not that normal was good enough for meeting Luhan… But it had to do… It was better than what it had looked like before.

“Luhan is going to hate me because I left him alone for so long,” Sehun was whining.

“Chill out… It’s only ten minutes. And he’s a big boy. He’ll survive,” his best friend rolled his eyes at him.

“But he’s alone… And we’re late… and he doesn’t know anyone… And he’s probably bored and thirsty and… and… and…”

“And you’re behaving like a baby now… Just shut up before I punch you and you have to meet your dream guy with a bruised face!” Jongin was definitely tired of his ranting. But Sehun had something better to do anyway since he just spotted Luhan who was leaning against the wall, phone pressed against his hear and a serious expression on his face. He definitely liked seeing him like this… He looked so mature and, if he was honest, hot.

“There he is… Oh god, hide me!” Sehun tried to shove Jongin, who was a little taller than him, in front of him.

“Are you crazy? He’ll think you’re out of your mind… Which is true… But still… I don’t even know this guy! Who is he even?”

“The hot one on the phone,” Sehun rolled his eyes because… wasn’t it obvious?

“He doesn’t look that young to me, you know?”

“He doesn’t normally look this concentrated and … Wait until he smiles,” he promised and went over to his crush to grin at him and wave to make sure Luhan had seen him.

The boy smiled at him and said something into his phone. Must have been Chinese because Sehun had no idea what that should mean.

“Hey,” Luhan said after hanging up. “Sorry, that was Kris.”

“No problem… We’re late anyway… Sorry but Jongin couldn’t find his shoes.” He was praying that Jongin would just play along for once.

“Yeah… I’m really sorry to keep you waiting but Sehun’s entrance hall is just so big. It was nearly impossible to find them again,” Jongin said while winking at the Chinese. Did that guy just wink at Sehun’s future boyfriend? He was going to die. That much was clear. He just hoped the tanned male realized his mistake thanks to the glare he received from his best friend.

“So… you’re the infamous Luhan? It’s nice to meet you,” Jongin shook Luhan’s hand.

“I guess, that’s me?” The boy mumbled and turned to Sehun. “What does ‘infamous’ mean?”

Must be Jongin’s lucky day… Because Sehun could have killed him for that comment. Why did he want him to meet his crush again?

“It means he told me a lot about you already,” there was this stupid smirk on his best friend’s face that made Sehun want to kill him right there and then. This was the worst day of his life.

“Oh,” Luhan smiled. “He told me a lot about you as well!”

Thank god Luhan was so naïve. He just saved Jongin’s life with that.

“Really now?” Jongin was a little taken aback. How could this guy not get what he was trying to tell him? “Well then… I guess we should get going since the two of you wanted to ruin your teeth with sugary bubble stuff.” He shoved them into the store and forced them to sit down next to each other. “My treat… What do you guys want?”

“Oh god no! You guys still live on your pocket money. I’m paying! It’s my fault you are here anyway,” Luhan tried to stand up again but Jongin was faster and made sure he stayed seated.

“I insist… It gives me a chance to talk to the girls behind the counter. I love those.” That just shot him right back up on Sehun’s ‘best friend’-list again. Jongin knew when he had to leave.

It took a little more time to get Luhan to let Jongin get their drinks but when he was finally gone to buy them Sehun turned to Luhan. “So… I guess you’re studying isn’t going that well?”

“It’s making a lot of progress if the goal is to kill me… I just don’t know any of those words in my stupid textbooks,” Luhan’s head landed on the table. “Maybe I should just go back to China. I was always on top of all my classes there. And I never felt like jumping from a skyscraper.”

“You’ll just need some time to get used to all of it. It will be easy as eating faster than you know. Maybe I could try to help you with that stuff?” He would do anything to make sure Luhan would stay in Seoul as long as possible.

“You would?” Luhan’s head snapped back up.

“Sure… I mean… I could try. I have no idea about this whole music stuff… I only know how to move to it,” he admitted. “But at least I understand Korean… Most of the time.”

“That would be awesome! And trust me… You’ll definitely understand more than me,” the blonde’s smile grew. Sehun would start to study music’s theory starting right after he got home. He needed to help the other.

“Two drinks that will kill your insides because sugar does that to you for you, guys,” Jongin said while placing to bubble teas in front of them.

“Wow you really know what to say to make us enjoy these,” Sehun snorted.

“That’s my job.”

“Aren’t you going to drink something?” Luhan wondered.

“Me? One of those? No way… I just spend half my life here because of Sehun. So… thanks for meeting him. You can go with him instead of me from now on.” He was winking again. Was he trying to flirt or was this just one of Jongin’s weird sides that Sehun didn’t have the pleasure to see before?

“How would anyone not like bubble tea?” At least Luhan didn’t realize that Jongin was flirting. Sehun would just call it that for now since he had no other word for it. Even though it made him pretty uncomfortable.

“That’s for kids… Grown men like me-“ Sehun had to scuff “-like their coffee. Black!” He should really make sure Jongin would never meet Luhan again. This wasn’t going well.

“No… pretending to be all grown up by drinking disgusting black coffee is for kids. Grown-ups just drink whatever they like.” There was a really innocent smile playing on Luhan’s lips and it took Jongin a second to register that this guy had just called him a kid. Sehun was quietly giggling. He really liked how his crush made his best friend look like a fish in just a few seconds.

“You can close your mouth now, stupid,” he decided to tell said friend.


“Is he mad now?” Sehun shrugged. “I don’t think so… He’s just not used to others being right. I tend to let him believe that he telling very grown-up and mature things to make him happy.”

“Shall I leave the two of you alone so you can keep talking about me or will you shut up?”

“No… stay! I wanted to ask you something,” Luhan told him.

“Me? Go ahead,” the black haired boy sure was surprised that this guy already had some questions for him.

“Could you please tell me as soon as you have a date for your show? Like… the one where you guys dance? Because I’m pretty sure Sehun won’t tell me even though he promised.”

“I told you I’ll tell you! I keep my promises.”

“No you don’t Sehun,” his best friend decided stab him in his back. “Of course, I’ll tell you hyung… How do you even know about that?”

“I asked Sehun if I could see him dance…”

“You told him you dance?”

“I also told him that it’s your fault…”

“Which is why I want to see you dance as well. Sehun said you were born to dance.” Luhan cutely nodded his head while talking. “You know… I used to dance as well… Only for a year… But still. I know a great dancer, when I see one. But I’m pretty sure you won’t be as good as Sehun.”

That meant war. Sehun wasn’t too sure if he wanted to stay. No one should ever doubt Kim Jongin’s dancing skills. “I’m nothing compared to Jongin,” he tried to save the situation.

“And I’m pretty sure you’ll see that you’re little Sehun is nothing against me, hyung,” there was this tone in Jongin’s voice that Sehun didn’t like to hear. The one where you just knew that he was a second away from exploding.

“We’ll see about that,” the student wasn’t about to back off.

“Guys? Could we talk about something else? Please?” Sehun was stuck in the middle, trying to ease the tension.

“Oh we can,” Jongin made himself more comfortable in his seat. “There’s a lot I wanted to talk to Luhan about.”

“Bring it on then. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say,” no one could have missed the sarcastic tone that Luhan used.

How had the atmosphere ended up being so… terrible? And since when was Luhan like that? And why was Jongin behaving this way. This was totally NOT going the way Sehun wanted it to.

“Why Sehun? Are you a e or something? ‘Couse… You did realize he’s four years younger than you and still a ing minor, right!?” Did he have to mention that? Sehun was trying not to remember the Chinese boy about that little, unimportant fact. Who cared about numbers anyway? They just wanted to make your life miserable.

“Wow there… Who said I liked him like that? I know that he’s still a kid, okay?” Great. He really didn’t want to know that. It’s not like he hadn’t known that Luhan only saw him as a friend before. Because how could a guy like Luhan be interested in someone like Sehun? But it still hurt to hear it.

“Oh really? Why did you kiss him then?” Jongin was not about to let him off the hook so easily.

“That was… just… Why do you even know about that?”

“Because I’m his ing best friend and he tells me EVERYTHING,” he underlined the word ‘everything’ by forming a big circle with his hands.

“It’s none of your business who I kiss and who I don’t,” Luhan tried to reason.

“It is, if it’s my best friend that you decide to play with, you retard,” the tallest of them nearly screamed in the oldest’s face. This was hell. Sehun wanted nothing more than to just go home and crawl under his warm and cuddly blanket and just forget that he ever had to witness this.

“Who said I was playing with him? And who are you even? His mum?” Luhan was definitely getting really pissed now judging by how red his face has become.

“No. I’m his best friend, as I told you before. Do I need to write it down? And you said he was just a little kid yourself. Nineteen year old guys don’t fall in love with kids unless they’re really sick in their mind,” Jongin’s voice was like poison and Sehun was sure he’d never seen his best friend that angry in his whole life. It was really scary.

“Okay… to set this straight. I just met Sehun. There’s just no way in hell I’m already in love with him and stuff, so chill! I just like to spend time with him and there’s nothing you can do about it since he seems to be enjoying it as well.”

“There’s a lot I can do, you ing bastard! And I want you to back the off!”

“Why would I? I like spending time with him.”

“Then stop sending him mixed signals! You either meet him as a friend, like you should or you kiss him! There’s no in-between! If you keep this on you’ll only hurt him. And he’s way too young for you just in case you didn’t get that already.” Sehun really wanted them to stop screaming at each other. When had they even stood up? And did Jongin really have to shove their hyung against the wall? This was all too much for Sehun.

“It’s just four years, get that in your head! That will be nothing, once he’s twenty!”

“Then come back in five years and leave him alone for now before I report you to the police, you sick idiot!”

Sehun had enough. He wasn’t going to watch this anymore. Those two were talking about him as if he wasn’t even there. They could just go ahead and kill each other for all he minded. It’s not like either of them thought about what he was feeling when they were screaming at each other in public to decide what was best for him. He just stood up and left without finishing his drink. He didn’t really want it anymore.

He still heard his best friend and Luhan fighting when he was around the corner.




A/N: It's amazing that there are people interested in the strange stuff that's going on in my head xD
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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~