Chapter 10

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

The performance had gone really well. Sehun was afraid he’s throw up before going onstage but it had gone surprisingly smooth.

He and Jongin were waiting for their turn to take a shower when the younger remembered that he hadn’t told his best friend about the day’s events yet.

“Guess what?” he grinned at Jongin.

“Luhan’s out there waiting for you to be done showering?”

“Oh god… HE IS! I need to shower quickly,” he jumped up to tell the girls that he needed to take a shower before them because he needed to get going.

“Calm down, Sehun… He’ll wait for you. Now tell me what you wanted to tell me before I made the mistake to mention Bambi…”

“My mum knows,” Sehun confessed.

“And he’s still here? And you’re still going to sleep at his place tonight?” Sehun just nodded. “How did you tell her? And why today of all days?”

“She already knew,” the brown haired took his fresh clothes out of his bag. “She came to my room to ask me when I was planning on finally telling her… She seemed to like the idea of me dating Luhan and wanted to know all the details.”

“Sounds like my sisters… Did she do that strange squealing sound and started clapping like a seal as well?”

“No… she was just… I don’t know… I thought she was crazy… but your sisters sound even worse!”

“They are the worst. Especially when both of them corner you together,” Jongin said. “So your mum’s totally okay with you and Bambi?”

“Bambi has a name! Use it! And yeah… she’s okay with us. He can even spend Christmas with us,” he exclaimed happily.

“Doesn’t that involve telling your dad?”

“He knows as well… He actually thought we were already darting when he first met Luhan… I still can’t believe that my parents are that open to me being gay… That’s more than I expected.”

“I told you so… My mum likes Luhan a lot too…”

“What?” Sehun was a bit taken aback.

“He came over to my place once, right? My mum asked me who he was because she thinks he’s pretty cute and well-mannered. She wanted one of my sisters to date him… So I told her he was dating you.” Now he was really taken aback.

“We weren’t dating back then…”

“I knew you would eventually.”

“It was a secret and I want you to keep my secrets… secret,” Sehun seriously.

“I don’t keep anything secret from my mum. She’s my best female friend!”

“That’s really creepy and you’re a little mama-boy! And I’m not asking you to keep your life a secret from her… I’d just prefer if she didn’t know everything about me.”

“Yeah… I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay… I know that you’re still a little baby at heart that needs his mother for everything,” the younger shrugged.

“Not true! I got myself a date without her help,” Jongin told him.

“You got a date? A DATE? When? How? Who? Why are you just telling me now?”

“She asked me today… We’re going out next Friday and it’s the cute one from the dance team that performed second. I don’t know her name…”

“I don’t even know what to say to that…” Sehun felt a little irritated. How could he not know the name of the girl he was going on a date with? “How did you save her number?”

“I don’t have her number… We’re just going on a date…”

“What if you’re running late? You need to tell her. What if one of you gets sick? Jongin… You have no idea about any of this. You should know her name… You’re most likely going to kiss her at the end of the date, right?”

“NO! That’s gross! I don’t want to have anything to do with her spit.”

This guy was too much. “Then why are you going out with her?”

“She asked me,” was the terrible excuse. “She would have cried if I told her that I don’t like her, right?”

“I’m only going to tell you this once so listen closely. You’re the biggest idiot I’ve ever met! She’s going to be even more hurt when you just go out with her because you were afraid of telling her that you’re not interested. She thinks you like her when you agree on a date, you moron. You’re going to break her heart like that. Talk to her!”

“I’ll just tell her next Friday. Maybe she’s nice.”

“Then at least ask for her name and number before I do it… I’ll ask all of them who was stupid enough to ask you out until I find the right one,” the shorter threatened.

“I’ll talk to her after I’ve taken a shower,” Jongin promised.

“I’ll go in first. I have a date today. And I know his name and his number and a lot more than that,” Sehun said and took off for the shower.






“HUNNIE! You were amazing! I never imagined you would be THAT great,” Luhan exclaimed and wrapped his arms around him. “You were the best out there!”

“Thanks,” Sehun blushed and smiled shyly.

“Why is your hair still wet? You need to blow-dry it. I don’t want you to get sick and it’s so cold outside,” his boyfriend looked a slightly worried.

“Listen to your boyfriend,” his mother said. “He’s right with everything he said. Especially with what he said about your hair.”

“Thanks, mum,” Sehun rolled his eyes.

“Before I forget…,” Luhan punched his arm. It didn’t really hurt but the teen was a bit confused because it wasn’t like the Chinese to act like that.

“What was that for?”

“You should have told me that your mother knows! I nearly got a heart-attack. I tried to deny it for about an hour before I finally gave up,” his boyfriend whined.

“Oh… yeah… sorry… I told her shortly before you came today… Actually it was more her already knowing and making me admit it.”


“Don’t be mad at me,” he pleaded.

“I’m not. I got to see lots of baby photos and stuff,” the older grinned. “And I thought you were cute right now.”

“This is so embarrassing,” he really wanted the ground to swallow him.

“It’s not… Where’s Jongin? I got something for him…”

“Still trying to find out what the name of the girl he’s going on a date with is… Why did you get him something?”

“Kyungsoo’s number… Because I thought they were getting along really good last time and I thought it would be nice for Jongin to make a friend that he can hang out with when you’re busy with me,” Luhan said.

“Why do you care what he does, when I’m with you?” The younger smiled a little because he thought it was really cute from his boyfriend to be worried about his best friend.

“I don’t really… But he keeps texting me that you spend too much time with me and that he’s lonely...”

“That sounds a lot like him actually… There he comes…”

“Jongin! Over here!” Luhan started to jump up and down and waved his hands.

“What’s wrong with you, hyung?” Jongin wanted to know after he had made his way over.

“I’ve got a gift for you. So you don’t have to feel lonely all the time,” Luhan gave him the piece of paper that had Kyungsoo’s number on it. “And I’m just giving it to you so you can make a new friend. Don’t even think about dating that guy. He’s too cute and innocent for an like you. Did you find out what her name is?” the slightly shorter Chinese pretended to be pissed.

“Thanks… And he’s a guy! I’d never date him. Why do you know about my date?”

“Sehun said you were still looking for her…”

“I see… I got her name and her number… What did you think about my dancing? And don’t tell me you only looked at Sehun because I had a solo as well!”

“I have to admit you’re rather amazing. But I’m a little biased so you’ll have to be satisfied with a good second place,” Luhan told the younger.

“I can live with that,” Jongin smiled at them. “Have fun at the party! I’ll have to catch my family now… See ya!” And with that the two of them were left alone again because Sehun’s parents had long decided to join Jongin’s to talk a little.

“I’m ready to go,” Sehun told his boyfriend.

“You’re not… Your hair’s still wet and we didn’t tell your parents that we’re leaving yet. Where is the hairdryer?”

“The girls are using all of them,” Sehun rolled his eyes. “No chance to get one…”

“Trust me… there’s always a way. Just watch and learn!” The student looked around. “But show me where they are first.”






It had only taken Luhan a shy smile and some cute and confused blinking and the girls were a mess. They showered his boyfriend in attention and cooed over him and Sehun had all the hairdryers to himself. He had to admit that the Chinese was really good at distracting girls. Not that he could blame them. He had the same reaction to almost everything Luhan did. And he was particularly cute when he didn’t understand what you were saying because he had the habit of looking liked a terrified deer when he couldn’t follow all the Korean words. Sehun guessed these girls had used quite a lot words his boyfriend hadn’t heard ever before because he really looked like Bambi when he was surrounded by all of Sehun’s female dance colleagues.

After his hair had finally been dry they had picked Yixing up because he lived at the same dorm as Luhan. He was really excited about the party and kept telling them about what drinks he had to try and that he wanted to show his Korean friends some Chinese drinking games. He even promised Sehun to organize him some cigarettes and it had taken some while for the dancer to understand that the youngest wasn’t planning on smoking. Luhan had told him not to and he was going to follow that rule because he would already let him drink.

“So… Is the whole dorm going to party?” Sehun wanted to know when he threw his bag on Luhan’s bed.

“Pretty much… We have a bar on every floor or stuff. Don’t ask for the reason. We just party because… And get the bag off the bed… We’ll be too drunk to care about that later… Get your stuff unpacked now,” Luhan explained.

“I’m not planning on getting totally wasted,” Sehun threw in.

“No one ever plans that,” Kris told him. “And don’t forget that I’ll sleep here as well.”

“Why would we forget that? You’re taller than any skyscraper,” the youngest said.

“Good then… Because I don’t want to witness anything funny…”

“Like? Me sleeping?”

“Forget it, Sehun… Kris is just being himself again…”

The teen nodded and unpacked his bag. He didn’t have that much stuff. Only some pajamas, his toothbrush and clothes for the next day.

“I ordered pizza… I hope that’s okay,” Kris mentioned.

“I LOVE pizza,” Sehun smiled at him. “You’re not as bad as I thought.”

“Liking me already… That’s boring… It was more fun when you were afraid of me, little one.”

“You just wait. I’m still growing and I’ll be taller than you soon!”

“No baby… I don’t want you to grow any more. Stay smaller than me,” Luhan pouted at him. “You’re younger than me so you’re supposed to be smaller as well.”

“What kind of logic is that? I won’t stay fifteen forever and I want to grow,” Sehun laughed.

“Then try to grow slowly. I’m not ready for that yet…”

“If he grows that means he gets older… You should be happy about that…” Kris threw in when the pizza delivery guy knocked at their door and he went to get it.

“So... How did the dancing go?” he wanted to know when he came back and placed the food on the table.

“He was amazing,” Luhan told his roommate. “Definitely better than Yixing!”

“I’ve never seen Yixing dance… But I guess our little one did rather well?”

“He was perfect.”

“Thanks,” Sehun was blushing again. “I did my best. But there’s still a lot I need to improve.”

“That’s the spirit. Never give up,” Luhan pecked his cheek. “And now eat… I don’t want you to drink on an empty stomach.”

“Well… It would be less stuff to throw up,” the tallest stated.

“I will throw up?” Sehun wasn’t sure he still liked this whole drinking idea. Throwing up sounded disgusting.

“Only if you drink too much… Then maybe… Not everyone throws up from alcohol. Just drink slowly to make sure you know when you’ve had enough,” his boyfriend said.

“If you survive tonight there’s still the possibility of throwing up tomorrow morning,” Kris continued.

“Stop it! Don’t listen to him, baby! You’ll be okay. Only drink the light stuff and make sure not to drink too much of it. Trust me with that. And in case you’re not feeling well or you think you’re too drunk we’ll leave immediately.”


“When Luhan gets too drunk make sure to bring him back as well… He might just fall asleep wherever he is and we won’t get him back into his bed when he drank too much!”

“Thanks, Kris…”

“Welcome, Lulu.”

“How do I know that he’s too drunk?”

“You’ll notice, little one. There’s just no way you can miss that.”



A/N: So... next one will be a little awkward... Just warning you beforehand xD Why is Sehun just so awkward with everything he does?

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~