Chapter 48

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

The next two weeks had been easy. He hadn’t met Joonmyun - except for Thursdays when he and Jongin still had their tutoring-sessions at the restaurant. Joonmyun had said it would be okay for Sehun to still come over every day but the younger had told him to focus on his midterms instead. It was Joonmyun’s last year of school and he had to do well to please his parents. And maybe Sehun had been a little afraid of spending too much time with the older, now that he knew how he felt about the teen. And Sehun wanted to make sure not to hurt Luhan just because his hormones were playing with him and his brain thought they were right at times.

“Sehun?” Jongin rolled from one side of the younger’s room to the other. “I really hate all this studying…”

“I know, oaf… But you want to have good grades, right?”

“I do… But I’m hungry… And history is so boring…”

“We could watch a movie,” Sehun suggested.

“Really now?” his best friend’s face lit up.

“Yeah… Like documentations about the stuff we need to study…” Sehun didn’t really believe Jongin would say ‘yes’ to his suggestion but was surprised when the older grinned.

“Anything is better than reading that stuff! I’m the visual kind of type thing… At least, that’s what Kyungsoo said…”

“Are you sure he didn’t say he likes your visuals?”

“No… I mean… I know he does… But I’m sure he was talking about what would help me studying… Because I was helping him with his presentation and stuff…”

“You help him with his school work?”


“Jongin… You hate everything that has to do with school,” Sehun reminded him giggling.

“I know… But I love Kyungie… And it was either helping him or not seeing him at all… And I like spending time with him… School stuff seems less dull with him around… Does that make sense?”

“Yeah… That’s why I always study with Joonmyun…”

“Do you like him?”

“Of course I like him! He’s a really good friend…”

“That’s not what I meant… But it seems strange that you’ve been avoiding him for two weeks…”

“He confessed,” Sehun sighed and Jongin was really shocked to hear that.


“Two or three weeks ago…”

“What did you say to him?”

“Just that he was stupid for thinking I would stop being his friend because of it…”

“So… You’re not thinking about dumping bambi, right?”

“Not anymore….”

“Holy … WHAT?”

“I’ve been a bit confused lately,” the younger decided to just confess everything right now.

“Spill!” Jongin commanded. “How could I not know about it?”

“It’s just… I really love Lu… That never changed… I just keep asking myself how it would be to be with someone else, you know?”

“But… Doesn’t that kind of mean that you don’t love him anymore?”

“I thought that as well… But… The thought of losing him kills me… I’m really afraid of being without him… But after I kissed Joonmyun I felt like I should really get rid of him… Well… Joonmyun told me to think about it again because he feels like I would regret it for the rest of my life…”

“Wait… You kiss Joonmyun after he confesses and then he tells you to go back to Luhan?” Jongin looked seriously confused.

“No… I kissed him before he confessed…. A week or so before that? I don’t know anymore… It was really embarrassing…”

“Why did you kiss him?”

“Honestly… I would have wanted to do more than just kissing… Good thing he stopped me…”

“Wow… Does bambi know?”

“Are you crazy?! Of course not!” Sehun couldn’t believe his friend had just asked that.

“Well… You still have your free-pass for sleeping with someone….”

“I shouldn’t use it though…”

“I never said you should,” Jongin told him. “I just told you that you have it…”

“No… I… I don’t want to hurt him… I know what it feels like,” the younger sighed.

“Not telling him doesn’t make it any better, you know?”

“Yeah… It’s just… It’s strange…”

“What’s strange?”

“Sometimes I feel like… I should just date someone else… It’s not even the thought of being tied down that I don’t like… It’s more like… Dating a few people now… And then going back to Lu in maybe… Two years?”

“But why?”

“I have no idea… I just like the thought of it…”

“But that’s strange… I mean… I could understand it if you didn’t really love him as much as before… But I don’t understand the ‘going back to him’ part about it… That’s a little out of place,” Jongin sounded a little helpless.

“That’s my problem… I mean… I really love him! And not really any less than before… It’s more like I love him more every day… But… I have the feeling that… I can’t give him everything he deserves… I’m afraid that I’ll regret never dating someone else… And that I’ll lose him… But I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with him…”

“You should stop worrying so much… If he’s the right one… You won’t regret it! And he decides what he deserves! He seems really happy with you… So I guess he has everything he needs…”

“But he’s had all those guys before me… I’m sure lots of them were better than me…” Sehun looked at his hands and realized that he finally found what he’d been most afraid of the whole time. That Luhan had had someone better before him. Someone to compare him to.

“Remember when he told us about his life in China?” Jongin asked and Sehun only nodded. “What he said about his friends and stuff?” Another nod from the younger. “And with you he found someone who takes him just the way he really is, Sehun… He could finally stop trying to impress someone the whole time… He could settle down…”

“What if that’s not enough?”

“Hey… You’re an idiot, you know that?”

“You already told me a few times…”

“Okay… I wasn’t going to tell you this because I promised bambi never to tell you about this… But… I met him… Not too long ago,” Jongin confessed.

“You met my boyfriend without taking me with you?”

“Yeah… He wanted to talk… You’re both idiots most of the time… He was afraid of keeping you from things… In a way he’s worried about the exact same things as you… That you’ll regret it later… I told him not to think about it… Because things will turn out like they should anyway… But the important thing is… That he told me that he feels like he finally found somewhere to call ‘home’… I guess you know that he doesn’t get along with his parents too well… But yeah… You’re his ‘home’ now… his family in a way… So don’t ruin everything because society tells you that you will regret only dating one guy!”

“Society tells me it’s wrong to date any guy…”

“Oh come on, Sehun… I’m trying really hard here!”

“I know… Thanks…” Sehun crawled over to his best friend to hug him. “But I don’t want you to ever meet Lu again without me knowing about it!”

“Okay, okay… But you don’t have to worry… I have Kyungie… And I still think bambi’s too old… I’d never date him!”

“At least he knows something about life… So… How are things with Kyungsoo going?”

“Great! I can’t complain… Dad adores him… A little too much… My sisters both get along with him even though they think he takes me away from them too much… And mum finally got around… I can leave her and Soo alone for half an hour now without being worried that mum will try to set him up with my sister…”

“Sounds good!”

“Mhm… Everything’s perfect… Nearly everything…”

“What’s not perfect?” Sehun asked and offered his friend some chips.

“We had a little discussion about just yesterday…” Jongin started munching on the chips.

“Having trouble getting it up?” Sehun snickered and the older rolled his eyes.

“No… Just… You told me about how nice it was to switch… And I thought about it for a long time… And I told him I wanted to try it…”

“He didn’t like the idea?”

“He laughed for about 20 minutes because apparently I was looking like I just signed away my soul and he found me really cute because I was blushing like a and like that… I told him to go himself after that…” Jongin pouted a little

“So I guess you won’t be trying it then?”

“We will… He promised… I just hope he won’t laugh at me again when we do…”

“I’m sure he won’t!”

“I’ll throw him out of the window if he does… Without his clothes… I’m sure mum will do the dirty work for me…”

“Why would she?”

“She told me to make sure not to have with Kyungsoo… It’s dangerous… And I’ll regret it once I ‘found out he’s just an like any other guy as well’,” Jongin rolled his eyes. “And well… She thinks I’m too young… Dad told her to shut up and that asked me if I needed him to buy me some lube…”

“Oh god… Never let your parents do that! My mum bought one once…”


“Don’t know… Never asked her to… Well… According to the bottle it was strawberry flavor… And there was lots of glitter in it…”

“Well… At least you’d glitter….”

“Jongin… That’s not funny…”

“Whatever…. So…. What did it taste like if it didn’t taste like the promised strawberries?”

“I don’t know? I don’t eat glitter…”

“You’re boring… Did bambi try it?”

“No… We never used it… You can have it!”

“Deal… I’ll take it…”

“You’re the worst,” Sehun told him and took said bottle of lube out of his bedside table.

“You can never have enough lube… My parents are gone for the weekend… So are my sisters… Don’t come over on Sunday unless you want to watch us!”

“Gross! No… Midterms will finally be over… I’ll be at the dorm…”

“What about a birthday party?”

“Luhan and I will have our own private party…”


“He’s going to cook… And Kris will be out…”

“We could still celebrate… When do you go to the dorm?”


“We should celebrate on Friday then… You’re turning 16, man… Bambi’s finally going to have with you without thinking he breaks a million laws…”

“We’re too young for clubs and I don’t know where to throw a party…”

“I’m sure Baek wouldn’t mind if we use his place for this event! Come on… I want cake! I’ll have Kyungie bake a huge one!”

“You and your cake obsession…”

“Just a small party, I promise! Food… Cake… And our friends… And we still have to celebrate that Baek and Nayeon are finally an item!”

“REALLY? Since when? How could I miss that?”

“Since today… Baek called me to ask if I was really okay with it because well… He thought I may have liked her like that… So he wanted to have my permission before asking her…”

“So we don’t know if she said yes…”

“Trust me she did… She kept talking about him all the time… She was over at my place two days ago and even my sisters got fed up with listening to her gushing about him… And they both really love Baek!”

“Holy … Now there’s only Joonmyun and Jongdae left… Good thing, we got new friends,” Sehun said with a light smile.

“And who’s to blame that Joonmyun’s single?”

“HEY! I thought you were on Lu’s side?”

“I am… I have to admit I like Joonmyun a little more after you told me that he stopped you… I mean… I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been able to…”

“You have no idea how much I love him for that…”

“Don’t love him… That sounds wrong!”

“You’re the worst, Jongin… The worst!”






Baekhyun had liked the idea of having a party just a little bit too much, Sehun had thought after seeing how many bottles of beer his friend had in his fridge. And Jongin really had a cake-problem. The cake Kyungsoo had made could feed half of Africa and Jongin had said he would finish it all alone in case no one else wanted a piece of it.

Other than that the party was really nice. Nayeon had even brought two of her friends after Baekhyun had told her about Joonmyun and Jongdae being the only singles. Not that Joonmyun was really interested. But Jongdae seemed to like both girls since he hadn’t left his seat in between them the whole evening.

“He’s going to regret this tomorrow,” Joonmyun mumbled under his breath and Sehun just laughed at him.

“Yeah… I’m sure he’ll regret talking to two nice girls… I bet at least one of them will get pregnant from it.” Jongin rolled his eyes. “For someone who knows so much, you’re pretty stupid, hyung.”

“Thanks, Jongin… But I’m not talking about the talking. I’ve known Jongdae long enough to be certain he’ll take at least one of them home tonight… I don’t like this…”

“Well then… Maybe you should save the one you wanted to keep for yourself?”

“No… I’m not interested… Dating is… Not my priority right now.”

“Nice way to put it… Sehun told me…”

“Sehun’s the devil…”

“I heard that!” Sehun called from the couch where he had found a place to sit on Luhan’s lap. “Luuuuuuuu… He called me the devil!”

“That’s not too far from the truth… You just know how to look like a nice person in public,” the Chinese giggled.

“That’s it… No more beer for you…”

“Why?” The giggling never stopped and Luhan tried to hold his bottle tight enough for Sehun not to take it.

“You’re giggling like those school girls in animes again… That means you had just a little too much already…”

“You’re boring, baby… Loosen up! It’s your birthday and you should drink as well… Here… have some of my beer,” the older decided after a while and finally handed his boyfriend his beer. Sehun made sure to drink all of it in one shot to have it out of Luhan’s reach. “Slow there, tiger… The night’s still young…”

“So am I… It won’t kill me… Don’t worry…”

“Oh I don’t… I like how you get all touchy and stuff after drinking,” Luhan practically purred before pulling Sehun’s face closer to kiss him.

Joonmyun sighed and went to the kitchen in hope of finding something stronger than beer. He could really use it. It wasn’t like he didn’t want Sehun to be happy. Actually he was kind of glad that he had come around and realized that he still loved this Luhan guy. It was just that he really didn’t need to see them making out.

“Hey there,” Chanyeol greeted him once he’d entered the kitchen.

“What are you doing here all alone?”

“I tried to call my girlfriend… But she’s out with friends… I hate Japan… I really hate it… She’s always too far away…”

“How are you guys even still together? I mean… I couldn’t do it,” Joonmyun told him truthfully.

“Well… I love her… She loves me… It’s just for a year and she was here for Christmas… And I’ll visit her in June… We somehow manage… We skype a lot… It’s hard… But it’s worth it!”

“Well… At least you never have to worry about not spending enough time with her during exam time,” the older tried to loosen up the atmosphere and Chanyeol grinned at him.

“True… Why did you come?”

“In need of more than beer…”

“I can provide some vodka… I don’t have anything to mix it with though…”

“Will Baek be pissed when it’s gone?”

“I don’t think so… He said we could drink whatever…”

“Cheers, man,” Joonmyun winked at the taller before taking a big mouthful of the alcohol.



A/N: Have a little party because it's almost New Year's Eve... I feel so bad because of this party...
But yeah... You'll find out why next year... Sorry! But I'll have a friend from university over for three days because he wants to see the city and we dicided on having a Lord of the rings marathon on New Year's Eve because we both hate loud parties and drunk people... So yeah... I promise to update as soon as he left though!
So... I hope you'll all have a good start into 2014 and I wish you all the luck for next year! Don't forget to smile because it makes a lot of things easier and I don't want any of you sad!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~