Chapter 63

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

The last weeks of the semester were kind of a blur. Sehun helped Joonmyun arranging his new room and they looked at lots of universities outside of Korea. But Joonmyun settled on going to Busan in the end because he’d be able to come back to see his friends on the weekends but he’d still be away from home. Not that he hated being at home as much as before because everything was far more relaxed now that he lived with just his mum and Jinri. He still had to work at his father’s company though.

Jongin had made sure to send all his applications for a summer job way too late so he could be a lazy all summer. Kyungsoo managed to get him a job at the restaurant he was working at though and Jongin said that he was sure he could manage seeing his boyfriend all day long.

Well… And Sehun still didn’t know where he’d spend his summer. Nor when he’d be back. His friends would all work the whole of July so they’d go camping in the second week of August. Sehun would leave in the last week of June so he was hoping he’d be back in time. That was… If Luhan wouldn’t go camping with the rest. Or maybe the Chinese would be fine with Sehun joining them. He’d call the older when he knew if he could make it to the trip or not. Or maybe he’d call him tomorrow before he’d leave. Just to make sure he was okay… Because Sehun hadn’t seen Luhan again after the party. Sure Jongin and the rest always told him that the Chinese was fine… But Sehun didn’t really believe them.

“So… When are you leaving?” Jongin sat on Sehun’s bed and watched him pack.

“Tomorrow morning…”

“That … I mean… Sure I’ll work… But what am I going to do on my days off?”

“You could spend them with Kyungsoo?”

“Yeah… But… The summer holidays are our time… You’ll miss all the dance classes as well…”

“You too… You work…”

“No… My chef knows that I love dancing… So I get off for practice… I only work 20 hours a week…”

“I hate you right now…”

“So… You still don’t know where you’re going?”

“Nope… But mum told me that it’s a school…”

“GROSS! It’s summer holidays… You study enough during the year… There’s nothing you need to study in the only free time of the year…” Jongin pulled a face.

“Summer holidays are not our only holidays…”

“But the only once where we have time not to care about school…”

“Summer homework, Jongin…”

“Already finished it…”

“Me too…”

“Call me when you get there…”



“Oh… Yeah…”

“I’ll miss you…”

“I’ll miss you too, oaf!”

“I still can’t believe it… We never had to live without each other for so long… Like… Really never…”

“I know…”

“Are you scared?”

“A little,” Sehun admitted.

“It’s going to be okay!”

“I hope so… Could you… Check on Luhan once or twice?”

“Luhan’s already in China…”

“Oh… Okay…”

“Just for the summer… Don’t worry! He’s got a job there… He’ll be back a few days before we go camping…”

“Thank god! You scared me!”

“Sorry… Can I help with anything?”

“Yeah… Try to get into my suitcase… I don’t want to go somewhere where I know no one!” Sehun whined.

“I got to tall, sorry…”

“No… You just got fat… That’s because Kyungsoo feeds you too much cake…”

“You’re mean… It’s good that you’re leaving!”

“Maybe I’ll just stay there… Maybe I’ll like it…”

“Why would you stay there?”

“I wouldn’t have to worry about running into Luhan and hurting him…”

“Sehun… You and Luhan will be just fine! I promise…”

“I hope so…”

“I can’t believe it’s almost been a year since you first met him… So much has happened…”

“I know… Sometimes I wish I could turn back time… Start again… Knowing everything I know now… There’s a lot I would do differently…”

“It’s good that you can’t… Everything happens for a reason!”

“Do you know what surprised me most?” Sehun turned to look at his best friend.

“In the last year?” The younger nodded. “What is it?”


“Me? Why me?”

“You just… I don’t know… You just got so mature and stuff… And Kyungsoo… I don’t know… I just couldn’t imagine you to settle down so quickly… And I would have never thought it would be a guy… And you just… changed so much…”

“Is that bad?”

“No… You changed the right way… Sometimes I wish I could me more like you…”

“You’re perfect the way you are, Sehun!”

“Thanks! I’m really glad I have you, you know?”

“Stop that! I’ll cry if you keep that up!”

“Sorry… I just… I don’t even know when I’ll get to see your ugly face again and I guess I’ll really miss seeing it…”

“You’ll be back before you know! And hey… Next year we’ll make sure to go on holidays together… We could go to Busan and visit Joonmyun hyung…”

“Sounds nice!”

“I won’t let your mum send you away again!”

“Maybe she sold me…”

“I would understand that…”

“I really hate you…”

“You don’t…”

“Okay… I think I have everything…”

“You didn’t pack any clothes for party…”

“I’m going to school, Jongin… There won’t be time for party…”

“That really …”

“Promise me something?”


“Don’t train too much… You’re already a way better dancer than I am…”

“Sorry… I’ll dance till I can’t walk anymore!”

“I was afraid you’d do that…”

“Can you promise me something as well?”


“I want you not to think about Luhan too much while you’re gone! Enjoy life… And when you come back… The first thing you’re going to do is talk to him, okay?”

“I’ll try… I mean… I’ll talk to him! I promise… But I’m not so sure about not thinking too much about him…” Sehun sighed and closed his suitcase.

“Have you ever talked to him after that call?”


“Not even a text message?”


“Well… Then it’s about time…”

“I was thinking about calling him tomorrow…”

“I wouldn’t… He’s in China… That’s too expensive…”

“That’s not the problem… He has a Chinese phone… I don’t have the number…”

“You’ll talk to him latest October, right?”


“That’s when school starts again…”

“No… That’s in September…”

“My bad…”

“Maybe I should just run away…”

“Maybe you should just go wherever your mum is sending you to… It could be fun, you know?”

“I guess you’re right…”

“I’m always right… So… See you… I guess… Latest in September…”



 ~~*~~ At the end of August ~~*~~



“Okay… Who’s still missing?” Baekhyun tried to count the people which seemed impossible because some where hidden behind the cars and others where running around like crazy.

“Luhan’s not here yet,” Kyungsoo told him.

“Okay… What about Sehun? Is he back already?”

“I don’t think so,” Jongin said. “I mean… he just send me one e-mail right after he landed and he told me that his school is supposed to end a week after our school started… So yeah… I guess he’s still… Wherever… He forgot to mention where he landed.”

“Sounds like Sehun,” Joonmyun grinned a little. “Okay… So… I just counted the tents… We have one in reserve…”

“That’s good… What about the rest?”

“Well… Everybody brought their own sleeping bag… And we have a few snacks with us… There’s a small supermarket not too far from where we’re going to put up our tents,” Kyungsoo let them know.

“That means we’re ready to go, right?”

“Yeah… As soon as Luhan is here…”

“I give him five minutes,” Chanyeol said. “I want to get going already…”

“We’ll wait for him until he’s here,” Kyungsoo decided and ignored Chanyeol’s pout.

“Sorry I’m late, guys,” Luhan suddenly said and came around the corner. “I…”


“I have someone I want you guys to meet…”

“Your ego? We know it… And Minseok’s already here,” Chanyeol said in an annoyed voice. “Get into the car… We’re only waiting for you…”

“Guys? I want you to meet my new boyfriend…” Luhan smiled shyly before pulling someone out from behind the corner. They all stared at the two boys in shock.

“How? … Why?” Jongin stuttered. “NO!”




A/N: So... This is actually pretty much the last chapter this story has to offer... Though I will give you a flashback of how Luhan got himself a 'new' boyfriend and stuff!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~