Chapter 42

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“What did you and Joonmyun do outside for half an hour?” Jongin tried to dig deeper when they’d met for their study session in the late afternoon on Sunday.

“We talked,” Sehun told him while trying to figure out how to solve this physics problem he was working on.

“About what?”

“Lots of stuff… Why?” He looked up to see that his best friend hadn’t even bothered to open his books and was staring at him.

“Well… You were gone for quite a while… I just found it suspicious how he followed after you so fast…”

“Will you stop with that already?... He asked about Lu…”

“Oh… What did he want to know?”

“What he’s like… How I met him… What I like best about him… Stuff like that… And we talked a little about you and Kyungsoo… And he told me he’s a total failure when it comes to flirting… I told him he can’t be worse than you though…”

“Hey! I have a boyfriend… He doesn’t!”

“Getting Kyungsoo didn’t require flirting… You only needed to get a little drunk and he practically rode you into paradise…”

“That’s a nice way of saying it,” Jongin said. “But… Why would he ask so much about Luhan if he wouldn’t be interested?”

“Because he says I’m one of his friends and he likes to know his friends in good hands…”

“He never tried to do anything against me… It’s pretty obvious he doesn’t like me though…”

“He thinks you’re good for Kyungsoo… It doesn’t matter if you and him get along as long as you and Kyungsoo do…” Sehun went back to staring at his notebook. “How does this even work?”

“He doesn’t seem that bad to be honest… And don’t ask me stuff like that! I have no idea!”

“He’s actually really nice once you give him a chance… Just… Don’t spend too much time with Jinri… She’ll get attached to you before you know…”

“Who’s Jinri?”

“His cousin… Cute, three years old and loves pink…”

“Sounds like any little three year old girl… I’ll love her… Give me all the little girls! I can do her hair and dance with her… And we can have tea parties and play hair saloon… And we’ll dress up and put on tons of make-up before we pretend to be invited by the queen...”



“Get yourself a girlfriend NOW! You need your own kids…”

“Nooo… I have Soo… I don’t need any girls…”

“What happened to ‘Kyungie’?”

“It’s too long…”

“For what? ?”


“I see… Now shut up and study… And… Stop thinking about painting your nails and playing with barbies…”

“It sounds fun though…”

“HOW did I NEVER notice you’re gay? I was ing blind,” Sehun said and hit his best friend with his physics book. “Now study!”

“OUCH! You’re cruel! Just wait until I tell my Kyungie about it…”

“What will he do? Hit me with a ladle?” Sehun giggled and Jongin returned the book-attack.






This week had been completely different from the week before. It was Joonmyun who Sehun spent his afternoons with instead of Luhan because the Chinese had exams coming up and his project to work on and on top of that his teachers had decided to be s and had given the boy so much homework that he wasn’t sure if he could finish it all even when he would live completely without sleeping. But it was okay. Sehun really missed him but spending time with Joonmyun was nice as well. The older helped him with his homework and they studied a lot. They played with Jinri during their study-breaks and Sehun even got to improve his cooking skills. Only Jongin seemed to disapprove the fact that Sehun and his tutor got along better with every passing day.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” He asked when they walked home together after their usual tutor session at the restaurant.

“What are you talking about?” The younger wanted to know.

“Joonmyun… You guys seem close…”

“We are… I mean… I would say he’s a really close friend now…”

“Does Luhan know how much time you spend with him?”

“What?” Sehun laughed. “You think he would be jealous? Don’t worry… I told him… I’m not sure he remembers though… He has more important stuff to think about than to worry about my whereabouts…”

“So you take the chance and run off with Joonmyun?”

“Jongin, please… Joonmyun is just a friend… Why would I ever cheat on Luhan?”

“Because he cheated on you once,” his best friend said sounding concerned.

“Yeah… I know what it feels like to be cheated on… I’d never do the same… You know what? I don’t need you to accusing me of doing stuff like that… Why would you even do that? I thought you were my best friend? Shouldn’t you be on my side?” Sehun got a little angry. Why would Jongin even think of the possibility of him cheating on his boyfriend with someone like Joonmyun. Sure the guy was nice. But he couldn’t be compared to Luhan.

“I’m just worried…”

“About what?”

“About everything…”

“There is nothing to worry about… I would understand that you would think I would be cruel enough to do that if things between me and Luhan wouldn’t run smoothly… But we’re fine, Jongin! I love him, okay? And just because he’s had a busy week doesn’t mean we had a fight or anything… He just has a lot of things he has to do and I respect that and I don’t want to be the clingy boyfriend who cries for attention when he has to keep his grades up in order to stay here... So I really don’t know how you ever got the idea that there would be something between Joonmyun and me… And I actually don’t even want to know what else you think I’d be willing to do in that sick head of yours!” The younger stormed off to lock himself into his room and left his best friend standing on the sidewalk dumbfound.

He slammed the door to his room shut as soon as he got home and flopped down on his bed. Why couldn’t his best friend see that he and Joonmyun were really good friends that just happened to spend their afternoons together. Besides… They met to study… It was only natural to have some breaks from studying from time to time. He took his phone out to call Luhan.

“Hello?” the Chinese mumbled into his phone.


“What happened?” Luhan suddenly sounded wide awake and really worried and that was when the teen realized that he’d been crying.

“You don’t hate me for hanging out with Joonmyun, do you?”

“What? No… I mean… I don’t know this guy… But… Why would I hate you for hanging out with a friend?”

“I don’t know… Ask Jongin…”

“Jongin? Baby… Maybe Jongin’s just jealous because you don’t spend that much time with him anymore… Don’t worry about it… He’ll realize he’s being stupid soon enough...”

“Thanks… Did… Did I wake you up?”

“Not really… I was about to fall asleep…”

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be… It’s good you woke me up… I still have my stew on the stove…”



“Make sure to get some sleep after eating…”

“I will… Now stop worrying about me so much! I know what I’m doing,” the older laughed.

“When was the last time you slept in your bed?”

“Okay… Maybe I sometimes forget stuff like that… But hey… My table is pretty comfortable…”

“Just… Sleep! It will be easier to concentrate after some sleep,” Sehun advised.

“I promise I will sleep… Will I see you this weekend?” Luhan’s voice held hope.

“Sure… When do you have time?”

“Never… But… I miss you…”

“I could come over tomorrow and bring some food… I’ll let my mum cook, I promise! And I could sleep over if you want me to…”

“That sounds really nice, baby… Thanks!”

“I miss you too, you know. I mean… Sure I have Joonmyun… But that guy’s not you! We actually get a lot of studying done… I can’t say the same for our study sessions,” the teen giggled.

“I’m sorry… You distract me from everything else…”

“I never said I didn’t like it… I’ll be there in the evening… So I won’t distract you the whole day…”

“Okay… So… See you tomorrow?”

“Why do you ask? I’ll be there no matter what happens!”

“I love you!”

“Love you too!”

“I’m sorry I didn’t have any time this week… And that I won’t have any next week…”

“It’s okay… I now that you have to do that in order to stay here… I’ll manage two weeks without you… I guess…”

“Just… Don’t get too close with this Joonmyun guy,” Luhan joked.

“Don’t worry… His cousin would never let us!”

“Oh… Jinri?”

“Yeah… I told her about you… And she’s seen a few pictures… And she loves you… She thinks you’re pretty and adorable and Joonmyun’s just ‘the boring’… She told me to marry you as soon as possible so I won’t have to study with her cousin anymore because he forces innocent teenagers to study boring stuff like chemistry…”

“Well then… I guess I won’t have to worry… You have a pretty good babysitter…”

“She’s the best… I would let you meet her… But that time would be a time we wouldn’t even be able to smile at each other…”

“I like her… She sounds really cute!”

“Not as cute as you…”

“Now you’re being cheesy…”

“You know you like it… Don’t forget your stew…”

“I’m already eating…”

“Now that’s what I wanted to hear… I’ll let you eat in peace then…”

“No… Tell… Tell me about your week…” So Sehun did. He told his boyfriend about his dance practices, about the studying he’d done with Joonmyun and about the countless tea parties Jinri held just for him. He even told him that he’d started to learn how to cook from his new friend but the older wasn’t really happy about it because Sehun had a habit of getting the whole kitchen dirty even when he just had to cut some vegetables. Luhan had laughed at that and said that he was happy Sehun did that to another kitchen than his and that the younger could come over to cook after improving his skills further.






Sehun had been packing his stuff when Jongin had shown up in his room only to stand there and look at him for about ten minutes.

“Why are you standing there staring at me?” The younger wanted to know after a while.

“What are you doing?”

“Packing some stuff for the night… What does it look like?”

“Where are you going?”

“Not to Joonmyun’s, don’t worry… I’ll sleep in the dorm tonight… To make sure Lu sleeps more than just two hours…”


“Is that why you came? To make sure I was going to meet my boyfriend instead of any other friends?” Sehun got angry again.

“No… I… I’m sorry… For sticking my nose into business that’s not mine…”

“I hope you finally learned to keep it in your business… Why do you even care so much? It’s my life…”

“Yeah… But… I really like Luhan and I think you’re really cute together and I just don’t want you to make the same mistake he made,” Jongin admitted.

“Look, Jongin… I have no intentions to do anything with Joonmyun that could count as cheating… No cuddling, no kissing and especially no touching… I love Luhan!”

“But he doesn’t have any time for you…”

“That’s just two weeks… And I guess it will be the same at the end of the semester… I can live with that… You know… He has to do this to keep his scholarship… So I actually want him to study and do all his homework and stuff because it will keep him here with me,” Sehun told his friend.


“I think it’s really sweet of you to care about that… But it’s really disturbing when you always make me feel like I do something wrong when I clearly didn’t. I mean… Joonmyun and I… We study… I have to say that’s really romantic… With his three-year-old cousin watching us because she waits for a break where we will play with her…”

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay…”

“I just don’t get why anyone would like to spend so much time with Joonmyun…”

“Hyung’s nice, Jongin… You would realize if you could finally accept that he and Kyungsoo will always be best friends… They’ve known each other their whole lives… And Kyungsoo really likes you… Why can’t you trust him?”

“It’s not that I don’t trust Soo… I just don’t trust Joonmyun,” Jongin mumbled.

“You should trust Kyungsoo to say ‘no’ when Joonmyun tries to do something…”

“You’re right… But Joonmyun likes to study!”

“I know… That’s why I study with him…”

“Why do you even work so hard?”

“Because good grades get you into a good university… And a good university gets you a good job,” Sehun said before going to the bathroom to get his toothbrush. “Now if you excuse… I have a boyfriend to feed…”

“You cooked for him? I thought you loved him?”

“Mum did the cooking… I’m just the one delivering it. I’ll let Luhan or Kris warm it up if it appeases you,” Sehun rolled his eyes.

“That would help me sleep in peace,” Jongin said and patted his back. “Have fun.” The taller winked.

“We’ll just eat, talk a little and sleep…”

“You never know…”

“Kris will be there…”

“… Nice!”

“Jongin… Just… No! I’d rather have you join me and Luhan than sharing my boyfriend with his roommate… That’s just wrong.” Sehun shuddered at the thought.

“Forget your … I’m taken… Kyungie wouldn’t want me to join you without him…”

“Your loss… More Lu for me…”

“Tell bambi I said hi…”

“Will do… See you tomorrow?”

“You won’t stay at his place?”

“I will be back before you manage to crawl out of bed in noon… Lu still has a lot of stuff to do… I’m just going there because we miss each other… Not because he actually has some time to spare…”

“Damn… I was hoping for a free Sunday… But Kyungie will still be there…”

“I’m sure he won’t mind to help us with our presentation… I’m sure he knows a lot about physics stuff…”

“Why didn’t I think of that? And he loves to draw… Our poster will be the best!”

“And you’ll spend time with him while doing something productive… This, my friend, is what is called a ‘win-win situation’.”

“I like that… See you tomorrow… Wait… Do you have posters?”

“No… But tons of colored paper… We’ll just glue it together… I really have to leave now… Write me when you need something else...” Sehun hugged the other briefly before running downstairs and grabbing the food before finally leaving the house to meet his boyfriend he hadn’t seen all week.



A/N: So... I actually found a bit time to spare to update (I skipped one of my homeworks... But don't tell anyone ;) )... Yeah... So... Next chapter will have lots of HunHan... I promise!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~