Chapter 13

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

It had been really easy to get Jongin and Kyungsoo to agree on going to watch a movie and the best part about it was that none of them had the slightest idea that they would end up being alone and on a date. They didn’t even know that the other would be at the cinema as well because Sehun had decided against telling his best friend that his boyfriend and Kyungsoo would tag along.

The only problem was that his stupid best friend had been bored all day and had come over to his– place at around two. The younger was thinking really hard about how to get Jongin out of his house. And he still didn’t know how to make him go to the cinema alone.


“Hm?” the younger sent another text to his boyfriend to ask for help.

“I was thinking about that whole date-thing,” Jongin admitted.

“You can’t chicken out now! I’m already looking at a few profiles.”

“Looking at profiles? Oh god… no! I just wanted to tell you that… I don’t want to go out with someone I don’t know… That could only go wrong… You know how awkward I’m around new people,” the older started to play with Sehun’s teddy bear.

“Then why don’t you just ask someone out you already know?”

“I don’t know… I mean… there is no one I like like that. Why would I ask them? That would be rather strange…”

“Then you’ll have to go with someone you don’t know,” Sehun was getting a little annoyed.

“Why can’t the right person just run into me like Luhan did with you?”

“Because we’re living in reality… Not in a movie. I just got really lucky. And who said Luhan was ‘the right one’? Maybe we’ll be sick of seeing each other in a few years… You never know. I mean… I don’t even know how long he’s going to stay in Korea.”

“Have you never asked?” Sehun shook his head. “Why?”

“I’m afraid of the answer…”

“Well… you’ll just have to study in China when he goes back… And then, when you’re done studying you could both move to Japan! You’d be able to speak tons of languages and you’d both be far away from home,” Jongin said, proud to be the one who had found the solution.

“It’s not about only one being away from their family, Jongin… Maybe he’ll get a job in China. Maybe I’ll get one here… We may like them… And I hate Japan! Everything is pink and too many girls in bikinis on the TV...”

“I was just saying Japan, because it’s neither Korea nor China… And I like those bikini girls! And Japan is awesome… Just think about all the cool mangas and stuff,” Jongin sat up and beamed at him. “And the bikini girls!”

“You already mentioned them before…”

“I just wanted to be sure you heard. Now stop thinking about jobs… it makes my head hurt! I’m sure you and Luhan will die together. I mean… you’ve been texting him the whole time I was telling you my honest feelings,” the taller complained.

“You were just being the idiot you always are… And I’m just thinking realistically. I don’t want to be sure we’ll stay together forever and be left out of the blue. It’s not like I want him to move back to China… I mean… I watched some programs about it… You don’t even want to know what they eat!”

“Luhan’s from Beijing,” Jongin laughed. “Not from some village in the mountains without gas and electricity.”

“True… Oh… I’ll have to leave you soon,” the younger got up and got dressed. “I have to go help Luhan with some homework before going to the cinema. Will you be okay if we just meet there? You can even stay here until you have to go.” He looked into the mirror and frowned. His hair looked too normal for his liking. “How about I try blond hair?”

“Couple-hair… Nice one… And yeah… go help bambi. I don’t want to be the one to blame when he fails his courses and has to repeat a year… Which would mean he’d have to stay longer…”

“Nope… He’d lose his scholarship! I don’t think he can stay without it,” Sehun gave up on his hair and put his money and phone into his jean’s pockets. “You know where the fridge is… Don’t oversleep! You’ll have to leave in about three hours. And DON’T touch my new chocolate. I didn’t get to try it yet.”

“You’re worse than my sisters when it comes to chocolate. Tell bambi I said hi!”

“Will do… Bye, oaf!”

“What did you call me?”

“Oaf? It’s short for… ‘Overly attractive friend’?”

“Oh… cool! See you later!”

Sehun just shook his head and left. He really hoped his best friend wouldn’t fall asleep like he always did when he was alone and had nothing to do. It would ruin the whole date-or-just-an-evening-with-a-friend-plan.






“I’m so glad this whole thing will be over after tonight!” Sehun huffed in annoyance when he entered Luhan’s dorm.

“Whatever you’re talking about…” Kris, who had opened him the door, mumbled. “I didn’t even know you’d be coming over… I can’t leave today, you know… I have to study.”

“I didn’t know I would until half an hour ago as well! Jongin, that idiotic oaf, ruined my plans!”

“Calm down, little one. Who’s Jongin? What plans?”

“Kim ing Jongin. My neighbor! I hate him so much today! Did he have to come over before we’re going to cinema when I’m not even going there because he has a blind-date he doesn’t even know about? Why today of all days? And why are you looking at me like this, you freaking tower?”

“Luhan… You’re girlfriend’s on her period,” Kris told his roommate when he sat back down.

“I’m not a girl, you moron,” Sehun glared at the taller. “Wanna check?”

“Calm down, baby… There’s coke in the fridge. And be happy. You got time for a plan B! What would you have done when he suddenly appears on your doorstep?”

Sehun just sighed and got himself some coke before taking a seat on his boyfriend’s lap. “Stop making sense,” he said before kissing him.

“Guys? I’m still here!” Kris’ voice could be heard from next to them.

“No one told you to be here,” the youngest told him and both Kris and Luhan rolled their eyes.

“He lives here, baby.”

“Stop calling him that. It’s creepy enough that you’re dating a little kid.”

“He can call me whatever he wants to,” Sehun stuck his tongue out.

“Whatever… I’m studying here…”

“I thought he never studies?” Sehun wanted to know from his boyfriend.

“He does when it saves his life. And this exam is more important than his life….”

“Oh… do you have the same one?”

“No… I’m just studying what we’re going to learn next week,” Luhan shrugged.

“Oh god… WHY? You’re going to learn it next week… You don’t have to know it now!”

“I’m looking through all the texts to make sure I know all the words…”

“Give me that stuff! I can help you, now that I’m here,” Sehun took the first page and read it through. “Do you understand that?”

“Sure… That’s the easy one.”

“Cool… You already know more Korean than I do… What does that even mean?”

“That’s vocabulary you never need… No wonder you don’t know it,” Luhan tried to cheer him up.

“But I’m pretty sure you know this one,” Kris said and turned his book around so Sehun could have a look at it.

“Oh god… You’re studying chemistry? I thought you’d learn how to make guns or something like that…”

“No… I study Korean and chemistry… I’ll either stay here and work in the field… Or I’ll go back to China and become a teacher.”

“You could still work in the chemistry industry in China, you know?!”

“Nope… I didn’t learn Korean for nothing. So what does it mean?”

“Well… I don’t know what it’s in Chinese… I’ll tell you next year,” Sehun promised.

“Why next year?” Luhan wanted to know.

“I’m going to learn Chinese in school next year.”

“Do you all have to learn that?” The blonde’s eyes grew a little. “I thought you already have to learn English?”

“We don’t have to… But I want to learn it… Actually the course starts next semester,” the youngest told his boyfriend.

“Why would you want to study Chinese?”

“Because I love you? And you sound cute when speaking Chinese… I want to be able to understand you when you do…”

“That’s actually the cutest thing I ever heard,” Kris told him and Luhan just beamed at him.

“Just because of me?” he asked after a while.

“Well… yeah… What if I have to meet your parents one day? I can’t just stand there and say nothing. And it’s not like it’s bad knowing many languages, right?” Sehun said and Luhan giggled.

“You’re really cute. But don’t worry… if you’re ever going to meet my mum you won’t have time to say anything. She’d just gush over how cute you are and pinch your cheeks and then she’d tell you everything she can think about. I guess… I’m only sure about the pinching your cheeks part, because she said that’s what she wants to do when I showed her a picture of you…”

“You showed her a picture?”

“A few of them… Even the one from when you were two that your mother gave me,” Luhan nodded.

“Oh god… NO! Burn it!”

“You were cute. I’m keeping it!”

“Why did you show your mum a picture of me? I mean… Does she know how old I am?”

“Yeah… Well… I told her about us… and she wanted to know what you look like… And she thinks you’re the cutest boyfriend I ever had and wanted to know if she can adopt you… I already told her it was impossible though. And she really loves your mum as well… Because she always takes good care of me…”

“I like your mum… I mean… I’d hate the fact that my son’s dating someone like me if I was her.”

“She’s happy you’re not nearly 30 and that you don’t do drugs. She doesn’t really care about the rest,” Luhan took a sip of his coke. “God is that sweet…”

“It’s the same as bubble tea,” Kris butted in.

“No… bubble tea is the essence of life!” Both of them shouted back.

“I got it… No need to shout… Now could you leave the table? I’m really trying to study… and you being all lovey-dovey in front of me doesn’t help. It only makes me feel lonely.”

“You know… My best friend – Jongin – is single as well,” Sehun started.

“How old?”

“He’ll be 16 in January!”

“Too young… I prefer people my age… Sorry!”

“He looks a lot older than me! And he dances like a god and-“

“Baby… we’re sending him on a date with Kyungie tonight,” Luhan stopped him.

“Yeah… I just wanted to have someone ready for after Kyungsoo…”

“Wow… I’d only be number two… No thanks… Do those guys know it’s a date?”

“They don’t even know that they’ll see each other today…”

“Isn’t that exciting?” Luhan grinned at his roommate.

“No… that’s so… whatever… Go somewhere else… The couch… The bed… I don’t care.”

“The bed… Thanks for the tip, Kris,” Sehun pulled the blonde over to his bed.

“I can still hear you, you know?” The tallest made sure to talk loud enough to be sure the two of them heard him.




A/N: So... I'm sorry that it took me a week to update again... But I'm afraid you'll have to live with only one update a week for the time being...
I swear this story is giving me sleepless nights... I have so many ideas... I just don't know on which part of the story to add them xD
But I'm writing as much as I can and I'm trying to figure everything out right now....

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~