Chapter 54

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“How did the party go?” Sehun asked when Jongin had come over right after coming home just like he promised.

“It was fun… And I’m about to throw up… Too much cake… Holy … Let me lay down…” Sehun made room for his best friend who immediately fell down next to him. “So much better!”

“So? Tell me… What happened?”

“We ordered a stripper to jump out of a cake…”

“A… What?”

“Just kidding man… Nothing came out of the cake… It was 100 % cake! Thank god! Who needs people in their cake? Like… Just cake is the best cake!”

“Who would have guessed?”

“But… I guess he had some fun… It was a little awkward at first… I think he kind of missed you there… But it was okay… No one cried… Well… Kyungsoo went into the kitchen to cry…”

“Why did Kyungsoo cry?”

“Because he thinks it’s way too sad that you guys aren’t together anymore… And not having you there… Kind of did it… He’s been kind of emotional lately... Nothing to worry about… He’s okay now!”

“Maybe he’s pregnant…”

“He’s a guy, Sehun…”

“Too bad… I bet his babies would be extra tiny and cute!”

“Whatever… So… Yeah… Kris brought my sister along… Holy speaking of awkward… Those two are awkward together… Anyway… It went well… I gave him your present just before leaving… To make sure he wouldn’t start crying with everyone around…”


“No problem… oh… And I wanted to bring you some cake… But Kyungsoo didn’t trust me to really give it to you… So you’ll get it tomorrow… At lunch,” Jongin pouted a little.

“I’ll share it with you,” Sehun promised his best friend because he knew that Jongin loved nothing more than cake. Kyungsoo came in a close second.

“That’s why I love you, man!”

“Just because of the cake… I know… That’s why you love Kyungsoo!”

“Kyungsoo’s definitely better than cake!” Okay… So maybe cake was the close second.

“Since when?”

“Ever since I got to know him! Soo is my cake supplier… The supplier is always more important than the product…”

“Okay… Wow… I promise I won’t tell him you said that,” Sehun giggled.

“He knows,” Jongin winked at him. “So… What did you do the whole day?”

“I went to the library with Joonmyun…”

“I told you you’d spend the day with him,” Jongin sing songed.

“I needed help with our chemistry project, thank you very much…”

“Which chemistry project?”

“The one you and me are doing together? The one we have to hand in by next Monday?”

“Oh… Okay… What do I have to do?”

“Nothing… Joonmyun helped me with the hard stuff and I finished the rest after coming home…”

“Okay… Wow… And when did you do just nothing?”

“Why would I do that? As soon as I stop doing anything I start thinking… And thinking ends up with thinking about Lu… And Joonmyun… And the fact that my problems are still not solved… I just feel like everything became a lot harder… Just without the lies…” Sehun sighed.

“Well… Good thing we have dance practice tomorrow… It will help you not to think for a while…”

“Yeah… Thank god… Oh… I’m coming with you on Thursday…”


“I promised Jinri to help her draw some dinosaurs, remember?”

“Oh… True… Well… It will be okay… I’ll be there! Joonmyun will be nice…”

“I don’t really worry about Joonmyun… It’s not like he tried anything… He told me to take my time and yeah… I just… I worry about… I don’t want him to end up as hurt as Luhan… I think I wouldn’t manage breaking someone else’s heart after seeing Luhan on Saturday…”

“Oh… Well… That’s good I guess…”

“Did he eat? Because Luhan… Tends to forget to eat and to sleep…”

“Don’t worry… He did… And Kris said he’s been sleeping quite a lot… Don’t worry… He has a roommate! Oh… Kris said you should call him… You still have lots of stuff at the dorm… He said he’d bring it over…” Jongin whispered, afraid that Sehun wouldn’t really want to hear that.

“Oh… Okay… That’s… Cool… I still… I still have tons of Luhan’s stuff as well… I guess… I’ll… I’ll call him tomorrow… Maybe…”

“Take your time…”

“If I would have known that this so much I would have never dated,” Sehun mumbled.

“Oh god please… You sound like my sisters always did after breakups… Just… See the bright side… You can go back to him!”

“Who knows… He might find someone else…”

“Sehun… No… Because he’s hoping for you to come back… So just… Go on… Live your life… Get some experiences or whatever and then tell him that you’re ready…”

“You should really write a drama script…”

“You think? I guess I’d be better as the main character!”

“Jongin… Please… You’re not that good looking…”

“Excuse me? Have you ever looked at me? Kyungsoo says I could be a model!”

“Yeah… But Kyungsoo also likes ing you so he doesn’t count!”

“Hey! Kyungsoo counts! He’s my biggest fan!”

“No… That’s Yeol… You just don’t know…”


“He makes a banner for you every time we have a performance?”

“Still… Soo cheers for me every day…”

“You need someone to cheer to get it up? Wow… That’s hard… Oops… No… Not really… Because I won’t cheer, sorry,” Sehun grinned and Jongin only glared at him.

“I hate you… I’ll make sure you won’t get any of that cake!”







It was Friday afternoon and Sehun was more bored than ever before. What had he been doing on his weekends before Luhan? Oh right… He’d been over at Jongin’s playing games… Good thing Jongin was busy learning how to cook his new favorite dish over at Kyungsoo’s. That left Sehun with a whole lot possibilities. He had already cleaned his room and sorted out his clothes. Now he only needed to go shopping because throwing everything out that was too small had only shown him that he barely had anything to wear. But it was too late to go shopping already. By the time he would arrive at the mall it would be after five. And going shopping alone was boring.

After a while he decided to just call Joonmyun. That guy could use a break from his family and his homework that much was sure.


“Hey Joonmyun,” Sehun grinned at Joonmyun’s surprised voice. “What are you doing?”

“Me? I just came back from taking a shower… Why?”

“I’m boooooored…” The teen knew he was whining. But he needed company. And whining would get him company. Or at least it normally did.

“Did you do your homework already?”

“We didn’t get any today… And I finished my chemistry project on Tuesday… And I already read the book we had to read twice… And my notes got kind of boring after reading them for the fourth time… I even cleaned my whole room… With water and stuff… Mum thought I was about to die… Help me!”

“Okay… How am I supposed to help?”

“I don’t know… Come over or something… I have some cool new games… But Jongin is busy turning into a housewife…” Joonmyun giggled at that.

“Well… So are you… I mean… Really Sehun? Water to clean? Wow… I’m impressed! How did you clean your room before today?”

“There’s this thing that called vacuum cleaner and my mum forces me to use it once a week…”

“I see… But… I don’t think my mum will like the idea of me going somewhere she doesn’t know… You know… She thinks I’m still three…” Joonmyun sighed.

“Well… Then I’ll have my mum call your mum and they can arrange a play date for us… How does that sound? You could even stay overnight… Mum will be making bulgogi tonight… I swear my mum makes the best bulgogi on earth!”

“I’ll ask my mum… I could never say no to bulgogi… I’ll call you back in about… five minutes?”

“Deal… I’ll be waiting…” Joonmyun bid him goodbye before ending the call and Sehun let his phone fall onto the bed. He just hoped Joonmyun’s mother could loosen up a little. It wasn’t like he was planning to her precious son or anything. He just wanted someone to spend his time with and Joonmyun was the only one who was single. Except for Jongdae and Yixing. But he didn’t know them all too well and he was sure both of them already had their weekends planned. Well… And of course Luhan. But he was pretty sure that asking Luhan to hang out because he was bored wasn’t what he should be doing right now. Even though he often thought about calling him to make sure he was eating and sleeping properly.

The teen nearly had a heart attack when his phone went off right next to his year and it took him a while to answer it. “Hey…”

“I thought you’d be waiting? What took you so long?” Joonmyun laughed.

“The phone was right next to my ear… I nearly died from a heart attack!”

“Oh… Sorry… Anyway… My mum said…”


“Yes… She said ‘yes’… BUT! She wants to drive me to your place ant talk to your mum there before she decides if I can stay for the night… I guess I just turned six… That’s nice!”

“Awesome! I’ll text you the address… And… You can bring your school stuff… I guess your mum will like the idea of us studying… And I could help you with your presentation if you want me to!”


“Sure! I’m good with posters and stuff…”

“Cool! Well then… I’ll be there in… However long it takes from my place to yours!”

“Okay… Then… See you!”

“See you, Sehun! Don’t forget to send me your address!” Oh yeah… He’d nearly forgotten about that.

“I would never forget that, hyung… Bye!”

Sehun reread the text message five times to make sure he didn’t accidently sent the wrong number or anything before running downstairs to find his mum.


“Kitchen, darling!”

“Okay… So… I need you to be nice to Joonmyun’s mum when she comes!”

“What? Who?”

“Joonmyun? The guy who helps me with my school stuff? He’s coming over in a few minutes… And his mum won’t let him stay here for the night before talking to you… She seems to thinks he’s still in grade school… So… OH! Can my friend Joonmyun come over to play all of my new games and stay for the night?”

“What about Luhan? Won’t he come over today?” His mum asked confused and Sehun pulled a face. Right… His mother still didn’t know that she had practically lost her third (and favorite) son nearly a week ago.

“Well… You see… Luhan and I…” He sighed and looked at the floor. “We’re kind of not together anymore…”

“What? Why? When?”

“Saturday… We decided to take a break… And… Could we please not talk about that now? I think I already cried enough…”

“Oh… Okay… Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, I guess… I mean… It’s my fault so I shouldn’t be complaining… But… It’s harder than I thought it would be… So… Sorry… But I don’t know how long you’ll have to live without him…”

“Oh baby…” She pulled him into a hug. “I don’t care how long I don’t see him! I mean… I really like him… He’s a nice guy… But don’t keep nice guys around just because I like them! And… Tell me if you need anything… Ice cream or chips… Or a hug…”

“Thanks, mum… Now I’m about to cry again…”

“That’s okay, baby… I’m pretty sure Joonmyun knows about this, right?”

“Yeah… But I don’t want him to come over to watch me cry… I want to have him here to do fun stuff and not think about Luhan...”

“Okay… Does this Joonmyun like bulgogi?” his mother suddenly panicked.

“He said he’d never say no to bulgogi… So I guess that means he likes it,” Sehun grinned a little.

“That’s good… Okay… Well then… Go get a pillow and a blanket for him!”

“I still have Luhan’s stuff in my room…”

“You and Luhan used to sleep under just one blanked, baby…”

“Oh… right… Well…” Sehun turned around to go find the stuff he needed when he remembered that he didn’t even know where his mother had put the bedding after rearranging pretty much everything in the house. “Where can I find that stuff?”

“In your brother’s room in the drawers under his bed, baby…”

“Thanks…” He hurried to get out of the kitchen before his mother would get more chances to tell him about stuff that had to do with Luhan and he suddenly wondered if maybe calling Joonmyun had really been his best idea. Having Joonmyun here just so he would stop thinking about Luhan might have been his second worst decision ever.

He threw those thoughts out of the window when Joonmyun arrived though. The older seemed really happy to be here and to get to play some games far away from his mother who had allowed her son to stay overnight after she had made sure he wouldn’t be kidnapped by murderers in this part of the city.

“I’m so glad she’s finally gone… You have no idea how clingy she can be… She stayed in my room ever since I came back home from school to talk to me…” Joonmyun complained while they climbed up the stairs.

“About what?”

“My life… her life… Oh… It’s not the cook by the way… It’s our neighbor’s son… Like I care… I really don’t want to know about her affairs… I’m going to ignore them the same way I ignore it when strange ladies call my dad in the middle of the night… It’s none of my business I really don’t want any part in that part of their lives… Like really… It’s not my fault their parents wanted them to marry… Nice room!”

“Thanks… Don’t get used to this… It will never ever be this clean again… Why don’t your parents like… Get divorced?”

“Because my grandmother still lives and she would skin them alive… I just hope she won’t talk my parents into making me marry this girl I had to meet last week,” Joonmyun shuddered. “I’d rather kill myself.”

“You had to meet a girl?”

“Yeah… Grandmother invited us over for dinner and to introduce her…”

“That bad?”

“At least a hundred plastic surgeries… And gosh is that girls stupid… And she doesn’t have her own opinion… She’s always like ‘I totally agree to that’ and ‘I’m sure that you’re right’ and ‘when you say so, I guess it is this way’…”

“Well… If you like them pretty… I guess she would be perfect for a future businessman like you,” Sehun smirked.

“No thank you… I don’t want to end up like my parents… If I really have to marry… Can’t I have a girl that doesn’t agree with everything I say? Like… I want someone I can talk with… Someone who knows about what’s happening in the world... I don’t care if she looks like a plastic doll…”

“You don’t want to marry?”

“I don’t really believe in marriage…”

“Well… with those parents…”

“What about you?”

“I’m gay… I can’t marry, hyung,” Sehun giggled.

“Oh yeah… Because we’re in Korea and – OH MY GOD – being gay really is a crime and how do you even dare to breathe?”

“I know… Stupid country…”

“Maybe I should become president… I could change the law and then you could marry and adopt some children…”

“No thanks… Children are hard work… Just thinking about having to deal with a child like me… UGH!”

“Finally someone other than me who thinks you’re hard work… Thank you baby,” his mother said and came into the room with a bottle of coke, some water and some tea. “I didn’t know what you guys wanted to drink… So I brought everything I could find… I guess the ice tea never made it out of Sejeon’s room again… Sorry…”

“Oh… Thank you! Water would have been enough,” Joonmyun told her.

“Okay… I see… Teens today live healthy and I just missed something while raising my boys…”

“No mum… Jongin loves coke as well…”

“That might also be my fault… He was here a lot… Where did he go, by the way? I haven’t seen him for ages!”

“He came over on Tuesday? You do know that you gave his mum a key for emergencies, right? He uses that… Don’t worry… He’s fine… He’s learning how to cook from Kyungsoo today…”

“His boyfriend, right? That guy sounds really nice… Why don’t you join them? I could use a hand your two in the kitchen…”

“I’ll cut them off and bring them down if you want me to… But there’s no way I’m going to be anywhere alone with those two!”

“Keep your hands… You might still need them… You’re a guy…” She left not without winked at him and Sehun groaned when the door was finally closed.

“I’m sorry… She always gets extra embarrassing when I have friends over…” Joonmyun just giggled.

“It’s okay! Really… I wish my mum could be a little like her!”

“You don’t… Trust me… You don’t!”



A/N: Have some awkward SeHo.... Because why they hell would those two work out? Like... NO! I want my Luhan back in Sehun's room ;(

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~