Chapter 47

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

They had all agreed on meeting at the cinema at four o’clock. Luhan, Kyungsoo and Baekhyun would come there right after choir practice and Chanyeol had guitar lessons until shortly before their meeting.

Joonmyun and Sehun had been there about twenty minutes early and had spent their time talking about a book they’d both read before changing to laughing at the other people there.

Jongin had found them nearly falling off their chairs and holding their stomachs when he had arrived at exactly four o’clock and he’d shot them a look that had both of them sitting back up straight and whipping their tears.

“What’s so funny?” Jongin wanted to know after his friends had calmed down.

“The women that went past us five minutes ago,” Sehun giggled.

“I swear I never saw someone funnier,” Joonmyun added.

“I see… Where’s the rest?”

“Jongdae’s always late…”

“Luhan and the others are still in the bus,” Sehun said when he’d checked the text message Luhan had sent him a few minutes earlier.


“Listen, Jongin,” the youngest said. “I’m not god… I don’t know… Nayeon? I thought you’d come together?”

“She went to the toilet…”

“Baek will hate you for spending so much time with her…”

“She’s a really good friend, okay? It’s not my fault he’s too shy to ask her out…”

“Byun Baekhyun? Too shy to ask a girl out? I can’t believe it,” Joonmyun giggled.

“Well… That’s the real Baekhyun… A shy baby that still needs his warm milk before going to bed,” Jongin shrugged. “Tell them to hurry… I need my Kyungie…”

“They can’t hurry… They’re in a bus,” Sehun rolled his eyes.

“Just because you can live without bambi doesn’t mean I can live without my snuggle-Soo!”

“Gross! I’m glad I’m not like that…”

“Yeah… You’re thinking about getting rid of your boyfriend, I know…” Jongin sighed.

“I never said that!”

“But it seems like it… You never meet him anymore… You’re always at Joonmyun’s…”

“Hey… I went to visit Lu on Wednesday… And I’m with Joonmyun to study…”

“Joonmyun’s here and can hear you, you know?” said boy told them. “And don’t worry, Jongin… I know he has a boyfriend… And we really study… Well and my cousin has tea-parties with him…”

“Oh I love the little princess,” Jongin grinned. “She’s so cute! I promised to do her hair this Thursday…”

“You’re both the worst! You spoil her!”

“We don’t!” Sehun and Jongin defended themselves even though they both knew that Joonmyun was talking about them always bringing sweets and toys for the little girl because she was so adorable.

“You don’t what?” Kyungsoo asked worried and wrapped his arms around Jongin from behind. “What did you do this time?”

“He says he’s not spoiling Jinri… Which is totally not true… Hey guys!”

“Oh… Well… Joonmyun’s right… You ARE spoiling her… But I like that side of you,” Kyungsoo smiled at his boyfriend before standing on tip-toes to kiss him.

“Thanks for waiting for us, man,” Baekhyun complained as he and Luhan finally joined them. “How can someone with short legs like you run this fast?”

“My teddy’s here…”

“Sehun’s also here and you don’t see Luhan running through the cinema like a maniac!”

“Luhan’s just not as much in love as I am…”

“Oh you wish,” Luhan said after he had pecked Sehun. “I just like to act like a grown-up… Sorry… Hey, baby! Sorry, we’re late… The bus… You know the busses here…”

“I do… Don’t worry… We’re still waiting for Yeol… And Jongdae… And I think Nayeon flushed herself down the toilet… Oh… This is Joonmyun, by the way.” He pulled Joonmyun in front of his boyfriend.

“Hey, Joonmyun! Nice to meet you! I’m Luhan…” Luhan shook the other’s hand and smiled at him. “Sehun already told me so much about you… And then I never got to meet you… I was afraid he made you up or something.” He laughed and Joonmyun joined in.

“Don’t worry… I’m as real as I can be… And I’m sure you didn’t hear half as much about me as I heard about you…”

“Sehun… Stop talking about me… I thought he has to help you study? Let the poor guy breathe! He seems too nice to die because all of those boring stories about me…”

“Don’t worry… He tells me because I ask…”

“Oh… Okay… Well… You said something about Nayeon flushing herself down a toilet?” Luhan turned back to the youngest.

“Well… She went there before saying ‘hi’… But I never saw her… Jongin’s been here for more than five minutes, I think…”

“I’ll look for her,” Baekhyun decided.

“You can’t go inside the girl’s bathroom…”

“Watch me…” With that Baekhyun left to make sure his crush was okay.

“Are we sure that Yeol and Jongdae will come?” Kyungsoo asked.

“Yes,” Sehun answered. “Jongdae called Joonmyun half an hour ago… And you know Yeol… His girlfriend’s back in Japan for two months… Maybe longer… I don’t know… There’s no chance he won’t come… he’s lonely…”

“Then let’s get the tickets while we wait,” Jongin suggested and Joonmyun shook his head.

“I already got them…”

“Oh… Well… How much do I owe you?”

“Nothing… I got out of the house… My treat…”


“No ‘buts’, Kyungsoo… I already paid… You can either take them or buy new ones…”

“But I don’t even know you,” Luhan told him. “Let me give you the money back!”

“Sehun’s told me enough about you… I feel like I’ve known you my whole life… Sometimes I even feel like I’m in love with you…”

“Wow… Okay… What did you tell him, baby?”

“Just that I love you?”

“Are you sure?”

“He only told me nice stuff about you, don’t worry… And he never told me anything too private… It’s just… He makes it sound like you’re perfect,” Joonmyun shot the oldest another smile before handing out the tickets.

“How does he have enough money to pay for all of us?” Luhan whispered to Sehun.

“His dad owns a company… You should see his house… He has more money than I will ever have…”

“Sounds like he’s lonely a lot…” The Chinese sighed.


“Aren’t children that grow up like that those that get the least love and attention at home? They’re just there to take over the company later…”

“Yeah… Well… I guess, that’s what he’s to his dad… But his mum’s really nice! It’s obvious she really loves him!”

“Okay… What are you doing after the movie?”

“I thought we’d go home?”

“We? So… It’s okay for me to sleep over?” Luhan asked and smiled a little.

“Sure… I mean… Don’t you always sleep over on the weekend?”

“Yeah… But… I was worried I’m just there because it’s a habit… Not because you want me to…”

“If it was that way I wouldn’t have come over to your dorm last weekend, Lu,” Sehun tried to reassure his boyfriend. Or maybe he just tried to tell himself that he really wanted the older over because Luhan had looked so happy when he’d told him to come with him this night. And there was nothing Sehun hated more than hurting Luhan. Even though he knew he might end up hurting him even more by pretending everything was okay.

“I love you,” Luhan grinned and pressed his lips at the younger’s.

“Get a room! We’re going in… Movie’s about to start and the rest’s here,” Jongin shouted and Luhan blushed a cute pink before running to them. Sehun looked after him before deciding on buying some snacks before following as well. He knew that Luhan never wanted to buy them because they were unhealthy and the older thought he’d get fat. But Sehun also knew that his boyfriend hated watching movies without having some snacks.

He’d gotten the seat between Luhan and Joonmyun and felt like someone wanted to punish him for what he’d done. He sat down and handed Luhan the popcorn before taking off his jacket and making himself comfortable.

“Why did you get popcorn?” Luhan wanted to know.

“Because I know you’re going to regret not buying any in at least twenty minutes…”

“Thanks! But… You’re going to help me finish them, right?”

“Sure! I’m not the one who always says that this stuff is unhealthy,” Sehun reminded him.

“He’s right though,” Joonmyun told him. “There’s too much salt on it…”

“That’s why I also got some coke…”

“Wow, baby… That makes it so much healthier.” The Chinese giggled a little before ruffling Sehun’s hair.

“Luuuuuu! Not my hair… Joonmyun thinks I’m a neat person!”

“I do?”

“You don’t?”

“No… I mean… You’re a teenager… You’re not supposed to be neat… I’m sure there are lots of dirty clothes on your floor, right?” Joonmyun smirked at him.

“Please tell me there are none of them,” Luhan pleaded.

“Only a few, I swear!”

“Great… Next time you want to leave the house you’ll be left without fitting pants again…”

“No… Jongin gave me another 3 pairs… I have enough pants for now… Until I grow even more,” Sehun grinned proudly.

“You ,” Joonmyun told him. “You’re too tall already!”

“Thank you,” Luhan shot Sehun a look. “See? I’m not the only one who thinks this way…”

“Guys? Shut up… Movie’s starting,” Baekhyun told them and stole some of Luhan’s popcorn.

“Hey! Get your own… Or get yourself a boyfriend to buy you some… Sorry… Sehun’s already taken… You’ll have to live with the world’s second best boyfriend…”

“Listen Luhan… You’re the only one who thinks this highly from the dork,” Baekhyun told him with a serious expression. “He’s just a kid…”

“He’s more grown up than me most of the times,” Luhan argued. “And I don’t care what you think about him… I think he’s perfect…”

Sehun settled on watching his hands that were folded in his lap. He really didn’t want to hear more of this. He was the exact opposite from a perfect boyfriend and he clearly wasn’t the world’s best. The only thing he was, was an that thought about how to not only be with Luhan while still being with him because he was selfish enough to want to keep him. And the worst of it all was that Joonmyun, who liked him, was sitting right next to him. Joonmyun who he had kissed. The guy that had only been a role model until recently but also the guy Sehun felt a lot closer to now that he’d talked about what he was going through with the older. There was another thing the teen could have added to the list. But he was still thinking about how to do it. Joonmyun had said he liked his younger friend more than just a friend. Sehun found the older was really good-looking and they were already close because they spend most of their free time together. Well… And Sehun knew that his newest friend was a really good kisser and he was hoping he would do everything to help Sehun out of his current situation even after Sehun would have told him that he might or might not want to try this whole relationship-but-not-quite-a-relationship-thing with him. But that would mean to lie to both of them. He’d have to lie to Luhan by telling him that he went out to meet just a friend. That he wasn’t cheating and that the older wasn’t the only one in his live. And he’d have to tell Joonmyun that he and Luhan had decided on a break because there was no way his friend would agree to any of this as long as the teen still had a boyfriend. He’d made that clear after their kiss. Or more after their kisses. Making out. Whatever it had been. It hadn’t been fair to any of them. Not to Luhan, who trusted him and also not fair to Joonmyun who tried his best to only see a good friend in Sehun.

Sehun looked back up when he felt a hand on his right shoulder and found Joonmyun looking at him worried.

“Are you okay?” the older asked and Sehun gave a small nod because he knew that the older already knew part of what was running through his head.






Going for some drinks after the movie had been a bad idea. Of course Sehun knew that Kyungsoo hadn’t meant alcoholic drinks when he had suggested for them to go somewhere and talk about the movie and other stuff. But he also thought that Kyungsoo should have known his friends by now and at the end of the evening only the two of them had been completely sober.

Jongin had stopped after his second bear because he knew that his boyfriend didn’t really approve to him drinking while he was still underage but Luhan was legal and could drink as much as he wanted. The same thing went for Joonmyun who had had the fun of life and had paid for a few too many drinks.

Sehun wouldn’t have cared but having both, his boyfriend and Joonmyun flirting with him and touching him in public wasn’t really how he’d imagined the evening like. The only good thing about it was that he didn’t have to get Joonmyun home and that Luhan had sobered up enough to walk alone on their way back home. Getting the older into his room without waking up his whole family had still been a rather trappy business and he still wasn’t sure if his parents were really asleep or if they only didn’t care to come and look for them.



“Come here… I’m lonely,” Luhan whined from the bed where Sehun had put him after helping him change and brush his teeth.

“I know that you want to have but we can’t… I’m waiting for a call…” Which was the truth because Jongdae, the only one who hadn’t been completely drunk from the rest, had promised to call him as soon as he’d made sure that Baekhyun and Chanyeol had gotten home safely. Joonmyun would stay at his place for the night because there was no way he could come home drunk. He’d be grounded for the rest of his life.

“Who cares about your phone? Your boyfriend is cold and needs to cuddle.” Luhan pouted at him.

“I’ll be there with you as soon as Jongdae told me that everyone’s still alive…”

“We know that Jongin are Kyungsoo are okay… That should be enough…”

“The two of them weren’t completely wasted…”

“No one’s completely wasted…”

“Are you trying to tell me you’re sober?”

“No… I’m drunk… A lot… Just not completely wasted… Why did you let me drink so much?” The older groaned.

“Because every time I tried to take the drink from you… You either tried acting too cute for your own good or you threatened me…”

“I’m so sorry, baby…”

“It’s okay… I know you didn’t mean it…” Sehun glanced at his phone again. How long would it take until Jongdae got everyone home?



“Please? I’m really cold… Just come here with your damn phone if you worry so much…”

“Okay, okay…” Sehun crawled into his bed and cuddled close to Luhan wondering how he’d been thinking of doing anything with Joonmyun just a few hours before when it felt so right to be there with only Luhan.

“Thanks,” the Chinese mumbled and snuggled closer. “And we don’t have to have if you don’t want to…”

“That’s not it, Lu… I just asked him to call… So I think I should answer his call when it comes, you know?”

“It’s actually kind of sad that the youngest of us is the one who does the worrying…”

“That’s life…”

“Why didn’t you drink? You could have done it like Jongin…”

“Didn’t feel like it… I’m still not a big fan of bear…”

“No one really is…”

“You seemed to like it,” Sehun giggled.

“No… I hate it… But… I don’t know… I’m stupid, okay? But hey… At least I didn’t throw up as well…”

“Who threw up?”

“Chanyeol…” Luhan snickered.

“Oh god… You guys are the worst…”

“By the way… What do you want to do for your birthday?”

“I don’t know yet…”

“There’s only two weeks left,” his boyfriend reminded him. “Do you want to celebrate with everyone?”

“I don’t think we’ll have time for that… Midterms…”

“I could kick Kris out and cook something…”

“That sounds… Really nice, Lu… I’d love that!” And he meant it. Because how could he have even thought about giving that guy up when all the other ever did was making sure that Sehun felt loved and safe?

“What do you want to eat?”

“I don’t know… Something you like to cook…”

“But it’s your birthday…”

“And I want you to make something that you enjoy making… Please?”

“Okay… Sehun?”


“I love you!”

“I love you too, Lu!” Sehun said and finally decided that Jongdae had had enough time to call him by now and that he’d most likely forgotten about the promise of calling because one of the other boys had been a pain in the . Or maybe all three of them. And Nayeon. She’d been with them as well but Sehun couldn’t tell how drunk she had been. He’d been more worried about getting Joonmyun to sit still instead of trying to touch him when Luhan was around. Maybe he should make sure there would be no touching even without Luhan around because now that he was back in the elder’s arms he felt really stupid for thinking he could ever need anyone else. Being a teenager sure was hard with all those confusing thoughts and feelings and Sehun couldn’t wait for when he finally stopped being one.



A/N: Here... Have some Sehun trying to figure out what to do with his life...
I promise Luhan will know what's going on sooner or later... They'll talk about it... After Sehun makes a few more bad choices because he seems to be a little stupid lately -.-
(are guys always this dumb or did I miss something?)

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~