Chapter 60

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“So…. What did your mum say?” Was the first thing Baekhyun wanted to know on Monday morning.

“She said ‘I’m sorry baby… But I’m not telling you any more than I already told you…’ Seems like you guys will go camping without me,” Sehun sighed.

“No way… We can’t go without our favorite maknae!” Chanyeol joined their conversation.

“True! I don’t want to be the youngest,” Jongin added. “Being the youngest …”

“You don’t say? Anyway… I’m really sorry… I’d love to come with you but mum behaves like a stubborn teenage girl… I think she’s sending me to some other country…”


“She said my journey will start at the airport…”

“Wow… What does Joonmyun say to all that?” Jongin grinned. “Will he be okay without his boyfriend for the whole summer?”

“I guess he’ll be just fine… He has to work at his dad’s company for about four weeks…”

“Where is he?” Kyungsoo piped in. “I wanted to ask him if I got my math homework right…”

“I’m his boyfriend… Not his bodyguard,” Sehun told him with a roll of his eyes. “But he said something about a new exchange student so I guess he’s making sure the new kid is feeling welcomed…”

“I hope he’ll join us soon…”

“Why is it that whenever one of us wants to see Joonmyun it’s because of school?” Jongdae wondered chuckling.

“HEY! I don’t want to see him only because of school,” Sehun almost shouted.

“True… You want to see him …”

“Well… He has a nice body… Why should I not appreciate a good thing when I see it?”

“You haven’t even seen him yet,” Jongin giggled.

“What do you know?”

“You guys study the whole day…”

“We do not,” Joonmyun suddenly said from behind Jongin. “Guys… That’s Tao… He just came here from China and he’s going to be in your class, Sehun… Keep an eye on him, will you?” Joonmyun send his boyfriend a shy smile before shoving a rather tall boy to him.

“Sure… Hey Tao… Fancy meeting you! I’m Sehun,” he introduced himself and the new boy only nodded.

“He knows about zero Korean,” Joonmyun explained the lack of an answer.

“Oh… I’m Sehun and you’ll be in my class,” Sehun tried again in Chinese and Tao beamed at him.

“Hey, I’m Zitao… But you can call me Tao… It’s awesome that you know Chinese… Where did you learn it? How long have you been learning it? Why did you start?” Tao started to ask about a hundred questions at once and Sehun tried to keep up with the speed but had to admit his Chinese was still really limited.

“Wow… You won’t be seeing much of your boyfriend from now on,” Jongin told the oldest of them. “He’s going to be busy keeping the panda company…”

“The panda? His name is ‘Tao’, Jongin,” Kyungsoo told him.

“But his eyes! More like his dark circles… They make him look like a panda…”

“You’re right,” Chanyeol said after taking a closer look.

“It’s actually kind of cute,” Baekhyun decided.

“So… Back to you and Sehun,” Jongin said and turned to face Joonmyun. “What else do you do?”

“We watch movies or go shopping… We cuddle… We listen to music… More like I listen to music and he dances without really realizing it… And we talk…”


“No it’s not boring… I’m just not going to tell you about the rest… That’s private!!”

“Sehun would tell me when something big happened,” Jongin grinned.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Joonmyun mumbled before turning to Sehun to get a good morning kiss.

“So… What did he say?”

“A lot… I didn’t understand everything… But why is he here when he never learnt how to speak Korean?”

“Because his parents suddenly decided to move… So I need your help… I have to tutor him… But I don’t know how… I don’t know any Chinese… Will you help me?” Joonmyun looked at Sehun with big watery eyes and pouted a little. “Please?” he added in a cute voice and Sehun stared at him.

“Where did that come from?”

“Please?” Joonmyun tried again, whining this time.

“Yeah… Sure… Just…”


“You’re so cute like this,” Sehun said and pinched the older’s cheek. “I didn’t know you could be so cute…”

“I can be a lot of things if you want me to,” Joonmyun promised and smirked while leaning closer. He seemed to have forgotten that they were still at a school with not only their friends but also the new exchange student watching them.

“Oh really?”

“Yes really,” Joonmyun said and started nibbling on his neck.

“That’s all really nice and stuff… But this is school…” Sehun told him and tried not to be affected by what his boyfriend was doing to him.

“And it’s really gross,” Jongin added. “Poor Tao…”

“I’m sorry… God… Really! I…” Joonmyun blushed a deep red and made sure to get away at least a meter from Sehun. “I have to go to class!” And off he ran, nearly tripping a few times before he finally disappeared through the main entrance of the school.

“What was that?” Jongdae stared after his friend with his mouth wide agape.

“Yeah… What did you do to him?” Kyungsoo added. “I’ve never seen him like that…”

“He’s never acted like that before… Like… The aegyo or whatever that was… And he certainly never said creepy stuff like ‘I can be a lot of things if you want me to’… That’s so… Not Joonmyun…”

“I’m sorry?” Sehun tried. “I really have no idea what that was as well… It was my first time seeing him like that too, you know!?”

“Let’s just hope we’ll never have to see it again,” Jongin decided. “It’s gross!”

“So are the looks you’re giving Kyungsoo,” Baekhyun told him. “Like he’s the center of the universe…”

“But he IS the center of the universe,” Jongin stated and Kyungsoo smiled at him lovingly.

“No I’m not… You are!”

“No Soo… Really-“

“GUYS? Neither of you is the center of the universe… The sun is,” Baekhyun ended the conversation. “Sometimes I really wonder how you guys made it past first grade…”






“Finally,” Sehun plopped down on Joonmyun’s bed. “Today was definitely too long…”

“Move… That’s my bed… I want to at least have a little space on it,” the older complained with a sly grin and Sehun did as he was told.

“Wanna come to Luhan’s dorm with me?”



“Why are we going?”

“Because Luhan is from China, duh! And Tao said he loves playing basketball… So do Kris and Yixing and I was hoping to introduce Tao to a few people who he can talk to when he’s having problems… And maybe the three of them can help him with his Korean a little… Because his Chinese is weird and not standard Chinese at all and he talks so fast and I can’t understand him most of the time and it makes me feel really sorry for him… It must to come to a country where you understand nothing and have no friends…”

“I like that idea! Why didn’t I think of that? But… Are you sure you want me to come?” Joonmyun settled his head on Sehun’s chest. “I mean… I don’t really know any of them…”

“You know Yixing well enough… And you’re Tao’s tutor so you should spend some time with him… And I don’t want to feel like the fifth wheel when they start their Chinese rapping…”

“Why would they rap?” The older giggled.

“They don’t… But they talk so fast… It sounds like rapping to me…”

“Okay… I’ll come with you… When are we going?”

“I don’t know… How about right after school? Or we could help him with his homework first and meet the rest later,” Sehun suggested.

“I like the homework idea better…”

“I knew you would…”

“Am I really that boring?”

“I never said you’re boring…”

“But I always think about school first…”

“So? That’s not necessary a bad thing, you know? You have no idea how much my grades improved since I’ve started studying with you,” Sehun told him and pecked his nose.

“But I’m still your tutor before I’m your boyfriend…”

“No… You’re my boyfriend that also helps me a lot with school…”

“So you don’t think I’m boring?”

“No… You’re just a little shy sometimes… But that’s cute… Don’t worry so much, Joonmyun…”

“Hm… Okay… I just thought… Luhan must have been so much more fun as a boyfriend…”

“Why would you think that?”

“He took you to see a ballet and stuff…”

“We spend most of our time at home cuddling…” Sehun said and wondered how Joonmyun had gotten the idea of him and Luhan doing so much stuff all the time.

“Oh… Why?”

“Because he’s always really busy during the week and has to rest on the weekends… And… Because staying in bed the whole day has its charms…”

“What is he studying?”

“Some music stuff… Lots of music stuff… I always forget the name… But the books he has to read… Holy the Korean in there… I wonder how he even manages to read them without crying… So he spends a lot of time translating texts… And he needs more time for his homework than the rest because he has to look up how to write a lot of things and stuff…”

“How long has he learned Korean before coming here?”

“A year, I think… Why?”

“Holy … And then he’s studying so much theoretical stuff? How?”

“I don’t know… Why are we talking about Luhan?” Sehun got more confused with every passing second.

“I just always wanted to know… I think it’s really brave to just go abroad… And when you still have to have good grades it’s even harder and there’s so much pressure… And I guess it’s really hard to adjust to the new country and then there’s no one you know and your family and all of your friends are so far away… Maybe even in a different time zone… And I always wondered what it was like and why people decided on coming here… I’m not sure I could adjust this well to a new country…” Joonmyun told him.

“Well… Luhan… He had some problems getting along with his parents before coming here… He stayed out partying every night and had a lot of friends that I would call a bad influence… I wonder how he still had that good grades… Anyway… I guess he left China not only to learn Korean but also to be able to change his life and get back on the right track… Kris just came here because he thought it would be fun… He likes challenges… Yixing… He just wanted to dance and the school here is better than the one he went to in China… And he gets it for free and gets to learn a new language on the way… So I guess everyone comes for a different reason…”

“Hm… Would you want to go to China?”

“I don’t know… I mean… I thought about studying there,” Sehun admitted.


“Yeah… Because… Well… Luhan and I talked about what would happen after he’ll be done studying… I mean… I was worried he’ll just go back to China and leave me… So I decided I would just study there if he’d have to go back…”

“Does he want to go back?”

“I don’t think he knows himself… I guess he’ll just go wherever he gets a good job…”

“Sometime I wish I could do that as well… Just wait and see where I could go…”

“Well… At least you won’t have to worry about finding a well-paid job…”

“But I hate this job… I’d like to travel a little at first… Not business trips… I’d like to see the world… Try to find a place I love enough to spend the rest of my life there… I don’t want to have anything to do with my dad…”

“Why? He’s your dad…”

“I hate that guy and all he ever did was hurting my mum and leaving us alone when we needed him most…”

“Did something happen?” Sehun couldn’t help but worry.

“They’re going to get a divorce… My dad found another woman he wants to marry…”

“What?” The younger was shocked to hear that. How could you just tell someone to get a divorce so you could marry someone else? “I’m sorry to hear that…”

“Maybe it’s for the better… My mum will stop hoping he’ll come back…”

“I thought she had an affair?”

“Just to keep herself busy… So she could pretend it didn’t hurt…”

“Oh… Is she okay? I mean… Maybe I should go home so you can spend some time with her!”

“No… She’s not at home… We’ll have to move so she’s looking for a new apartment…”

“Why doesn’t your dad just leave?”

“Because mum doesn’t want to stay here where everything reminds her of him… I guess she loves him a lot more than she would ever admit…”

“That …”

“No… What really is the fact that my stepmother is just twenty-two… I mean… Come on… She could be my girlfriend!”

“Wow that’s wrong…”

“Yeah… I know… And she’s pregnant…” Joonmyun sighed. “I never wanted to have any siblings…”

“Holy … Wow… That’s big news…”

“Yeah… Even my grandparents were okay with the new … I thought about just leaving the country… Maybe they’ll realize I hate everything they do…”

“And go where?”

“I don’t know… Chanyeol’s girlfriend seems to like Japan a lot… China doesn’t sound too bad… I’ve always wanted to go to Europe… Even America would be fine and I heard they only eat burgers there…”

“No they don’t, hyung,” Sehun had to laugh. “They eat normal stuff… Not only burgers…”

“Well… Maybe I’ll go to North Korea…”

“Maybe you won’t…”

“I know… They don’t have any good universities I could apply for…”

“You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”

“I am… I already sent some applications to Europe today…”

“We’ve seen each other just yesterday and you didn’t tell me?” Sehun sounded a little hurt.

“I’m sorry… They just told me when I came back from your place… And then there were so many people today… And I didn’t know how to tell you… And I’m not even sure I’m going… I just sent some letters… If I get accepted… I can still think about going, right?” Joonmyun sat up.


“Are you mad?”

“No… It’s just a little sudden…”

“I know… Sorry…”

“Don’t be… I just think you should think about it a little more before you just leave the country for good…” Sehun sat up as well to look the other in the eye. “You can’t just leave without getting some informations about the other countries… What of you won’t like them?”

“Can’t be worse than this house…”

“But you should still pick the best out of all the countries you could go to…”

“You wouldn’t mind me leaving?”

“What are you talking about? Of course I wouldn’t be happy… Joonmyun… I know that we both know this relationship is kind of not what it should be like… And I’m sorry I can’t give you what you want you definitely deserve… But no matter what happens… You’re still one of my best friends and it would be hell to see you going… But it’s your life and I always thought you should decide what to do with it yourself… So if you really want to leave that bad… I’ll help you get the information you need and we’ll look through it together…”


“Well… I’ll have to make sure you’re near enough for me to fly there at least once a year, right?”

“Yeah… That would be nice…” Joonmyun gave him a thankful smile. “And… About us…”

“I know… It doesn’t really work, does it?”

“No… Sorry…”

“Joonmyun… No… I’m sorry! Really!”

“At least you tried…”

“Yeah… That was the least I could do…”


“Thank you… For helping me through this!”

“But we’ll stay friends right?!”

“Sure, hyung,” Sehun laughed at the older. “And I’ll continue coming over to study…”

“Damn… I was hoping I’d get rid of you,” Joonmyun said with a serious expression but Sehun still knew that the other was joking.

“So… How about Japan? I heard they have lots of great universities… What do you even want to study?”

“Anything that has nothing to do with my dad’s business… Maybe… Interpreting… Or maybe I could become a teacher…”

“Poor kids…”




A/N: So... There you have it... No more SeHo...
And I'm SO sorry it took me so long to update... My laptop kinda hates me and it didn't let me do anything forever... But now it seems to work again... So... Yeah... Have fun xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~