Chapter 39

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

Sehun couldn’t believe that his best friend had found a way not to come to the tutoring session at Joonmyun’s place that Thursday. He wondered how that bastard had managed to get a really high fever overnight when he’d been perfectly fine at the dance practice the day before and he wouldn’t even have believed Jongin if he wouldn’t have checked on his friend himself before he’d gone to school.

“So… You’re telling me Jongin’s really sick?” Joonmyun asked, unable to believe it.

“Hey… I thought he was lying as well… Until I saw him… He looked like he was about to throw up and he was nearly glowing… I wonder how he managed to get sick overnight… I swear this guy does unbelievable things sometimes…”

“Well then… I guess it’s just the two us… Until my cousin wakes up at least… I give her about 20 minutes… Do you want something to drink?”

“Sure… Thanks… I’ll take whatever,” Sehun shrugged. “So… How old is your cousin?”

“She’s three and the cutest thing on earth… Well… As long as you do exactly what she wants… She’s your worst nightmare when you don’t… I’ll make us some tea…”

“Okay… Is there anything I need to know about kids before I meet her?”

“I don’t think so… Why?”

“I just never had anything to do with small kids… I don’t think they would like me,” Sehun admitted.

“She’ll love you… You’re here because I have to teach you something and you hate math… You already have more in common with her than I ever will… Do you like Disney movies?”

“I love them…”

“You’ll have plenty to talk about… So don’t worry and get your books out… We should at least get your homework done before she steals your whole attention…”

“She sounds like someone Jongin would love,” the younger sighed. “He’s really good with kids…”

“Most likely because he thinks like them,” Joonmyun laughed. “A lot of people say that helps.” Sehun grinned at that and got his homework out.

“I have to warn you… I thought I understood what the teacher was talking about and I had my own system that was working pretty well for the first few times… It failed me after about half of the hour but I have no idea how to solve those problems without my system…”

“Oh don’t worry… I’m sure it will be easy… You’ll get it in a few minutes just like last time…”

“I count on you…”






It had taken Sehun about 40 minutes to get his homework done and he thought he understood how to do it. He’d have to try again on the weekend though because Joonmyun’s cousin had decided to join them just when they wanted to start on other problems. She’d crawled onto the chair next to Sehun and had stared at him for about two minutes before poking his cheek and asking for his name.

“I’m Sehun. Oh Sehun… Nice to meet you… What’s your name?”

“I’m not supposed to tell strangers my name, I’m sorry Oh Sehun,” she grinned.

“Oh… Okay…”

“Why are you here? Does Joonmyun force you to stay here? Does he want you to learn stuff? He does that a lot, you know?”

“Well… I asked him to help me studying…”

“Why would you?”

“It’s important…”

“No… It’s more important to be pretty,” she told him. “Joonmyunnie? Can I have two hot chocolatses?”

“It’s ‘chocolates’… And why two?” Joonmyun rolled his eyes at the little girl.

“Oh Sehun can join me… I’m going to save him from you… You’re the boring!”

“It’s just ‘boring’… Not ‘the boring’, Jinri…”

“No… I’m sure it’s ‘the boring’… You said that nouns need a ‘the’ in front of them… You’re the most boring so you’re a noun… See? Who said I wasn’t smart?” Sehun tried to hide a smile behind his hands but he was sure Joonmyun still saw.

“Don’t be like that to your cousin,” he decided to help his hyung. “He’s part of your family… And family is really important.”

“Why is that so?”

“Because it’s your family that stays by your side when everyone else leaves.”


“It means that… When you are in trouble… You can always count on your family. They’re not going to judge you for what you did because they will always love you,” Sehun explained and Jinri looked at him in amazement.

“I like him! We’ll keep him,” she decided and jumped from her chair. “Joons? The hot chocolatses! To my room… Please?” She puffed out her cheeks and looked at her cousin with big eyes. “You can even join us for our tea party.”

“I’m not sure Sehun has time for a tea party, sweetie…”

“Do you have time for a tea party, Oh Sehun?”

“I do… I have to leave in an hour though,” Sehun told her after checking his watch.


“Okay… I’ll bring the hot chocolates,” Joonmyun sighed.

“Where do you go after one hour?” Jinri asked him while she pulled Sehun along to a room that was pretty pink and had a few plush ponies too much for the teen to feel completely comfortable.

“To the opera…”

“Why? The opera is for grown-ups… Are you a grown-ups?”

“Not yet… I’ll be 16 soon… But my boyfriend has to go there because of university… I just join him.”

“Why is that so?”

“Because I love him…”

“Why do you love him? Isn’t he a boy?”

“Oh… He sure is…”

“But aren’t you supposed to love a pretty girl?”

“I don’t care who I’m supposed to love, you know?”

“Why is that so?”

“Because I think that it doesn’t matter who you love as long as you love them with all your heart,” Sehun explained and hoped she would understand.

“Oh… That sounds really nice of you… That you love him with all your heart… Is he pretty?”

“Yeah… He’s really pretty for a boy…”

“Do you have a picture?”

“Yeah… Sure…” He took his phone out to show the girl a picture he had taken when Luhan had been reading through his Chinese homework on Saturday.

“He’s cute,” Jinri held her little thumbs up. “Nearly as cute as my ponies…”

“Thank you, I guess…”

“I’m sorry it took me so long,” Joonmyun said when he entered with three hot chocolates and some marshmallows.

“Marshies! You’re so super-duper, Joons!”

“Thanks, Jinri… I think you’re super-duper as well…” He patted her head. “Did she behave?” Sehun nodded and smiled.

“Did you know that Oh Sehun is a really nice people?”

“Jinri… ‘People’ can’t be used for only one person… There have to be at least two people to make them ‘people’…”


“He’s saying that… When you have only one person in the room it’s called ‘person’… When there’s two or more persons you can call them ‘people’… Because ‘people’ is only used for many of us… Isn’t that kind of cool? To have an extra word for a group of people? It means that ‘people’ are never alone… They always have someone with them,” Sehun said.

“Oh… Now that’s something I understand… Why didn’t you just tell me that you can’t leave the ‘people’ alone, Joons?”

“I’m sorry… I never thought of it like that… Thanks, Sehun…”

“You’re welcome… That’s what my granny told me when I was small…”

“And you tell me you’re not good with kids… So why is Sehun really nice?”

“He loves a boy with all his heart because he doesn’t care that he’s supposed to love a girl with not all his heart… I think that’s quite amazing!”

“I think so too,” Joonmyun told her. “And now sit down before the hot chocolate turns cold.”

“Mine gentlemens… Have a seat at my tea party. Enjoy the chocolate teas!”

“Jinri, it’s-“

“Hyung… Stop it… She’s three… It doesn’t matter if she uses right grammar or not… She’s going to learn it later anyway… Stop being ‘the boring’ and go with it…” Sehun smiled at the older who heaved another sigh before nodding.

“I told you we need to keep him,” Jinri told him. “He’s good for you… Oh Sehun?”


“Do you like my ponytails?”

“Yes… They are really cute…”

“Just like me, right?”

“Yeah… Just like you!”

“I don’t know why someone like you has to love boys… You know what girls want to hear…”

“Thanks, Jinri… But I don’t have to love them… I just love whoever my heart tells me to love.”

“Okay… Will you love me in a few years?” Joonmyun nearly choked on his hot chocolate and started coughing. Sehun grinned and patted his back.

“I’m sorry… I can’t promise that… I hope I will still love my boyfriend in a few years…”

“Until when?”

“Until I die would be nice…”

“Okay… I’ll marry my teddy then…”

“You better will,” Joonmyun told her. “I wouldn’t know how to tell my aunt that her baby is in love with my studend that’s nearly 13 years older than her…”

“But hyung… Age is just a number…”

“Sehun… Don’t make me punch you!”

“I’m sorry,” the teen giggled before finally taking a sip of his hot chocolate that somehow had a lot more marshmallows than he remembered putting there in it.






“Hey, baby,” Luhan greeted him when he entered his room.

“Lu! What are you doing here?”

“Your mum said she was going to drive you to the opera and she said she would take me as well when I came here before… That and I had to help prepare dinner because she thinks she has no idea how to cook Chinese food…”

“I’m sorry…”

“Don’t be… It was fun… You look tired… Is everything okay?”

“Yeah… I just learned never to go to tea parties again…”


“Joonmyun’s cousin… Jinri, three years old… And she loves pink and ponies… The combination of both is preferred…”

“Sounds like hell,” Luhan admitted.

“No… It was fun actually… But an hour with her was more than enough…”

“I see… No more babysitting for you… Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes… I put your clothes out already because I didn’t know how much time you would have…”

“Thanks, Lu,” he finally hugged his boyfriend and pressed a kiss onto his temple. “You’re the best.”

“I know.”

“I should stop telling you… I’ll just take a quick shower, yeah?”

“Sure… I’ll be in the kitchen to make sure your mum doesn’t add too much soy sauce…”

“That’s a good idea… She likes it a bit too much…”






When Sehun came downstairs ten minutes later it already smelled like heaven and the teen hoped for his father and brother to come home after he ate all the food himself.

“Oh look at you,” his mother suddenly said. “You look all grown up in those clothes… I didn’t even know you had clothes like that…”

“Neither did I…”

“That’s pants from Jongin… I allowed myself to look through all the stuff he brought… The shirt is mine… But I have too many of them... The belt… Where did I get the belt from? Oh yeah… That was somewhere in the depths of your closet,” Luhan explained.

“See… I don’t have clothes like that.” Sehun grinned a little.

“I’ll have to buy you some more then… It looks nice… Now don’t get them dirty when eating,” his mother told him before pinching his cheek. “Oh… Luhan?”


“Will you stay for the night?”

“But… It’s during the week…”

“I know… But the ballet won’t be over before midnight and I’ll have Sejeon pick you guys up… I don’t know how he feels about driving through half of Seoul in the middle of the night… And I don’t want you wandering around all alone…”

“Well then… Of course I’ll stay… Thank you!”

“No problem, darling.”


“Yes, Sehun?”

“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re not sick, are you?” Sehun placed a hand on his mother’s forehead.

“I’m perfectly fine… Just enjoy it this once, will you? I really don’t want him walking through the city alone at night and I figured making an exception once won’t kill me,” she explained. “You’ll still have to go to school tomorrow!”

“Of course! Thanks, mum!”

“You’re welcome… I mean… He even helped me cook!”

“Yeah… And he saved all of us from a cruel soy-sauce-death…”

“Baby… Just don’t say anything for today… She might take everything back,” Luhan advised from the stove.

“I got it… I’ll shut up…” He went over to hug his boyfriend and peek into the pot. “What are we eating?”

“I won’t tell you the name because I know you won’t be able to pronounce it and you won’t stop to try it for at least an hour… But it’s my favorite Chinese dish…”

“Sounds nice… I’ll call it ‘Lu’s favorite’! Why are we eating it though? I’m sure mum didn’t know it before…”

“Because you asked me what my favorite food was… I thought explaining it wouldn’t really help… Trying it yourself is always better!”

“Did I tell you how much I love you already?”

“Hm… Not today… But I’m glad you finally did.” Luhan wrapped his arms around his waist. “And I’m still waiting for a kiss…”

“I didn’t want to distract you from cooking… Sorry,” Sehun giggled before satisfying Luhan’s desire.




A/N: have some Sehun with a child... Because I think that guy should have some kids... Like... All of EXO need kids... Just let them do 'Hello Baby' already...

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~