Chapter 18

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

They had spent some nice days with Sehun’s family and before they were aware how fast time had moved it was already New Years’ Eve. They’d planned to meet at Chanyeol’s place at seven before heading out later to watch the fireworks.

Jongin had come over to his place half an hour ago and had, once again, kicked them out of bed so they could get ready.

When Sehun came back from taking a shower his best friend was sitting on his floor, looking at pictures on Luhan’s phone while the latter got changed.

“Hey you! Why are you in here when my boyfriend’s changing?”

“It’s not like I’m really looking… I’m looking at pics from China… and at those from you guys… Why do you take so many pics together?”

“Why not?”

“I see… By the way… I didn’t even want to see Luhan’s body after seeing his neck…,” Jongin shot him an accusing look.

“What’s wrong with his neck?” Sehun ran over to his boyfriend to check his neck.

“All the hickeys! What did you guys do the last few days?”

Sehun and Luhan looked at each other, blushing a little and grinning shyly.

“No… I don’t even want to know…,” Jongin held his hands up. “Nice sweater, bambi!”

“Thanks… Hunnie made it for me,” the oldest smiled proudly. “It’s cute, right?”

“Well… it has Rudolf on it…”

“Don’t say anything against my art or you’ll wait on the streets,” Sehun shot him a warning look.

“It fits bambi really well,” Jongin threw in after a while.

“Stop calling him that… He has a name…”

“Yeah… Sorry, Lulu!”


“Chill dude… You can keep him… And it’s not like I’m going to take him away from you…”

“Jongin... I’m really sorry... But… You’re not really my type,” Luhan said carefully.

“Why? What’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing’s wrong with me… You’re nice… And you dance really well… You’re funny and tall… You have nice tanned skin and beautiful hair… And you’re really gorgeous-“

“I guess that’s enough,” Sehun cut in.

“-It’s just that you’re not Sehun,” Luhan finished.

“Okay… You may continue,” the youngest said and leaned against his desk. Luhan only giggled.

“So you’re saying I’m practically perfect?” Jongin wanted to know.

“Well… Based on Appearance: definitely. I mean… I know tons of people who would kill to date someone who looks like you… I guess your character’s okay as well… Some people might just not like it… That’s how life is… But the feeling, Jongin! The feeling. That’s what I’m missing, when I’m with you.”

“Well… I hope so… otherwise you wouldn’t be with Sehun, right?”

“Mhm… Sehun knows how to give me that feeling.”

“That sounded so wrong, Lu,” Sehun told him before wrapping his arms around his boyfriend from behind and pressing a kiss on his neck.

“And that looks so wrong,” Jongin complained.

“Get used to it,” the younger recommended.

“You got a little too close for my liking,” his best friend made a face.

“You’ll be okay,” Luhan promised before lightly pushing Sehun away to look for something to cover his neck with.

“That scarf won’t do,” Jongin told him. “You’ll be taking it off inside… Take BB cream of make-up…”

“Where shall I get that from? It’s not like Kris lives here…”

“Kris has make-up?” Sehun wondered aloud.

“Only BB cream… I never asked why he has it though…”

“Guys… You’re so lucky I have to sisters… We have a whole cosmetic store at home. Just tell me what you’re looking for… I’m sure I can find it somewhere in the house… Come on… Let’s rummage my sisters’ rooms… And their bathroom…,” Jongin got up with an excited look. “We may find one of their diaries when we get lucky!”

“I’m so glad I’m not your sister,” Sehun rolled his eyes at his best friend.

“Hey… It’s not my fault they never tell me anything just because I’m a guy… And I learned so much about girls by reading those diaries…”

“And you still like girls? How?” Luhan wanted to know.

“Well… It’s easier to understand them when you know so much about them…”

“Actually… Jongin’s sisters are awesome! He just doesn’t know how to appreciate them,” Sehun said.

“I know that I got lucky with them… It’s just… They never let me tag along… I kind of miss them,” Jongin admitted.

“Have you ever told them?” Luhan asked when they entered Jongin’s house.

“Of course not… I don’t want them to feel pressured into taking me with them… They had to that for so long… I guess they just got sick of having me with them all the time…”

“They may think that you wouldn’t want to join them, you know? Because normally 15-year-old guys have different interests than girls do… And I don’t mean that in a bad way!”

“We do have different interests… But we like the same movies… And my oldest sister has this awesome boyfriend. I really like him! He’s like the perfect addition to our family… And he’s really cool! He let me help him repair his car last month…”

“Well… You should tell them that you want to join them when they watch a movie… As for that boyfriend… You should get rid of him… Guys that are interested in cars live for their cars,” the Chinese told him.

“He doesn’t live for his car… He just knows how to repair them because that’s his father’s job… He works in an office and does… I don’t know… It’s a good job and he earns a lot. And my mother loves him. I’m not going to get rid of him!”

“Your choice… Sehun? If you ever show too much interest in cars… We’re done!”

“Deal… But I can make my driver’s license and buy a car, right?”

“Sure you can… I mean… One of us has to know how to drive…”

“Why don’t you know how to, hyung? You’re old enough,” Jongin snickered.

“I don’t have the money… And I don’t want to drive… Have you seen how terrible people drive here in Seoul… I mean… not that it’s a lot better in China…”

“I see… Bambi is afraid of the big cars,” Jongin pinched his cheeks. “That’s actually quite cute.”

Sehun just looked at them bewildered. “Did you just…?”

“Did I just…?” Jongin mocked him.

“Leave him alone! Paws OFF!” Sehun pulled his boyfriend away from his evil best friend. “He’s mine!”

“It was just his cheeks,” Jongin defended himself.

“You said he’s cute…”

“He is!”

“Stop it! Find your own cute boyfriend and stop gushing over mine!”

“Why are you so jealous? He already said he’s not interested in me…”

“So you would take him if he wanted? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” Sehun had gotten louder with every word and Luhan looked back and forth between the two of them worried.

“No! Oh god… I would never… You’re my best friend, Sehun!”

“Then stop touching him!” the younger glared at his friend.

“Calm down, baby,” Luhan pecked his cheeks to appease him. “It was just my cheek…”

“I won’t do it again,” Jongin promised and Sehun seemed to finally calm down a little.

“No… It’s okay… I’m sorry… I don’t know what got into me…”

“Too much of Luhan and not enough civilization in the last days,” his best friend said.

“There’s never too much of Luhan,” the younger corrected him.

“Actually… I kind of like it when you get possessive,” Luhan mumbled from his side and both of them stared at him.

“What? He looked hot… And it shows that he really cares about me!”

“Okay… this conversation is over right now,” Jongin decided because he didn’t want to get into details when it came to ‘Sehun looking hot’. “What are we looking for?”

“Just some BB cream,” Luhan said to his disappointment.

“But I already know where it is… That’s no fun!”

“Just tell us where we can find it… You can look for those diaries in the meantime,” Sehun offered.

“It’s in the bathroom! Not in mine… In the other one… You know… Not my parent’s bathroom but my sisters’…”

“How many bathrooms do you have?” Luhan asked impressed.

“Three… I’m the only one who doesn’t have to share,” Jongin grinned.

“You’re the only one without a bathtub,” Sehun pointed out.

“I don’t need one… I hate bubble baths,” the tanned boy shivered.

“Why? Bubble baths are the best! I wish I had a bathtub in my dorm,” Luhan said.

“You could have just told be,” Sehun giggled. “We have a bathtub as well… Next time we’ll take a bubble bath instead of a shower if you want to.”

“Really?” Luhan looked at him with big eyes.

“Really,” he promised.

“Guys! I’m going to throw up! Go find your BB cream so we can meet the others… I’m sick of you already…”

“Thanks, Jongin,” Sehun pouted. “Just wait until you have a girlfriend. You’ll get it all back!”

“What happened to your fantasies of me and Kyungsoo?”

“He had to give them up because he said he liked a girl,” the Chinese explained.

“There’s still a little part of me that has hope,” Sehun clarified.

“Dream on, moron,” Jongin told him off before going to rummage through one of his sisters’ room.

“So… where is that bathroom he was talking about?” Luhan wanted to know when he was alone with Sehun.

“I don’t know… I rarely get the chance to come here… He practically lives at my place… Let’s just open every dorm,” he suggested.






They’d made it to Chanyeol’s a little too early. A first and it had surprised Chanyeol because he wasn’t done styling his hair and even Baekhyun hadn’t arrived.

“What happened? Who died?” the tall boy wanted to know.

“We decided to do Jongin’s sisters a favor and separated him from their diaries,” Sehun told him. “Can we come in?”

“Sure… Make yourself at home… Like you always do… I’m going to get my hair done…”

“You might want to put on a shirt, while you’re at it,” Jongin advised.

“I’ll think about it,” the taller promised before making his way up the stairs.

“Hey guys! Nice to see you,” a girl’s voice suddenly greeted them and they all turned around.

“NOONA!” Sehun and Jongin beamed at the girl before hugging her.

“When did you come back?” Sehun asked.

“Why didn’t you call us?” Jongin added and she just laughed at them.

”You didn’t change one bit. I came back a little after you left the other day… I was caught in traffic… And I didn’t call you because it was Christmas. That’s the time of the year you spend with your family.”

“But noona,” Jongin attempted an aegyo voice. “We missed you soooooo much and it wouldn’t have hurt to tell your favorite dongsaengs that you’re back!”

“Stop doing that, Jong… That was only cute when you were five… Oh… Who’s that?” she wanted to know when she noticed Luhan who was still standing in the entrance hall and looked at them a little confused.

“Oh… Noona… This is the most important person you ever met!” Sehun told her and pulled Luhan to his side. “His name’s Luhan, he’s 19 and from China. Aaaaaaand he’s my boyfriend. He’s cute, right? And Luhan… That’s Chanyeol’s sister. Your age… The best noona anyone could ask for. She never forgets to buy me sweets!”

“Nice to meet you,” Luhan said and bowed.

“Nice to meet you two. But there’s no need to bow,” she winked. “I’m disappointed, Sehun. You find a really cute guy who’s my age and you keep him for yourself? What about me?” Luhan blushed.

“Sorry… He just bumped into me. It was fate.”

“That sounds so cute… How did you guys meet?”

“No… I meant it! He ran into me and spilled my bubble tea all over me…” She still looked at him with that expression adults wore when they didn’t believe their children but tried to hide that fact.

“He’s telling the truth,” Luhan came to his rescue. “I was running late and didn’t look where I was going… And then I bought him a new drink because I felt sorry… Not to mention that I ditched my friends without telling them.”

“Okay… Sehun… Why did you go there? Why didn’t you send me there?”

“I’m sorry?”

“Do you have a brother, Luhan?”

“No… Sorry…”

“But Jongin’s still single,” Sehun said.

“Oh really? Now how does that feel, Jong? You always said you’d find someone way before Sehun would.”

“Stop the teasing… I didn’t know bambi would come all the way from China to Korea and they’d meet perfectly movie-like,” Jongin grumbled.

“It’s okay, baby… Noona will give you some cake to cheer you up later, yeah?”

“I’m not five anymore…”

“You still want some cake, right?”

“Of course!”

“I knew it… So how about you guys help me decorate the living room while Luhan rests a little?”

“I can help as well,” Luhan told her.

“You take a seat right there,” she pointed to a chair. “I can see you from everywhere then.”

“Noona,” Sehun whined. “Mine! He’s all mine!”

“I’ll just look at him, I promise.”

“Don’t touch his cheek… Sehun will rip your head off,” Jongin warned her before picking up some garland.

“Why do we have to decorate the living room? It’s not like we’re going to stay here that long,” Sehun asked.

“I don’t know… Chanyeol said we had to,” the girl told him before starting as well.






After finishing decorating the living room – which they just did so Chanyeol’s parents had something to clean in the morning – Sehun had joined Chanyeol’s sister when she asked who would help her carrying the alcohol home. And Sehun loved shopping with her. He already knew he’d get an ice cream for tagging along.

He hadn’t thought about the fact that she would want to know every little detail from his relationship. But it felt kind of nice to be talking about it with someone who wasn’t Jongin.

When they finally got back – Sehun had finished his ice cream on the ride home – he was quite surprised to find a girl in the kitchen. Not just any girl. A girl he was sure wasn’t Chanyeol’s girlfriend. And she was pretty. She had long dark hair, a really pretty face and what he thought must be a body every straight guy wanted on a girl. The only question was why she was here and why she was cutting fruits.

“Hey,” Sehun tried and put the beer down. She turned around and smiled at him.

“Oh… Hey,” she said before continuing to cut the fruits.

“I don’t want to sound rude or anything… But who are you and why are you here?” She giggled.

“You’re Sehun, right?” Sehun was a little confused. Why did this girl know his name?

“Yeah… How did you know?”

“Well… I know the rest… And Luhan said that we’re only missing you… So I figured you must be Sehun,” she smiled at him again.

“Okay… And you are?”

“Sorry… Right. I’m Eunmi. I’m here with Kyungsoo.” Oh… This was bad.

“I see… Nice to meet you then,” he said while putting the beer into the fridge. “You’re the one he was talking about last time.”

“He talked about me?”

“He only told us that there was this girl he liked… Does that mean you’re together now? Because he said he wouldn’t introduce you to us before you were…”

“Kind of, I guess… We didn’t really talk about it.”

“Why not? I mean… Guys need to be told stuff like that! Trust me on that. I wouldn’t have got it if Luhan hadn’t told me what he wanted exactly.”

“He was right… You’re cute,” she giggled.


“He said his boyfriend’s really cute. And that I should not talk to you too much because he’s sure I’d fall for you,” Eunmi rolled her eyes and Sehun smiled.

“He said so? See… That’s why I love him. Is he in the living room?”

“I guess…”

“Do you need help with those fruits, by the way?”

“No… Kyungie will be back as soon as he got the chocolate… Ah! There he is,” she said when Kyungsoo entered the kitchen.

“Hey Sehun. I heard you’d gone out to make sure none of us will be able to remember tonight?” he greeted him.

“It’s not that much alcohol… Okay… It is… But we don’t have to drink all of it. She’s cute by the way. Be happy I’m gay,” he patted Kyungsoo’s shoulder before going off to look for his boyfriend.

Luhan hadn’t been hard to find since he threw his arms around Sehun as soon as he had stepped into the room.

“Why have you been in there for so long? I missed you,” he complained and peppered his face with little kisses.

“I was talking to Eunmi,” he grinned at his boyfriend’s actions.

“Who? Oh… Kyungsoo’s girlfriend? Her name’s Eunmi?”

“You already talked to her!”

“I didn’t ask for her name… She’s pretty, right?”

“Mhm… I guess she’s what I’d be going for if I was straight,” Sehun admitted.

“I don’t like her,” Luhan said with a serious face. “And I hate to admit it… But you were right.”

“About her being pretty? I know. And she seems nice. Good for Kyung that he found her.”

“No… We hate her! Keep that in mind.”

“Why would we hate her?”

“You were right,” Luhan said once again.

“About what?”


“What about Jongin?”

“He likes Kyung…”

“Now he suddenly likes him? You’re confusing me, Lu,” Sehun didn’t get why his boyfriend was being like that.

“He always did.”

“Did he say so?”

“No… He just… He looked so hurt when Kyungsoo brought her in… I’m worried about him,” the Chinese said and took a glance at Jongin who was sitting on the couch chatting with Baekhyun.

“Lu… I… Are you sure?”

“Not a hundred percent… Only about 99…”

“Oh god… I hate her,” Sehun let out a frustrated sigh. “Why didn’t he tell Kyung?”

“I’m not sure he’s okay with the fact that he likes guys just yet.”

“Great… Just perfect…”

“But baby?”


“I missed you while you were gone,” Luhan snuggled closer to him.

“I missed you too. But at least I got to talk about you.”

“Great… do I get my kiss now or do I have to tell you how much I missed you once more?”

“If you want a kiss you can just tell me… Or initiate it, you know,” the younger snickered and kissed him.

“Guys… That wasn’t any longer than half an hour… You can swap spit at midnight,” Baekhyun called after a few seconds and Luhan just pushed him back into the kitchen, not missing to show Baek his middle finger.



A/N: so... here you go... we're slowly leaving the old year behind... I'm glad I wont have to write about winter that much any more xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~