Chapter 21

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

The party had been kind of a success. Well… Luhan’s dorm had been a mess afterwards… But they’d had a lot of fun. Especially when Chanyeol had started to throw chips and other snacks through the room and after a while even Kris had joined them despite telling them how childish it was before.

Sehun felt a little bad for leaving his boyfriend and his roommate alone to clean up the mess his friends had made. At least Yixing had offered to help them before going back to his room.

He and Jongin had just gotten off the subway and were on their way back to their houses when Jongin suddenly spoke up.

“Thanks, Sehun… I really needed that,” he smiled a little.

“What? Chips in your hair?” the younger joked.

“No… Just a night without studying… Spending time with my friends and not thinking about Kyungsoo… The last thing had been kind of hard lately,” he looked up to the sky.

“Lately? Like in ‘ever since New Year’s eve’?”

“No… Lately like in ever since last weekend’s party,” Jongin sighed.

“What party? Where have I been? Why didn’t I come with you?” Sehun hadn’t even known his best friend went to a party.

“Kyung invited me… His girlfriend wasn’t at home last weekend… Some family stuff. And you were... How shall I know that?”

“So… what went wrong at this party? I mean… how can you think of him even more?”

“I kind of messed up, I guess,” Jongin admitted.

“Did you confess? Gosh… What did he say?” The younger was shocked.

“I didn’t… And being completely honest it was actually his fault…” the taller stuttered a little.

“Will you finally tell me what happened or do I have to kill you first? Wait… My room? Or shall we stay outside?”

“Outside… So I can run,” Jongin tried to sit on the hammock.

“You won’t be able to run once you’re in there,” Sehun pointed out before crawling onto it as well.

“Maybe I can bury myself in it… Sehun? Why do humans betray other humans?”

“It’s… human… I guess?”

“Why do they use other people to hurt those they love?”

“Did you drink?” Jongin laughed quietly.

“No… I just… Kyungsoo and I…”

“There’s a Kyungsoo and you?”

“I’m not really sure either,” Jongin kept nibbling on his lip.

“I still can’t follow you… Speak up! I won’t kill you,” the younger grinned.

“You’re not the problem… I just don’t really know how it happened…”

“I still don’t even know what happened… So maybe you could start with that,” the smaller boy was getting a little annoyed and he really hoped staying out in the cold was worth it.

“I kind of… May have…,” Jongin gulped once before mumbling: “slept with Kyungsoo.”

“Congratulations, you got laid… Wait! What?”

“You heard me,” his best friend had blushed madly and tried to look everywhere but at Sehun.

“How did that happen?”

“I just told you I have no idea! We were at this party… It was fun… I met a lot of nice people… And we drank… A little too much, I’d say… And then we were in this room… Alone… I honestly can’t remember when and how we got there… The next thing I know is that he was kissing me… Like… not just kissing… You know… that gross stuff you and Luhan like to do?”

“No need to bring my relationship into this! So… You’re telling me Kyungsoo took you to an empty room to be alone with you?” Sehun couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“I don’t know… Maybe I took him there… But he started kissing me. And I swear it’s him who started to strip us… and… yeah… you know…”

“I know what?”

“Well… I surely didn’t force him to crawl onto my lap and… do things…”

“Gosh, Jongin,” Sehun couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re so red right now. You look like a tomato! So… He like… rode you?” The older just nodded. “How was it?”

“I’m just telling you I had with Kyungsoo, who has a lovely girlfriend, by the way… And all you ask is how it was?” his best friend looked at him a bit bewildered.

“Well… Yeah… That’s what I want to know before thinking about what else to ask… So I can ask the right stuff? Like… If it was bad I don’t even have to ask if you want to do it again, right?”

“You’re the worst… But don’t worry… It was great… I mean… I guess! I don’t really have anything to compare it with…”

“So you’d do it again when you get the chance to?”

“I don’t know,” Jongin sighed.

“Why? I thought you like him?”

“I do… But he doesn’t like me…”

“He slept with you,” Sehun pointed out because it was a fact no one could deny.

“And he’s still with his girlfriend… He treats me the same like before… It’s like he can’t even remember it happened.” The older’s eyes had gotten their blank look back that they had shown the whole week. “I don’t even know how to talk to him anymore… Does he expect me to say something about it? Does he want me to forget it? Will he stay with his girlfriend? That is… If he doesn’t tell her… Because what girl is stupid enough to stay with a guy that cheated on her… And I feel really bad for Eunmi… She doesn’t deserve any of this and it’s kind of my fault as well and she trusted him… And I guess she trusted me not to touch him as well.”

“He really is an … My mum was right… Oh god I hate it when that happens… So… What are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know… Try to forget about it?”

“Is that what you really want?”

“Hell no… He was so close… And I got to kiss him… and well… do more… And it was just… perfect… I want that again… But I know that I won’t get that again… So forgetting it would be the best, right?” Jongin looked at him with hopeful eyes and Sehun felt really bad for not being able to tell his best friend that his plan was total nonsense. It was just that Jongin was right. It would be best to forget about it and move on. He just didn’t know how to do it so there was no advice he could give the other.

“Maybe you should just wait a little… Maybe he’s trying to figure out what he really wants… How to tell Eunmi… I mean… I’m not saying I’m sure he’ll take you in the end… That would be a lie… And to be true… I don’t even want you two to be together anymore after hearing this. What if he would cheat on you after only about two weeks of dating as well? Maybe he’s just not the type for constant relationships. You should think about if you’d really risk being hurt like that. I think a short good time isn’t worth a long period of pain afterwards,” Sehun took a look at Jongin to make sure he was okay.

“I know… It’s just… I don’t know how to fall out of love… I try to! I really do… It just seems like every time I made a little progress he comes and makes me fall even deeper than before. It’s like he just pulls the ground away under my feet and it makes me feel slightly hopeless…”

“I may seem like an saying this right now… But have you ever thought about writing a book? I never knew you were so good at expressing your feelings,” the younger said.

“No… It’s just that you’re terrible at it… So you think I’m great at it because I can at least talk about it a little. You tend to keep all of that inside… Oh… Tell Luhan I said ‘thank you’… I feel bad about leaving him with this mess…”

“Me too… But he has the tower and Yixing,” Sehun grinned. “Even though Kris hates cleaning.”

“What does he not hate? I feel like he hates all of us,” the older laughed a little. “He looks so pissed all the time.”

“I know… That’s just the face he was born with… Poor guy…”

“No… He’s actually kind of handsome. But gosh is he tall! Is he even human?”

“I think so… You could date him and try to find out,” Sehun suggested.

“No… I don’t like guys… Well… Kyungsoo’s the exception. But I never felt attracted to any other guy… Is that strange?”

“I don’t know… I didn’t find that one girl that turns me on yet… I’ll tell you when it happens!”

“You’re no help at all,” Jongin punched his arm lightly.

“I’m sorry… I just never fell in love with a guy that had a girlfriend and thought I was straight and still ed with me… Wait! He thinks you’re straight!” Sehun sat up which sent them both falling onto the ground. “Sorry…”

“You idiot! And yeah… Well… I guess he thinks I’m straight. I never got the chance to tell him I love him…”

“Like him!”


“Love comes with time… You can’t just tell him you love him right from the beginning… Love develops. Like really! Take me and Luhan for example-“

“No thanks,” Jongin cut in. “No more stories about you guys… I mean… Come on… I got to sleep with my crush before you managed to get in your boyfriend’s pants…”

“I just respect his wishes… Which is kind of stupid… Do you think I should just… I don’t know…”

“Jump him? Yeah… That’s what I’m telling you! You’re missing out something great. Well… You won’t have to worry about where you’re standing afterwards…”

“I can’t just ‘jump him’… That seems desperate,” Sehun made a face.

“Aren’t you?” Jongin smirked and got up. “See you tomorrow! Don’t worry about me too much, yeah?”

“Right now I just want to kill you and you should run as long as you can!” His best friend laughed and ran to his house. Sehun only sighed as he watched him disappear before going to his house as well. He needed to call Luhan. But then again Luhan was friends with Kyungsoo and he was sure his boyfriend couldn’t keep his mouth shut. And he didn’t want the little devil that held Jongin’s heart to know that Sehun knew everything yet. He would talk to him about it if he had to. And only then. He decided right then that maybe he should back out of Jongin’s business and let his friend try to solve his problems alone because all he had ever done was making everything wore than it had already been. Maybe it would turn out alright in the end. And maybe Jongin would just get over Kyungsoo. Sehun already hated the short singer with a passion and wanted him gone as soon as possible. No one hurt his best friend and stayed around.






Time had went faster than Sehun would have liked and before he knew it he was at the airport to see Luhan off.

“Don’t forget me,” his boyfriend mumbled and hugged him for what must have been the 100th time that day.

“How could I ever forget you, Lu?” he giggled and pecked Luhan’s temple.

“And don’t grow while I’m gone… I don’t like it… You’re only 2 cm smaller than me now… When did that even happen?”

“You sound like my mum, Lu… And it’s just three weeks! I’ll be at Jongin’s playing stupid games the whole time. There is no time to grow!”

“I know,” the older sighed. “It’s just… I won’t have the chance to see you for a whole of three weeks! That’s so long. You’ll be so far away… What if there’s a thunderstorm?”

“Call me… I’ll come online if you need me to,” Sehun promised and pecked his boyfriend’s lips. “You’re behaving like we won’t see each other for at least a year.”

“And you like you don’t care at all…”

“That’s not it… I just know that you missed your parents… And I guess it’s good you’re going to see them and the rest of your family. You can finally spend some time with them. And you miss your friends as well, right?”

“Kind of…”

“See… So go on and have a good time. You’ll be back here sooner than you think. Just don’t meet any better guys than me…”

“Mhm… Just don’t realize how ing gorgeous Jongin is up close,” Luhan smiled.

“I know that already. But he’s more like a brother… And he’s ing Kyung… No need to worry!”

“He’s WHAT? Since when? Why? Kyungsoo has a girlfriend!” Luhan was utterly shocked. So was Sehun. Because he hadn’t planned on telling the Chinese about that.

“Only in his imagination,” he tried to save the situation and was relieved that Luhan believed him.

“And I thought I missed something important… Don’t do that to me, you little brat! I’m old… I may die of a heart attack!”

“Sorry, gramps… Didn’t mean to kill you,” the teen giggled. “Now go on… You’ll miss your flight.”

“Well… I could just stay here… With you,” Luhan’s eyes held hope.

“No you have to go home… You’re grandmother’s turning 80… You already bought a present and you told me you miss her like crazy. Now go meet her… I’ll wait for you. I promise!”




“What for?”

“Just for being there? I love you! I’ll call you when I’m home,” the older promised and kissed him one last time before finally running to catch his flight.

“Wow… You guys are worse than any drama my sisters ever watched,” Jongin complained. Right… Jongin had been bored and accompanied them to the airport. “Next time I’ll stay at home… Too much rainbow-unicorn-glitter-stuff for me to handle.”

“I didn’t invite you to come… You did so yourself… Not my fault,” Sehun glanced back in the direction Luhan had run off to. “I already miss him.”

“Well… you sounded really mature and stuff until like two minutes ago… Now you sound like a love-sick girl…”

“What would you do if Kyungsoo would leave for three weeks?”

“Be happy that he’d have to leave Eunmi behind as well…”

“True… Let’s get going… And tell me everything about yesterday,” Sehun pulled his best friend back to the subway. “I know you met him. Don’t even try to deny it.”

“I wasn’t trying to… We played a lot of games.”


“Before… Well… You know…”

“So… How much did he drink this time?”

“Nothing… That’s what’s confusing me the most,” Jongin shook his head. “He asked if he could come over next Friday again… What if he wants to sleep with me again?”

“Buy some lube…”

“Thanks, Sehun… I already have a bottle of it… I’m serious… This is not right… I mean… It is as long as he’s with me… But I feel a little betrayed when he goes straight back to her afterwards…”

“You should tell him how you feel…,” Sehun said when they finally got off at their station and started to walk to Jongin’s house. “Or maybe you should talk to Eunmi…”

“I already thought about that… I feel so bad for her… But then I feel like it should be him telling her… Not me… She kind of deserves to hear it from him, right?”

“Yeah… But he won’t tell her, I guess? Either way… It has to stop… I don’t like it… Him playing with you…”




A/N: I'm back from Busan and had a nice lazy day... So I thought you guys deserve a new chapter xD I hope you had fun with it!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~