Chapter 22

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

Sehun cursed who ever had had the idea of giving university students longer holidays than him. His week off had been over in the blink of an eye and him and Jongin hadn’t even finished half of the games they had planned on finishing. He kind of blamed Kyungsoo for that. The older had asked his best friend if he could hang out with them the day after Luhan had left and Jongin, being the idiot he was, had agreed.

Sehun had a lot more reasons to hate Kyungsoo after spending almost a whole week with him. His girlfriend had been away on some family holiday and Jongin’s love interest – or whatever he was – had stayed at Jongin’s place even longer than Sehun.

Well… The youngest had to flee a few times because he certainly wasn’t interested in watching the two of them each other’s faces of while he was trying to win a race. Winning had never been easier but it still kind of bugged him that his rivals had just given up in the middle of the game.

And there had been this one time when Jongin’s parents had been gone for the night thanks to some business-trip and his sisters had gotten the boys a lot of alcohol. Sehun never wanted to see the combination of Jongin, Kyungsoo and alcohol ever again. It had been weird to see how his best friend turned into a hormonal wreck. Before that it had always been Kyungsoo feeling Jongin up. Sehun had decided to leave when Jongin’s hand had found his way into Kyungsoo’s pants and it had taken him two days to get over the shock of seeing it.

Now that he was back in school he was wondering if it wouldn’t be better to watch his best friend making out with the he had given his heard to instead of sitting in a stuffed classroom. And he was perfectly sure that he’d prefer spending more time with his new enemy – because that’s what he was going to call Kyungsoo from now on. No one toyed with Jongin without being Sehun’s enemy – to having a load of homework to do.

And on top of that Luhan was still in China and it seemed like the older was really busy. He’d only called Sehun once. Right after getting to his place and the younger still waited for more infos about how his boyfriend spend his holidays. He just hoped that the Chinese was alright and he just didn’t find the time to call him because when he lay awake at night he thought of all the bad things that could have happened to the other. He could be in a hospital because of various reasons. He could be down with a really high fever. Hell he could have been kidnapped. Sehun would understand everyone who’d want his boyfriend for themselves.

“What are you thinking about?” Jongin asked him when he still hadn’t started to eat after ten minutes.

“Luhan,” he admitted and continued playing with his food.

“Did something happen?”

“I don’t know… He’s never online… He could be dead and I wouldn’t know.”

“I’m pretty sure he’s fine. Maybe they’re having trouble with the internet connection. Didn’t he say something about visiting his grandmother? Who knows where she lives,” his best friend said and stole one of his potatoes. “Eat! Bambi will kill me when I let you starve.”

“Wow… The enemy is gone and you care about what I do…,” the younger rolled his eyes and shoves a piece of meat in his mouth. “And I think she lives in a city as well… It’s just… I miss him.”

“Only two weeks to go, man… You’ll survive. And… We have a new enemy? Who? Why don’t I know about him? Or is it a girl?”

“It’s mister ‘I’ll-play-with-Jongin-until-he-breaks-apart’ and of course you wouldn’t know that I tried to kill him with my eyes the whole ing week.”

“Are you talking about Kyung? Leave him alone… He never did anything to you,” Jongin said and pulled a face.

“Love really makes blind… Hit me when I’m ever stupid enough to stay with someone who cheats on me… Wait no… He isn’t even cheating on you… He just uses you to cheat on someone else! Even WORSE! And it gives me enough reason to hate him. I don’t like people who play with other’s feelings like that.”

“He doesn’t even know about my feelings…”

“He should know that Eunmi likes him, you know? You’re not the only victim here… Even though I have to admit that you’re quite an as well… You keep doing it although you know that he has a girlfriend. That’s not exactly nice as well,” Sehun made sure to glare at his best friend.

“I know, Sehun… It’s just… would you stop seeing Luhan just because he had someone else?”

“No! I mean… I wouldn’t even have started anything. And excuse me… But Luhan isn’t the type to sleep with random people when he’s in a relationship. He’s way too nice and way to honest for something like that… God you have ideas…”

“Calm down! I wasn’t saying he’d ever cheat on someone… I was asking if you could hold back if you were me,” Jongin rolled his eyes. “I hope bambi comes back soon… You’re a little aggressive without him here to control you.”

“I honestly don’t know what I would do if I were you… But I think telling him that you like him would be a really good start!”

“What if he stops then?”

“Well then you’d at least know that he doesn’t like you back… That would be something as well…”

“I don’t even want to know it when he doesn’t like me back,” Jongin’s voice had gotten a little quieter.

“You’d rather pretend he does until you get tired of him? Don’t you think that would hurt even more on the long run?”

“I don’t know… I’m just not ready for being rejected yet. I mean… He has this perfect girl that really likes him. Why would he choose me?”

“Because he doesn’t seem to really care about her… He’s sleeping with you instead of her… Or in addition… Whatever…”

“Instead! Let’s pray that it’s instead of her! I’m not good at sharing,” the taller panicked a little.

“You already have to share him… No matter if he sleeps with her or not. Now if you excuse me… I have to go home and try to call my boyfriend…”

“We still have P.E…. Two more hours to go, Sehun.”

“God… Life hates me,” Sehun threw his arms in the air. “Where did I go wrong that I have to suffer so much?” He heard Jongin giggle beside him and shot him a glare. “You go back to being depressed… Then we can be depressed together… How about we ditch homework tonight and watch a movie?”

“Sounds like every other night to me… With the exception that I won’t be alone today,” Jongin grinned. “Come over at eight. And now hurry! I don’t want to be late. We’re playing soccer today.”






When Sehun arrived at his best friend’s room at 8 he was alone. He couldn’t see any traces of Jongin at all. There were no clothes scattered on the floor, the books were laying on the desk way too neatly and the bed had been made. Something was off. Like really off. And the worst part was that he couldn’t even hear his tall friend. Jongin didn’t know how to be quiet. He always had to be loud and he always found something to talk about.

“Looking for Jongin?,” one of his sisters suddenly asked Sehun. The latter turned around, still a little shocked because he hadn’t expected her to come in.

“Well… Yeah… Where is he? I mean… did he move out? Why is everything so clean?”

“Oh that,” she giggled. “Mum cleaned his room today… He’ll be back soon… She forced him to buy a suit.”

“What for?” Sehun pulled a face. He hated suits with a passion. They were uncomfortable and any situation that required wearing a suit was boring.

“Our cousin’s going to marry.”

“The cute one?”

“She’s 18, Sehun… The guy’s marrying.”

“But he’s the cute one! I don’t care about her… She’s a girl! Girls mean trouble,” the younger pointed out.

“Oh… Well then… Sorry… But yeah… He’s getting married… Why? Looking for someone? I thought you had bambi?”

“His name is Luhan… Gosh I hate Jongin… And I’m not looking for anyone… I’m perfectly happy with Luhan, thanks.”

“Why isn’t he here? I heard so much about him... I want to meet him,” the girl nudged his shoulder.

“He’s in China…”

“Why would your boyfriend be in China?”

“He’s Chinese… And he still has holidays… So he’s visiting his family.”

“How can he still have holidays?”

“He’s in university,” Sehun blushed.

“Wow… A university guy. That sounds hot. Can you find me one too? I mean… He has to have a few friends there, right?”

“He has a roommate… Kris… Chinese… Freaking tall! He could be a model… or a basketball player. And he’s not that bad looking… I mean… He’s a little frightening at first… But he’s actually really nice. I can give him your number. He’s 19, by the way.”

“Make sure he calls me! Today is better than tomorrow. Can you call him right now?” She seemed excited.

“I don’t have his number… I only have him on facebook…”

“Sehun… My computer is all yours… Come on… It’s been way too long since you last came into my room. I missed you there.”

“Sure… That’s why you scream at us every time we come in…”

“I just don’t want Jongin in there… He tries to read my diary… You’re always welcome… Noona will get you some snacks while you write him, yeah?”

“It’s okay… I’m not five anymore… I can do it without snacks… Oh… And beneath the matrass is the worst spot to hide your diary ever… Jongin reads it almost every day…,” Sehun grinned and sat down in front of the pink laptop to write his boyfriend’s roommate a message.

It wasn’t even five minutes after he send it that Jongin burst into the room. “Sehun? Did she force you to do anything you didn’t want to do? Did she make you wear her clothes and make-up? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Jongin… She just let me use her computer… I’m trying to set her up with Kris.”

“Fits… Both are moody… Both freak me out… I hope, they’ll marry.”

“I can hear you,” his sister called from her bathroom.

“I know… So… movie?”

“Mhm… How did the shopping go?”

“It was fine… Mum bought me some new clothes… and socks! I swear those things keep disappearing. And I have to admit I look gorgeous in a suit. Like… I’m sure I’ll kill a few hearts at that wedding.”

“How humble you are today, oaf… But I already thought you’d look good in it… I mean… good looking guys always look way too good in suits…”

“Did you two want to tell me something?” Jongin’s sister asked them with a raised eyebrow.

“We love you?” Sehun tried

“A lot,” Jongin added.

“I mean… Are you dating? All those compliments… AH! Bambi’s just an excuse, right? You’re the one who gives my baby all those hickeys, right?” her eyes bore holes into Sehun.

“Hickeys?” he managed to get out and saw Jongin blushing madly at his side. “He gives you hickeys? Where? I’ve never seen them! Get undressed! Now! How could you keep that from me?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about… And I’m not going to undress in front of you…”

“Did you say ‘he’? So… you do have a boyfriend, Jongin? I never knew you were interested in guys…”

“Neither did I… And we’re not together… He has a girlfriend…”

“Where are the hickeys coming from?”

“We have … There… Satisfied? Oh god… Why do we have to talk about that? I don’t need my family to know about that,” Jongin groaned.

“So… He cheats on that girl with you? Why doesn’t he break up with her? Do I know him?” She seemed pissed.

“No,” her brother said.

“Kyungsoo,” Sehun shrugged and it earned him a death glare from his best friend.

“Kyungsoo? Squishy little baby Kyung? No way… Oh god… He’s so dead!”

“I’ll help you,” Sehun promised.

“Leave him alone, will you… He doesn’t know I like him… Let me figure out what to do on my own…”

“No Jongin… Even if he doesn’t know… What does he think? That his straight friend sleeps with him even though he knows he has a girlfriend just for the fun of it? Oh god… Guys can be so stupid… Why can’t they think on their own? Why do we need to tell them every little detail? How can he be so dumb? I mean… Is he blind? And how can he not like you? Look at you, Jongin! I’d totally take you if I weren’t your sister. You’re nice, funny, tall… You look like a model and dance like a god… You have a nice body and you can be this adorable little baby… Who wouldn’t date you?!”

“Finally someone who has the same opinion as me,” Sehun said and ignored his blushing friend.

“Why don’t you date him? You’d be so cute together… Actually… I was hoping you guys would end up together ever since I knew you liked boys…”

“I have Lu… And sorry… But he’s like my brother… That would be gross,” the youngest grimaced.

“Accepted. But after Lu… Think about it.”

“Sorry… There is no after Lu,” Sehun smiled.

“That is so cute. Please let me find my Lu as well,” she pinched Sehun’s cheek.

“Go get yourself some bubble tea and wait for a guy running around the corner and splashing it all over you,” Jongin said. “Wait until he offers to buy you a new one and then see what comes next.”

“Your life is like a movie… I’m so jealous,” she admitted and flopped down on her bed.

“Whatever… We’ll be going,” Jongin told her and pushed Sehun out of the room.

“Sehun… I’ll call you to plan the downfall of Mr. ‘I look squishy and nice on the outside but in reality I’m an ’, yeah?” she called after them.

“I’ll wait for your call!”

“I’ll kill both of you if you touch him!”

“Jealous much?” Sehun grinned.

“You have no idea. Only I'm allowed to touch him!”




A/N: So... Sehun found someone who could help him kill Kyungsoo... We'll see if they go through with their plan xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~