Chapter 32

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“I’m really sorry I said that last night,” Jongin said as soon as Sehun had arrived in his room. “It was unnecessary and totally uncalled for and I… I don’t know why I said that… I’m sorry.” Sehun looked at his best friend who kept staring at his feet and felt almost sorry for him.

“You should be… It was really uncalled for…”

“I know… I just didn’t like how he said that you were perfect and stuff… I mean… It’s nice to know he thinks that way… It’s just that he didn’t think this way when he was in China…”

“Jongin… Just stop…”


“It’s not like I’m telling Kyungsoo stuff like that… I should have though…”

“It’s not like you ever had the chance to… You don’t talk to him!”

“Oh… But I did when he came over to my house to talk about you.” Sehun felt great when he saw Jongin’s shocked face. “Didn’t expect that, huh?”

“When did he come over? Oh god… What did you tell him?”

“Not that long ago… And I didn’t tell him much… He did the talking… I just listened to it… He told me his side of the story… And gosh the two of you are stupid! How can you both be so blind? And you know what the worst part of it is?”

“What is it?” Jongin looked a little concerned when he asked.

“The worst part is that I can’t hate him anymore because I kind of pity him… And that I told this to go and have fun with you… Because that’s what he wanted all along… Long before you finally realized that you liked him… Because you were an idiot and I bet you were hurting him like hell by telling him about all those nice girls you met… I sat there and really hoped… Like not only for you but also for him… That you two will finally get together and work this out and that you guys will be happy because you both deserve it… And then you go and have to say stupid stuff like that to my boyfriend. Do you even know how much he still regrets it? Do you have any idea how much he still suffers because he doesn’t know how to make it up to me? Do you have any idea what this means for our relationship? That it could kill everything when he can’t believe me when I say I forgave him because he can’t forgive himself?” Sehun glared at the boy in front of you. “If you ever say anything like that again,” he leaned down to look Jongin straight into his eyes. “If you ever do that again I swear I’ll kill you! Because I’m not going to watch how someone comes and kills my relationship.” Jongin gulped visibly and nodded.

“Good… Because I can live with the fact that we didn’t work because I did something wrong… or he did something wrong… Or when we just drift apart… But I don’t want it to end because someone else can’t keep their mouth shut.”

“I’m sorry…”

“I know,” Sehun sighed. “And I’m sorry for how I behaved just now…”

“It’s okay… I may have done the same… But… You guys are okay, right?” He sounded seriously concerned.

“We are… We talked about it for a long time… And now he thinks there is a hundred-year-old soul living in my 15-year-old body…”

“I always thought it was the other way round,” the taller joked which just earned him another glare. “Sorry…”

“You are an idiot… So… Any news from Kyungsoo?”

“He reached home safely… Other than that… Nope… He works today because one of the cooks is sick… Can we talk about what you said about Kyung?”

“No… I promised myself not to tell you because I thought it would be best for him to tell you…”

“Okay… I’ll just pretend I didn’t know…”

“That’s what I wanted to hear… So… How about we do some stuff for school now?”

“I hate Luhan for the fact that he turned you into a nerd,” Jongin huffed.

“Why? Did you have any other plans for today?”



“Staring at my phone until Kyungie writes?”

“Wow… And you always tell me I’m a love-sick puppy… Look into the mirror, Mister!”

“What? We’re still in the nearly-together-phase where you are a little hopeless… And where you stare at your phone lovingly the whole day only to hate everyone when someone who isn’t the one you love contacts you…”

“You… Will be the next best drama-script writer… This is the worst thing I ever heard… You spend too much time with your sisters… I need to get you under guys… Lots of manly guys!”

“No thanks… Manly guys play sports I don’t like… I only like soccer – on dry fields – and… I like ice-skating… And normal skating… And biking… And… Yeah… Does dancing count?”

“How could I not see that you were gay?”

“HEY! Other guys also like to bike!”

“Yeah… But there not such… Girls about dirt,” Sehun argued.

“Oh shut up… I know a lot of straight guys that don’t like getting dirty.”



“Wow… That’s a lot… Like… Holy … That’s nearly an army...” The younger just rolled his eyes.

“You … Get those books out… I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”

“Okay,” Sehun rummaged through his back bag to find the book they needed.

“This is exactly what you wanted, right?”


“ my life…”






It was about four hours after the boys had started to study when Jongin’s door opened very slowly and both boys looked at it a little puzzled. No one in Jongin’s family could be behind the door. They all just burst into the room no matter what time of the day it was or who was over to visit the youngest of the family.

“Maybe it’s a ghost,” Sehun whispered and Jongin only rolled his eyes before going back to staring at the door.

“Who’s there?” He asked after a few more seconds and he’d gotten bored of staring.

“Me…” Kyungoo’s head appeared from behind the door… “Sorry… I didn’t want to interrupt your study session…”

“Just burst through the door like the world’s going to end next time,” Sehun recommended. “We’re used to that.”

“Oh… Good to know.” Kyungsoo smiled at them and Jongin had gone back to staring. Sehun kicked him before giving him a look that clearly meant to greet the older who still stood in the doorframe.

“What are you doing here?” He finally asked after a few minutes of awkward silence and Sehun thanked every god he could think of.

“Oh… I could go home early… And I was allowed to take the chocolate cake home with me… And I know how much you like the chocolate cake… So… Yeah… I thought I could bring it over… I didn’t know you were studying though… Sorry…”

“No… It’s okay… We’re done anyway,” Sehun said and stood up. Well… They weren’t really done… But he was tired of studying. Four hours were enough for one day. And he wanted those two idiots to have some time to talk. “He’d love to have some of your chocolate cake… I’ll see you tomorrow, oaf! Don’t forget that we have a report due on Wednesday.” With that he packed his stuff and left.

Jongin was still on the floor in front of all his books and looked a little confused.

“Should I… leave?” Kyungsoo asked. “I mean… I shouldn’t eve have come here without telling you beforehand… I don’t even know if you’re okay with me being here that fast… I’m sorry!”

“It’s okay… It’s just… Do you think Sehun’s okay?”

“He seemed fine… Why?” the older wondered.

“20 minutes ago he was talking about how we’d study at least another three hours… And now he just left… That means I’m free… And I was sure he was going to torture me a lot longer after yesterday…”

“Why? What did you do?”

“I said something to Luhan I shouldn’t have,” the younger admitted and finally stood up as well to walk over and hug his unexpected guest. “How did you come inside?”

“Your sister… The older one… Opened the door and said she was sure you could need some help up here…”

“She was right… I thought my brain was going to explode… I mean… I guess it’s good that I finally studied… But it was too much at once…”

“So… What did you say that made him so mad?”

“They were being all lovey-dovey and Luhan said something about how much of a perfect boyfriend Sehun was and I kind of had to open my mouth and tell him that he needed to cheat on him first to realize it… But I know that it’s a topic they try to avoid because Luhan still feels like about it… Yeah… I didn’t really think about what I said and Sehun got really mad and he… Hell I’ve never seen him this mad to be honest…”

“He didn’t look angry right now…”

“We talked about it and he told me he’d kill me when I kill their relationship and yeah… We’re good now…”

“I think it’s really cute that he gets so overprotective when it comes to Luhan,” Kyungsoo said and smiled softly.

“Yeah… It is… Don’t tell him I said that though… He’d never shut up anymore…”

“Okay… So… It’s really okay for me to be here? Because… I can just leave now… Without the cake of course…”

“Don’t be stupid, Kyungie… If it wasn’t okay my sister would know and you wouldn’t be in my room right now. I actually really like that you thought about me when you were allowed to take the cake home with you… I’m sure your parents like cake as well.”

“They don’t… But my brother loves it.”

“You have a brother?”

“Yup… Older… He’s at university right now… In America…”

“Oh… Too bad… No cake for him… Ha… Must to know that I don’t only get his little brother but also the cake he would get when he’d be home…”

“He doesn’t really care about me… At least not when he has to choose between me and cake,” the smaller laughed.

“My sister would trade me against make-up without even thinking about it… That’s even worse…”

“She wouldn’t.”

“She already tried that… 4 years ago… The lady at the shop told her she’d take me… My sister got her make-up and I had to stay with this creepy old lady… Well… Mum and dad had to come to pay for the make-up and pick me up… Thinking back… I think the old lady did it to show my sister that it was wrong to try to sell your siblings... But back then I was just afraid and felt betrayed and unloved… Well… Not to mention my sister learned nothing from it… She never hat to pay for the make-up because my parents were too shocked about the fact that I had been sold and they were just happy to have me back… And it took a while to make me calm down again… At least a week…”

“Poor you… It must to be sold for make-up… I’m glad they got you back!”

“Me too… The old lady didn’t even give me cookies when I asked for them…” Kyungsoo laughed at him and Jongin only grinned.

“So… Do you want that cake right now or should I put it in the fridge?”

“Fridge it is… We have to talk…”

“That doesn’t sound good… About what?”

“About the fact that you liked me long before I realized I liked you,” the younger smirked when he saw Kyungsoo blush.

“Do we have to?”

“No… But I really want to…”

“Okay… Gosh… This is embarrassing!”

“No… It’s really cute! Since when?”

“Remember when Baek invited me over to watch movies?”

“You mean the day we first met?”


“That long?” Jongin asked shocked. Kyungsoo blushed a little harder before nodding.

“Holy … WOW! Why?”

“Well… At first it was more like… A little crush… Like those crushes you have on celebrities, you know? Because well… You’re handsome and exactly the type of guy I always wanted?... And later when I got to know you and hoped you would turn out to be an you had to be all cute and innocent and perfect, you idiot…” Kyungsoo buried his face in his hands.

“Wow… Okay… I don’t know what I like best about this… The fact that you compare me to celebrities, that I’m exactly what you always wanted or that you think I’m perfect… Hm… The last two have to share the first place.” Jongin grinned down and the embarrassed boy in his arms.

“Shut up…”

“You’re cute,” the taller giggled before pulling Kyungsoo’s hands off his face to kiss him.

“Can we stop to talk about it now?” the short boy pleaded after a while.

“Sure… I know everything I wanted to know,” Jongin smirked at him.

“You are the worst and you’re going to be my death!”

“At least I’m going to be the perfect death you always wanted…”

“Don’t let that get to your head!”

“Too late, Kyungie… Too late…”

“Stop that! Or I’ll never cook for you again!”

“I never said anything…”

“Good boy!”

“I’m always a good boy…”


“Want me to show you?” The younger whispered into Kyungsoo’s ear before nibbling at it.

“What about taking it slow and stuff?”

“That was before I knew you liked me right from the start… What about Eunmi?”

“A failed attempt to get rid of my feelings for you… And before you ask… It’s not like I didn’t like her at all… And I’m definitely not proud about what I did…”

“Do me a favor?”


“Next time… Just tell me right away…”

“Jongin… You didn’t even know you liked guys… You wouldn’t have liked the idea of me having a crush on you…”

“You could have changed that… Trust me… You know how to make straight guys fall for you…”

“You’re the first one…”

“Well then it was a hidden talent and I’m glad I helped you discover it…”

“You’re weird, you know?” the older giggled.

“That’s what makes me perfect and every-“

“Stop it and use your mouth more wisely…”

“Yes, Sir!” Jongin was still snickering when he captured Kyungsoo’s lips for another kiss.

“Oh!” Kyungsoo pushed him away gently. “I promised Sehun we would talk…”

“Why would you listen to what Sehun has to say?”

“Because he was right with what he said… It could actually help us, you know?”

“Okay… Let’s talk,” Jongin sat down on his bed and looked at the older. “About what?”

“You’re really an idiot,” Kyungsoo giggled and sat down next to him. “About our feelings and stuff…”

“Oh… Okay… I’m not good at talking about my feelings…”

“Same here… That’s why we should… That’s why we had so many problems finding together…”

“Does that mean that we’re… like… together?... For real?”

“I guess… If you still want to,” The smaller smiled softly.

“Of course I still want to!”

“Cool… Than… I guess I have to save your number under ‘boyfriend’ now?” Jongin giggled at his BOYFRIEND’s question.

“No… ‘boyfriend that is perfect for me’ sounds better…”

“That’s too long…”

“Just leave ‘Jongin’ there…”

“What name did you save me under?”

“None of your business,” Jongin blushed. “We wanted to talk about feelings…”

“No… I want to talk about your phone now…”

“I saved you as ‘Kyungie <3’, okay?”

“That’s cute!”

“It’s totally girly…”

“I think it’s cute… I don’t care about the rest.”

“Thanks,” Jongin smiled. “So… about those feelings… I like you… What else do we have to talk about?”

“About the fact that maybe in the future… We should tell each other everything honestly and not think about it on our own before… Because we’ve seen what we get from it… So… Whenever you feel wronged or you don’t like something I do… Just tell me… Than we can talk about it!”

“Okay… I don’t like you being homeschooled… It would be cool to have you in my school… We could eat lunch together and spend those stupid five-minute-breaks making out in the corridor…” Even though the younger had really meant what he said Kyungsoo burst out laughing. “What?”

“Sorry to crush your hopes… But this is Korea… Korea hates gay people… I honestly wonder how I managed to have so many friends that are okay with it! And I’m not talking about Luhan and Sehun but about those friends that stayed after I told them even though they’re not gay themselves.”

“Like who? Do I know them?”

“Not yet… Like Jongdae and Joonmyun… Wait… You should know Joonmyun… I mean… He’s in your school… You know… That guy that every teacher loves?”

“Kim Joonmyun? The guy who should tutor me in maths?”

“Why ‘should’?”

“I never show up for our meetings… I hate numbers… It’s boring…”

“Joonmyun’s pretty good-looking,” Kyungsoo winked.

“I have a boyfriend, thank you very much!”

“Come on… Give that poor guy a chance… Oh god… I can’t believe that you’re the little devil he keeps complaining about,” the older laughed. “He’s really nice… And he knows how to teach maths… Trust me!”

“I still don’t want to spend my free time in school with him…”

“I’m sure he’d be okay with meeting here or at his place… You could meet Thursdays… In the restaurant… I work every Thursday and I could make sure you’re going to survive.”

“Why do you even care?”

“Because I don’t want you to fail any classes… And Joonmyun’s very upset about it… He always gets scolded by your math teacher because you’re still as bad as you were at the beginning of the year…”

“Oh… I didn’t know I was causing him trouble… Tell him I’m sorry!”

“Tell him yourself… I’m sure he’ll still help you.”

“And there’s no way to convince you to come to my school?”

“Nope… Because I’m already in your school…”


“I’m starting on Monday… My parents finally accepted that I hate being at home the whole day and that I need some people my age around me… Well… And Joonmyun’s there… His parents and mine are really close friends… And they trust Joonmyun to take care of me.”

“So… We’re eating lunch together starting from Monday?”

“Sure… If I can bring Joonmyun and Jongdae along…”

“Jongdae is no problem…”


“Okay… Bring the math tutor along as well,” he sighed. “I’m only doing this for you.”

“And your future…”

“Yeah… I’ll thank you about it later when I found a job…”

“I’ll be waiting… Do you know anyone in my year?”

“You’re a year above me… So… No… Sorry…”

“Two years…”


“I was homeschooled… I get to skip a year…”

“Oh then… Baek… And Yeol…”

“Cool… Oh wait… Jongdae’s a year older than me… How could I forget?”

“I don’t know…”

“That’s because he doesn’t act his age… He always trolls everybody… Even his teachers…”

“Oh… Chen!”


“He’s in the same class as Baek and Yeol… They call him ‘Chen’… Everybody knows him… He’s a legend because he’s the one to blame that our chemistry teacher had to go home without his pants once... He’s brilliant!”

“He did WHAT? This guy is going to be the death of me, I swear…”

“I love him… He’s my role model!”

“You better find a new one soon… I’m going to kill him! But why do they call him ‘Chen’?”

“Because it’s shorter and it sounds funkier… It fits him…”

“Your school’s weird… No wonder you found friends there…”

“HEY! I’m your boyfriend now! Be nice,” Jongin pouted.

“I promise.”

“Good… Kiss?”

“Let me think about it…”


“Okay,” Kyungsoo grinned before finally forgetting about his plans to kill his friend Jongdae for the moment and spend some time with Jongin to make sure the brat got what he wanted.



A/N: So... here is some more KaiSoo... Because I really needed Joonmyun to be in this story... You'll see why pretty soon xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~