Chapter 31

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“So… Jongin’s out on his date with Kyungsoo right now?” Luhan asked him for what must have been the tenth time.

“Yes, Lu. And you’re here to help me with my Chinese… Because my Chinese really !”

“Oh it doesn’t, baby. You sound so cute when you pronounce it all wrong…” the Chinese pinched his cheeks.

“Sounding cute won’t get me through this class, Lu,” Sehun sighed.

“Is your teacher a guy?”

“No… Why?”

“Well then… Just let me talk to her! I’ll make sure you’ll get your perfect grade… So… enough studying…”

“Luuuuu… I’d really like to improve my Chinese! This is important to me… Just like you really wanted my help with Korean when you came here.”

“I still don’t get why you need to know Chinese… I’d never learn it if I didn’t grew up in China… Way too hard!”

“I want to learn it because of you… I want to be able to meet your family someday… And what if you get the perfect job over there? I want to be able to follow you… I mean… Sure I don’t know how long we’ll be together… But I’d rather learn it now just to make sure I could follow you if I have to…”

“But… Who said I was going back to China?”

“No one did… But… You may get a really nice job offered…”

“And you’d come with me? Just like this?” Luhan’s eyes widened.

“Not just like this… I have to go to university… But I could try to get into one in China… Or I could come after finishing university…”

“You’d leave your family because of me?”

“I guess… I could still visit them… They could come and visit us… If it works out nice between us… Why would I not follow you?” Sehun shrugged.

“Sehun… You’re the cutest thing ever.” Luhan nearly cried and wrapped him in the tightest hug the younger had ever gotten in his whole life. “And I love you… And you’re perfect… And… I love you!”

“I love you too, Lu… Now can we please go back to Chinese? Because I have no clue what this paper says… And I have a feeling that it tells me what to do for my homework…”

“Oh… It does… It says to write a little ‘essay’ about yourself. Like… Your name, age… Hobbies… Favorite subject… Dreams for the future… Stuff like that…”

“Sure…. Because I know enough vocabulary to write about my dreams for the future,” the teen just rolled his eyes.

“You don’t… But guess who is Chinese, in your room right now and knows all of them? That’s true… It’s me… And I’m even going to teach you all the nice Chinese characters for it and you’re going to need forever to write them down because some of them are really hard and way too complicated for beginners… But I’m just preparing you for what you’ll have to study… Maybe next year? I don’t know… Maybe in two years? Anyway… You’ll be the best in your class and the others are going to hate you because you’re so much better than them!”

“Lu… I just want to be able to understand as much as possible without cutting time from studying for my other subjects… And I certainly don’t want to cut our cuddle-time down!”

“Oh… Okay… I’ll just stop to speak Korean to you… It should be easy to improve fast that way, right?”

“Sure, Lu… But you’d have to start to talk more and kiss me less,” the younger giggled.

“I knew this plan was too good to be true… Okay… Focus… We’re going to work on your homework for exactly two hours… After that I want us to move to your bed… I brought the movie I told you about.” Luhan grinned proudly because he finally remembered to bring the DVD after wanting to do so at least four times.

“After those two hours I’ll need something to eat, Lu… Mum made cake… And we can make popcorn… We even have some carrots… And the cake has apples in it… See? All healthy stuff!”

“Not the popcorn… But I love popcorn…”

“Popcorn’s made from corn… Corn is some sort of cruel vegetable... It IS healthy,” Sehun argued.

“Whatever… Homework! Now!” And with that two hours of straight torture started. Why had Sehun ever thought it would be a good idea to have Luhan help him with his Chinese? This guy was a whole lot better than his teacher and he wanted him to write a lot more of those cruel characters that Sehun was sure he’d never be able to remember. Who needed them anyway? They were way too complicated and there were way too many and he really loved King Sejeon for inventing the Hangeul for the Koreans because otherwise he’d have had to write in those characters his whole life.






They just started their second movie for the night when there was a silent knock at the door. Luhan looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“Who’s that?”

“How should I know?” Sehun laughed. “I can’t see through doors, Lu… COME IN!”

“Dou you have your clothes on?” Jongin asked them after opening the door just a little bit.

“Why would we not wear any clothes?” Luhan wanted to know and paused the movie.

“Oh I don’t know,” Jongin rolled his eyes and entered the room.

“Why are you back so early?” Sehun sat up.

“Early? It’s almost one…”

“Oh… I didn’t even notice…”

Of course you didn’t, baby… You slept through most of the first movie,” Luhan giggled before making some room for Jongin and telling him to join them.

“That’s completely your fault! You tortured me with too much Chinese…”

“Sorry, baby…”

“It’s okay… So… Why are you here? Did he do something wrong?” Sehun suddenly remembered his best friend’s date and got worried.

“Hm? Oh… No! It was really nice… I just… I forgot my keys… And no one’s home yet… My sister will be here in about 20 minutes…”

“You’re the worst,” Sehun laughed and Luhan just rolled his eyes.

“Who forgets to bring their keys? I mean… Kris always does… But I didn’t know you were as stupid as Kris…”

“That’s just one of the problems that really handsome people have… We tend to forget our keys at home,” Jongin shrugged.

“Did you just call my roommate ‘really handsome’?”

“Well… He is really handsome…”

“He’s not,” Sehun said. “He’s too tall and he always pulls this face…”

“I think he’s handsome, okay? He’s more my type than Luhan is… Sorry…”

“I can live with that,” the youngest decided.

“He’s the complete opposite of Kyungsoo,” Luhan said after a while.

“Kyungsoo is everything I never thought I would like… He’s short… He always looks shocked and he’s a nerd… He loves to cook and to clean and he enjoys reading… I never saw myself with someone like that,” Jongin laughed. “But I guess you can’t help who you fall in love with, right?”

“True… I wouldn’t be with Sehun if I could have decided that…”

“HEY! Why? What’s so bad about me?”

“You’re four years younger than me!”

“So? I really liked you right from the first time we met…”

“Oh god… You should have heard him when he called me and told me about you,” Jongin nearly fell off the bed laughing. “He sounded like those girls in mangas… It was really bad… It was even worse when you kissed him for the first time…”

“Traitor,” Sehun mumbled and Luhan just grinned.

“I thought you were really cute… And I really hated myself for wanting to meet you again… But now I’m glad I did… I mean… You even learned how to knit just because of me… And now you’re learning Chinese… No one ever did anything like that for me…”

“Well… I guess no one killed you with their cooking either, right? Just… Don’t let him learn that for you,” Jongin snickered.

“Hey… You there… Why don’t you wait in front of your door until your sister comes back? It’s nice and cold out there…”

“Don’t be like this, baby! You’ll learn how to cook eventually… And if you don’t that’s okay as well because I can cook… Now… Tell us about your date, Jongin.”

“Noooo! None of your business?”

“That bad?” Both of them asked at the same time.

“What? No! It was really nice. We went to a really nice restaurant for dinner… I have to show you that restaurant! I swear the food there is amazing!”

“Cool… We can go there together… All four of us,” Sehun suggested.

“Sounds cool,” Luhan joined in. “I always wanted a double date… How does he know it?”

“It’s his uncle’s… And he works there when he’s bored… And he made our dessert himself… I was allowed to go to the kitchen with him… And I thought his kimchi spaghetti were nice… God I was wrong… I really hopes he’ll take over for his uncle later… I’d go there every day…”

“Just move in with him… He can cook at home,” Sehun told him.

“But you can never have as many things at home as you have in a restaurant!”

“Are you in love with him or with his food?” Luhan giggled.

“Both! And after that we went to the cinema… The movie was great!”

“And then?”

“I came home?”

“I’m sure the movie was over before midnight…”

“We walked home…”

“Oh… Why?”

“To spend more time together?”

“Did he walk you home?”

“Nearly… He left in front of your door because I already knew my key wasn’t with me…”

“You guys made out in front of MY door?” Sehun pulled a face.

“No… It was just a really short peck. We’re taking things slow, remember? As if we never did anything before…” Jongin only mumbled the last part to himself.

“You guys are so cute,” Luhan squealed. “How about next Friday? We could go on our double-date on Friday… After 5! I have classes till three and have to put my stuff home first…”

“Sure… I’ll ask him later when he calls…”

“He’s going to call you in the middle of the night?” Sehun raised an eyebrow.

“Sure he is… I want to know if he gets home safely… I might be the younger one… But he looks so fragile and cute and squishy… I hope no one will do anything to him…”

“He’ll be okay,” Luhan promised. “Do you want to watch the movie with us?”

“No… Just… Have fun… My sister should be back really soon… I’ll go now!”

“At least stay until she’s really here,” Sehun said. “I don’t want you to get sick…”

“And I don’t want to disturb you any longer…”

“We were just watching a movie. Really,” Luhan said. “Okay… And we cuddled… It’s not like you keep us from doing that…”

“What are you watching?”

“Harry Potter…”

“I’m out as soon as my sister’s here,” Jongin sighed before sliding under the blanked. “Harry Potter… Really?”

“What? I like Harry Potter, okay,” Luhan argued. “I want to go to a school like this as well… And I want to ride a broom… And do cool magic tricks and stuff!”

“Sure, bambi… Dream on… Maybe someday your dreams will come true…”

“You think so?” You could hear the hope in the oldest’s voice.

“Well… Yes,” Jongin said because he didn’t want to crush the Chinese’s childish hopes.

“See, baby… There are always people that believe that your dreams will come true,” Luhan nudged his boyfriend.

“No, Lu… He’s just trying to be nice for once… I’m sorry to do this to you… But someone has to tell you… You’ll never learn about magic and stuff and you’ll never go to a school like Hogwarts… You’re too old for school already!”

“Damn… I didn’t think of that… Maybe they have some kind of university…”

“Sure, bambi… They’ll build one just for you… Why do you want to go there anyway? It’s not like the guys there are hot…”

“JONGIN! He already has a hot guy!” Sehun nearly shrieked.

“Who?” his best friend wanted to know.


“Sorry… But you’re not hot… You’re… Just… Sehun…”

“He IS hot,” Luhan defended him.

“See? I AM hot!”

“Not in my eyes…”

“That’s good,” Luhan said. “I won’t need to worry then…”

“Why would you need to worry?” Sehun was curious.

“Because he’s really good-looking and he’s a little mysterious and I’m sure everyone could fall for him?”

“No, Lu… Not everybody… Because I’ll always see just you… Jongin and the rest of the guys out there can be as good-looking and mysterious and romantic and nice and as whatever they want to… I already found the missing piece to my puzzle!” The Chinese’s eyes glistened and he smiled at the younger.

“Can there be anyone better than you?”

“Okay… I’m out of here… This is way too cliché and sappy and romantic and you guys are looking at each other like you’ve just seen the world’s greatest wonders and I’m going to throw up if I have to see it any longer.” Jongin made a gagging noise to emphasize his little speech before crawling off the bad.

“Oh you’re just jealous that I got Sehun before you realized that you’re gay and he’s perfect boyfriend material,” Luhan stuck his tongue out.

“I always knew he would be a good boyfriend… You’re the one who didn’t and had to go sleep with someone else before realizing it.” The dark haired boy glared at the Chinese before turning around and leaving them alone, not without slamming the door shut first.

“Great… Now my whole family’s awake… Idiot,” Sehun mumbled while Luhan just stared at the pillow and sighed. “Are you okay?”


“Lu… What’s wrong?”

“Nothing… It’s just… He’s right… I shouldn’t even be here… I don’t even deserve any of that…”

“Hey… Stop that! I know you’re sorry and I told you it was okay, right?”

“Still… He has a point… I really didn’t realize what I had in you before I nearly lost you…” Luhan was on the verge of tears and Sehun cupped his face in his hands.

“Listen… I don’t want to hear any more about that guy and the fact that you slept with him… It happened… We talked about it… It’s in the past and it has nothing to do with this relationship anymore… I took you back and with that this story is done… And if you needed it to realize how much you like me it’s a good thing it happened, right? You won’t need to ask yourself if there would be someone else for you… Well… At least not for now… So just… Don’t listen to what Jongin says… I bet he didn’t even really want to say it and I swear I’m going to hurt him for talking about it… But just… Ignore him, will you? For me?”

“How can you not be angry about it anymore?”

“I was never really angry about it… It just hurt like hell…”

“It doesn’t hurt anymore?”

“Not if I don’t think about it… And thinking about it never hurt as much as thinking about not being with you anymore… So I guess I made the right choice by giving you another chance, right?”

“Sounds like it… It’s just that I still feel really bad about it… And I always think of a way to make it up to you… But I know that I can’t and it kills me… Because I know I’ll never be able to forgive myself…”



“I forgave you… So you should do the same!”

“I should… But I can’t…” the older stared at the pillow again. “I know it sounds stupid…”

“It doesn’t…” Sehun traced Luahn’s face with his fingers. “But you should really try to before it kills us…”

“Why would it kill us?” Luhan’s eyes widened in fear.

“Because I know that you’ll treat me differently until you finally forget about it. You’ll treat me like a little kid… Afraid to hurt me… And you may not tell me what you really think just to make sure I’m happy… And it would make you unhappy in the long run… And I don’t want that to happen, Luhan… I want us to talk about everything honestly… I don’t want you to hold back with anything just because you think it could hurt me… And I don’t want us to drift apart because you were afraid of hurting me… You know… I guess that’s part of every relationship… Hurting each other… Because sometimes the truth hurts… But that doesn’t mean that we should try to make it sound nicer… Sometimes we need to be hurt to grow…” Luhan smiled a little and pecked his lips.

“How are you so much younger than me when you know so much more about life than I ever will?”

“I don’t really know anything about life,” the younger laughed. “Honestly… I have no idea were all this poetic came from…”

“It was no … It made a whole lot of sense…”

“It’s just… My feelings, I guess?”

“I never knew my boyfriend was some kind of philosophic poet,” the blonde giggled and wrapped his arms around him. “I’ll try to forgive myself… Even though I think I shouldn’t totally forgive myself to always remember why I nearly lost you… And I won’t treat you any different than I would have before… Maybe just a little because you just managed to convince me that you’re not a little child anymore! … Thank god… This makes me feel a whole lot better! Even though I’m the only one who knows that your soul is over a hundred years old… Does your mother know how deep you are?”

“Hey… Are you making fun of me? This is not funny! I just told you my honest feelings and my thoughts about the world and this is what I get?” Sehun laughed and started to tickle his boyfriend who started to shriek the second the attacked his ribs and begged for mercy.



A/N: Okay... So here you go with more of the stuff my brain tortures me at night... And today I had a dream about how I could end this story... And I really liked it... But at the same time I really hated it because I don't know if I can be that cruel to some of my babies... I think it's enough that everyone hated Kyungsoo and I don't want anyone else in the same position... So yeah... We'll see if I find the heart to write it down like this... It's still a pretty long way to go before we're at the end anyway xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~