Chapter 56

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

Being with Joonmyun sure had a lot of good points even though telling their friends had been a hell lot of awkward. Originally Sehun had only wanted to tell them why he and Luhan were no longer together but Joonmyun had to join their table in the wrong second and asked him if he would come over that afternoon and since their friends had never been stupid – idiots, yes… but really not stupid! – they hadn’t missed the hopeful look on Joonmyun’s face and they’d also seen the way Sehun had blushed a little when he’d agreed. At least there was nothing to hide anymore. That didn’t mean Baekhyun and Chanyeol didn’t tease them anytime they could. Jongdae had stopped being a dork after Joonmyun had threatened to tell his parents that the younger had never spent his nights at his friend’s house but had gone to visit some girls instead. Kyungsoo had told them that he was really disappointed but he’d only been mad for about two minutes before he decided that it was really hard to be mad at two of his best friends.

Anyway… Dating the president of the student council meant that Sehun had to attend a meeting with said president at least once a day. Private stuff that the teachers weren’t supposed to know about. Who knew? Maybe poor Sehun was being bullied and was afraid to tell his teachers about it. They didn’t need to know that Sehun used those twenty minutes to make out with his new boyfriend and that his only problems were his hormones.

Being with Joonmyun also meant that the older never said ‘no’ to anything. Sehun got sweets whenever and wherever he wanted, they went to the cinema twice in their first week of dating and Joonmyun had even bought him a few new clothes. Not that the teen had asked for any of that stuff but according to Kyungsoo Joonmyun enjoyed buying stuff for the people he cared for.

Well and now that Joonmyun had a boyfriend his mother allowed him to stay out for as long as he wanted. But now that she knew Sehun would never go back to Joonmyun’s place ever again. It wasn’t like they had planned on telling anyone in their families. But when Sehun had gone home with Joonmyun on Monday to study as usual the older’s mother hadn’t been at home and Joonmyun had kind of took advantage of that. When the poor woman had come back from her shopping trip she had found the boys in the kitchen, food on the stove long forgotten as her son had his hands down Sehun’s pants and was busy dark marks onto the younger’s neck. Sehun did NOT plan on ever meeting this woman again even though Joonmyun had promised him that his mother had laughed about it after the shock had vanished.


After about three weeks Luhan finally called him and Sehun almost died when he picked up the phone and whispered a breathless “Hey!”.

“Hey there Sehun,” Luhan laughed and Sehun was sure he’d never been this relieved to hear someone’s voice in his whole life. “How are you doing?”

“Fine… And you?”

“Just fine? What happened?”

“Nothing happened, Lu… Isn’t fine good enough?” The teen smiled as he started to doodle something while listening to Luhan laughing some more.

“True… It’s not bad…”

“So? What about you?”

“I’m doing great… Like… I finished all of my homework early… Because I met this guy who is really good at explaining and he even knows a little Chinese… And he’s really fun… Can you imagine? He looks like a baozi! You know? Those things to eat…”

“I know, what baozi are, Lu…”

“Great! Anyway… I’m sure he is what I needed to survive university!”

“That’s… Good to hear!” Sehun tried not to be jealous. He had no right to and who knew if this baozi guy was anything more than just a good friend for Luhan?

“Mhm… So… Are you coming to Baek’s this weekend?”


“Movie night! He just called me and I figured he must have already told you at school…”

“Oh… No… He wasn’t there today…”

“Well… Now you know,” Luhan laughed again.

“Yeah… I guess I’ll come as well…”

“Cool! Bring Joonmyun, yeah?”


“Because I don’t want you to make him stay at home just to make sure it won’t be awkward for me… I mean… He survived seeing us… I’ll survive seeing you guys together…”

“Lu… I-“

“No Sehun… Really! It’s okay… I mean… Sure it’s going to be strange… But hey… I know that he’ll just be there for a while… It’s not like you’re going to stay with him forever, right?”

“Hell no… I can’t stay with someone whose parents I can never ever meet again!”


“Well… His mother… Yeah…”

“Come on tell me! We said we’d be friends… So… Let’s be friends and talk about stuff like that!”

“Gosh you’re really awkward, Lu,” Sehun giggled. “I don’t think I want you to know…”

“You’re boring… Come on… I have to know what I have to top in two years…”


“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to say that…”

“It’s okay… His mother caught us in the kitchen with Joonmyun’s hands down my pants…”

“Okay… So where’s the problem? Did she say anything?”


“Then stop being so uptight, Sehun… I guess she’s already had her hands in someone else’s pants a few times in her life… And maybe she had someone’s hands down her pants… That’s natural!”

“Luuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Sehun whined a little just the second Joonmyun walked into his room. Sehun gave him a short wave before concentrating on what Luhan said again.

“What? Come on… It’s not the end of the world… She’s not going to hate you because of that…”

“No she’s not… Joonmyun said she laughed about it…”

“See? I already like her…”

“Don’t like her… Please… She could also be your mum…”

“That’s kind of hot, you know? Where does she live?”

“LU! If you go to Joonmyun’s house to talk to his mum I’ll kill you!” Joonmyun raised an eyebrow when hearing that.

“Why not? Does Joonmyun have his looks from her?”

“I don’t know… I never met his dad… But I guess he looks more like his mum… Why are you asking?”

“Well that means she can’t be bad looking…”

“You know what Lu? I’ll hang up now if you keep talking about his mum…”

“Okay okay…. How’s your mum by the way?”

“She’s fine… She misses you a lot though…”

“Oh I miss her too…”

“Well then call her… I’m sure she’d love to have you over for tea or something… OH! I never came to pick up my stuff… And I still have all of your stuff here…”

“Yeah… I know… I kind of miss my favorite jeans already…”

“I’ll come over on Friday afternoon if that’s okay…”

“Sure… I guess… I’ll ask Kris if he’s going to lock me out of the room again…”

“Text me when you know…”

“I will… So… See you on Saturday?”

“No Lu… Not Saturday… Friday!”

“Oh… yeah,” the Chinese giggled. “See you on Friday, Sehun. Bye!” Sehun stared at his phone for a few seconds before he remembered that Joonmyun as still there.

“Make sure your mum never meets Luhan!”


“He says she must be good-looking… And… Why were we even talking about her… Oh yeah… I told him how she caught us in the kitchen…”

“Why would you tell your ex stuff like that?” Joonmyun looked puzzled.

“He asked… Because we said we’d stay friends…”

“Okay… Well… If he asks…”

“Mhm… Are you going to go to Baek’s this Saturday?”

“Is Luhan going to be there?”

“Yeah… That’s why he called… He wanted to know if I’ll be there…”

“Then I guess I should just stay at home… I don’t want to make everything awkward,” Joonmyun said with a sigh.

“Well… But Luhan said I shouldn’t come without you…” Sehun smiled and went over to sit on Joonmyun’s lap. “Please come with me? Because it’s going to be a lot more awkward without you around…”

“You think so?”

“Mhm… I don’t really know how all this ‘being friends’ is going to work and I’m afraid we’ll just not talk the whole evening because we’re afraid of saying something wrong…”

“And I would help how?”

“By being there? Because I like having you next to me?”


“We can go anytime you want if it gets too awkward!”



“Yeah… It’s not like I can keep you from meeting him…”

“You’re the bestest,” Sehun smiled and leaned down to kiss his boyfriend who stopped him.

“No more hanging out with Jinri for you! It’s ‘the best’!”

“Oh stop being the boring! Just enjoy your time! Can you bring Jinri over tomorrow? I miss her…”

“We could always go to my house…”

“Is your mum going to be there?”

“She lives there, Sehun…”

“We’re not going there… Not as long as I live at least…”

“What was Luhan’s advice to this?”

“To loosen up a little,” the younger grumbled.

“Listen to him just this once, will you?” Joonmyun grinned at him before finally kissing him.

“Is this really okay for you?” Sehun asked after a while.


“Me meeting Lu…”

“Sure… I mean… I know that he’s important to you… And I don’t want to keep you from seeing any of your friends… So if you guys want to try being friends I’m not going to be in the way…”

“Thanks, Joonmyun!” Because he was really thankful for that since he was sure he’d still meet Luhan even if Joonmyun would be against it. Luhan would always be a big part of his life no matter what happened. Sure he didn’t know if they’d ever be together again but the teen at least wanted to keep the Chinese as a friend because Luhan was really great company and he liked him too much to live without him. “I promise not to kiss him!”

“Sehun…” Joonmyun sighed. “Don’t promise things you’re not sure you can keep.”


“I know that you might go back to him any day… You’re just on a break… And… I know that you and me… That we’re just temporary…”

“Joonmyun… Stop saying stuff like that!”

“Why? It’s true, isn’t it?” Sehun wanted to deny that. He really did because he knew how much it must hurt the other to constantly think about it. But he couldn’t because it really was true. He wouldn’t stay with Joonmyun forever not even if he didn’t go back to Luhan. Joonmyun was really nice. But maybe just a little too nice to stay forever. “Stop frowning, Sehun… I knew that all along and still said ‘yes’… I’m okay with it… Really!” No he was not and the teen knew it. But it was too late now anyway so he could just try to make sure Joonmyun had a good time as long as it lasted. That and he could hope that the older would get sick of him sooner or later.

“If you say so…”

“I say so… Now… How about doing our homework?”

“And I thought dating you would be fun… But you’re still a slave driver…”

“I’m just making sure you’re getting into a nice college so you can buy your house outside of Seoul and have the weekends off and stay in bed with Luhan for two whole days because you earn enough during the week!”

“Can we not talk about Luhan please? I’m in a relationship with you right now… Not with him… And even though we both know I’ll most likely go back to him I’d like to enjoy my time with you while it lasts, okay? With you alone… Not with you and thinking about Luhan while doing anything!”

“Sure…” Joonmyun beamed at him. “I can live with that.” And Sehun knew that he had finally done something right.



A/N: So... Have Lu back... At least as a friend... But he's not going to just vanish... So yeah...

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~