Chapter 35

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

It was Thursday before Sehun had realized and thanks to his boyfriend he hadn’t been grounded. Luhan had called his mother as soon as he’d fallen asleep to tell her that he would spend the night in the dorm. He had lied about Sehun having fought with Jongin and then Luhan had told her something about her youngest son being really down because of it and that he’d cried himself to sleep. Of course Sehun didn’t think it was right to lie to his mum. But thanks to it she had just asked him if he was okay when he came back from school the next day so he thought it would be okay not to tell her the truth just this once. Parents didn’t need to know everything anyway.

“Let’s just go home,” Jongin said when they were on their way to the restaurant Kyungsoo worked at. Well… The problem wasn’t that Kyungsoo would be there. Jongin would have loved to spend some quality time with his boyfriend. But he could think of at least a hundred things that would be more fun than meeting Joonmyun at the restaurant to study math. There was nothing Jongin hated more than math. Maybe he hated broccoli a little more than math. He wasn’t really sure about it and he had more important things to think about. Things like how to convince Sehun to tell the older student that they both got sick surprisingly after lunch break where they’d still seen him and both of them had been perfectly fine.

“Let’s just go there and get some help. We really need it. And don’t forget that Kyungsoo will feed you when it’s over. I’m sure you’ll get a sweet kiss as a dessert when you’re nice,” Sehun said because he thought it would be really unfair to just leave now. Joonmyun sure had better things to do than to spend his afternoon with two teens that were too stupid to do their math homework alone.

“Let’s just skip the part where Joonmyun keeps talking stuff I won’t understand anyway and just go there to eat.”

”Let’s just appreciate that Joonmyun, who is in his final year and has lots of things to do, takes the time to help us understand that stuff so we’ll make it to final year. How about that?”

“I hate it when you’re right…”

“I know,” Sehun grinned. “But I love it when you’re wrong.”

“You never told me why you’re not grounded. And don’t tell me your mum didn’t realize you weren’t home because she saw me walking to the bus stop all alone…”

“Luhan called her after I fell asleep.”


“No… He told her that I had a really bad fight with you and suddenly stood in front of his door crying… And he didn’t want to send me back home like this because he’s a good boyfriend… So yeah… Mum loves him even more now… She just asked if I was okay when I came back from school on Tuesday…”

“But now she thinks I’m the ,” Jongin complained.

“No… She said it was about time we finally fought. She said it’s healthy for best friends to fight from time to time…”

“Why would we fight?”

“We do fight… But it’s just because of little things… So we don’t stay mad at each other for long… Except for that one time when you destroyed my plush cow…” Sehun glared at his best friend when he remembered the pain he’d had to go through because his favorite plush animal had been destroyed and he couldn’t go to his best friend for comfort because he’d been the one who was to blame for all the pain.

“Oh come on… That was ten years ago! I already told you I’m sorry a hundred times… Isn’t it enough that you didn’t talk to me for about a week back then?”

“You killed a cow! I think with not talking to you for only a week I was being really nice!”

“It was a PLUSH cow and I didn’t do it on purpose…”

“Still… I loved Miss Cowy…”

“I know… I’m really sorry…”

“It’s okay… It’s too late anyway. We can’t bring her back anymore… She’s still buried in our garden…”


“I had a funeral for her, okay?” Sehun admitted and Jongin giggled.

“Sorry, but… That’s just too funny!”

“You had a funeral for your school books after our first year in elementary school… That’s just pathetic!” Sehun reminded him.

“Why? I always knew school wasn’t for me. I’d still do it every year… But mum won’t let me do it anymore… Hey! When did we get here?” Jongin looked around and realized they already stood in front of Joonmyun who smiled at them.

“Hey guys! I’m glad you really came and didn’t tell me you both suddenly turned sick or anything,” he greeted them.

“Oh… I wanted to… But Sehun said it would be wiser to just come and endure the torture,” Jongin shrugged. “Now if you excuse me… I have to visit the cook for a while…”

“He knows the cook?” Joonmyun asked when Jongin had left.

“No… He knows Kyungsoo who helps in the kitchen on Thursdays,” Sehun corrected.

“Oh… Yeah… I forgot… So… Can you show me your notes while we wait so I know what you did so far?”

“Sure,” Sehun nodded and handed his notes over. Now he was kind of glad he’d kept his notes clean and sorted the whole year. “Oh… and here’s the book.”

“Thanks… So… Do you have problems with everything in general or is there anything you struggle with more than with the rest?” Joonmyun didn’t look up while he asked the question and kept scanning the notes.

“I struggle with anything that needs numbers more than with any other subject.” The older laughed before opening the book.

“I see… We could just start with the homework you got today and work from there… That way you get your homework done and learn something at the same time…”

“Sounds good,” Sehun smiled. He was glad he’d asked to join the tutor lessons already. He could always need some help with his math homework.

“Do you think he’ll be gone for long?”

“Only until Kyungsoo shoves him back out here because he thinks math is important for Jongin’s future…”

“Well then let’s just wait for him.”

“Sorry guys… Jongin got distracted by the cakes,” Kyungsoo suddenly said from behind them before pushing Jongin down onto his seat. “He’s all yours now… Do you want anything to drink?”

“Beer!” Jongin grinned.

“Anything you’re allowed to drink by the law?”

“Fine… Just anything…”

“Do you have tea?” Joonmyun asked.

“Sure… I can just bring you a big pot if you want… Sehun? Is tea okay?”

“Of course! I don’t really care as long as it keeps me alive…”

“Traitor,” Jongin hissed.

“Be a nice big boy, will you, Jongin?” Kyungsoo’s question sounded more like a warning and Jongin shrunk a little in his seat before he nodded.






“So… How did that tutoring go?” Luhan wanted to know on Friday. He’d come over before they would meet Jongin and Kyungsoo to go for bubble tea and a movie after that.

“Oh it was fine. Joonmyun’s really nice and he knows what he’s talking about. I feel like all those numbers finally make a little sense. And he can be real fun after all the studying. You should really meet him one day… I don’t know which shirt to wear… And my all of my fitting pants are in the laundry…”

“That’s why I keep telling you to stop growing! Ask Jongin to give you some pants… He’s about the same height as you anyway,” Luhan suggested while inspecting his shirts.

“What would I do without you?”

“You’d run around in too short pants in winter and at Chinese…”

“How was your day, by the way?”

“It was okay… I got a lot of homework but… It means we’ll have one exam less so I’m kind of glad I got them… Why aren’t you calling Jongin yet? We need to leave soon!”

“I’m texting him right now, don’t worry. So… Any homework you need help with?”

“I’m fine… I can write one of my essays in Chinese since my teacher’s from China too… And the longer paper is a group project and the other three are Korean… And I’ve known them for a while. They’re nice and always have everything ready on time… So I don’t really need to worry about it. Do you need help with your Chinese homework? I don’t have choir practice tomorrow… Half of our group’s down with a cold…”

“Well… A little help would be nice… But only if you really have enough time to help me. I don’t want you to sit at your homework the whole night just because of me…”

“It’s okay… I wouldn’t offer my help if I didn’t have the time… How about we just go to Jongin’s room and get those pants ourselves?”

“Chill, Lu… They won’t leave without us… We have all the time in the world. Why are you in a rush?”

“I don’t know… I’ve been like this since I woke up this morning… I just can’t sit down and relax today…”

“Good that we’re going for a movie,” Sehun giggled. “Do you want to go for a walk instead?”

“No… I’m fine… I just feel like I’m missing something important…”


“If I only knew… It would help a lot!”

“Hey guys! I’m here to rescue Sehun,” Jongin called and threw the door open. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at him and closed the door after both of them had entered.

“I owe you my life,” Sehun said when he saw at least three pairs of jeans in Jongin’s arms.

“Actually it’s the other way round… So… Keep those,” he said when shoving an extra tight pair of jeans into Sehun’s arms. “I hate them… I can’t move in them… And the rest is yours as well if they fit… I never wear them…”

“You can’t just give them to me!”

“I can… Mum said she would take me shopping if I got rid of some old clothes… I’m going to scan my closet once more tomorrow… This was just a quick scan… So be prepared for more clothes that you can keep if you like them…”

“Okay… Thanks! That means I don’t need to ask my mum to take me shopping… So… Which pants should I wear?” He turned to look at Luhan who already had a shirt prepared.

“Why do you ask? You already know that I want the tight ones…”

“See… I’m not the only one who likes tight pants,” Kyungsoo said and poked Jongin.

“I know… It’s just… Those are TOO tight… But Sehun has thinner legs… So they should be okay… Shall we wait outside?”

“Why? You never wait outside when I change… And I’ll keep my underwear on… Don’t worry,” Sehun rolled his eyes before changing quickly.

“So… You normally watch him change?” Kyungsoo wanted to know and Luhan giggled at Jongin’s face. The younger looked like Kyungsoo just found out about his darkest secret.

“No… I… Just… NO! Only when I sleep here… And it’s not like I really look… He just doesn’t go to the bathroom… I normally stare at the TV, I swear,” he tried to save himself and Kyungsoo just laughed and patted his head.

“It was a joke, relax. I don’t really care… He’s your best friend… He has a boyfriend… And I know that you love me… There’s nothing to worry about, right?”


“Oh Kyungsoo… There’s always something to worry about when you leave those two alone,” Luhan sighed. “They eat chocolate late at night and they play video games until the sun rises…”

“Well… They’re teenagers… I guess you did stuff like that as well…”

“No… I was out drinking at getting laid… Actually they are really well behaved and there is nothing to worry about at all!”

“You did WHAT?” Jongin was shocked when he heard about what Luhan had done.

“Sehun never told you?”

“Why would I tell him? I figured you just told me because it kind of had a little to do with our relationship,” Sehun told him while fixing his hair.

“You knew about that? Before or after you got together?”

“I knew a little about it before we got together, I think… Why?”

“The way he said it sounded like that’s what he did every night,” Jongin reasoned.

“Only six nights a week,” Luhan corrected. “I stopped it when I came here though…”

“So you were busy getting drunk and being laid 6 nights out of 7?” Jongin still couldn’t believe it. “How so you even find so many strangers?”

“Why strangers? I had boyfriends most of the time… Or girlfriends… That’s just the way all of my friends lived like…”

“Wow… Perfect and innocent bambi lived to party… Did you ever do drugs?”

“Just once… Didn’t like it though… Same goes for cigarettes…”

“Why did you even try it?”

“My boyfriend seemed to enjoy it…”

“Which one?” Sehun asked. “The thirty-year-old one?”

“A lot of them seemed to enjoy it, okay?”

“THIRTY?” Jongin and Kyungsoo shrieked after the news had sunken in.

“Okay… You just ruined my whole picture I had of you,” Jongin whined. “Now I know why Sehun was always afraid you’d get bored with him… How did you not get bored?”

“Well… It was a nice change… He didn’t like me for what other’s told him about me… He didn’t want to get into my pants just because a lot of ‘important’ people had managed… And he didn’t care if I know any barkeepers or securities or whatever… He just liked me for being the dork I really am… He was the first one where I had to make the first move… It just felt different… And right…” Luhan smiled a little when Sehun wrapped his arms around him.

“Well… Okay… And you never missed your old live?”

“I wouldn’t call it ‘missing it’… I just wondered if I would still enjoy it… That’s how I ended up with my ex in China,” he sighed. “That and the knowledge that even though it was fun to hang out with some of them… Something felt wrong… And something was missing…”

“What was missing? And don’t tell me it was Sehun…”

“Well… I missed him before I was completely drunk… And maybe I did still miss him when I was… I can’t really remember… But it was more like… They only talk about parties… And how drunk they got the night before… They keep gossiping about others… But they never really talk about themselves… Nor do they care about you… I felt like I never really knew any of them… Hell I don’t even know the names of some of those people I called my ‘friends’ back then… And I always thought I had tons of friends that would miss me once I leave for Korea… Not that they even knew I had left the country…”

“That sounds like they big time,” Kyungsoo commented.

“Most of them,” Luhan agreed. “A few of them are really nice and I still keep in contact with them… It’s just that I learned that I could live without about 97% of my old friends… But it’s okay… I found some really nice friends here… Friends that care about me and my feelings and friends that share their life with me…”

“And Sehun,” Jongin added.

“Yeah… And Sehun… My little cherry on top,” he pecked Sehun’s lips.

“I’m a big cherry now… I’ve been growing a lot lately,” the youngest grinned.

“I’m still not ready to accept that fact! You’re still the same height as me…”

“Good thing we don’t need to argue about that,” Kyungsoo giggled.

“Yeah… You’re always going to stay my little dwarf,” Jongin agreed with him even though he already knew he would get hit for it. He didn’t have to wait long to be smacked by his boyfriend.

“If you’ll ever call me a dwarf,” Luhan warned Sehun. “I’ll kill you!”

“I won’t… I mean… You’re pretty tall… It’s just that I’m going to be taller… But that’s good… You can sit on my lap then… And I can carry you… I can change the light bulb for you!”

“Not even Kris can do it without standing on a chair… How much more do you want to grow?”

“Until I can reach the sky to get you all the stars?”

“I’m out,” Jongin decided.

“Yup… Me too… See you downstairs,” Kyungsoo pulled his boyfriend along and Sehun and Luhan laughed when they stood in the room alone.



A/N: Well... have some cute something because I finally found some time again... University's already killing me and it only starts on Monday xD Stupid student council stuff to do... And then I still have lots of friends to meet that haven't been here for a year... But I didn't forget about you guys and the story! Don't worry... I have so much stuff in mind and can't wait to write it down! And I already have some chapters written.. Just in case I won't have enough time to write once classes start xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~