Chapter 8

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

Sehun had been lucky. When he got home his parents had already been fast asleep. Getting up in the morning though was a whole different story. His mother had looked at him a little strangely when he’d entered the kitchen.

“When did you come home last night?” she served him some scrambled eggs with bacon.

“Thanks!...Pretty late, honestly. I helped Luhan with some stuff for university and we totally lost track of time. Sorry,” he decided it was best to tell the truth.

His mother looked him up and down. “Does Luhan know that you use him for your lies?”

“What are you talking about? I was at his dorm yesterday! You can call him, if you want to,” the teen didn’t understand why his mother thought he was lying. He had been at Luhan’s place the whole time.

She just grinned at him and pinched his cheek. “My little baby is growing up,” she said thrilled.

There were only two options. First, his mother was drunk. Which she never was, so Sehun thought it wouldn’t be that. Or second, he had missed a really important detail.

“I know I’ve been growing a lot lately, mum,” he rolled his eyes.

“When am I going to meet her?” His mother sat down facing him. “Is she pretty?”

“Who are you talking about?” He was rather confused. Who was pretty?

“Your girlfriend, silly.”

Sehun nearly choked on his water. His… girlfriend? Why on earth would his mother think he had gotten himself a GIRLfriend? “I don’t have a girlfriend!”

“You can tell your mum everything, baby. I’m really happy for you. Do you need anything? New clothes? A new haircut? Condoms?”

The teen blushed. “No thanks. And I really don’t have a girlfriend! Where did you get that idea from?”

“There’s a hickey on your neck, Sehun,” his mother told him. “You still want to tell me that you spent the evening with Luhan?”

Oh how he wanted to tell her exactly that.

“Mum… I did…”

She just sighed. “I get it… you don’t want to tell me about her… Or is she one of Luhan’s friends?”

No… there was no ‘she’! Just Luhan. He didn’t even know if Luhan had any female friends. He’d have to tell her about that soon. He just didn’t know how. He just finished his breakfast and went to his room without answering his mother and decided to call Jongin. He needed some mental support.

“Hey buddy! How was your evening with Bambi? Missed me?”

“Jongin… HELP ME!” he called into his phone.

“That bad?” His best friend’s voice sounded concerned.

“No… it was really nice. Except for Kris… But the problem is my mum… She thinks I have a girlfriend and wants to meet her…”

“Why would she think that?” Jongin laughed. “I’ve never met any guy who was less interested in girls than you.”

“Well… you see… it’s because of… something…,” Sehun stuttered.

“You got anyone pregnant?”


“Then stop the stuttering and just tell me. Jesus, you’re so uptight,” the other complained.

“There’s a hickey on my neck… happy?”

“Nice one, Sehun. Keep that guy!”

“I wasn’t planning on letting him go… What shall I do?”

“Just tell her the truth!”

“No… she really likes Luhan. I don’t want her to hate him…”

“Why would she? I mean… he’s cute and nice… He helps you with your homework… Better him than any other guy,” Jongin said.

“He’s four years older than me. Which mother would like that?”

“Well… you know… it’s not like you’ll get pregnant. And I don’t think your mother is that type of person. She’ll see that you’re happy with him!”

“Are you sure?”

“No… I just wanted you to feel better,” he admitted.

“I was afraid, you’d say that.”

“Look… Just try to somehow tell her that you’re not interested in girls first… Maybe she’ll figure the rest out on her own.”

“What if she wants me to break up with him?” Because that was what Sehun was most afraid of. His family not accepting who he was dating and making him choose between his boyfriend and them.

“Then you’ll just tell them you did and you guys can meet in my sister’s room! She’ll move out next month.”

“Why do you always know what to say to make me feel better?”

“Because I’m Kim Jongin. THE Kim Jongin. I’m the best.”

“Love you too,” Sehun laughed.

“That’s cool and stuff… But I don’t want Luhan hunting me down so don’t tell him, will you?”

“Sure thing. Want to meet up for some ice cream?”

“It’s November, idiot.”

“Ice cream tastes best in winter,” he told his best friend.

“I’m not going to write the exam next week for you when you get sick.”

“I wouldn’t let you… You at school!”

“That’s because I don’t have the feeling that I have to show off in front of someone.”

“You need someone like that… Your grades are really bad.”

“I know, mum… Can we go for hot chocolate instead?” Jongin sounded excited.

“Why not coffee?”

“That’s only for kids who pretend to be mature. Those who really are mature go for what they like,” his best friend said and Sehun could hear him smile.

“I see… You did learn something from Luhan. That’s great. It means your brain can improve,” he joked and took his wallet. “I’m out with Jongin,” he told his mother and put his shoes on.

“Hey moron… You better be ready… I’ll be at your door in a few seconds!”






Luhan had laughed at him when he told him about how his mother thought he had a secret girlfriend and it had taken him about ten minutes to calm down. Sehun had expected his boyfriend to feel sorry for him… not to get laughed at. And he really didn’t need to hear him say stuff like ‘I told you to cover it up’ and ‘Why are you cheating on me already?

But in the end Luhan had agreed to come over the next weekend to make sure Sehun’s mother could ask him about her son’s whereabouts if she wanted to.

But she didn’t. Sehun even left them alone when they were cooking to give them some time to talk. He was getting frustrated because she had asked the teen about his new girlfriend every day. And when he told her he would go to visit Luhan on Tuesday she had just grinned and told him to be safe. He was being safe. He stayed away from girls. That was the safest thing one could do.


When they sat in Sehun’s room after dinner Luhan grinned at him.

“What?” the younger wanted to know.

“I asked her if she knew if you had anyone you were interested in…”


“I told her one of my friend’s likes you… Want to know what she said?” Sehun nodded. “She said that my friend should piss off because you already have someone you like.”

“Oh god… That’s not good.”

“And she said that you seem to be a lot happier lately and that she’d love to meet that girl,” Luhan continued. “So tell me, Sehun… Who is she? And why are you so happy with her?”

Even though he knew that Luhan was only joking he still felt a little hurt. That was not something to joke about.

“Stop that, hyung,” he told his boyfriend. “I hate her! I never knew you could hate a person you didn’t even meet yet.”

“Don’t be like this, baby,” his boyfriend tried to comfort him with a small kiss. “But if it eats you up that much we can just tell her.”

“I don’t want her to hate you… or me,” he had just mumbled the last part but he knew the other had heard him because he had that soft look on his face.

“She won’t hate you, Sehun,” he promised and lay down next to the teen. “She’s your mum. And she looked so happy when she told me that you found someone who made you happy.”

“We’re in Korea, hyung. People here aren’t supposed to be gay.”

“People aren’t supposed to kill other people as well and they still do it… There’s nothing wrong with what we feel for each other.”

“I’m not saying that it’s wrong,” he sighed and cuddled into Luhan’s chest. “It feels too right… I’m just saying that there are lots of people who just don’t understand. And I don’t want to find out if my parents are like that.”

“What about your brother?”

“He knows… He said he’d kill you if you dare to hurt me, by the way.”

“Sounds fair… But… When you’re brother is that open to your situation… Your parents will be too. They were the one who raised him,” Luhan said and rubbed soothing circles on his back.

“I’m sorry…”

“What for?”

“I can’t even tell my parents about you…”

“Don’t be sorry! It took me three years and about five boyfriends to tell my parents that I’m gay,” the older shook his head at the memory.

“You had five boyfriends in three years?”

“No in two… I took a one year break after the second…”

“Wow… Why?”

“Because I was way too young and immature and I just dated them to be cool… And one of them because I was afraid of saying ‘no’.”

“How did they take it?”

“Pretty well… They already expected it. And well… I had no other choice but to tell them when I woke up in a hospital and they found out that I had lied to them and went on a holiday with that guy instead of my school trip,” the Chinese bit his lip.

“Why did you end up in a hospital?”

“I didn’t know this guy was doing drugs… We had an accident.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Sehun whispered.

“It’s okay… He wasn’t like the junkies you’re probably thinking about now. It was only light drugs and he made sure no one knew. And he was always really nice to me!”

“That’s good to hear. I’d have to fly to China and punch him if he wasn’t nice.”

“You’d punch a thirty-year-old?”

“Holy crap! You dated a thirty-year-old?” Sehun was shocked. Luhan didn’t look like the type to date that much older guys.

“He was only twenty-seven back then. And he was the only one that old. But I have to admit that you’re my first boyfriend that’s younger than me.”

“I must bore the hell out of you…” Why did he date Sehun? He was a kid who had no idea about life and Luhan was used to experienced guys who most likely had good jobs and stuff.

“Actually it’s really nice to be the older one for once,” Luhan giggled. “And you remember me a lot of myself when I was your age… Only that you’re way more mature than I have been.”

“Me? You must have been the most immature guy in the world.” Sehun had to laugh as well. Luhan clearly didn’t know about the toys he still kept in his closet.

“I guess… Another thing that I really like about you is your innocence.”

“You like that?”

“Mhm… I always wanted to have a boyfriend that I could still teach some stuff,” the older smirked at him.

“Should I run now?” Sehun wanted to know because he was getting a little nervous.

“No… You’re mum’s downstairs and most likely looking for some snacks she can bring up…”

The teen got up from the bed and locked his door. Maybe that would make his mother think about the whole girlfriend thing again.

“Why are you locking the door?”

“That’s just a security measure,” Sehun lay down, using his boyfriend as a mattress and grinning at him.

Luhan raised his eyebrows. “What are you planning?”

“Some cuddling and maybe some kissing… Only if you’re nice… Why?”

“Nothing, Sehun… nothing…”


“Ah! Do you think you can sleep at my place after your dance performance?”

“I don’t know… I never stay anywhere overnight. Except for Jongin’s… But that doesn’t count. Why?”

“There’s a big party at my dorm. And I promised you that you could drink when your parents weren’t around,” Luhan said.

“I’ll sneak out if I have to,” Sehun grinned at him. Sleeping in the same bed as Luhan again sounded great to him. Being drunk as well. He’d always wanted to try alcohol.

“No sneaking out! You don’t need to repeat my mistakes.”

“I got it! No thirty-year-olds and always telling my mum where I am… Though she might not believe me… Anything else?”

“Yeah… no smoking! It tastes awful. And no looking at other guys while you’re at the party,” his boyfriend warned him.

“I doubt that anyone can stand a chance next to you!” He really meant it. In his eyes, Luhan was perfect and he didn’t see a reason to check the other guys at the dorm out. He already knew Kris. That was enough for him to know that Luhan was the prettiest there.

“We’ll see about that… There are plenty of good-looking people there…”

“You want me to find someone else?”

“No… there’s no one your age anyway…”

“Thanks, hyung!”

“What for?” Luhan looked at him a little puzzled.

“For inviting me. It means a lot to me,” Sehun planted a kiss on his boyfriend’s nose. “Because it shows me that you’re not ashamed of me and that you really like me.”

Luhan just grinned at him for a few seconds before answering. “Why would I go to a party without my little Hunnie? And just to let you know… I wouldn’t have asked you to be my boyfriend if I was ashamed or didn’t like you. You don’t have any money or a big car to attract me with so don’t worry… I’m really just here because I feel like it’s right.”

“Wow… Thanks… Now I’m about to cry…” because the teen really was touched and felt relieved. Luhan saw that he had problems with keeping his smiley façade up and started tickling him.

When Luhan left that evening Sehun accompanied him to the subway station. He was still grinning from ear to ear when he came back and missed the knowing look his mother shot him when he jumped up the stairs to his room.




A/N: I know I said I'd upload this before I go to university to some of you... Sorry for being late! I just have so much stuff to do before I leave for Korea and I totally forgot... Anyway... I hope, you liked the new chap!

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~