Chapter 30

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“SEHUN!!! HELP ME!!! I don’t know how do to this! I never had to do this! I’m going to make a fool of myself and he’s going to hat me!” Jongin stormed into his room and fell on his knees in front of Sehun just to look at him with pleading eyes.

“Well… What?” Sehun was truly confused. Who wouldn’t be? This was definitely a first since he’d never seen Jongin this stressed about anything.

“My date! I’m going on a date with Kyungsoo and I have to be ready in an hour and a few minutes… I should cancel!”


“I don’t know what to wear… How to style my hair… How to greet him… What to talk about… How do you even do dates?”

He’d really tried not to laugh but this was just a little too much and Sehun had to sit down on the floor right next to his best friend so he wouldn’t fall from laughing so much.

“Oh god, Jongin,” he wiped the tears away and patted his friend on the shoulder. “Just… Talk about the same stuff you used to talk about… He likes you just the way you are.”

“No… If he would he wouldn’t have dated Eunmi…”

“That’s a long story, man…”

“Are you on his side now?”

“I’m not! It’s just… You guys were able to talk for hours back then… You should be able to do it now! As for the greeting… ‘Hey!’ would be a nice start… The clothes though… Those won’t work… You wore better clothes to school!”

“That’s because I had to wear a school uniform…”

“True… I’ll lend you my new shirt! Should look really nice on you… And pants… Nice tight jeans? I know you have a few of them… It’s time to wear one!”

“I only have them because my sisters say my looks nice in them and I really need to show it more,” Jongin rolled his eyes.

“Well… Use that stupid once! Kyungsoo will like them, trust me! At times like this… It’s good to listen to girls… So… here’s the shirt… I’ll come with you and do something to your hair… Or get one of your sisters to do it…”

“But they’re not supposed to know that I have a date with Kyungie…”

“Tell them you’re coming with me and Lu… To… Where are you going?”

“The cinema…”

“Okay… We’re all going there… And you’re the only single with us so you have to look nice in case we meet some nice girls you could flirt with…”

“They both know I’m the worst at flirting ever… They laughed so hard when I tried to flirt with Nayeon…”

“Well… We’ll just tell them my story because it’s not like you have a better one…”

“They won’t believe us… You’re in sweatpants…”

Sehun just shrugged and changed into jeans. “Let’s go! I only have two hours left before Lu comes over and I have to finish my homework before he’s here… Except for m Chinese homework… I don’t understand … Good thing my boyfriend’s Chinese… I knew I’d need him!”

“You only study Chinese because of him…”

“Do you want my help or not?

“God you’re so lucky to have a Chinese boyfriend! You’d totally fail this class otherwise!... But seriously… Do you guys really study?”

“Sure we do! Mum will ground me if I fail any of my classes…”

“Sometimes I’m really glad my parents don’t give a about what I do…”

“They do care… They just let you do whatever you want to as long as it’s legal and you pass your classes… Now… The tightest ones you can find!”

“But Sehun… Those are really tight!”

“The tighter the better… I know what guys like, you know?”

“Bambi has tight pants?”

“Hell yes! But not enough of them if you ask me… Change!”

Jongin cursed him and changed into his tightest pair of jeans before pulling Sehun’s shirt over his head. “How do I look?”

“Don’t get me wrong but… Holy why do I already have a boyfriend?” The younger stared at his best friend who blushed crimson.


“Oh yeah… You shouldn’t wear those pants!”

“Why? I thought it looks good?”

“I thought you wanted to take things slow and those pants are your tickets to Kyungsoo’s bed!”

“I’ll keep them on… It’s hard to get out of those… And we’ll really take things slow,” Jongin mumbled the last part only to himself.

“What movie are you going to watch?”

“I have no idea… I mean… He told me… He even asked if I was okay with it or if I wanted to watch another on… But yeah… I was busy flipping tables on the inside…”

“You’re worse than any of those girls in the dramas your sisters watch…”

“I know… Maybe I’ve seen too many of them? Hair?”

“Oh… yeah… Straightener?”

“I don’t have stuff like that,” Jongin looked at him in disbelieve.

“Even I own one of those…”

“I own to sisters… Come on… It should be in the bathroom… Or one of their rooms… Or the living room… You never know…” As soon as they left Jongin’s room they heard someone whistle from the end of the corridor.

“Look at my baby,” Jongin’s oldest sister said. “You look hot!”

“Thanks, noona.” The blush crept back onto his cheeks.

“So you really do have a date with ‘Kyungie’ tonight,” she giggled.

“How did you know?”

“It’s in your calendar that’s standing on your desk… I normally don’t care about what’s written on it… But the hearts didn’t seem like stuff not to care about… I told you those jeans are nice! I did good when I talked you into taking them!”

“You saved his life,” Sehun nodded from behind Jongin.

“So… Do you need help with your hair?”

“You have no problem with me going on a date with Kyungsoo?” Jongin blurted out.

“No… I mean… Why would I? He seemed nice… Though he hasn’t been here for a while… I thought you were together already?”

“No… We weren’t… Could change tonight though… Depending on how good my hair looks!”

“You don’t need your hair to look good to get anyone… They should take you for who you are… Not what you look like… But I got it… I’ll style it like I did for the wedding…” She pulled both of them into her room where they were welcomed with blasting pop music. “What about you Sehun? No date for you?”

“Nope… My boyfriend will come to my room… I don’t need to dress up to get help with my Chinese homework!”

“Boyfriend? Wow… I should really hang out more with you guys… I know nothing about you anymore… And you both got so tall and handsome…” She started to straighten her brother’s hair.

“Well… I told your sister about Lu… I thought she’d tell you… She always tells our secrets to everyone…”

“Oh… No… she doesn’t anymore… At least not to me… I told her that you guys would tell me whatever you want me to know yourselves…”

“Wow… And here we are thinking we only have to tell everything once and everybody would know anyway,” Jongin grinned at her. “So you know nothing about Kyung?”

“Only that his cooking is better than mum’s and that he beats you at pretty much every game even though he studies a lot more than you do… And looking at the state you’re in right now you must really like him a lot…”

“I do…”

“That’s good, baby. Oh… I want you to be home for dinner on Sunday, by the way…”

“Sure thing… I’m always here for food!”

“True… I’m going to bring my boyfriend along…”


“We’re going to marry…” Both boys stared at her, their eyes as wide as the pizzas they’d had for lunch.


“I’m going to marry him…”

“You can’t! You’re too young… I’m too young for you to move out… I need you! Who’s going to style my hair for my next date? I don’t even like him!”

“You liked him the last time he was here…”

“That was before I knew he was going to steal you…”

“Jongin… I’m not saying we’re going to marry tomorrow… And it’s not like we won’t see each other after I marry… We’ll look for a place near here… You can come over to get your hair styled… Or when you get tired of mum and dad… And you can have my room! It’s a lot bigger than yours…”

“I’d rather have you here than having a big room…”

“Can’t you at least try to be happy for me?”

“No… Because I know he’s the perfect husband and that he’ll treat you right and do everything you ask for and more…”

“What’s bad about it?”

“You’ll stay with him and get children… And then there won’t be time for me when I need you!”

“I’ll always have time for you, Jongin! And you’d be an uncle… You could babysit and earn some money!”

“Oh… Okay…”

“Wow Jongin… You hear the word ‘money’ and agree to anything, right?” Sehun laughed.

“No… But I like the idea of being an uncle… Babies are cute! I want you to get a girl… I’ll teach her how to dance and stuff… And then I’ll protect her from all the bad guys out there…” His sister only smiled at him before applying a little eyeliner to his eyes.

“What are you doing? Are you crazy? That’s not made for guys!” Jongin jumped up.

“But you look nice with a little of it… It makes you look more mystical!”

“Like I care! I’m going to the cinema… Not to a nightclub!”

“Okay… I got it… No eyeliner for you… Sehun?”

“I already told you I’m staying home… And I have one, thanks!”

“Why?” Jongin looked at him like he’d just betrayed him in the worst way possible.

“Because Lu forgot it at my place… He sometimes wears it…”

“He doesn’t count… He’s gay!”

“He’s bi… But yeah… I get it,” Sehun laughed.

“He’ll get to love eyeliner… Just wait,” Jongin’s sister winked at him. “How’s your brother, by the way? I haven’t seen him for a while…”

“He’s doing fine… working after school… He wants to move into his own apartment after school… With his girlfriend… So he has to save some money because mum and dad will only pay the amount they’d have to pay for the dorm…”

“Well… I can understand them… University is expensive enough without a dorm…”

“Yeah… And it’s good that he works now… He got a lot more mature and stuff… And he gets free coffee there…”

“I need that job…”

“Noona… You need a daughter… And you have a nice job!”

“Thanks, Jongin… At first you don’t want me to marry and now I need a child as soon as possible… Make up your mind!”

“He wants a child to play with because I’m too old for him now,” Sehun giggled and Jongin only glared at him.

“If you excuse me… I have to leave now… I’ll be waiting in my room for the last 30 minutes… Thanks for the help, guys!”

“Oh god! My homework… Good luck, oaf! Make sure to keep those pants on… No for… Let’s say a month!”

“That’s okay…”

“Wanna bet? I say you won’t last a month!”

“It’s not like I’d tell you if we bet on money,” the older laughed and Sehun sulked.

“Go have fun on your date! No kissing on the first date!”

“It’s not like it would be our first kiss,” Jongin rolled his eyes and punched him lightly.

“Okay… I’ll shut up now… Math is waiting for me… See you… Tomorrow?”

“Sure… When will bambi leave?”

“After lunch… He has choir practice…”

“Wow… So he’ll really leave you?”

“It’s not like I can’t survive without him! I have enough to do for school… Remember that project we have to work on?”

“It’s due in a month…”

“Yeah… We have tons of exams in about a month… I want to finish it before that…”

“Okay… We’ll work on it tomorrow… I promise!”

“That’s good. My life will be so much easier this year!”

“I should start to do it like you… Mine would be too… Or I’ll study with Kyungie… He has his teacher at home… I could stop going to school.” By the way Jongin was grinning it was obvious that he liked his idea a little too much.

“Sure… Whatever… I’m sure your parents will pay for it… See you, oaf.”






When he was finally back in his room Sehun wondered if Kyungsoo would really turn out as nice as he had been when he’d been talking with him. He prayed that it wasn’t just a trick to make sure Jongin would date him. But the older had sounded really honest and Sehun wanted to believe him for now because it would be nice if Jongin could have a boyfriend. They could spend more time together and go on double-dates because Luhan loved the idea of double-dates… And he already liked Kyungsoo… It would be a win-win situation that sounded almost too good to be true. Only almost.



A/N: So... Yeah... Have an other update because I've been bored ever since I woke up 4 hours ago xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~