Chapter 64 - THE END!!!

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“Guys? I want you to meet my new boyfriend…” Luhan smiled shyly before pulling someone out from behind the corner. They all stared at the two boys in shock.

“How? … Why?” Jongin stuttered. “NO!”


“What do you mean ‘NO!’?” Sehun asked with a grin and wrapped and arm around Luhan’s waist protectively.

“You’re supposed to be dead so I don’t have to hate you for never writing me! I thought you wouldn’t be back before school started!?” Jongin grinned despite what he said and hugged his best friend.

“I thought so as well… But Luhan insisted on me coming with him so he talked to my mum and my teachers and promised them to teach me everything I’m going to miss… So… Tadah! Here I am!”

“So… You’re guys are kind of like… Back together?” Baekhyun wanted to make sure.

“Not only kind of,” Luhan giggled. “I’m going to make sure he’s staying from now on…”

“Won’t be a problem… He had more guys than I own socks,” Jongin scoffed.

“You only own abut two pairs of socks, oaf,” Sehun laughed and shoved him.

“Not true… Kyungie bought some for me…”

“Whipped…” Sehun laughed and suddenly found himself in a bone crushing group-hug that all his friends joined.






“So… How did this happen?” Jongin wanted to know when the two best friends were lying in the grass next to each other. The rest had already gone to sleep but Sehun had known that Jongin wouldn’t sleep before knowing everything.

“Well you see… I ran into him in a club and then we talked… And I stayed at his place for the night and then I met his parents… And then I practically moved in with them…,” Sehun told him and laughed.

“You lived with his parents? How are they?”

“Amazing! I mean… His mum didn’t like me when she found me in Luhan’s bed because she thought I was someone else…But after she found out she wouldn’t leave my side… So I guess that means she likes me?”

“Did she pinch your cheeks like she promised?”

“No… I ran every time she tried,” the younger admitted. “How about you? What did you do the whole summer? I mean… Besides getting even more tanned and making sure Kyungsoo kind of looks like a crab…”

“His parents went swimming with us three days ago… It’s really not my fault he didn’t put on any sun blocker… Other than that… I danced… I ate… Worked… Danced some more… Yeah… Nothing special… Well and I taught Monggu some tricks! I’ll show you tomorrow… He and Soo really like to cuddle while they sleep…”

“Your babies are growing up… Soon they won’t need you anymore,” Sehun said with a grin.

“Shut up! They both adore me!”


“So… Why were you even in a club?”

“Well you see… I was in this really amazing school in the middle of Beijing…. And on our anniversary… Like… Exactly a year after I met Lu... You know that day I called you a thousand times because I kind of might have forgotten that you were already gone? Anyway it was on that day… And I felt kind of really bad because… I always imagined us to be together on that day because it’s a really special day for me… Just imagine he would have never spilled bubble tea on me! My life would have been so much more dull and boring! … So anyway… My friends decided to take me clubbing… And I met him there… No at first I thought my mind was playing tricks on me… But then he talked to me so Yeah… Who else would look like Lu and know my name? After that I met his friends… And we did a lot of talking… I ended up at his place and yeah… Met his parents, as I said before… Well… And then I walked him to the bubble tea store where he worked and after we had a huge portion of it he decided that we were officially back together…”

“Bubble tea, huh?”

“Mhm… Seems like I have to thank that heavenly drink for everything good that happened in my life!”

“HEY! I happened before bubble tea,” Jongin pretended to be angry.

“Well… I was talking about all the GOOD things, Jongin…”

“I love you too…”


“So… I guess we’ll only be getting bubble tea at your wedding, right?” They both laughed at that and Sehun only managed to nod before looking up in the sky grinning.

“I wish time could just stop right know…”


“Because everything is perfect right now and I wish we could live like that forever…”

“No... I wouldn’t want to live with my parents for the rest of my life… Wait until I moved into my own place with Soo before stopping the time,” Jongin pleaded.

“I like the way you’re thinking… Even though I think mum wouldn’t let me move out… She already lost Lu once…”

“Your mum is even worse than Soo’s…”

“Baby? Stop giggling out there and come to sleep,” Luhan suddenly said from the tent and Sehun had to smile at how bad his hair looked already. “What’s so interesting out there anyway?” The Chinese slowly stumbled over and lay down next to the teen to cuddle up to him.

“It’s nice out here… Under the stars…”

“Mhm… The sky kind of looks like it’s filled with tapioca pearls,” Luhan mumbled against his neck after looking up into the sky for a few seconds.

“I wanted to compare the stars to your eyes… But yeah… You’re kind of right,” Sehun discovered and giggled.

“Okay… I’m out… This is the kind of romantic I really don’t get… Bye guys…” Jongin waved at them and crawled into his tend.

“No this is just a good excuse to finally join your boyfriend,” Sehun clarified and his best friend only shrugged his shoulders at that before disappearing into his tent.

“So what about my eyes?” Luhan asked and smiled at him.

“They sparkle like stars,” Sehun told him and pecked his nose.

“That’s all?”

“And they’re as dark as tapioca pearls and I love them just as much if not a little more…”

“That’s more like it… I love you, baby!”

“I love you too, Lu! And I promise I’ll never doubt my feelings for you ever again!”

“I hope so… Because I need you to move in with me in two years… Because I won’t be able to pay for the rent alone…”

“Only if I don’t get my own room!” They smiled at each other for a while before deciding that maybe they should finally join their friends in dreamland for a while before being interrogated by the rest of their friends in the morning.





A/N: Okay... So first of all: a huge "THANK YOU!" to everyone who read the bull I wrote! I enjoyed it more than I ever thought I could and I'm really glad so many people like what my mind comes up with when I have to study xD

So... This story is not marked complete yet because I'm a nice person and I'm going to give you a flashback of what happened in China and how HunHan met again and stuff (actually I'm just not ready to live without this story just yet and you're the ones who have to suffer from another update because of that xD) Anyway... I really hope you are happy to have HunHan back (because I sure as hell am relieved as I was never before!) and that you'll come back for the flashback again ^^

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~