Chapter 53

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“Sehun?” Jongin’s head appeared in the doorframe.

“Hey… Come in,” Sehun mumbled from his position on the floor.

“It’s five… You should have been over at my place at four! I called you… Why didn’t you pick up?”

“I can’t use my phone anymore… I wouldn’t sit there if I was you,” Sehun warned when Jongin was about to sit down on his bed. “I didn’t get to change the sheets yet…”

“Okay… Gross,” Jongin plopped down on the floor. “I thought you wanted to talk to him? And what’s wrong with your phone?”

“We talked… And there’s a picture of me and Luhan in the background and I kind of don’t want to see it right now…”

“Okay… So? Are you trying to tell me you had with him right before breaking up with him?”

“No… We talked pretty much right after we came home… After mum force-fed us food for twenty… We had after the second movie… Or maybe already during the movie… I don’t know…”

“Okay… Then what’s the problem with the picture?”

“He said he’d give me two years…”

“Two years of what?”

“Two years before he’ll give up waiting,” Sehun mumbled and bit down on his lip to stop himself from crying again. He’d already cried the whole day.

“Wait… So… You guys break up-“

“Take a break!”

“Whatever… and have afterwards? I’m pretty sure this is not how it’s supposed to work,” Jongin told him with a serious expression.

“The whole day didn’t go as it was supposed to… We weren’t even supposed to be in this kind of situation…”

“So it didn’t help?”

“It did… At least he finally knows…”

“Why did he even stay for the night?”

“Because Kris needed the room to your sister…”


“You didn’t know? Oh come on… Really?”

“I’ll kill her…”

“Why not him?”

“Too tall…”

“I see…”

“So… How are you feeling?”

“Empty… And kind of… I don’t know… Just empty… I didn’t even get to wish him a happy birthday…”

“When’s his birthday?”


“Oh… But… I thought he stayed here over night?”

“He left before I woke up…”

“Ouch… So… That’s it? You’re not going to see him for two years?”

“We’ll see each other… When he’s ready to meet me as just a friend… And I can go back to him before those two years are over… Tomorrow sounds good to me…”

“Don’t be a fool… Take some time to sort your feelings out… Have some fun with other people… Just… Don’t do anything when he’s around…”

“I’m not that much of an !”

“Just wanted to make sure,” Jongin shoved him lightly.

“Can you… Do me a favor?”


“Can you give him this?” Sehun crawled to his wardrobe and took a present out. “Wait… I’ll give it to you tomorrow… I need to write a new card…”

“Is it okay for Kyungsoo to give it to him… I mean… I never met bambi without you… Why should I start now?” Jongin reasoned.

“You can’t just not go to the party…”


“On Tuesday? At the restaurant Kyungsoo works at? Because you said we needed a party so you would get cake!?”

“Oh… That party… You’re not going?”

“No… I… I think it would be best to give him some time… And me… I still didn’t really realize that we’re not together anymore… It would only be awkward with both of us there…”

“Okay… But then I-“

“No! You’re going! Your boyfriend is there… And… Make sure he get his head off things for a while, will you? I already ruined his birthday… I don’t want him to have his party ruined because of me as well…”

“Okay… So… You’re going to spend the day with Joonmyun instead?”

“No… Hell no… I guess I’m not going to meet him at all for at least a week… Sorry… but you’ll have to meet him alone on Thursday…”

“That’s okay… Now… Do you want to study or do I need to get the sappy dramas and the ice cream?”

“Let’s study… I had enough ice cream last night…”


“Because Luhan eats ice cream when he’s upset… And so do I…”

“Wow… Okay… You two are weird… You don’t try to get over a heartbreak with the person that was involved,” Jongin giggled.

“Yeah… But you also don’t kill your friends and I’m not sure you’re going to survive this day right now…”

“Okay… Okay… let’s study…”






Avoiding Joonmyun had been rather hard because well… He was friends with the rest of Sehun’s friends and that meant he still had to see the older during lunch. But at least Joonmyun hadn’t pressed him into saying anything and had just told him it was okay if the younger didn’t come over this week.

Baekhyun was a whole different story though. That guy just didn’t know when NOT to talk and of course he had to mention Luhan’s birthday party after they were done eating.

“So… I was thinking… Maybe… We could put Sehun into a cake and let him jump out of it … What do you guys think about it?”

“I like the idea,” Chanyeol said grinning. “Just… Give him some underwear.”

“Guys…” Jongin started waving his hands. “Can we not talk about Tomorrow?”

“Why? We need to plan this today? Tomorrow will be too late,” Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “So Sehun? What do you say? How about you jumping out of a cake? I’m sure Luhan would love to see that! And I promise you’d be busy in the staffroom for quite some while afterwards…”

“Yeah… I’m sure Kyungsoo can give us a key so you can lock it,” Chanyeol clapped his hands excited and both he and Baekhyun ignored Jongin you was jumping up and down in his seat trying to get them to just stop talking.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t really like that.” Was all Sehun answered and continued staring at his tray.

“Why not? Don’t tell me you were too hard on him this weekend? Well… You guys could always switch positions, you know… Keep it fresh and stuff… Jongin? Could you stop that, please?”

“I’m trying to tell you to SHUT UP!”

“Jongin! Be nice,” Kyungsoo warned from his side.

“Could we just… not talk about tomorrow please? Or just not about Luhan in general?” Jongin pleaded.

“Why? What’s wrong with Luhan?” Jongdae wanted to know. “Don’t tell me Sehun blew him too hard and-“ He was stopped when Jongin’s hand found its way over his mouth and everyone looked quite confused.

“No… Continue… Just… Plan something fun… I’ll be in the classroom,” Sehun said and stood up.

“Aren’t you supposed to help us here? You’re his boyfriend,” Baekhyun told him.

“Was… I was his boyfriend,” Sehun sighed before putting his tray back where it belonged to and fleeing from the cafeteria.

“Thanks guys… You know… There was a reason I wanted you to shut up,” Jongin huffed. “Joonmyun? Could you go after him? I don’t think he wants to be alone right now…”

“Me? Are you sure this is a good idea?” Joonmyun asked rather perplex. Sehun had told him that Jongin knew about everything and he was really surprised to find Jongin encouraging this instead of trying to prevent it.

“Yeah… I know for a fact that he wouldn’t want to see me right now… So… I guess you’re the only one to go?”

“Okay…” Joonmyun packed his stuff and followed the younger, hoping he had really run off to his classroom.

“What does he mean ‘was’?” Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun still stared at were Sehun had sat a few seconds before.

“They broke up?” Kyungsoo asked and sounded like he was about to cry. “But… Why?”

“I don’t think I should be the one telling you all about this… But… They kind of took a break… Because of… Lots of things… So I would really appreciate it if we could not talk about Luhan for a while…”


“Does that mean there won’t be a party?” Jongdae asked.

“There will be a party… Just without Sehun…”

“We don’t even know all of Luhan’s other friends that he wanted to invite,” Kyungsoo sighed.

“Sehun already did that… Don’t worry… And… He asked me to make sure that Luhan has some fun… So… Be nice, don’t get too drunk… And DON’T mention Sehun!”

“Will do…”

“When did they break up… Take a break?” Baekhyun asked after a while.

“Saturday,” Jongin mumbled.

“Why didn’t Sehun wait until after his birthday?” Kyungsoo wondered.

“Because Luhan started it… He wanted to talk…”

“So… Luhan cheated on him again, didn’t he!?” Chanyeol assumed and Jongin glared at him.

“No! Just… Why don’t you wait until Sehun is ready to tell you?”

“I guess that’s what we should do,” Kyungsoo told them and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend.

“Are you okay?”

“Mhm… It just makes me sad… They seemed so happy!”

“I know…”

“I don’t want them to be sad… I’m really bad at dealing with sad people… They tend to cry… And I don’t know what to do with crying people…”

“Soo… Stop worrying… Nobody is going to cry right now… Sehun has cried himself dry… And Luhan… I don’t know about him… But I guess he already did the same… He has Kris to take care for him… DAMN! I still need to kill that guy!”

“Why?” Everybody was shocked to hear that.

“He’s ing my sister… That bastard! Not my baby sister!”

“Jongin… She’s older than you,” Kyungsoo said and placed a hand on his knee to calm him down. “Let her make her own decisions. She knows what she’s doing…”

“Just imagine their babies,” Chanyeol laughed. “They’d be taller than Kyungsoo when they… start school maybe?!”

“I hate you! I’m not that small!”

“Yeah… leave my squishy alone!”

“Your what?” Jongdae snickered.

“My squishy… Sehun came up with this name…”

“Sehun thinks I’m fat?”

“No… He said like… My plush toy that I called squishy… I really loved it… And Sehun said I look at you like I looked at squishy… So yeah… You’re my squishy now…”

“Okay… What happened to the other squishy?” Kyungsoo wanted to know.

“My sister threw it into the campfire… Make sure never to go camping with her!”

“Okay… I hate camping anyway…”

“Oh man… I wanted to ask if we all would go camping together this summer… Like… Wait… No… Putting Sehun and Luhan in one tent might not be the best idea anymore… Okay… Tents for four people and we’ll manage to separate them… That is… If they still want to hang out together… Wow break ups !” Baekhyun rambled.

“We’ll talk about that in… A month or so? They’re going to try being friends for now… We’ll see how that works out… Well… If it works out,” Jongin sighed.

“We could always leave Luhan here,” Chanyeol suggested.

“Hello? NO? He’s our friend too,” Kyungsoo protested.

“But Sehun was my friend before Luhan was my friend!”

“Well… I got to know them pretty much at the same time, I’m sorry! And I spend more time with Luhan!”

“Sehun was here before he brought Luhan along… So we’re not leaving Sehun here!”

“Well… Then we’ll just all stay here because I’d want Luhan AND Sehun to go camping with us!”



“Soo… Calm down… No need to insult Yeol…” Jongin told him


“Kyungsoo… Please… Not here, okay? You hate making scenes,” Jongin tried again and was relieved when his boyfriend’s eyes suddenly widened and he sat down blushing.


“It’s okay… You’re cute when you’re upset…”

“Cute? Not hot?

“You’re always cute… Even when you’re hot,” Jongin smirked before pressing a few kisses to Kyungsoo’s neck.

“Get a room,” Baekhyun gagged.

“See you after school,” Kyungsoo waved at them before pulling Jongin along.

“Wait… Soo? Where are we going?”

“Student council’s room… I’m part of the council… I have a key…”

“So? We’re at school…”

“I don’t see the problem…”

“Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?”

“This is all your fault… You know how sensitive my neck is…”

“Oh I like this,” Jongin grinned when Kyungsoo locked the door behind them before hectically opening all the buttons on Jongin’s shirt.

“Less talking… More action, Jongin…”


A/N: So... Have some KaiSoo... Because I hope it makes the world seem brigther... And yeah.... Don't worry about HunHan too much, will you!?

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~