Chapter 57

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

Sehun fidgeted while waiting for the door to open. Sure he still knew the code to Luhan’s room but…. What if the older was in the shower right now and came out without any clothes on? Or if he had someone else over because he’d forgotten that Sehun was supposed to bring his stuff back? Sehun rang the bell once more before Luhan finally opened the door and smiled at him.

“Sorry… I was on the toilet and then I splashed my shorts when I was washing my hands so I head to change… Well… Come on in…”

“Thanks… And don’t worry…” Sehun took off his shoes before entering the room and standing in the middle of it awkwardly.

“You’re not here for the first time… Just sit down… Do you want anything to drink?”

“Yeah… Water please… Why is everything so clean?”

“Oh that… Yeah… I know, right? Kris has a girlfriend now… He keeps his part of the room clean on his own now… Nice change, I tell you…”

“Wow… That’s… Unexpected…”

“I know… Now could you please sit down? You make me nervous by standing in the middle of the room…”

“Sorry…” Sehun sat down and pushed a few notes out of the way. Clearly not Luhan’s. The writing was way too untidy. Luhan had the habit to write everything in perfectly neat Hangeul because that’s how he’d learned it. And there were a lot of words that Sehun was pretty sure the Chinese would have misspelled.

“Oh those are Minseok’s… He gave them to me so I could copy them… He has way better notes then me… I always misspell everything and have to rewrite so much… I can’t really write everything down…”

“I figured. Your writing isn’t that messy…”

“What? My handwriting looks like a baby’s…”

“No… It’s really neat and pretty…”

“Thanks…” Luhan blushed a little before putting a glass of water down in front of Sehun. “So… Do you have to leave soon or do you have some time?”

“Why would I have to leave?”

“Well… To meet Joonmyun?”

“No… I’ll see him tomorrow…”

“Oh… But we always spent the whole weekend together…”

“We spent the weekend cuddled up, watching TV and having … Joonmyun spends his weekends studying and doing homework… And while it’s nice to study with him I like to have some free time on my weekends…”

“You guys don’t have ?”

“Not yet… No…”

“Why? Haven’t you been together for nearly a month?”


“Don’t tell me he’s never had before!?” Luhan giggled.

“Well… He had with Kyungsoo at least once since he was Kyungsoo’s first and – OH MY GOD! I’m dating my best friend’s boyfriend’s ex… Why is the world so cruel?!” That only had Luhan laughing even more.

“Well… Karma?”

“Oh shut up…”

“There… See? You’re already cranky because you didn’t have for so long… Tell him to do something against it…”

“Lu… Please… Let’s not talk about that…”

“Why? You should have with him… We’re on a break so you can try having with other people… So why don’t you?”

“We’re taking things slow… Because he knows that I still love you and I know that he really likes me… We’re doing things his pace… I don’t want to rush him… I already hurt him enough…”

“Then who are you going to sleep with?”

“I don’t know? I don’t even know how long we’re still going to be together…”

“Then why are you even together?”

“To try if it could work… I felt like… I owe him at least that… To give it a try… I mean… It’s not like I don’t like him… He’s nice and stuff… But…”


“He’s just not you…” Sehun stared at his glass.

“Wow… Okay… It seems like I’m taking this break a lot better than you…”

“Could be… I hate this break… But I know that I need it… So I’ll be sure I’ll love you for the rest of my life… It’s just that… I don’t want to need time for it… It feels so wrong to make you wait for me… It feels wrong to tell you to wait and still love me while I go around kissing other people… It still feels like cheating whenever I touch him…”

“But it’s not… So stop worrying so much…”

“Why can’t you just… Fool around with someone as well? Like… That baozi guy… Or maybe that Minseok…” Luhan doubled over laughing.

“Sehun… Minseok is ‘that baozi guy’… And… Would you really want me to?”

“No… But… It’s not like you really want me to do stuff with Joonmyun either…”

“That’s true… But it’s just because you weren’t being honest… I’d really like you to go and meet some other guys… When you feel like you’ll need it… Just do it… I can wait… It’s okay! I always told you that I didn’t want to keep you from anything…”

“See? That’s why I always feel like the biggest alive… You’re being too understanding…”

“I just try to imagine being you… I guess I’d feel the same way…”


“Yeah… I mean… I spend… Too many years around… I’ve had my fair share of relationships and stuff to know that it’s different with you… And I feel like I wouldn’t be able to be so sure about my feelings for you if I’ve never met those guys before… So… Yeah…”

“It still feels wrong…”

“Maybe it’s because of Joonmyun… I mean… You feel guilty because of me and because of him… Because you know how much he likes you…”

“Yeah… But I also don’t want to break his heart…”

“You will do that no matter if you want that or not…”

“I know… But… There’s always the chance of him getting sick of me…”

“Sehun… You can’t wait for that to happen… I mean… It’s not really fair just to stay with him because you’re afraid of hurting him… If you don’t want to be with him then tell him… Be honest… It helps!”

“Yeah… And then?”

“Then you give him time if he needs it… But… I mean I don’t really know him but he doesn’t seem to be the kind of guy who would quit being your friend… And then… Well there’s plenty of fish in the sea… I’m not really worried you won’t find someone else…”

“I’m not even sure I really want to be in a relationship with anyone right now… That’s… I mean… We’re on a break because being in a relationship was too much for me… And I just dove into the next one…” Sehun sighed and looked up again only to see Luhan smirking.

“Well… One night stands are even easier to find than boyfriends… Just… Make sure to wear tight jeans and go out a little more… Some house parties maybe…”

“One night stands sound scary…”

“You’re hopeless… Really… You tell me you want to try to sleep with other people than just me but you’re afraid of doing so…” Luhan rolled his eyes at him.

“Yeah… And there’s still Joonmyun…”

“Yeah… There’s still Joonmyun… Be nice to him, will you!? Just… Think about it… And I mean REALLY think about it… And if you still think it’s too much… Tell him… I’m sure he’ll understand!”


“Not ‘hm’! He’ll be glad you’re being honest instead of giving him hope… I mean… I’m sure he hopes you’ll just stay with him in the end… Because no matter what he says… If he really likes you… That hope is there… So I advise you to not keep his hopes up if it’s hopeless… I know you’re not the kind to just play with someone’s feelings…” Sehun nodded.

“I just… I don’t want to disappoint him like I disappointed you…”

“Sehun… The only disappointment was that you didn’t trust me enough to understand you… I would have really appreciated it if you would have been honest right from the beginning… So… Don’t make the same mistake twice!”



“Thanks! For… For still talking to me… For still putting up with me… And for being my friend when I need you!”

“That’s understood!”

“It’s really not… I don’t know anyone who ever good this good advice on a relationship form the guy who you have been in a relationship with until four weeks ago…”

“It’s been four weeks already?”

“Yeah… Pretty long to live without your favorite jeans, hm?” Luhan laughed and shook his head.

“You’re hopeless, Sehun!”

“I know, Lu… I know…”

“So… Do you want to stay here a little? Kris and I are going to watch a movie and order pizza…”

“Are you sure this is okay?”

“Sure… I wouldn’t ask you to stay if I didn’t want you to! No touching included… Just the three of us as friends…”

“Sounds nice… I just… Have to call my mum…”

“Poor her… She will get her hopes up…”

“I know…”

“Doesn’t she like Joonmyun?”

“Are you crazy? She loves him! She just… Doesn’t know that he’s my boyfriend… He comes over as my friend and tutor…”

“Oh… Why?”

“Why should I tell her when we’re not going to be together long anyway? She’s just going to throw a fit and tell me to get you back…”

“As much as I love her… She shouldn’t be on my side…”

“She’s not… But if I tell her what happened… She’ll be…”

“Then just tell her I cheated on you while I was in China…”

“She’d kill you…”

“Okay… Just do as you think is best then…”






“So… Let me get this straight,” Jongin said when Sehun joined him, Kyungsoo and Jongin’s mum in the car to get to Baekhyun’s place on Saturday. “Both Joonmyun and Luhan are going to be there today?”


“That means your new boyfriend, who is kind of to blame for your first relationship to end, and your ex are going to be at the movie night at the same time?”


“Talking about awkward…”

“Luhan told be to bring Joonmyun… He didn’t want him to stay at home just because he was coming…”

“Too many ‘he’s,” Kyungsoo complained.

“It’s still going to be awkward,” Jongin informed him.

“It’s always kind of awkward when I’m with Joonmyun,” Sehun said.



“It’s going to be even more awkward to meet Luhan again,” Kyungsoo told them.

“No… It wasn’t awkward at all when I visited him yesterday…”

“Why would you visit him?” Jongin and Kyungsoo asked baffled.

“To give him his stuff back and take mine with me… And I stayed for pizza and a movie…”

“You? Why?” Jongin was shocked.

“He asked me if I wanted to…”

“Did anything happen?”

“Yeah… Kris spilled his coke over the whole couch… But other than that… No… We just ate pizza and watched a movie… As friends… It was nice…”

“You sure?”

“Yeah… He even gave me some advice on my relationship with Joonmyun and told me to get laid…”

“Luhan’s always been strange,” Jongin mumbled.

“When did he stop being ‘bambi’?” Sehun wondered.

“When you guys broke up…”


“Don’t know… Didn’t feel right anymore…”

“Guys? Remember me to talk about the summer holidays when everyone’s there,” Kyungsoo suddenly said.

“What’s in the summer holidays?” Jongin wanted to know.

“I’ll tell you when I tell everyone else…”

“Why?” Jongin pouted at his boyfriend. “So not fair… I’m your boyfriend! I get to know everything before the rest…”

“Stop being a whiny child… You’ll have to wait just like the rest…”

“The rest doesn’t know you’re having secrets…”

“Sehun does and I don’t see him complaining...”

“Well… Sehun doesn’t care about you as much as I do, baby…” Kyungsoo blushed a deep red.

“Don’t call me that when your mum’s around!”

“I’ll just pretend I didn’t hear,” Jongin’s mum said with a wink and Kyungsoo relaxed a little.

“She knows I call you other names behind closed doors, baby…”

“Didn’t need to know that,” Sehun mumbled and Kyungsoo punched his boyfriend’s chest and told him to shut up.



A/N: Here... Finally Luhan's really back xD Well... Not really as in "Sehun's boyfriend"... but at least he's there to meet everyone... That's a start... Right!?

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~