Chapter 7

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

When Sehun woke up the next morning he still felt giddy with excitement.

He had come home late last night – His mum had given him a lecture about how he had to be at home on time because that’s what kids were supposed to do, but he just grinned at her and told her that it wouldn’t happen ever again.

It had taken him a while to fall asleep. Texting Luhan until two in the morning might have been partly the reason as of why he was awake that long.

He hadn’t been awake for more than ten minutes – all he had done was sending a ‘good morning’ text to his boyfriend – when Jongin burst into his room.

“Why are you still in bed, you idiot? It’s eleven and we need to leave,” his best friend pulled him out of bet.

“We do?” the brown haired boy just wanted to stay in bed and think about last night.

“Dance practice! How could you forget? And why were you still sleeping?”

“I stayed awake until about two,” he told the other and took some clothes out of his closet. “I had to text my boyfriend.”

“Wow… Luhan’s already more important than dancing… I don’t even want to know what happens once you’re finally together… WAIT! Did you say boyfriend?” Sehun nodded.

“You’re together? For real?” Another nod and Sehun went to the bathroom to take a fast shower and get dressed.

When he came back, Jongin still stood in the same place, his mouth agape and his eyes a lot bigger than they normally were.

“I didn’t know you could get any uglier,” the younger said while reading Luhan’s answer. He packed his training clothes after sending him another text. “I’m ready…”

“When did that happen?”

“Just about now… Let’s go!”

“I meant Luhan,” his best friend rolled his eyes at him.

“We met yesterday to celebrate that his exams are over… And that he got a hundred percent on the first one. He told me he didn’t want me to help him study anymore because he found someone else to do so and he planned on doing something different with me,” he began and went down the stairs to put his shoes on. “Bye mum! We’re out for dance practice,” he called when he pulled Jongin out of the house. “I’ll tell you the rest once we’re far enough for my mum not to hear us anymore.”

“You should just tell her that you’re gay.”

“She likes Luhan, okay? I don’t want that to change just yet. We just got together and it’s Christmas soon…”

“So… who’s that other guy?” the taller wanted to know.

“If only I knew,” Sehun threw his hands up in frustration. “But I can’t stand him. I’m pretty sure he wants to get into Luhan’s pants.”

“Not everyone wants Bambi. There are straight guys, you know?”

“Oh please. You’ve met Luhan. He’s gorgeous. Be honest, you would totally him!”

He was met by silence and Jongin shot him a look that showed Sehun that his best friend thought, he’d lost his mind. “I would never. He’s your boyfriend. I would never look at him like that!”

“I never said you couldn’t look,” Sehun told him. “Anyway… He then said that he didn’t want to come over to my place on weekends anymore because he doesn’t like mum coming into my room every ten minutes.”

“Your mum checks on you guys that often?” the black haired wondered aloud. “What does she think you’re doing?”

“She just wants to make sure that Luhan has enough tea and snacks and that I’m being nice. At least that’s what she said. But Luhan said I could stop by his dorm. Isn’t that awesome?”

“Doesn’t he have a roommate?”

“Yeah… Kris. Chinese and a little like you. I don’t know anything else about him. But he’s normally out the whole day,” he recalled what Luhan had told him the day before.

“Well… Congratulations! It was about time for the two of you… I was sick of watching both of you stealing glances at each other and being all shy and .”

“You’ll see a lot more of us kissing from now on.”

“Break up with him right now!”

“No way! You wanted me to date him now be happy that I finally do so,” he shot at the taller boy.

They kept bickering for a bit until they reached the dancing studio. Sehun made sure to work extra hard so he would be perfect at the performance in a little more than a month.






Luhan had asked him to come to his dorm for the first time this Friday and Sehun was really excited about it. Not only because there wouldn’t be any parents to check on them but also because he would see where and how his boyfriend lived. And he was really interested in university life as well. It seemed so much better than his boring school life.

He was a little early but decided to knock either way because he didn’t like standing in front of room number 88 – the one Luhan lived in – because there were lots of people passing by and they were looking at him a little strangely. He didn’t look that young, did he? Maybe it was just because they’d never seen him around before.

A freaking tall guy opened the door and eyed him up while leaning against the doorframe. He looked rather scary and pretty unfriendly and Sehun hoped he was at the wrong door.

“Erm… Hey?” he tried.

“Hey there, little one. How can I help you?” the other wanted to know. He had a slight accent and Sehun was afraid this was Kris. He had thought he had already met the tallest human being the day he first saw Chanyeol but this guy was a freaking tower. How could anyone be that tall?

“Nothing… I guess I’ll just leave now,” the teen said and wanted to turn around when he heard Luhan’s voice from inside the room. “Kris… Could you please stop scaring my boyfriend? I just know you’re glaring at him now and I would prefer it if you could smile a little and be nice because I want him to feel comfortable here.”

Kris rolled his eyes. “Were is all the fun when he likes me? Come in, little one,” he told Sehun and stepped aside sighing. “Sorry that Luhan ruined all the fun.” He smiled then. It was the scariest smile Sehun had seen in his fifteen years of living but maybe he just felt that way because the other still looked like he didn’t want the teen to be here.

“Mhm,” was all he said when he took his shoes off, making sure to keep an eye on the tower so that he wouldn’t miss it if he decided to do anything to him.

“Hey Hunnie,” Luhan wrapped his arms around Sehun’s waist and pecked his lips. “Don’t mind Kris. He likes to be unfriendly and gloomy at first. But he’s a nice guy once you get to know him.”

He didn’t really feel the need to get to know his boyfriend’s roommate any better but nodded to show Luhan that he had heard him.

“Wow… Thanks, Kris. Look at him. He’s pale and I can just feel he’s still afraid. I told you to be nice,” his boyfriend scolded the giant.

“He’ll get over it. He’s a big boy, right, little one?” he asked and pinched Sehun’s cheek. The latter just looked at Kris in shock and tried to nod. This guy was bipolar. And he got scarier with every second.

“Kris,” Luhan growled. “Stop it already!” His boyfriend pulled him into the room because he figured their little entry hall was too small for three people. “Don’t worry, baby. He’ll leave us alone in a few minutes. We’re just waiting for Yixing to pick him up.”

“Yixing? You mean Lay?” Sehun asked.

“Yeah… You know him?” Luhan was rather confused at that.

“He’s in our dancing team as well,” the teen told him. “He’s nice… Why does he hang out with the tower?”

Luhan laughed. “You mean Kris? Well… Ask them.”

“I’d rather not,” he admitted and took a look at the room. It was nice and a lot bigger than he had imagined. There was a little kitchen to his left. In front of him he saw two rather big couches, a television and numerous gaming consoles. But something was missing. There were no beds.

“Where do you guys sleep?”

“Behind the wardrobe to you right… We use it as a partition because we don’t need everyone who comes to visit us to see our beds. We tend not to clean anything up behind there,” Kris said and Sehun jumped a little.

“You were right. I may have scared him more than I intended to,” he told his roommate.

“I know you did, you moron,” Luhan spat back. “If you go behind there make sure not to slip on any of the clothes on the floor,” he told Sehun.

“Yeah… Luhan threw all of his clothes on the floor when he was looking for an outfit to wear for today. But I told him he didn’t need to make such a fuss about what to wear since you’d most likely prefer him without anything on, am I right?”

“KRIS!” His boyfriend covered his ears and Sehun just blinked at them.

“Don’t listen to him… He’s just very immature and he still hasn’t learnt when to shut up.”

“I got it… I’ll wait outside,” Kris rolled his eyes and put on his jacket. “Have lots of fun, guys. I’ll be back around eleven so make sure you’re done until then.” He winked at Luhan and left.

Luhan sank onto one of the chairs in the kitchen when he heard the door close. “I’m really sorry about him. He can be a lot different.”

Sehun still blinked at him. “You really didn’t need to put on anything special because of me,” he said and blushed a little. “I like you in anything.”

His boyfriend smiled at him. “You’re cute. And I’m glad you ignored Kris’ last comment… Do you want anything to drink? We have beer.” He giggled a little.

“No thanks… I still have to go home tonight and you said you didn’t want my parents to get a wrong picture of you. And I’d honestly prefer that as well since I’ll have to tell them about us dating somewhere in the future,” Sehun told him and finally went to look at his boyfriends bed.

“Why do you guys have Pororo bed sheets?”

“I think they’re cute and Kris has to go with what I think,” Luhan said as he walked up behind him and hugged him.

Sehun leaned against him and turned his head to give him a short kiss. “They’re not as cute as you. Where do you study? There are no desks.”

“At the kitchen table. It’s bigger anyway. And I’m the only one who really studies in here so I have it all to myself.”

“I see…” Sehun turned around and smiled at the blonde. “I like your room. It’s bigger than I thought… and more chaotic. I like that.”

“I only clean on Sundays,” he heard Luhan mumble when he went to pick up his clothes and Sehun had to laugh.

“Leave them. I don’t really care. My room looks like that as well.”


“Whenever you’re not around. Which one is your bed?”

“The one at the window,” he heard his boyfriend’s voice from somewhere and sat down on said bed.

“Who cooks for you?” he wanted to know.

“It’s either me or the take away.” Luhan finally joined him on his bed. “Why?”

“He just didn’t look like the type of people that knows how to cook… Or clean…”

“He’s just too lazy… Do you want to watch a movie?”

“Nope… I’d have to move for that, wouldn’t I?”

“Only to the other end of the room,” Luhan pointed out.

“Okay… But I’ll take your blanket with me,” he said and went to the couch, the blanket tugged under his arm.

“As if I would watch a movie without my cuddle-blanket. Pick whatever movie you like. I’ll get the popcorn and the coke.”

“Coke? You don’t drink coke,” Sehun remembered.

“But you do. I’ll drink some tea,” his boyfriend stated as he rummaged through the kitchen. Sehun smiled as he picked out a movie. He really didn’t deserve someone as good as Luhan. “You didn’t need to buy coke just because of me.”

“I wanted to,” he said and put everything on the coffee table.

Sehun put the DVD in and joined his boyfriend under the blanket. Luhan scooted closer and lay his head on the youger’s chest. “I’ve missed you the last few days,” the Chinese confessed ten minutes into the movie and looked up to meet Sehun’s eyes.

“I’m sorry… I had to practice to show you a good performance in December,” the latter said and tried to kiss the pout on his boyfriend’s lips away. “But I thought about you every second.”

“That’s the least you could do,” Luhan joked and caressed his cheek. “Can you show me some of the dance? I can’t wait that long.”

“Top secret, sorry. But you could sing for me. I heard how you told Baekhyun that you want to join a choir. And you already told me that you’re good at singing. So prove it,” he tried that puppy look his boyfriend did perfectly.

“Are you trying to look cute right now? Because you look more like Kris…” Sehun dropped the act. “And I’ll sing for you as soon as I see you dance. What’s your favorite song?”

“I have none. Sing me your favorite song.”

“That one’s Chinese.”

“Even better. Your Chinese is really cute,” he explained.

“My Chinese is just normal Chinese,” Luhan giggled.

“Mhm… but really cute for being normal. Even though I like it better when you talk Korean.”

“That’s because you can understand me when I do,” his boyfriend argued.

“And because you have this completely adorable accent.”

“I still have it?” The Chinese sounded a little frustrated.

“Don’t try to get rid of it. It makes you even more special. And it’s really not a bad accent. Baek found it cute as well and even Yeol said he liked it,” he tried to ease the older.

“But still… Everyone will know I’m a foreigner by the second I speak.”

“Where’s the problem about it? You’re a foreigner that cared about our country enough to learn the language. They should be happy about it.”

Sehun pressed a kiss on Luhan’s nose.

“You need more biology lessons,” his boyfriend complained.


“That was not my mouth!”

“I thought you wanted to watch a movie,” the teen smirked.

“You have so much to learn. You don’t watch movies with your boyfriend to actually watch it. Except when it’s new and both of you really want to see it. You watch a movie to have a reason to stay huddled in your blanket and make out,” the older declared.

“We could have just stayed in your bed then,” Sehun laughed.

“NO! That’s a bed… We’re not at that stage yet.”

“I don’t really see any difference.”

“That’s because you’re still young and innocent and now please shut up because I didn’t get to kiss you for a few days and I have to catch up now.”

Sehun really couldn’t help giggling at his boyfriend and he was really glad to know that he had missed him just as much as Sehun had. “You know what?”

“What?” the student sounded annoyed.

“I should come to pick you up after your classes every day so you don’t have to suffer shortcomings.”

“That would be great… But my classes are over long before yours. Maybe I’ll come to pick you up. Now shush! Less talking, more kissing.”

“No… You kissed me that night and left me hanging for a few weeks afterwards. It’s only fair for you to go through the same now,” Sehun decided to tease the student who just looked at him like he didn’t understand the world anymore.

“I went through the same back then! You should have told me that you wanted me to repeat the kiss.”

“So should have you.”

“You’re the worst.”

“I know… Jongin tells me so every day.”


“Hannie,” he mocked his boyfriend.

“Don’t copy me. Find your own nickname for me,” he pouted. “You and you’re uncreative.”

“And you were right about that too much talking stuff,” Sehun decided to end their argument and finally kissed Luhan again.






They were still on the couch, “watching” another movie, when Kris came back. Sehun noticed him first and pushed Luhan off his lap.

“What’s wrong?’ he wanted to know.

“Kris is back…”

“Is it eleven already?” Luhan jumped up to look for his phone so he could check the time. “!”

“Am I too early?” His roommate wanted to know as he entered the dorm room.

“Too late! It’s nearly midnight,” Luhan pulled Sehun onto his feet. “You should have been home an hour ago.”

“Damn. My mum’s going to kill me,” the younger started to panic and ran to put his shoes on.

“You might want to cover that hickey up, before you leave,” Kris told him when he tried to slip into his jacket.

“What hickey?” Sehun asked.

“I’m sorry… I may have gotten a little excited,” Luhan apologized and went to get something to cover his boyfriend’s neck up with.

“No… leave it! That’s awesome,” the teen turned around to take a close look at his neck in the mirror. “I’ve never had a hickey before.”

The tallest among them just laughed and Luhan raised his eyebrow. “You told your mum we were studying. There is no way to get a hickey when we do just that.”

“Then lend me a scarf,” Sehun was still looking at his neck.

“Your boyfriend’s strange, Luhan. I freaked out when I got my first hickey and never wanted to see I again,” he heard Kris say.

“Then you clearly didn’t really like the guy who made it… or the girl… whatever you prefer,” Sehun told him.

“I like to take what I can get,” Kris straightened out.

“Not the one for commitment, are you?”

“What did you do to the little frightened baby boy I saw before I left?” Kris asked his roommate.

“That’s his normal self. You just blocked it before,” Luhan said while putting make-up on Sehun’s neck. “So… ready to go.”

“I don’t want to,” Sehun pouted at his boyfriend. “You won’t be there.”

“You can call me on the way. And I’ll take you to the subway station.”

“When will I see you again?”

“We’ll talk about that when we know for how long you’ll be grounded,” Luhan said when he looked at his watch again.

“Oh …. Let’s go! Bye, Kris. It was nice meeting you!”

“Mhm… Don’t take my roommate home with you. I need him back because I don’t understand my homework without his help,” the tall Chinese told him.

“Will do,” Sehun promised before he got pulled out of the room and all the way to the subway because Luhan wanted to make sure he got the last train.




A/N: here we go with more awkward Sehun... and I'm afraid he'll stay like that a little longer xD

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~