Chapter 58

Why we always go out for Bubble Tea

“Hey guys! Nice you’re finally here,” Baekhyun greeted them.

“Is everyone else here already?” Sehun wondered because he wasn’t used on being here last.

“Nope… Luhan’s still on his way… Subway broke down… He’ll be here in ten minutes… Joonmyun’s in the living room helping Chanyeol… No… Making sure Chanyeol gets the snacks ready instead of eating them alone…”

“That guy… I wonder how he always eats this much,” Jongin said and rolled his eyes.

“Where can I put the food?” Kyungsoo asked after taking off his jacked and shoes. “JONGIN! Take your shoes off before entering the house!”

“Sorry, mum…” Jongin mumbled and did as he was said.

“Food? You brought food?” Baekhyun grinned at his friend.

“Sure I brought food… I know you guys are always starving… Kimchi spaghetti because Jongin was graving them…”

“With lots of cheese,” Jongin added smiling dreamily.

“You and your cheese obsession lately,” Kyungsoo complained. “That’s unhealthy and you’ll get fat!”

“You’ll still love me so it’s okay…”

“But I don’t want you to die early…”

“I’ll stick around just for you… Because I love you so much!” The two of them went into the kitchen and Baekhyun raised an eyebrow.

“Those two are so disgustingly in love I want to throw up every time I see them…”

“Me too” Sehun agreed grinning. “Now if you excuse… I have to say hello to my boyfriend…”

“True… Before the ex arrives and kissing is forbidden…”

“Lu would be totally okay with that… he told me to make sure to sleep with Joonmyun when I met him yesterday…”

“You met him?”

“Yeah… I mean… Yesterday was the first time since… You know…”

“Does Joonmyun know?”

“Sure… He was next to me when Luhan called me…”

“And he’s okay with you guys meeting?”

“Well… He says so…”

“I see… Well… His problem…”

“It’s not like we did anything… We’re trying to be friends for the moment… We’ll see if it works out or not… But… It was nice meeting him again… I missed talking to him… Not that I’m planning on ever doing that again… He’s too nosy when it comes to my life…”

“I wouldn’t want to know if I was him…”

“I know… Neither would I… Well… I’m going to see Joonmyun now…”

“I’m going to make sure Jongin keeps his fingers off Kyungsoo as long as they’re in my house…” Baekhyun sighed and went after the two lovebirds.

“Hey Sehun,” Joonmyun greeted him and hit Chanyeol’s hands. “No eating before the rest is here, Park Chanyeol! Be a nice boy and sit down over there!”

“But I’m hungry,” the taller whined but still sat down. Sehun giggled a little before pulling Joonmyun in for a kiss. “GROSS! Get a room!”

“Leave them alone, Chanyeol,” Jongin told him and sat down next to the giant. “Luhan’s going to be here soon and then the making out has to stop.

“I never said that,” Sehun told them and plopped down on the couch as well, pulling Joonmyun onto his lap.

“But I did… Sorry but… I don’t think it would be discreet to kiss in front of him…”

“I met him yesterday…”

“I know…”

“He told me I needed to get laid… Seems like I’m being cranky… So… He told me you should do something against it…”

“What?” Joonmyun couldn’t believe what he just heard.

“He told me to tell you I needed to get laid… And he told me how to get other guys in case you didn’t want to… So I guess a little kissing wouldn’t kill him….”

“Kill who?” Luhan asked when he suddenly entered the room. “Hey guys!” Joonmyun tried to push Sehun away from him but forgot that he was sitting on the younger and ended up on the floor.

“Hey,” Sehun grinned at the Chinese. “You’re late…”

“Well… So? I’m always late…”

“That’s not a very good excuse,” Chanyeol said laughing.

“Erm… Sehun?”


“Your boyfriend is sitting on the floor… Maybe you should help him up before he gets sick?” Luhan pointed out and turned around to put the alcohol he brought into the kitchen. Sehun just giggled and tried to pull Joonmyun back up.

“No… I’m… Sitting over there,” The older told him and sat down between Jongin and Chanyeol.

“But why?”


“’Because’ is not a reason, Joonmyun…”

“It is! You always say ‘because’ when I ask you why something is the way it is…”

“Yeah… When you ask me about physics… Now come back to me?!”

“NO!” Luhan came back and raised an eyebrow.

“You do know that neither of those two is Sehun, right?”

“I do,” Joonmyun said. “I prefer sitting here…”

“No wonder you’re not getting laid,” Luhan told Sehun. “He doesn’t even want to sit next to you… You should have told me! I have advice for situations like that!”

“Oh really? Because he’s never acted that way before…”

“Good thing I brought so much soju!”

“Oh god, no,” Baekhyun groaned. “I hate that stuff… And my girlfriend’s not here to take care of me tomorrow…”

“Where is she anyway?” Jongin wondered.

“Her grandmother’s 70 today…”

“Oh… That …”

“Could we focus on the important stuff?” Luhan requested. “I let Sehun go because he likes a guy that refuses to sit next to him…”

“Yeah… About that…” Joonmyun said. “I’m sorry…”

“Why would you need to be sorry?” Luhan turned to look at him. “From what Sehun told me you even tried to stop him… So… Thank you…” Joonmyun just stared at the older.

“So… Sehun didn’t lie when he said you were okay with us being together?”

“Well… Not really ‘okay’… But… I can deal with it… I mean… I knew this would happen… And I still chose to come here tonight… So… Could you please go back to sit next to Sehun so I can have that place where you’re sitting right now?”

“Wow… This is…”

“I know… It’s crazy… But… I can’t keep him on chains… And if you’re what makes him happy right now… I’m not going to keep him from being happy…”

“I just thought… You didn’t need to see us together…”

“I know… And… Thanks for thinking so far… But… Sehun and I… We’re just friends now… And friends are happy for each other when they’re in a relationship… So… Just pretend I’m not his ex, yeah? Just… Make sure I didn’t let him go for nothing… Because if I ever hear of you hurting him… I’m going to kill you!”

“Erm… Yeah… Sure…” Joonmyun finally hurried back to sit next to Sehun and Luhan plopped down between a confused Chanyeol and an awkwardly quiet Jongin.

“Hey guys,” Luhan smiled at them. “How have you been?”

“Lonely,” Chanyeol told him. “Girlfriend’s still over in Japan… I hate this country… What about you?”

“Not so lonely… I met this guy at university and he helps me survive university…”

“A guy hm?”

“Yeah… He’s really nice… Like… The best friend I never had here before?”

“Cool! You can bring him along next time!”

“CHANYEOL! This is MY house,” Baekhyun told him. “But in this case he’s right… The more the merrier…”

“I’ll ask him… But he normally works on the weekends… I think…”

“GUYS! Before I forget,” Kyungsoo said.

“Finally,” Jongin sighed in relief.

“That camping in the summer… I found a place!”

“That’s awesome! But I’ll only come if my girlfriend can come,” Chanyeol said with a smile.

“Well… Sure she can… It would be nice to have an even number of people… Because of the tents, you know? I know this place where you can rent two-person-tents…”

“Oh you just want to be alone with Jongin,” Sehun said and threw a pillow at him.

“What’s wrong about that?”

“You guys are disgusting,” Baekhyun told him.

“We just love each other,” Jongin defended himself and his boyfriend.

“Anyway… Who wants to come? Oh… You’re invited as well, Luhan…”

“Really? That’s cool! I’m in!”

“Okay… Who’s not coming?” Kyungsoo asked and Sehun raised his arm slowly

“WHAT? Why? You have to come, Sehun,” Jongin told him.

“I can’t… I’m not here for the summer…”

“You’re not?” Joonmyun asked surprised.

“No… I’m not… Mum told me today… That she’s… She’s sending me away…”

“I thought Sejeon was only joking about that…” Joonmyun pouted.

“So did I…”

“Where are you going?” Jongin wanted to know.

“I don’t know… She won’t tell me… She said it will be ‘fun and educational’ and she’s sure I won’t regret going…”

“But you have to come… You’re my best friend,” Jongin folded his arms and glared at him.

“I’d love to… Camping with you guys sounds so much better than going… I don’t even know where I’m going… but ‘educational’ sounds like school… I only know I won’t be in Seoul…”

“For how long? We could still go after you come back,” Kyungsoo offered.

“She won’t tell me…”

“Okay… Try asking her again… We’ll fix the date when we know when you have time!”


“Anyone else we have to take along?”

“Yeah… Kris… So he’ll stop molesting my sister for a while,” Jongin frowned.

“Then how about taking Yixing with us as well?” Luhan suggested.

“Yixing’s cool,” Jongin agreed.

“Bring the baozi,” Sehun told his ex. “He seems like fun with this messy handwriting of his…”

“Baozis are something to eat, Sehun,” Joonmyun told him with a sigh. “They can’t write…”

“Oh… But my baozi can,” Luhan giggled and Joonmyun looked worried.

“He calls his new friend ‘baozi’ because he thinks the guy looks like one,” Sehun told his boyfriend who only shook his head at that.

“Oh… And of course Jongdae… Where is he even?” Baekhyun asked and looked around.

“On a date,” Joonmyun said. “With a girl he liked back in elementary school… Just… Don’t ask… Please… I don’t want to ever be reminded of how he kept talking about her for six years…”

“Oh god please not,” Kyungsoo groaned. “The one with the cute smile?”

“Exactly… Jinah or something…”

“If he ever talks about her again… I’ll cut his throat!”

“Baby… Relax! Watch your language,” Jongin told him.

“No really… He kept talking about her for six years, Jongin… EVERY day…”

“Still… There’s no need to kill your friend just because he’s in love…”

“There is when your friend is Jongdae…”

“True,” Joonmyun agreed nodding. “Jongdae doesn’t do feelings and stuff… But that girl… I guess she’s the reason… He never really got over her… Horrible…”

“Actually… I think that’s pretty romantic,” Luhan said with a smile.

“He has a point,” Kyungsoo said.

“I would find it romantic if he wouldn’t have made me hate that girl so much already,” Joonmyun mumbled.

“Well… How about that movie?” Chanyeol asked.

“You just want the snacks,” Sehun laughed but they still agreed on finally starting their movie night.



A/N: Have Luhan being a nice human being once more... We'll see how long this whole thing will keep going... I mean... SeHo are just awkward...

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EerinKaialovers #1
Chapter 65: Sehun is an . Luhan deserves better PERIOD
Chapter 65: That was nice... Their parents are nice.thanks for this fic.
Chapter 52: Damn... I am hurting for Luhan sorry but Sehun is an A** in this chapter... Gahhhhh! I hurt for Luhan!!! And I kinda hate Joomyeon here... Oh my hunhan heart is hurting.
oppafighting #4
Chapter 9: this is so good i love it its my first hunhan fanfic
yutae127 #5
The first ever hunhan fic i read and i love it so much!!! Now I'm back to reread it
Chapter 1: love it so so so much
Ohluhan101 #7
Chapter 3: Omg..........
Ohluhan101 #8
Chapter 2: Omg.....but why does luhan act a bit weird. there any presoective of luhan view? And how Many drama and stuff gonna be XD hehehe
gothiscinsan #9
Chapter 65: Urgh omg this must be like the best story ever :P I wanted to kill Sehun so much ==;; like come on, you have this amazing boyfriend and youre taking a break?! smh besides that though, BEST HUNHAN EVERR~~